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LcSummers 07-25-10 09:39 AM

Hi Frinic
[QUOTE=frinik;1452030]Hello My Dear Lc, it would have been a pleasure talking-chatting with you before but unlike you and Mr Zee I don´t speak a word of Magyar.....:DL

You do not need to talk hungarian, maybe a bit german or a little bit english. I ll try my best to make me understandable. You speak a lot of languages too. From my side i can say that a i had 3 years of french, reading is going well, but talking or writing NO. Its been to long ago.

What´s the fixation about an antenna on atank????Since we cannot use a radio communication system in the sim???No doubt Freud or Jung would see some kind of unresolved youth fantasy in that:smug:

I know that there is no communication, may be flag signs as the russian did:D but what would be a Porsche without its emblem? Not an exact Porsche and ZW looks really on all details. I am couragious how he will mange the interior of the Panther. This is really hard stuff.

The Hungarian were the only allies of Germany who did nto quit or defect to the enemy unlike even the Finns not to mention the Rumanians and Italians.

Thats true but they had to pay 45 years of Communism, but you know that for sure.



LcSummers 07-25-10 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1452016)

Hi fellow members,


2SS Panzerdivision Das Reich


LcSummers 07-25-10 09:49 AM

No more hopping
Hi Morty,

Well Lc How's old 'hop-along' ?? here's hoping your legs are improving daily. Yes Zee's pretending the hatch is for loading, when I know it's for rabbit shooting out on the steppes!! Looks like you've got an antenna as well, bad news is it will be as useful as my Luger in action!!:haha: Mind you it will be good for whipping things (that sounds kinky so Nuff said!!).
I didn't indulge in WOP I read all the stuff and decided to stick with IL246 and upcoming big Euro map - I really am struggling to fit all this simming in to my life!! (not complaining too much though!!)

NO Morty, these days are gone no more hoping, but i have a date with my manipulator, hopefully the last ones.
My antenna will be useful, it will swing or not? This will confuse the enemy maybe getting tierd, so i can capture their tanks.

What do you mean with
upcoming big Euro map, never heard about it.

Have a nice Sunday


LcSummers 07-25-10 10:03 AM

Hi Frinic, Morty, all fellow ZW members.

Didnt know that you have so much trouble with your PC. That must be really frustrating. I never bought a whole system, a piece here another there and so i built up my pc. Thanks god never had really so grave problems. I am really sorry for you. Thats hard.

Yes i must say i never bought "cheap" parts for my pc but i was heading every time the right way. I used my last pc for nearly 8 years, it was October last year when i pushed it up. My old printer has 10 years and is printing very well. The price was about 230 Euro that time.

I wish you really the best and more luck with PC components, you need it.:up:

Anyway the sun will shine again.Lc hang on my Man things will go up because of the laws of physics.You hit rock bottom then you go up..


Thanks a lot i really apreciate your words my old comrade


ZeeWolf 07-25-10 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1452684)
Hi Morty, LC and all fellow ZW members.

No Morty my new pc has given me nothing but grief.It turns out that after corrupt boot fils, a loacked password I also have a defective GT330 graphic card.It would cost me more to ship it back to Acer for charnge than to buy a new ones so I am going to bite the bullet and buy myself an ATI Radeon instead of the Taiwanese Nvidia junk Acer provides.

Acer of America so-called customer service( outsourced to India with the resulting clueless, unhelpful but polite attendants who can't tell a pc from a toaster...:hmmm:)has bene less then helpful and inflexible as much as they could.ACervice is Acervice we won't give you should be their motto!

I strongly recommend not to buy Acer as the reliability of their products and their horrible customer-support service are real issues.All Acer products I bought had defects( I returned 2 brand new laptops for defects).Their prices are attractive but from now on I am going to pay more and get better.btw THE MANUFACTURERS OF ACER PRODUCTS AND NVIDIA GRAPHIC CARDS ARE PART OF THE SAME CONGLOMERATE...Their customer service motto ought to be "ACERvice we don't give you is ACER vice we like...."

To add grief to misery the same week my external hard dic with 450 gbs of precious personal data crashed with the logic card fried and it would cost me at least $300 to retrieve the lost data.The day after my wife's MP4-MP5 player also crashed making her lose 45 gbs of precious data.

I am just waiting for a building to fall on me. I wouldn't be surprised with my luck these days...:03:

Anyway the sun will shine again.Lc hang on my Man things will go up because of the laws of physics.You hit rock bottom then you go up..


This is a nightmare frinic! I would complain to my credit card company and ask for a refund.
I've done that before when an outfit charged my CC card
before sending me my stuff. BUT THIS! :nope:,this would be all out war. I would
call Acer's CEO and demand he do something that would make this right or
else the word would be spread far and wide that your outfit SUCKS!. :yep:



morttheslayer 07-25-10 03:50 PM

Frinic what can I say mate!!
Frinic so sorry to hear your troubles mate.:damn:
What a catalogue of horror eh!! I would certainly attempt to get some form of redress. One thing is certain if you don't try you definately won't get.
There's no guarantee in all of this but you just bought the thing and it's not fir for purpose - I'd certainly give it a go. Get on their web site and blog the swines!! It won't do their sales any good if they get bad publicity - but gently (at first). I hate chucking good money away - sure you can salvage much of the PC guts but the bloody thing's new!! It's always a balance between effort expended and results but I'd certainly try - old "Howling Zee" is right, if bought by CC the company bears some responsibility for the product/s purchased (they have insurance cover I believe) so this might be worth exploring.
I sincerely wish you luck and good fortune with it you never know you might get a lucky break.

Lc glad your not hopping!! For your info The IL2 map (i.e. channel map 1:1 scale) is a new map but had problems and is being modded/altered to fix some anomolies; see "new channel map" on IL2 threads. Updates by 352 Persecutor I believe.
Good luck mates - Morty :salute:

Priscalan 07-25-10 08:51 PM

Bonjour Frinic, (si on peut dire bon jour!):-?

je suis désolé d'entendre toutes tes mésaventures, et je suis d'accod avec toi quant aux services après ventes d'ACER sur leurs portables ( HP c'est la même chose). La délocalisation des services n'arrange pas du tout les choses... J'en parle en connaissance de cause, j'étais responsable dans la grande distribution d'achat et de vente de ces produits. C'est pour cela que depuis plus de vingt ans j'ai décidé de monter moi même mes PC et depuis je n'ai pratiquement plus eu d'ennui... et je les montes aussi pour mes amis... je choisis moi même mes composants en fonction des critères qualitatifs et financiers... je n'essuie jamais les plâtres...Pour le jeu , je ne pense pas qu'un Laptop soit une bonne chose, les cartes graphiques sont bas de gamme (puce graphique et rarement carte indépendante) et ces appareils chauffent trop; ces produits ne sont bons que pour de la bureautique, voire certains travaux graphiques.
je te souhaite bon courage mon ami.

Priscalan 07-25-10 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1452676)
That's the spirit! :rock:
What is your favorite thing you like to do? (modeling, texture maps, etc.)


Hi Zee,:salute:

What I'd like to do? Everything ...:D
1 - the modeling, no, (although I would like very much) I do not know how and I would Maya5 I do not (and in French) :cry:
2 - textures, possible (I've already made some changes) but I'm not a good graphic :-?
3 - search for bugs, the system log include not clear, but I get a little :yep:
4 - create missions, but the included editor is not easy and the possibilities are not implemented and manually create these tasks is long, arduous and subject to many errors and I not master very well yet JAVA but I advance in understanding global :)
Over time, a little luck and will, I'll make it :up: like You

ZeeWolf 07-25-10 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1453195)
Hi Zee,:salute:

What I'd like to do? Everything ...:D
1 - the modeling, no, (although I would like very much) I do not know how and I would Maya5 I do not (and in French) :cry:
2 - textures, possible (I've already made some changes) but I'm not a good graphic :-?
3 - search for bugs, the system log include not clear, but I get a little :yep:
4 - create missions, but the included editor is not easy and the possibilities are not implemented and manually create these tasks is long, arduous and subject to many errors and I not master very well yet JAVA but I advance in understanding global :)
Over time, a little luck and will, I'll make it :up: like You

Ok, that's good. I always start with the small stuff and work my way up.
The most important is to endure the arduous and the rewards will come.:up:

Je te souhaite bon courage mon ami :salute:


Priscalan 07-25-10 10:00 PM

Thanks Zee :03:

Und vorwärts! :salute:

Priscalan 07-25-10 10:24 PM

Zee in which country you live?

If you need documentation on vehicles, I have it ...

and others that I found on internet


frinik 07-25-10 11:11 PM

Thanks for the support Guys!Don't worry once you touch the bottom you can only go up and surface!!!!:shucks:

Unfortunately I cannot go on blogs and stuff like that because of my professional profile but from what I read of past blogs Acer of America has been bashed in the past and apparently has never given a damn...For these guys the equation is simple, no matter how many people complain they'll always be some unsuspecting suckers who will buy our product.And you know what they're right!!!!

I cannot cancel my credit card purchase Priscalan because I bought it 2 months ago and the transaction has long been approved.

Merci Priscalan de tes bons mots! C'est vrai que les pc portables(laptop) ne sont pas fait, en principe, pour jouer mais j'ai un Toshiba Satellite P300M avec une carte graphique ATI Radeon HD3850 de 512 mbs consacrées et jusqu' à 1776 mbs disponibles dans le système et je joue mes jeux à merveille là-dessus et il ne surchauffe pas du tout!
N'oublie pas que certaines compagnies(Asus,Alienware, Rock etc)se spécialisent dans le laptop gamer.Et le Cosmio de Toshiba ,le tout dernier, t'offre une ATI 4870 avec 1gb de mémoire vidéo consacrée au GDDR5, 6 gbs de RAM et un intel I560 avec 3.4 gigahertz ...Un vrai canon! Le tout avec écran brillant de 17 ou 19 pouces.

Well guys I am taking off on a 3 week holiday.Nevertheless I'll be in touch and faithfully reading the threads.

All teh best Fellow ZeeMembers!

Cheers Zee!:salute:

Priscalan 07-26-10 12:03 AM

D'accord avec toi Frinik,:up:

mais je ne parlais que des produits Acer, HP, Fujitsu... et équivalent:wah:. Je sais qu'il y a heureusement des produits de marque hauts de gamme avec une vraie carte graphique dédiée :up: et pas une puce :-? mais il faut y mettre le prix et je ne sais pas si c'est vraiment compétitif (financièrement et techniquement) avec un Dekstop monté soi-même...:hmmm: car ca reste un produit peut évolutif et pour le moins bridé...
Je te souhaite tout de même de bonnes vacances :woot: et sans problème :D. Pour ma part après Rome, j'ai fait Carcassonne :yeah: et Toulouse :DL la semaine dernière en attendant de faire le musée des blindés de Saumur d'ici quelques temps.:salute:

ZeeWolf 07-26-10 12:52 AM

Cheers frinik, watch out for those water buffalo and the camels and what
ever else might be out there my friend. :salute:

Take care,


ZeeWolf 07-26-10 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1453209)
Zee in which country you live?

If you need documentation on vehicles, I have it ...

and others that I found on internet


I live in Washington state USA :yep:
Thanks for the links. But I have to mention I have allot of very good drawings of AFV that I have yet to tap. Although I do need buildings and houses etc. modeled and textured. Would you be interested in that sort of thing? I can translate them into maya. Boy, that would be a great help.

ZW :up:

frinik 07-26-10 05:49 AM

MerZee beaucoup!Zeelen Dank!
Thanks for the wishes Mr. Zee but where I am going (Panama City) I only have the Panama canal and retired dictators to fear... I tamed all the water buffaloes and the only camels you find are those sold in packs of 20...:D

Anyway I'll be staying in touch and always looking forward to reading my favourite threads....:salute:

doug770 07-26-10 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1449739)
Thanks Priscalan! :DL

T34 vs Tiger supplies all the stuff you need for maya 5. If you study the
mel files that are in T34vsTiger/Tools folder you can start to get an idea
how I figured out the import process. It took me 6-7 months before I made
real progress with my first Tank model (KV-85) to be successfully imported
into the game. The "How to's" will come later :up:


Hey Zee, great to hear you're almost done.
One question though, I have the downloaded version of T34 vs Tiger from gamers gate.
Every time I try to install a mod the game crashes.
I'm using Window 7 home premium 64 bit OS.
It's kind of funny? It has a programs folder and also an (x86 programs folder).
It seems when I try to install a mod that has a self installer, the mod goes into the regular programs folder..while the main program is in the X86 programs folder.
Am I doing something wrong?

Chucky 07-26-10 08:44 AM

Doug,I think the answer is to install the game into a different directory.
I use C:\Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger for example.
Don't use the Program Files (x86) directory.There is a reason why,but it escapes me.

ZeeWolf 07-26-10 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1453302)
Thanks for the wishes Mr. Zee but where I am going (Panama City) I only have the Panama canal and retired dictators to fear... I tamed all the water buffaloes and the only camels you find are those sold in packs of 20...:D

Anyway I'll be staying in touch and always looking forward to reading my favourite threads....:salute:

:haha: that's great frinik, have a pleasant vacation man!


ZeeWolf 07-26-10 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by doug770 (Post 1453352)
Hey Zee, great to hear you're almost done.
One question though, I have the downloaded version of T34 vs Tiger from gamers gate.
Every time I try to install a mod the game crashes.
I'm using Window 7 home premium 64 bit OS.
It's kind of funny? It has a programs folder and also an (x86 programs folder).
It seems when I try to install a mod that has a self installer, the mod goes into the regular programs folder..while the main program is in the X86 programs folder.
Am I doing something wrong?

You need these douggy too! :up:

Chucky is on to something but I can't remember exactly what to do.
The guys who have win7 would know though.

ZeeWolf :salute:

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