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Catfish 03-04-21 02:42 PM

^ Yes.

Gorpet 03-04-21 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2733830)
AfD under surveillance now.

National elections and elections in two federal states this year.

Herr Skybird, welcome to agenda 2030... it is now well underway and as a barrel goes over a waterfall so shall we all.:yep:

Catfish 03-09-21 02:03 PM

Seems Russia's really p'd off ..

One of the sources where Jim's brexit videos originate, of course the whole EU is the target since they dared to criticise the Tsar :hmmm:

Jimbuna 03-10-21 08:21 AM

I'm surprised there's no mention of attacks toward the UK despite the reference to the Skripals but the article is based on attacks toward EU member states and the UK is obviously not one of them now.

Rockstar 03-14-21 04:36 PM

How politicians make money 101 pass laws making it mandatory to wear masks. Probably why our own Dr. Fauci eventually changed his opinion about masks early on as well.

German lawmaker resigns over face mask scandal

Nikolas Löbel is bowing to pressure following revelations that his company earned hundreds of thousands of euros on deals to procure masks during the coronavirus pandemic.

Skybird 03-14-21 05:24 PM

Merkel's party slumps to defeat in regional polls.

Only bad, unacceptable choices available, the one worse than the other.

Rockstar 03-14-21 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2735284)
I'm surprised there's no mention of attacks toward the UK despite the reference to the Skripals but the article is based on attacks toward EU member states and the UK is obviously not one of them now.

The problem I have concerning the last two poisonings is there really has been no proof that says Russia did it. No different than the one who shall not be named saying he the lost the election because of fraud. I keep hearing about accusations but so far have seen absolutely no evidence of it.

Incidentally, this might sound silly but I find the lack of attention given to the U.K. makes me think this is website is actually sponsored by the U.K.. Other than that it would have never occurred to me.

Skybird 03-15-21 05:35 AM

In German state elections yesterday, all major parties have lost voters (despite a high number of mail voters), and most losses were lost to the group of non-voters.

Interestingly even those national newspapers that in past years published so-called "honest election results" that are recalculated for including the group of non voters and so put the numbers for parties into relation, this time have not published any of these. I looked, and found it impossible to find them even in the few articles there are that report on the huge group of non voters.

Fact is that even the major parties today represent only "protected minorities". In both federal states, over one third of people eligible to vote refused to do so. Their number has grown.

The hiugh number of mai votes means that the mask and corruptiin scandal ha snot infleunced quite a share of the votes, since the mail votes had been given long before the scandal became known. That the Merkel party lost means that many have lost patience and trust and that Merkel's era finally is at an end. Too bad that this happens just 15 years too late. "Better late than enver" doe snot appy, since all damage has been done, and maximised.

Moonlight 03-15-21 08:15 AM

Germany may have some problems Skybird but its nothing that another 1000,000 refugees and their peaceful cultural diversity cant solve. :03:

Where's the bleeding sarcasm smiley?, :o we need more sarcasm to counter the lefty leaning Wokie cancel culture bastards that has infected the younger generation like a plague. :o

Skybird 03-15-21 10:49 AM

Its saddening that it took just on generation - just one generation! - to have the young ones all forget or never have learned about the GDR. All across Germany a new enthusiasm for communist state dictatorship is carrying people away. Masse expropriation has become a vogue to talk of, to accept, to demand, and all seem to shift towards wanting to live on somebody else' expenses, not caring for money, for affordability, for accountability, for debt. Simultaneously massive attacks on rationality and science. And everybody is so very much woke and aware and concerned and me-too, and a huge swing is to be seen towards the ultra-left.

Just thirty years, one generation. The GDR is alive and well in people'S heads, and more alive than ever before.

Ecstatic transfiguration.

Skybird 03-23-21 11:59 AM

The FAZ writes:

The Ministry of Defense will need up to four billion euros and 1,500 jobs for an effective drone defense in the coming years to close the gap in the defense against small and micro drones. This gap had become evident last year during the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in which combat drones played a major role.

After the dissolution of the army air defense, the German armed forces only have very little self-protection. The tried and tested air defense tanks Gepard were either sold or scrapped. According to the current state of affairs, a defense against drones currently only exists with very few stationary cannons and a few mobile anti-aircraft vehicles of the ocelot type, which are described in an internal letter from the Ministry of Defense as "outdated, qualitatively and quantitatively inadequate" system.

There are also jammers that are also qualified as "insufficient". In the paper that the F.A.Z. is available, it is said that the procurement of air defense for the local area is "imperative and to be tackled as quickly as possible. This project is of the highest priority. "The opposition criticized the project, the chairman of the FDP in the defense committee, Alexander Müller, told the FAZ:" The federal government reacted far too late to the threat from drones and slept through a whole generation of technological developments . "

Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) also announced that the planning for a German Tactical Air Defense System (TLVS) is “currently questionable” because of the financial requirement of 13 billion euros not covered in the budget. In a paper from the ministry, it is said that the system is "not the primary focus in terms of planning".


No drone defence. No cyberwar capability worth the mentioning. No army air defence.

No comment. :shifty:

Jimbuna 03-23-21 12:46 PM

Can't the EU provide some financial assistance? :O:

Catfish 03-24-21 06:07 AM

^ :haha: even if they could, you think they have any plan? :har:

Jimbuna 03-24-21 01:15 PM

The EU always have a plan, not always a good one but a plan nonetheless.

Jeff-Groves 03-24-21 01:23 PM

Maybe this?
Wir haben einen Plan, der so gerissen ist, dass man ihn mit einem Schwanz versehen und als Wiesel bezeichnen könnte.

Catfish 03-24-21 01:40 PM

Wasn't that a fox ? :D

Skybird 03-29-21 02:09 PM

Huawei and 5G from China, now Transas from Russia. Its so good to cooperate with enemies.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

The FDP is concerned about the safety of German warships. The defense policy spokeswoman for the FDP parliamentary group Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann told the FAZ on Monday that she was “extremely irritated” by reports of Russian navigation devices on ships and boats of the German Navy. The subject came on the agenda in the Defense Committee.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense confirmed to the FAZ on Monday that devices from Russian production are on board. The ships and boats of the German Navy are equipped with "standard navigation systems", as they are also used in international shipping. They are a "standard product". The newspaper "Bild am Sonntag" reported that the "data encryption" on board the German submarines in particular did not meet military standards. The submarines would play a key role in the German North and Baltic Seas in the event of a crisis or war with Russia.

The manufacturer of the devices is the Transas company, which was founded in St. Petersburg in 1990. It is one of the global market leaders in technical solutions for ship and fleet operations, including devices and services related to navigation. Since 2018, Transas has been part of the Wärtsilä Corporation, a Finnish group based in Helsinki. The defense division of Transas is still based in Russia. The company's history lists a delivery of navigation devices to the German Navy for 2005. Under Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) around a hundred ships and boats of the Navy were equipped with Transas systems. Schröder has worked for Russian energy companies for many years.

It is well known in specialist circles that the systems pose a danger. In June last year , the Hamburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, together with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Hamburg port authority HPA, warned of the vulnerability of modern navigation devices at a symposium. They are not only of interest to foreign intelligence services. There is also the risk of cyber attacks with which hackers could gain access to "central technical control systems", for example. In the worst case, there is a risk of complete loss of functionality.

Catfish 03-29-21 03:34 PM

Get own satellite system and defend this. I would not trust any US system either after the last four years.

Catfish 04-01-21 03:44 AM

In a way this is exactly what happens in Europe, geographically :03:

Merkel's last stand: how rebellious states hurt Germany's COVID response.

Skybird 04-02-21 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2739392)
Get own satellite system and defend this. I would not trust any US system either after the last four years.


Also, in times of war it might be irresponmisble to leave Gallileo switched on so that an enemy can use it with its superior precision.
US GPS for civiliajn use works with redcued precisipon, compoared to military use. Whether it makes a different whether a Tomwhawk slams into the gorund 5m nearer or further away form me, I have my doubt, however.

Worse it is your infrastructure depends desperately on GPS/Gallileo/Glosnass/Baidu, and then you want to switch it off due to a war, and then you find that you cannot do that without causing an implosion of your infrastructure at home.

Murphy's law: give it long enough time, and everything that could happen, sooner or later will happen.

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