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maxok 07-05-10 05:38 AM

"Did you experience similar bugs or problems like those above after installing Win 7????"

I have not had these problems but my system came with Windows 7. Can I assume your sure you don't have a virus or other Malware?

RICH12ACE 07-05-10 07:22 AM

kursk 1943
hi all is the "kursk 1943 addon" out yet?? or is it still being worked on? are the small kursk missions the addon? :hmmm:

eddie 07-05-10 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1435619)
Welcome aboard Maxok!This is by far the best and most dynamic sim forum...:D

One question I recently bought a pc ( an Acer)with pretty much the same specs as you have; a 2.8 ghtz processor intel i7 860, 8 gbs of RAM but my graphic card is(unfortunately as I much prefer ATI cards)) an Nvidia GT330( 2 gbs of dedicated memory).I also have Windows 7 HP edition(x64).

I have been having problems with my pc not booting properly, erasing my graphic card drivers , Windows explorer just stopped working etc.I did 5 recoveries in 2 weeks and finally solved partly( my graphic drivers don't disappear every time I turn my pc on) my problem by installing 51 microsoft updates.However, I still have my pc unable to start windows and doing repairs before rebooting and finally starting properly.My suspicion is that Windows & bugs are to blame for the problem,.Did you experience similar bugs or problems like those above after installing Win 7????



My god frinik, what in the hell did you buy? Have never had those problems with Win7, I suggest you take it to a PC Shop and have them do a diagnostic test on it.

morttheslayer 07-05-10 03:50 PM

Ahoy Capt Frinic
Frinic So sorry to hear about your continuing problems. It always sounds like "Piss on the Fire George my toast is brown"!! sort of "reassurance" Win7 is OK from others and I am the same, but I do sympathise, I think you are very unlucky. :damn:
It sounds like an OS problem what with your drivers not being recognised correctly (it reminds me of a problem I had years ago when my memory wasn't latched in correctly). Not that I think it's that BTW but it wouldn't take a second to check it. The only other hardware fault I can think of giving you problems like this is a duff Hard Disk - however seems unlikely from brand new!!

If you remember I had an OS problem which was an antivirus conflict. My notebook came with an AV preinstalled and instead of uninstalling it straight away I immediately installed the free version of AVG AV. Immediately the machine died and I had to reinstall everything!!:wah:
Then I uninstalled the preinstalled AV and all was well.
I wonder also if you have a corrupted install - worse comes to worst you could try and get the company you bought it from to supply a new version of Win7 as they are not over expensive (for Win7 Home).
I think failing all that send it back as life's too short to suffer!!
I sure hope you get some progress and crack this problem mate!

All the best - Morty (keep us updated mate) :salute:

PS I can always send Mrs Panzer Commander round to torture a confession out of it!! she always manages to with me!!!!

frinik 07-06-10 06:56 AM

Hello back Herr Painter Commander!
Hi Morty good to hear you again! Herr Panzer Commander or is it Painter Commander?????:D

My hard disc is fine and not corrupted and my problems seem to be , knock on wood, resolved.My problem was basically that Acer sent the pc to the retailer with an Admin password that could not be broken.The reTailer said that it was Acer 's presponsibility since they delivered the pc like that( seems to me that retailer should check their products before selling them to make sure they are fucntioning...But hey it's the new reality of customer's service.).Acer could not help me with password except to send the recovery cds to clear the pc. I waited almost 7 weeks for them to arrive.And then hit Win 7 .Had the pc been pre configured and ready to use as ti should have been I would have saved myself lots of trouble.But it's live and learn!!!! I've got Steel Fury installed and running well ( one copy and one fresh install) and I tested TvsT after installing DirectX9 and it runs well with fps double what I have on my Toshiba laptop.Once I am 100% satisfied my pc is stable and trouble-free then I'll install TvsT.I must say though that I am not impressed by my 2gbs Nvidia GT330 graphic card.I expected better from such a high end gc.ATI , in my own and disputable opinion, makes better gcs price and performance-wise.

Matlox thanks for coming back.Win 7 came with the recovery disk on my pc .No I have no malware or spyware.I ran several scnas and nothing I checked the BIOS and everythiing is healthy and fine. The problem definitely rested with Win 7. Actually doing a maintenance run of my pc I discovered that there were too many programs runnign at start up.I checked them all off the list and now it seems that my pc problems or woes are things of the past.While Windows 7 has been touted as the latest wonder blablabla I read seevral posts on the internet showing the incredible number of people who have been haing nighjtmare problems with Win 7.A lot experimented similar problems to mine endless reboots, or BootMgr going missing, serial recoveries etc.I have found no less than 19 websites dedicated to nerds and techies offering solutions to 22 common problems with Windows 7.Let's not forget that it's new system, not even a year old, and I remember that past systems whether Vista or even XPs did not come without their share of teething problems and bugs.



morttheslayer 07-06-10 04:19 PM

Jawohl!! Ich bein ein PainterMeister!!
Hello Frinic excellent news from you at last. :woot:Such a minor act resulting in major pain eh!!
You are right about the new Win7 OS, they are all great until they go kaput, even XP had its little foibles.
So far, from my POV Windows 7 seems very stable and (fairly) easy to manipulate. I too favour ATI GPUs at present but I'm running a NVidea 9800GTX+ with no problems except I could wish for better frame rates in TvsT. I know a better (ATI??) card would lift the performance by; I believe some 15-20%, depending on the model. I only have to move the outside TvsT view to overhead, or F5 commander binocular view and I get an increase in the region of - say from 8FPS to 12 FPS for example.
To be fair you can have up to 2Gb of onboard card memory but if your bandwidth is retricted - like they are on the midrange versions or the memory 2Gb of GDDR3 instead of say 1Gb or less of GDDR5 I guess you know the GDDR3 ain't gonna have as much "Welly" or impact.
Yet another thing to save up for eh!!
Never mind if you have doubled your FPS you are going in the right direction mate. You might get a driver update that may lift it a bit also.

Now I digress - I've got a new sky to install and more Tiger Crew to get shot up!! :D
Still on fatigues painting the Morty estate though - hope the weather holds here.:sunny:
All the very best Morty :salute:

morttheslayer 07-08-10 05:05 PM

Hi Zee I love the Dawn Chorus
Zee and fellow Panzer Commanders
Mission 2 (Kursk) all running nice. Too busy avoiding shells to admire any new trees. The early Russian barrage seemed to be better than ever, :yeah: the effects in the Half Light are better IMO than full daylight.
I actually survived!!! I wasn't a lead tank though, I bravely cruised in the middle of the pack. I tried some long range gunnery but I find that shooting and moving makes "zeroing in" on targets difficullt. Saw 2 Tigers hit and burn in front of me and it makes you aware that if you get clobbered you're a gonner!! My Tiger seems to drive like a - well very heavy tank!! It tracks slightly sideways (i.e. slight drift) sometimes, but I put this down to the the lie of the terrain and it looks and "feels" (as much as you can "feel") Right on. I only comment because in these Kursk missions I am going as fast as possible at the start, unlike the earlier "tamer" missions (Nos 1-6) when you seemed to have more time to position for attack.
All in all - NICE Splendid Job Zee :salute:

Over and Out - Morty
and I still love you in that special Panzer Commander sort of way!!

ZeeWolf 07-08-10 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1439141)
Zee and fellow Panzer Commanders
Mission 2 (Kursk) all running nice. Too busy avoiding shells to admire any new trees. The early Russian barrage seemed to be better than ever, :yeah: the effects in the Half Light are better IMO than full daylight.
I actually survived!!! I wasn't a lead tank though, I bravely cruised in the middle of the pack. I tried some long range gunnery but I find that shooting and moving makes "zeroing in" on targets difficullt. Saw 2 Tigers hit and burn in front of me and it makes you aware that if you get clobbered you're a gonner!! My Tiger seems to drive like a - well very heavy tank!! It tracks slightly sideways (i.e. slight drift) sometimes, but I put this down to the the lie of the terrain and it looks and "feels" (as much as you can "feel") Right on. I only comment because in these Kursk missions I am going as fast as possible at the start, unlike the earlier "tamer" missions (Nos 1-6) when you seemed to have more time to position for attack.
All in all - NICE Splendid Job Zee :salute:

Over and Out - Morty
and I still love you in that special Panzer Commander sort of way!!

Thanks - what can I say man! :DL Your awesome bro! :up:

ZW :salute:

KdF 07-08-10 06:07 PM

Did I miss a download??

KdF 07-08-10 06:14 PM

Yep! Sure as heck did. Good 'Ol Roadrunner, stuck it in the trash folder on their site. Lucky "I" know where to look. Gotta love Time Warner.


ZeeWolf 07-08-10 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1439206)
Yep! Sure as heck did. Good 'Ol Roadrunner, stuck it in the trash folder on their site. Lucky "I" know where to look. Gotta love Time Warner.


Glad to hear from you KdF,

We have only one member who has not received the new download link,
and his e-mail ends with

I have been blocked as spam - everyone else received the message and link

Cheers :up:


morttheslayer 07-09-10 03:15 PM

Kursk mission 2 Glad I posted KdF if it got you to check
I posted as no-one else had commented in detail. Just one point I forgot to mention in last post I had to repeat the first mission to "unlock" the second (last) Kursk mission. I guessed this was the case but had to endure the ear bashing of artilliary again when I was impatient to get into Mission 2!!! Mentioned in case someone thinks its a bug for not showing up on the mission list immediately.

All the Best over and out - Morty :salute:

ZeeWolf 07-09-10 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1440076)
I posted as no-one else had commented in detail. Just one point I forgot to mention in last post I had to repeat the first mission to "unlock" the second (last) Kursk mission. I guessed this was the case but had to endure the ear bashing of artilliary again when I was impatient to get into Mission 2!!! Mentioned in case someone thinks its a bug for not showing up on the mission list immediately.

All the Best over and out - Morty :salute:

Thanks Morty for reminding me of that, about the unlocking. There is a work around that, by adding to the registry the new ZITADELLE Campaign to the T34 vs Tiger Reg Key. This will enable the missions in all campaigns to be viewed in the menu. It's called "Zitadelle_.reg". :up:
All you do is double mouse click on it one time, that's it!. The location is:

<drive>\Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger\Zitadelle_.reg

This is the best way I could come up with that will add what is needed
to the registry without going in the registry or creating a exe file.

Way to go Morty!:salute:

Schultz 07-10-10 05:14 AM

Hi there guys, I just started playing T34 vs Tiger, I started the first mission but I tried half an hour to figure out why the tank wouldn't move,I didn't knew what was wrong I started the engine puted in first gear but nothing, then I realized the hand brake was on :haha::har:

morttheslayer 07-10-10 10:53 AM

Ah the Registry!! and now I'm a Machinist's Mate
Thanks Zee but I remember a post sometime back when we were getting to grips with the first beta missions and you said something like - "but the thought of you guys messing about in the Registry fills me with dread"!!:har:
I laughed out loud - loved it!! I'll mess though :haha:
You'll be running out of ranks for me soon :D

Infernos - what can I say??? :har:
Just wait until your driver goes "rogue" on you. Mine can't reverse a Damn
Sorry been enjoying myself too much - back to the painting!!

All the Best - Morty :salute:

ZeeWolf 07-10-10 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by infernos (Post 1440538)
Hi there guys, I just started playing T34 vs Tiger, I started the first mission but I tried half an hour to figure out why the tank wouldn't move,I didn't knew what was wrong I started the engine puted in first gear but nothing, then I realized the hand brake was on :haha::har:

Welcome aboard infernos,
That's how all of us learned how to play T vs T :haha:
Who needs the manual? :har:

Hang in there infernos :up:


ZeeWolf 07-10-10 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1440730)
Thanks Zee but I remember a post sometime back when we were getting to grips with the first beta missions and you said something like - "but the thought of you guys messing about in the Registry fills me with dread"!!:har:
I laughed out loud - loved it!! I'll mess though :haha:
You'll be running out of ranks for me soon :D

Infernos - what can I say??? :har:
Just wait until your driver goes "rogue" on you. Mine can't reverse a Damn
Sorry been enjoying myself too much - back to the painting!!

All the Best - Morty :salute:

:haha: Don't worry morty I considered that when coming up with "Zitadelle_.reg" :know:


Schultz 07-10-10 03:19 PM

Argghh schaise , the filefront site isn't loading

ZeeWolf 07-10-10 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by infernos (Post 1440898)
Argghh schaise , the filefront site isn't loading

You may have to enable cookies for FileFront :hmmm:

Don't give up!


KdF 07-10-10 05:32 PM

Call me old, or cornfused. Just where is this Zitadell.reg?
Yes Dad, I looked.

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