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Dung_Beetle 06-12-10 10:50 PM

See if you can paint a tiger to camouflage with these young ladies.

ZeeWolf 06-13-10 12:33 AM

Hey Guys
I did take a few days off but I back in full production. :up:
I solved a couple of issues, one was the AI Tigers moving with destroyed
track and the other was a mistake I did with the Missions Menu.
Also I've been digging up battle details that involved Tigers that will be the
bases of new Campaigns and missions. This research has taken a solid week
of some real fun stuff. Things like locating the digital elevation data the
will be used to create the new maps that will make the terrain as authentic
as possible. And of course maps and unit histories that I will incorporate
at a playable level and still attempt to hold true to the event.
There is a strong possibility that the first winter battle will take place in
February 44 at Korsun west of Chercassy. A ferocious battle that I am
still doing research on that is sure to be awesome. There it said the JS-2s
attacked in numbers. So that's something to look forward to.
The Kursk Mission #2 is coming along nicely and you are sure to notice a
few changes, for instance the swamp effect it just about a thing of the past
but will still dog the slower computers. The FPS are less of an issue in this
mission compared to #1.
Meanwhile I will keep you posted on it's completion with some more screen


frinik 06-13-10 09:48 AM

Here We Gau Aguin!
DB MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I like their camo very ...natural, very simple.But I am afraid the only shells these 2 have ever seen are those you comb on a beach and as for the tanks only those used for scuba diving.Thanks for the thought though!:D

Good news Zee about Cherkassy-Korsun.Is it when you are going to introduce the IS(JS)2 as a playable tank?Not a bad tank if you make exception of the low shell load( 28 including only 8 AT ones), the abysmal reload rate( 3 shots a minute) and the terrible Soviet optics...:smug:

ZeeWolf 06-13-10 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1418126)
DB MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I like their camo very ...natural, very simple.But I am afraid the only shells these 2 have ever seen are those you comb on a beach and as for the tanks only those used for scuba diving.Thanks for the thought though!:D

Good news Zee about Cherkassy-Korsun.Is it when you are going to introduce the IS(JS)2 as a playable tank?Not a bad tank if you make exception of the low shell load( 28 including only 8 AT ones), the abysmal reload rate( 3 shots a minute) and the terrible Soviet optics...:smug:

Cherkassy-Korsun is still in the very first stage of development but I would
like to have the JS-2 (AI) included for sure. The work on playable units has had a low priority while I work on and improve on the exiting Playable units
and terrain and all else that needs the ZW touch so-to-speak :DL

And DB you definitely got to be a old man:haha:


Dung_Beetle 06-13-10 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1418126)
DB MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I like their camo very ...natural, very simple.But I am afraid the only shells these 2 have ever seen are those you comb on a beach and as for the tanks only those used for scuba diving.Thanks for the thought though!:D

Good news Zee about Cherkassy-Korsun.Is it when you are going to introduce the IS(JS)2 as a playable tank?Not a bad tank if you make exception of the low shell load( 28 including only 8 AT ones), the abysmal reload rate( 3 shots a minute) and the terrible Soviet optics...:smug:

Glad you like the art from Gauguin. It was Gauguin that went to the South Pacific. He was friends with Vincent Van Gogh.
They were from the 19th century, and I think Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo were from the 15th century.:know:

The masters would be proud of your work ZW:rock:

I use a lot of impressionist art for my desktop wallpaper.:sunny:

ZeeWolf 06-13-10 02:26 PM

Thanks DB
Don't forget Arno Brekker the one I would say comes close in skill to Angelo.
Of course he's on the mandatory "Hate list" for being a Nazi. But I don't
care about his politics I think he was a fantastic artist.

Vorwärts! :salute:


frinik 06-14-10 02:12 AM

Que Seurat Seurat....
Hi DB, I know Gauguin was the one who went from Brtittany to the South Pacific where he allegedly fathered several children with local Tahitian women.As a French Impressionist he lived in the mid to late 19th century and I think he died in the early 1900s.Da Vinci straddled both the 15th and 16th century while MichelAngelo lived in the 16tH. I find the Impressionists a bit too focussed on the aesthetic too lofty a times I prefer the Pointillists or Divisionists, as they are also called, like Signac, Seurat and Cross.Now a Tiger tank painted by Seurat would have been fantastic....:up:

Arno Brekker was a good artist unfortunately he was conscripted into making those pseudo classical statues and art that Hitler seem to favour.Hitler wanted to build a new Rome and he succeeded but unfortunately for Germany it was the Rome destroyed by the Vandals that Hitler bequested to the German people.:down:

LcSummers 06-14-10 09:44 AM

Hi to everybody
Hi Panzerkameraden,

first of all i am back. I am very often at my gym manipulator. Now its 3 weeks ago and i have thrown away my crutches. It s a kind of freedom after being 3 months in a kind of imprissionment. I can go outside and sniffing into the world. I know i am humbling but this doesnt mater. Now i am free. Cool.

I read a little bit what happend here in the forum. ZW i must say i am very pleased by that May release. It is really fún and you have made a great job.

Looking at the other shots taken from "your" game is a real improvment in any sence and case made by your hard work. Looking forward but if you do so much nice envirionment it is possible for me to forget the battle crawling outside my tank a make a sight, i mean treeseeing.

Very nice sunrise.

Just one question. What about fps? Any improvments?

For all tankers a nice week


PS: i am sleeping at nights too:yawn:

Dung_Beetle 06-14-10 10:13 AM

I myself love the impressionist painters: Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Monet, Matisse, and the like. I think ZW should paint a tank in the impressionist style.:rotfl2:

OK, guys I got a job, I am relocating, so you may not hear from me for awhile, but I should be back soon. Hopefully, I'll make enough to contribute to the ZW_Project, but don't hold your breath. I've got a lot of catching up to do, and whole bunch of new expenses. Plus, the job is only temporary and not a great one at that.:rock:

See you on the other side, I'm packing my computer up now. This is the last computer action before it goes in the box.:zzz:

Over and Out:salute:


frinik 06-14-10 12:04 PM

All the best DB!
Good luck DB looking foward to hearing from you!

Don´t forget to stay in touch!

Don´t forget Sisley, Odile Redon and Manet ( my own favourite especially his painting of Camille, his defunct wife, on her death bed.Very moving.


ZeeWolf 06-14-10 12:06 PM

Hitman, Frinik, LC and DB

Art is a very interesting subject and I love it. Although it seems impossible
for me to call some of this abstract stuff anything but what it really is - dung.:yep:
However there is one thing that seems to bring things for us PanzerKameraden down to earth and that is most of the Artists that are praised today are also known for their debauchery and sexual immorality ie: Van Goge, Picasso and in modern times that pack in the New York crowd that (to me) seems to be at war with all Christian Civilization. As Lenin said "everything is political" and to the Old Marxist as well as the New Marxist are trying their hardest to make Lenin's statement true. :hmmm:

Thanks you guys for your compliments. To answer LC's question about fps.
The fps issue is being chipped away at and I am committed to doing the best I can at making the missions playable while learning to optimize as we go.:up:
And Kamerad frinik, you will love this new Kursk mission man! :DL

Good riddance DB hope it all works out for you but I won't hold my breath :rotfl2:

Mit herzlichem Gruß:salute:


frinik 06-14-10 12:08 PM

Welcome back LC!
Welcome back Lc! Good to hear from you and good to know you´re on the mend.Grey mice watch out he can run now:sunny:

Are you celebrating Germany´s rout of Australia:yeah:


ZeeWolf 06-18-10 12:07 AM

Greeting Kameraden :up:

More screenies...
Soviet forces are ready for the coming attack
Good Morning from Dubrova
Plowing through the kill zone
Katyusha's open up as the Soviets throw all they've got.

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


frinik 06-18-10 01:24 AM

Dawn Patrol
True enough Zee; Picasso in particular was a serial womaniser and a Communist to boot.Van Gogh may have suffered from mental illness, while others were " des artistes maudits " ( a loose translation would be damned or doomed artists) who used and abused absinth and opium and often died young and paupers.That being said, I separate their art from their personalities and admire it for the sake of the beauty their often twisted minds allowed them to create.

Thank you for the new Kursk dawn mission Herrn Zee. Looking forward to it.:yeah:

Cheers Silent Comrades?????

ZeeWolf 06-18-10 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1421899)
True enough Zee; Picasso in particular was a serial womaniser and a Communist to boot.Van Gogh may have suffered from mental illness, while others were " des artistes maudits " ( a loose translation would be damned or doomed artists) who used and abused absinth and opium and often died young and paupers.That being said, I separate their art from their personalities and admire it for the sake of the beauty their often twisted minds allowed them to create.

Thank you for the new Kursk dawn mission Herrn Zee. Looking forward to it.:yeah:

Cheers Silent Comrades?????

Yes, you make an excellent point frinik, separating their art from their personalities, politics and religion etc. is the fair thing to do and I kinda came down hard on the abstract stuff too. Although I really didn't want
to make a personal attack, my emphasis was on those who black list the
artists (who are as talented and even more so) because of politics. That's
all. :up:


ZW :salute:

LcSummers 06-19-10 12:42 PM

Really Great News
Hi Mr ZeeWolf!

Quote: Thanks you guys for your compliments. To answer LC's question about fps.
The fps issue is being chipped away at and I am committed to doing the best I can at making the missions playable while learning to optimize as we go.:up:

These are really great news. Was a lot of work i think. Not very much easy but i am glad to see big improvments. Not "only" fps the whole game is making a huge step forward.

Cant wait to see those new Tigers and other tanks. I am curious how fps will now behave. Some more news on new Kursk mission?

Thanks a lot


LcSummers 06-19-10 12:47 PM

Domo arrigato Frinik sun

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1419024)
Welcome back Lc! Good to hear from you and good to know you´re on the mend.Grey mice watch out he can run now:sunny:

Are you celebrating Germany´s rout of Australia:yeah:


Hi frinik,

running? no no its only stumbling:shifty:. It will take time but i have thrown away my weapon for dogfights. No crutches, so i can sit down in my commanders seat and take my tank into battle.

I am not a big fan of soccer but the wc i will watch!

Have a nice Saturday


frinik 06-19-10 10:13 PM

Lc´s back!
Lc it´s football not soccer! Only Americans-Canadians and Australians insist on calling it that S ......word. The World(that is 5.5 billion people) knows that it´s the only ball sport played with the FEET unlike so -called American or Australian rule football which in fact are played with the HANDS and are just local versions of English rugby( which I like, a real tough sport).Anyway enjoy it!

I am happy you´re on the mend!:yeah:

As for me I am feverishly awaiting my new pc recovery disk next week so I can get it up and running and instal TvsT with ZeeWolf´s latest mods and releases and even test-try the Heavy Kursk mission, as well as Steel Fury and some other sims.I´ve had a glimpse of the potential of my new pc and it´s very encouraging.I copied a version of my main Steel Fury game( unable to instal the original game as long as the system is not properly configured) and played my heavy user-made missions with fps twice or thrice as much as I get on my laptop.The 24" screen and the vivid colours are fantastic.I tried the same with TvsT but no go the pc refuses to accept it.Next week once it´s configured then it will be launch time!

What have you been up to recently?We did not hear much from you Comrade?


ZeeWolf 06-20-10 01:18 AM

Hey LC !
Good to hear your back in the ranks Kamerad :up:
Your knee will squeak for a while longer until you get all the rust out. So go
easy. On the new Kursk mission 2 I decided to break it into two missions.
The first Day2 mission will be called "The Gantlet" because of the length of
the valley that is lined with AT-Guns. And the second part of Day2 will be
call "Taking Dubrova". Both will work seamlessly together. The first one starts very early in the morning and ends at the end of the valley just prior to it's
turn northward. And then you start where the first one ended after being re-
supplied minus 4 Tigers that could not be repaired. About an hour has past
as far as the sky and sun light is concerned, it's still morning but a little brighter, just perfect for fierce action. :D

And BTW LC I finally fixed the flying Tiger issue as well as the ant hill too.
And one more thing - No more Tigers driving around with destroyed tracks.

Vorwärts Kameraden!:salute:


frinik 06-20-10 09:08 AM

Tiger versus FPS
Fantastic news Zee! 2 new missions is worth celebrating!:woot:

FPS -wise what can you tell us? How many did youg et testing them?Hopefully by next weekend my new rig will be up and running but meanwhile I am interested in your feedback.

Cheers Herr Kaleu:salute:

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