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jumpy 05-31-06 04:58 AM

First heard about when looking for info on silent hunter 2, sometime early in 2003. I spent a couple of months lurking before I decided to register for keeps ;)
I have to say, that although my intial interest was from a gaming point of view, I seem to spend more time in GD than anywhere else... especially since I don't have SHIII installed anymore :(
Googled for SHII and subsim was practically top of the list, if memory serves..
I remember folks being friendly and welcoming to a n00b looking for SHII mods hehe
Couldn't tell you what software the forum was using... er, it was black lol
I have always had the same username here (and a few other sites also)
Kinda feels like home here, bit like an old comfortable shoe, but one which has been re-soled recently :roll:

One thing I'm especially glad of:
the 'submit' & 'preview post' buttons have not moved... with all the different forum software out there I'm very used to 'submit' being on the left and 'preview post' on the right; the times I have posted when I wanted to preview when using other forums! at least here I can feel safe that my familiarity with the board will not show me up as a fool :rotfl:

Fish 05-31-06 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Drebbel
@TLAM Strike

Remember that for people using the Hazlazblue theme you text is totally unvisble. :-? White text on a whitish background is not a good idea in these forums, just as it was not in the old forum.


I use Hazlazblue, do I show white text?

Konovalov 05-31-06 06:36 AM

My story is quite similar to many others here whose path to Subsim seems to be thanks to the nuke subsim Sub Command. I joined in I around September 2002 having lurked at the forums for about 6 months previously. I'm pretty sure that I stumbled across Subsim via the SimHQ website. It was probably as a result of a link in the SimHQ news section to a review or something like that. Anyway I have been a member ever since and it is the only real forum that I visit regularly. :up:

Terrax 05-31-06 07:05 AM

I've been here since sometime in '97. 688 was what most of the posts were about at the time. At the time I had dusted off a copy of the old DOS game Seawolf. I had never beaten the last mission, and while looking for hints, came across Subsim on the Internet. Wild Bill told me to stop using my torps in high speed mode, and that was what I needed.

I posted anonymously for years, until Sixpack called me out in a post in 2002. That era was my Subsim heyday, sparring with Kraut/Akula971 and Sixpack, I posted quite a bit. I don't post that much anymore, but I usually visit every day to check out what's going on. Damn, It's getting close to the 10 year mark for me.

Malefactor 05-31-06 10:44 PM

I first came to Subsim,in January of 2002,after joining the WPL the previous month.

The thing I recall most from that first visit was all the naval-related news stories on the frontpage.

I believe it was the EZboard forum.

What I remember the most is the people that I've talked to over the years through the Subsim community.

I have fond memories of some of Das' SH2/DC 12-20 player bash missions.One mission in particular immediately comes to mind,which involved a pink sub,well-placed depth charges,red high-heeled women's shoes,a catastrophic hull breach,spuds and a potato peeler.:shifty:

Sharkstooth 05-31-06 10:47 PM

dun think i ever forgettin that male....
yer still in deep for it.


Sixpack 06-01-06 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Terrax

I posted anonymously for years, until Sixpack called me out in a post in 2002. That era was my Subsim heyday, sparring with Kraut/Akula971 and Sixpack, I posted quite a bit. I don't post that much anymore, but I usually visit every day to check out what's going on. Damn, It's getting close to the 10 year mark for me.

We sure had our load of fun back in the old days :up: Vague memories still make me smile. Too bad there aint an archieve with those posts. I am sure the BDU has logged all of it tho'. But then again, my demotion (in disguise) by Neal would then again bcome public. So forgetaboutit.

I havent been playin' much on the puter for a while. I miss SH3 though. Too busy with various things. Time pressure sure is a she-dog.

Anyway, to answer Neal's question. I think I initially came here in 2001 (?) to check for news on the release date of SH2, expressing classic 'over the top' desparation in my first mail. Btw, Ive been playing SH1 all the while without, can you believe it ? :-(


XabbaRus 06-01-06 06:59 AM

22nd Sepetember 2001 : Joined
Found it through a google search for 688i forums.
It was still the EZ board forum.
Always the same nickname.

A lot of the people who were here when I started have now Kennebec, Oleg, Thomasew, Tekaha....good times with good people...

oh and Akula971 and Kraut, were they the same person or just bum chums who played tag team on the forum. They used to pee me off royally, more spam than Kapitan.

rogerbo 06-01-06 07:53 AM

I had SHI AoD 688 but it never ocured to me to search online for any comunity as in those Days the internet connection in my place was expensive and restricted to dial up only. So my comunity days have Started with SHIII and Adsl but since them i try to be an actice member.

Neptunus Rex 06-01-06 01:47 PM

NAME: Is this thread still here?

AGE: Is this thread still here?

HISTORY: Is this thread still here?

LOCATION: Still here!

OCCUPATION: Typing "Is this thread still here?"

STEED 06-01-06 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Neptunus Rex
NAME: Is this thread still here?

AGE: Is this thread still here?

HISTORY: Is this thread still here?

LOCATION: Still here!

OCCUPATION: Is this thread still here?

What was that all about? :confused:

Time for a drink of Tea. :yep:

Rose 06-01-06 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by STEED
What was that all about? :confused:

Time for a drink of Tea. :yep:

God I love tea :smug:. In fact, you just inspired me to start a Tea thread.

Torplexed 06-02-06 02:30 AM

I was first introduced to subsim by a friend. Once I saw Neal's firm, fair manner with the ner-do-wells I was hooked....

Okay...bad drawings aside....serious mode. :ping:

I first learned about the subsim forum through the web address on the back pages of the old Silent Hunter 2 manual.

I first visited in October of 2001...I believe I signed on in November of that year. Seems so long ago sonny...

What I most recall most then were the post 9/11 discussions...and a lot of carping over broken or unfufilled SH2 features like silent running, canned campaign, low screen resolution, evil corporate Ubisoft. This was back in the EZ Board daze.

Have always been Torplexed...although it seemed a lame choice at the time. Mebbe someday I'll change my name to AbbaFan 2.

Favorite memories...Drebbel in the dock. Sailor Steve doing his best Perry Mason to spring him....Neal and Co. actually enjoying the strange cartoons....Wondering how come all these continental Europeans communicate better in English than I do? :up:

Least favorite memory....Akula's 800 pixel wide signature images...stacked one atop the other. :down:
More good memories than bad. :rock:

McBeck 06-02-06 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens

As you may know, we have a Special Project in the works. One of the things I am doing is compiling a roster of people who have been with Subsim since the Early Times. Of course, I have Bill, John, Drebbel, and a few others listed as the Moses group. I have a short list of other legacy players, some who have not been seen in a while (Frank, Jason), some who are still around. To cross check my list, I invite you to post here.

How did you learn about Subsim?
When did you first visit?
What do you recall about Subsim upon your first vist? (Some article, some game, maybe some forum topic, etc.)
What type of forum was Subsim using at the time? (Matt's BBS, EZBoard, phpBB 1.44, etc)
What was your name or Subsim nickname then? Same as now or something else?
Anything else you would like to mention (nostalgic times, people, events in the Subsim community):

Try to be as accurate as you can, thanks. This will be part of the SP.

OK....not going to be ensulted by the fact that not allready included! ;)

Well it must have been back in the day...I think it was about 2 years before SH2 was released...way before the days of WPL. Thats makes it around 1999.

I cant remember how I stubbled upon this site, but I fairly certain I was looking for the SH1 patches or news about SH2. Ones of these.

I think it was a phpbb board but cant remember. I do remember that the first WPL boards were EZBoards.

My nick has allways been McBeck :D

People...ohh man...during the WPL days theres tons , but just a few would be Drebbel, Shargie, Deerhunter and of cource good ol Torplexed. His cartoons really made a difference!!! There were TONS of great people!

McBeck 06-02-06 07:12 AM

I didnt even realized I posted right after Torplexed!!! LOOOOOLL!!

Hey Torp...once again enginious drawings with that great humor!
Do you have a website with all of your WPL/SUBSIM toons?

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