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quadraspleen 03-30-07 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by cueceleches
Oh yes, it should! I got my sub sunk a couple of time because of diving in shallow waters!

Well, I've done this twice, now. No damage. When viewed from outside the boat literally passes through the rock..

It's a MagicSub, you know

cueceleches 03-30-07 06:56 AM

Wow...Maybe another bug? I got sunk twice yesterday while doing this to avoid detection from a destroyer in shallow waters in Japan. All my crew started screaming alerts all over the ship.

Uber Gruber 03-30-07 07:56 AM


Excellent snaps....some very good camera composition :up:

Deep-Six 03-30-07 11:24 AM

I will post some of my screenies soon.:)

sgt.weasle 03-30-07 12:27 PM

I almost felt guilty sailing away.:p

AVGWarhawk 03-30-07 12:35 PM

No room onboard. Chew him up in the screws!!!

Wild_skipper 03-30-07 02:33 PM

eum on some screenshots i can see the water is transparant but i dont have it :doh::doh:
what do i have to put on to have transparant water ?

Dowly 03-30-07 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wild_skipper
eum on some screenshots i can see the water is transparant but i dont have it :doh::doh:
what do i have to put on to have transparant water ?

Enviromental effects must be turned on. :up:

Dane 03-30-07 04:32 PM

First time posting a pic
This is the first time I have tried this on this board so hoping it works. These fellows were doing their best to locate me but I was able to sneak away

Keelbuster 03-30-07 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dane
This is the first time I have tried this on this board so hoping it works. These fellows were doing their best to locate me but I was able to sneak away

What - only 6 escorts? That's nothing. :p

MikeDixonUK 03-30-07 08:18 PM

Scratch one Flattop!

2 Weeks out of Java in the USS S-34, 3rd War Patrol, 1942.

We'd heard in late January that the Japanese we're massing around the Solomon Islands on their way to Australia, After afew days of little action in our Patrol Grid I decided to go have a look to see what all the fuss was about.

There's not much else to tell after that, up until the 15th of Febuary that is...

We were steaming at full speed between the Palau group and New Guineea in the early hours of the 15th, heading towards the Solomons, there'd been a lot of Japanese Air activity during the day so we wanted to get the hell out of Dodge, ASAP...

"Ship's spotted, Medium Range!"

Petty Officer Hogan was pointing at the Horizon, mouth wide open as if it was his first contact on his first Patrol. I had a look and that's when I realised what the commotion was...

Two Genuine Imperial Japanese Navy Fleet Carriers, dead ahead!

"Send an Emergency Message back to HQ! Two Jap' Carriers, full Escort, heading South West!"

I had to tell someone about what we'd seen, we couldn't let a Japanese Carrier group slip through the net, not this close to Australia...

The reply was quick, maybe too quick...


Return to base? Two weeks without any action and here I am with a main enemy Carrier group off my Port Bow and they want me to return to Base! Those are the kind of orders that were losing this war for us, and we'd had it...

"Dive, Dive, Dive! We're going in!"

The Boat slipped beneath the waves, ready to pounce.

"Up Periscope!"

I guided us towards the lead Carrier and got set up for an attack.

"Heading... 352."
"Angle on the Bow... 77."
"Range... 900 Yards."
"Speed... 16 Knots"

We let rip a Salvo of all Four Torpedoes... and then the wait...



I heard that word three times, all well spaced hits along her Starboard side, but the Giant was still speeding along as if nothing had happened!

Then finaly the fourth Torpedo arrived on target, a hit to her aft!

She started to slow, a hit in the Engine compartment? Or maybe the screws!

She was dead in the water! The Silver Bullet!

By this time the Escorts were frantically searching the area for me, they didn't have a clue where I was but I dove deeper, the Carrier wasn't going anywhere and I needed to reload my Torpedoes. It would be risky but I wasn't going to let this one slip... I dove as deep as I thought was possible, and there we waited...

What seemed like a lifetime passed as my crew was just finishing tube four, I took her up to Periscope Depth on her port side to see what was happening, She looked as dead as when I left her, but then... 1 Knot... 2 Knots... all the way to 8 Knots!

"Damn it they've started her up again! They can't get away now! Not after all of this!"

I went to Flank Speed and Spun her around full rudder to Starboard, anything just to get one more shot at that beast!

We were nearly in position when the Carrier's Search light hit our Periscope, we'd been spotted...

All of a sudden every Escort in the group turned towards us guns blazing, but none of that mattered anymore.

This was our last chance, we'd either take her down or die trying, and then...

As suddenly as they'd started the Carrier's Engines failed!

"My God! Now! Fire them all, Now!"

I screamed to my crew as we let go our 3 loaded tubes and dove once more out of sight...


Too soon... a miss-fire? Or an enemy ship screening the Carrier?

Then afew seconds later...

Two more hits!

We heard a ship groaning as it headed towards the Sea bed, but our Celebrations were cut short by the Depth Charges of the Escorts, now out for revenge.

Afew hours passed of loud, but ineffective Depth Charge attacks before I had the courage to surface again.

It was daylight by then and the sea was calm, for once I decided to follow my orders, leave the area and return to Base!

I'm not sure if the ship we sunk was the Carrier, or if it was a Screening unit...

All I do know is that this is the last time I, and indeed anyone, has seen the IJN Hiryū...

flyingdane 03-30-07 08:19 PM


BlackSpot 03-31-07 04:54 AM

Rough seas...:o (Problem is the boat, at times, is totally out of the water)

Chrall 03-31-07 09:32 AM

Can't get much darker.
Gamma 50.

Dizoak 03-31-07 12:37 PM

December 14th, 1941

Four days into our patrol of the Luzon Straight, the USS Saury picks up high-speed screws heading right across our path, plotting the intercept tells us that they will pass only 1.5 km away from our bow tubes.

Perfect. The sub sits at periscope depth, skulking, when we spot smoke on the horizon and soon enough, what must have been a surface support group steams into view, 8 destroyers in a wedge formation in front and sides, and forming the center division, two Kongo class battleships and two Takao class heavy cruisers.

Replotting their course, I now found that they would pass away, just out of optimum range at about 2.5 km, so in order to lessen my chances for a dud or prematature explosion, i set a new course....and then my crew kicks the sub into ahead-standard. OH CR*P! all stop! all stop! rig for silent running!

at this point, the three nearest destroyers (apparently not all THAT stupid) kick it into high gear and start pinging me like crazy, as they're closing i line up a shot on the nearest one, open tube 1 and shoot. as soon as tube 1 fires, im lining up shots on the center division, two fish for the Kongo and one for the Takao.

that destroyer cant be more than 800 meters at this point
as we're sinking rapidly into the black, we hear the first explosion.
then, slightly later as we're leveling off at 60 meters, we hear three more.

i can only say i wish i had taken screenies...cuz you'll never believe any of it.

all my torps hit home. the first destroyer snapped in two and went down in about 30 seconds after impact. the Kongo took two torps aft of the bridge, one of which hit the prop shaft right where it exits the hull tearing a huge freakin hole in engineering, she immediately heeled over to about 20 degrees and went dead in the water, a thick black pall of smoke billowing from her aft gun deck.

i didnt even see the Takao get hit, when i saw the Kongo, i noticed another ship rolling over and heading down, quickly pausing the game for a second i zoomed in and there she was, a huge hole right beneath the bridge.

as i snuck away, the destroyers were trying to DC me to death but i was too deep.

so net total: one of each (DD,CA,BB)

ElAurens 03-31-07 01:10 PM

From the Log of USS Shark.


December 25, 1941. USS Shark, Lt. Cmdr. ElAurens commanding.

This morning we sank an Agano class light cruiser with our last two torpedos. This boosted the men's spirits some. Our joy at the sinking was short lived however, as we now know that Manilla has fallen, as has Singapore. The Japs seem to be everywhere, all at once. We are making for Freemantle, Australia, the closest port we have that is safe.

The sea is a lonely place at Christmas time. The men are carrying on with their duties, and are determined to beat the Japs all the way back to Tokyo, but they know, as do I, that this is not the last Christmas we will spend at sea...

DeePsix501 03-31-07 03:05 PM

Patrol Report: 25 January 1942 – 17 Feburary 1942
USS Triton (SS-201)

Objective: USS Triton is to depart Pearl Harbor on 25 January for 165E 7N, just west of the Marshall Islands, and patrol. Report any enemy contacts.

25 January 1942 – Departed docks in Pearl Harbor at around 0800. Set course SSW to the Marshall Islands. Planned to pass south of the islands and come back north to my patrol sector. Weather looks promising, clear crisp January day. Crew is in high spirits after making it back from first patrol in time for New Years. They seem eager to give it back to the Japs after what happened on the 7th of last month. The island is still pretty shaken up about it.

29 January 1942 – Clear weather held until tonight. We are approximately 2/3 of the way to the Marshall Islands. At around 1800 wind and waves began to pick up and we have been bucking some pretty high seas. Despite rough swells, we plan to arrive on time to patrol sector. We run crash dive drills to keep the men on their toes.

1 February 1942 – We arrive at our patrol location west of the Marshal Islands on time. The sea is still pretty rough. No contacts as of yet. Will continue running patrol pattern.

2 February 1942 – At 0100 we picked up a contact bearing 090, closing south towards us. Set new course northwards and rushed to intercept. At 0252, visual contact is made. Watch identifies it as a friendly freighter. I confirm. Disappointedly return south to our patrol sector and send a status report to COMSUBPAC. I am unhappy with patrols productivity.

3 February 1942 – Patrol orders are completed. After discussion with my officers we decide the best place to hunt for merchant traffic is off the coast of Guam and Siapan, which lies to our west. We radio COMSUBPAC and the give us the green light to commence patrolling off coast of Guam. We set course so slide south of the islands and ring around north once we pass them to patrol the western coasts of Guam.

5-6 February 1942 - At around 2334 we get a contact report not far west of Guam, 145E, 14N. We plot intercept course. At 14:01 on the 16th we make visual contact with a ship bearing 347. We dive to periscope depth and begin to observe. We identify it as a medium modern composite freighter. We close distance and continue to observe. At 14:13 we line up a three torpedo salvo. Fire each with 5 degree spread. Two out of the three hit, one explodes prematurely. Target rolls to starboard and sinks.

We surface and continue north. At 17:13 we get another contact and plot intercept course. We make visual contact at 18:23 and we dive to periscope to avoid being silhouetted by the setting sun. After a few minutes of observation we identify her as a Medium Euro Composite Freighter and line up a firing solution. At 18:39 we fire another 3 torpedo salvo. Two hit, one miss. Ship explodes violently into flames and sinks.

We then surface and continue patrol. Just as darkness covers the sea we make visual contact with two more coastal freighters going from Siapan to Guam. We identify lead ship as a coastal freighter and rear one as a large old split freighter – which is exceptionally rusty and old looking. From our current position we really don’t have a shot on the lead ship, so we line up a four torpedo spread on the large split freighter. We fire salvo at 2315, three explosions. She sinks and we stay submerged till clear of other ship.

7 February 1942 – At 12:42 we are forced to crash dive by a large Jap search plane, probably from Guam. We continue submerged till nightfall.

8 February 1942 – At 0900 near Siapan, we make visual contact with a small freighter. Initial visual inspection is suspicious. We see large structures on the fore and aft decks which possibly could be deck guns of some sort. We think it might be a Q ship of some sort, so we dive as a precaution and continue to observe. As we draw closer we observe that it is in fact not a Q ship. We line up our last two forward torpedoes and fire at about 800m. One hits and the ship tries to limp away. We surface and finish her off with the deck gun. At around 1200 fuel is running low for return along with torpedoes and provision. We plot course back to pearl. At 1500 search plane forces us under till nightfall.

9 February 1942 – Nearing friendly waters. Friendly task forces pass by us on our way back. Haze and fog limits visibility. As a precaution we run underwater most of the day. Once we past 170E Longitude we should be home free.

13-14 February 1942 - Storms North of Marshall islands slowing progress. Continue running under water to avoid bucking heavy seas.

17 February 1942 – 0800 Dock at Pearl Harbor. The crew is again in high spirits. We ran into no escorts and suffered no casualties. We sunk four merchant ships on this patrol bringing our total to 7 enemy merchants sunk.

munfis 03-31-07 03:56 PM

First time out, from manilla, 1941. Steaming along at PD, when my computer has a fit. I know this means ive just run across a bunch of ships, so i run up the scope and have a look around. A large japanise convoy is coming along nicely, but it appears to have a lot of escorts... :down:

Woah, its a task force, and there is something HUGE in there... :-?

Yamamato... :o

Line up shot, FIRE! all forward tubes, flank speed, hard left, line up stern tubes and; FIRE! again.

8 hits, 7 detonations, one hell of an explosion... :smug:

One less super-battleship :D :D :D

I love this game!

ElAurens 03-31-07 05:01 PM

A Yamato off the Phillipines in 1941?


badaboom 03-31-07 05:21 PM

:nope: Trouble aboard the USS PERMIT,I ordered the boat ahead 1/3!.....nothing......I yell ahead 2/3!!......still no movement........finally AHEAD STANDARD!!!!!!.......BY GOD I'LL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS!!! I went bellow deck to see what the hold up was.

There I find my entire crew sleeping off a 5 day drunk'in binge after ST.PADDY'S DAY!!!!! We'll never win the war at this stage.

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