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Bubblehead1980 05-10-22 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2808020)
I'm running it now. Didnt realize the second objective was to target a friendly during the attack and then hit photo button for the IR part. Figured it out.

Definitely slows the game down but no CTD with all those ships. I did have a CTD off Dakar after that part of the mission. No way of knowing why it was kind of out of the blue when it happened. Trying again and loving this aspect of the game. Fun to play around North Africa.

The French are legitimate targets here. I thought they were friendly LOL

The German planes ... don't mess with them.

The AA issue I had. I wasn't reading what you said very well. Fill the crew berth of BOTH AA and Deckgun then GQ. After I did that I was able to move the gun. Weird to have to do both but its all good.

Could be mines causing slow down CTD. I am going to rework/remove some minefields.

Your first missions was off Casablanca yes? Observed bombardment, naval battle?

Yes, French units in sim are Vichy French units, they were allied with Axis at the time which ends after France is liberated in 44. There is a "Free French" nation added to the game, but very are to run into any of their units if at all.

Which boat do you have?

I am running the SUBRON 50 campaign as well, my part in Torch was to support landings at Safi (Real life mission of the Barb, I am in the Barb) on my 4th patrol, in the North Sea. I never got to do a serious play though, no time, but just made sure the objectives loaded, things worked etc. Now, I am enjoying it, its definitely a different pace than in the pacific as it was in real life but when do see some action and sink something, its worth it. Also challenging due to weather.

I found the game takes its primary cues on weather from the patrol objective mission file. In the pacific, they are all nearly set to calm weather as default with cycle set to the max of 96 hours and small changes, this overall keeps the weather pacific like. Exception being Alaska, i changed it up to have rougher weather and same with missions off Iceland, North/Norwegian Seas and North Atlantic, overall works. I have some Atlantic like weather, when go to pacific eventually will have pacific like weather.

I have not sunk any merchant ships yet as my assignments have not really put me in the areas would find axis merchant shipping until this patrol am currently on in the North Sea, but did sink a U boat and damage another. on second patrol. Prob would have sunk a DD if not for the CTD issue as had a shot lined up.

Yep planes do not play, especially the friendly fire, you're being tracked/attacked by Allied aircraft. My patrol off Iceland, I was bombed three time over 30 days in area by allied planes, twice at night. Their ASV radar picks player sub before SD radar picks them up.

Two Gleaves Class DD's depth charged me but were easy to escape in the heavy seas and water. Interesting how sim models the waters in area...they are darker and thermal layers are quite shallow usually 65-80 feet compared to the pacific. Further north of equator in SH 4 world, ASW sensors are not as effective.

Glad you are enjoying it. You should ran into something off Daka. Perhaps even a Vichy French warship:Kaleun_Salute:

Glad you figured the guns out. Yes weird, but thats SH 4 for ya lol. I havent found a fix yet and no one has to my knowledge

propbeanie 05-11-22 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2808020)
... The AA issue I had. I wasn't reading what you said very well. Fill the crew berth of BOTH AA and Deckgun then GQ. After I did that I was able to move the gun. Weird to have to do both but its all good.

The reason being, which is very much like the Narwhal, or any other boat with two regular deck guns, is that the game treats all of the guns of one class like one unit. Same way if you have two AA guns, and only crew the one, the game will not use that one manned AA gun, since both guns are not manned (another "gun unit"). If you happen to have two AA guns set to "DeckGun" status, and two "regular" deck guns, whether 2x 5", 2x 4" or 1x regular gun and 1x20mm, all 4 of the guns and their positions must be filled, since all four guns are "seen" by the game as one "gun unit". At least, that's the way it seems to be, no matter the mod.

Mad Mardigan 05-11-22 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2808081)
The reason being, which is very much like the Narwhal, or any other boat with two regular deck guns, is that the game treats all of the guns of one class like one unit. Same way if you have two AA guns, and only crew the one, the game will not use that one manned AA gun, since both guns are not manned (another "gun unit"). If you happen to have two AA guns set to "DeckGun" status, and two "regular" deck guns, whether 2x 5", 2x 4" or 1x regular gun and 1x20mm, all 4 of the guns and their positions must be filled, since all four guns are "seen" by the game as one "gun unit". At least, that's the way it seems to be, no matter the mod.

In the interest, of not cluttering up the thread... you have a PM/DM... ahh bollux... you got a message here, propbeanie... :shucks:


M. M.

Revus 05-11-22 01:11 PM

DL'd and installed. Few questions:

Began a "New Construction BALAO" campaign. Had me going all the way to Convoy College from Mare Island. Told myself, "ah what the heck, probably going to do sea trials there" but was given the standard destroy enemy shipping orders when I reached the area. Is this normal or did I screw something up?

As for the different optional and add-on mods:
1) For the Radio Messages one, do we activate the entire "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" file folder in JSGME, or place the individual folders within "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" in JSGME and activate them from there (i.e. activate SubPacMessages by itself)?

2) There's a "Practice DC" mod in "02_Optional Mods" and "Practice Depth Charges for NewCon" in "03_Required AddOns". Both sound similar. Activate one or both? If both, what order?

Mad Mardigan 05-11-22 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Revus (Post 2808137)
DL'd and installed. Few questions:

Began a "New Construction BALAO" campaign. Had me going all the way to Convoy College from Mare Island. Told myself, "ah what the heck, probably going to do sea trials there" but was given the standard destroy enemy shipping orders when I reached the area. Is this normal or did I screw something up?

As for the different optional and add-on mods:
1) For the Radio Messages one, do we activate the entire "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" file folder in JSGME, or place the individual folders within "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" in JSGME and activate them from there (i.e. activate SubPacMessages by itself)?

2) There's a "Practice DC" mod in "02_Optional Mods" and "Practice Depth Charges for NewCon" in "03_Required AddOns". Both sound similar. Activate one or both? If both, what order?

On # 1...

That, is dependent, on where you are following a career in being based from.

Asiatic, career... from the start of the war, bases ar Manila... then the fall back to Surabaya then to Freemantle/Perth... after that stage... the chain gets kinda fuzzy for Me...

For that career path, the Asiatic messages pack would be the one to go with there.

As for rolling out of Brisbane or doing an S class career... would look to using the Brisbane messages pack.

For a standard, straight up PH career... would NOT use any of the message packs, unless you do a transfer to say... Asiatic fleet or Brisbane... & then, would add in the appropro message pack, accordingly... I do believe. :hmmm:

As for doing a SubRon 50 career... at the start, of using that message pack tagged accordingly... til the end/demise of that squad's run... which... was only an 8 months stint... from Oct. of '42, to.... mhhmmmm... June, of '43...

After that, accordingly to which transfer you go with... be it, to the Asiatic fleet or the Brisbane command, would depend on what messages pack you'd add in, at the appropriate time (&... whilst in base, I might add... to avoid any mod swap out issues... as well. :yep:) at that stage... I believe...

Think I have all that rightly... I welcome confirm or refute from others... on this... :shucks:

As for point 2... not a clue, so will abstain from reply on that score...


M. M.

Bubblehead1980 05-11-22 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Revus (Post 2808137)
DL'd and installed. Few questions:

Began a "New Construction BALAO" campaign. Had me going all the way to Convoy College from Mare Island. Told myself, "ah what the heck, probably going to do sea trials there" but was given the standard destroy enemy shipping orders when I reached the area. Is this normal or did I screw something up?

As for the different optional and add-on mods:
1) For the Radio Messages one, do we activate the entire "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" file folder in JSGME, or place the individual folders within "Radio Messages TMO Update 2.0" in JSGME and activate them from there (i.e. activate SubPacMessages by itself)?

2) There's a "Practice DC" mod in "02_Optional Mods" and "Practice Depth Charges for NewCon" in "03_Required AddOns". Both sound similar. Activate one or both? If both, what order?

1. So you started your career and first orders were to go to convoy college or you completed the sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college?

If started career and told you go strait to convoy college, then the damn bug is back lol. No, its not correct to go on to convoy college in a new construction career . I fixed it in testing, had three newcon starts in a row without the issue, guess decided to come back. I will look at it again. I would try another start and see if it gets it right, you should have three sea trials before going active....first one consists of dive tests as well as navigation exercises. Second is endurance testing of engines/fuel usage etc. Third is live fire exercises...sinking a target ship, depth charge indoctrination, and locating a convoy for night surface attack training off west coast (Balao career). Old bug from original TMO, SH 4 being temperamental. Did you start at the dock on Mare Island? I moved Mare Island to its actual location.

If you completed sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college, also a bug as supposed to go to Brisbane in a Balao after new construction is complete and should be assigned a patrol area within Brisbane's operational area., conduct war patrol en route and end patrol there.

No, you activate each radio mod in the folder independently based on current career. As mentioned in README, SUBPAC messages are the default messages in the sim, so do not need to activate them.

Sounds like I forgot to delete the practice DC after included it in the newcon mod. No need to activate practice DC if in new con mod

I will look into this start issue. SO aggravating when appears to have solved problems and they come back lol.

Revus 05-11-22 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2808169)
1. So you started your career and first orders were to go to convoy college or you completed the sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college?

If started career and told you go strait to convoy college, then the damn bug is back lol. No, its not correct to go on to convoy college in a new construction career . I fixed it in testing, had three newcon starts in a row without the issue, guess decided to come back. I will look at it again. I would try another start and see if it gets it right, you should have three sea trials before going active....first one consists of dive tests as well as navigation exercises. Second is endurance testing of engines/fuel usage etc. Third is live fire exercises...sinking a target ship, depth charge indoctrination, and locating a convoy for night surface attack training off west coast (Balao career). Old bug from original TMO, SH 4 being temperamental. Did you start at the dock on Mare Island? I moved Mare Island to its actual location.

If you completed sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college, also a bug as supposed to go to Brisbane in a Balao after new construction is complete and should be assigned a patrol area within Brisbane's operational area., conduct war patrol en route and end patrol there.

No, you activate each radio mod in the folder independently based on current career. As mentioned in README, SUBPAC messages are the default messages in the sim, so do not need to activate them.

Sounds like I forgot to delete the practice DC after included it in the newcon mod. No need to activate practice DC if in new con mod

I will look into this start issue. SO aggravating when appears to have solved problems and they come back lol.

Yea, no trials, straight to Convoy College. It was more of a "test career" and wanted to see what the trials would be, and bypassed a close slow large, lightly defended convoy (insert cringe here) to get there.

That being said, just fresh installed and Im going to try the NewCon again a few times to test. Ill let you know what I get.

Thanks for the help, and truly awesome work here BH.

Kal_Maximus_U669 05-11-22 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2808169)
1. So you started your career and first orders were to go to convoy college or you completed the sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college?

If started career and told you go strait to convoy college, then the damn bug is back lol. No, its not correct to go on to convoy college in a new construction career . I fixed it in testing, had three newcon starts in a row without the issue, guess decided to come back. I will look at it again. I would try another start and see if it gets it right, you should have three sea trials before going active....first one consists of dive tests as well as navigation exercises. Second is endurance testing of engines/fuel usage etc. Third is live fire exercises...sinking a target ship, depth charge indoctrination, and locating a convoy for night surface attack training off west coast (Balao career). Old bug from original TMO, SH 4 being temperamental. Did you start at the dock on Mare Island? I moved Mare Island to its actual location.

If you completed sea trials and then were told to go to convoy college, also a bug as supposed to go to Brisbane in a Balao after new construction is complete and should be assigned a patrol area within Brisbane's operational area., conduct war patrol en route and end patrol there.

No, you activate each radio mod in the folder independently based on current career. As mentioned in README, SUBPAC messages are the default messages in the sim, so do not need to activate them.

Sounds like I forgot to delete the practice DC after included it in the newcon mod. No need to activate practice DC if in new con mod

I will look into this start issue. SO aggravating when appears to have solved problems and they come back lol.

super BH I was going to ask you this question suddenly you answer my question thank you anyway there will be other questions :har:
meilleur salutation Kal_Maximus_U669

Revus 05-11-22 05:19 PM

BH, tried NewCon quite a few times, same result with both '42 and '43. No sea trials, straight to CC.

Bubblehead1980 05-11-22 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Revus (Post 2808186)
BH, tried NewCon quite a few times, same result with both '42 and '43. No sea trials, straight to CC.

Thanks:Kaleun_Salute: I started five times to test , 2/5 I received proper orders, rest were to CC. I am adjusting some dates now to see if it works. PITA:har: If can not get the bug resolved, I will post procedure to select proper patrol objectives for new con career manually. Of course, I want to get it working, fighting these bugs are a pain.

Niume 05-14-22 10:34 AM

I don't know if this was reported already but there are magical trucks running around in Mannila above the water. Also Salmon class submarine has periscope depth setting to deep.

Mad Mardigan 05-14-22 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2808629)
I don't know if this was reported already but there are magical trucks running around in Manila above the water. Also Salmon class submarine has periscope depth setting to deep.

Huh... thought I saw that, about trucks... driving about, on the water... just, wasn't sure about it. Glad to know that I wasn't... seeing things then. (that's a relief...:salute:)

Think, the Salmon class, ain't the only 1 with PD set, too deep. Will have to boot up the 4 different set ups I have :

1.Asiatic career

2.Pearl Harbor career

3. S class - DHC TF42 career

4. SubRon 50 career

to recall which 1 of them, it is... that seems to be set deeper than it needs to be, for PD.

Know is 1 of them, that I noted that with... did write that down, with intentions of mentioning that to Bubblehead1980... then to see that, from another besides Myself, to note both those issues.

Bubblehead1980 05-14-22 03:20 PM

Vickers03 has released the fleetboat (and S Boat) interior mods for TMO Update BH V2.0(!!)

I have been testing past few days while some final touches were made.

Truly amazing work and really changes the feel of the sim to have more than just the conning tower and control room. With the S Boat, have practically the entire boat.

Thanks again Vickers03 for this amazing work. :Kaleun_Salute:

Bubblehead1980 05-14-22 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2808629)
I don't know if this was reported already but there are magical trucks running around in Mannila above the water. Also Salmon class submarine has periscope depth setting to deep.

The truck on water is a bug that long predates TMO Update, original TMO, etc. I've noticed it since stock. Its a scenery thing associated with the ports. Not sure how to solve it. I've just ignored it. Was this at Manila or Cavite?

Salmon/Sargo periscope depth changes with refits. With the refitted conning tower and periscope shears in mid-late war, periscope depth (for attack scope) is that of fleetboats 64 ft(otherwise the scopes stick far out of water and increase detection) , in early war its about 60 ft. The default set in the file is for mid-late war conning tower.

Periscope depth can be set manually. There is also a fix can enable pre refit, disable after refit, I posted in this thread a couple weeks back, I will see if can find it.

Link to fix. Sargo and Salmon fix should be in there, if not, let me know.

Mad Mardigan 05-14-22 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2808658)
The truck on water is a bug that long predates TMO Update, original TMO, etc. I've noticed it since stock. Its a scenery thing associated with the ports. Not sure how to solve it. I've just ignored it. Was this at Manila or Cavite?

Salmon/Sargo periscope depth changes with refits. With the refitted conning tower and periscope shears in mid-late war, periscope depth (for attack scope) is that of fleetboats 64 ft(otherwise the scopes stick far out of water and increase detection) , in early war its about 60 ft. The default set in the file is for mid-late war conning tower.

Periscope depth can be set manually. There is also a fix can enable pre refit, disable after refit, I posted in this thread a couple weeks back, I will see if can find it.

Link to fix. Sargo and Salmon fix should be in there, if not, let me know.

Cavite... :shucks:

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