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caymanlee 05-05-07 05:55 AM

I do found a bug in the subroc though, and I add some data in the original Subroc doctrine to fix the problem, if you like, I could upload it somewhere

LuftWolf 05-05-07 06:15 AM

Post it here, I can figure it out.

What is the problem exactly?


TLAM Strike 05-05-07 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by LuftWolf
Oh I have everything you need.

I can mail you a CD-RW to your mailing address if you'd like, and you can send it back to me when you are finished. :)


Don't have a CD burner. Heck my 3 1/2 in floopy drive dosn't work. :oops:


PS If you fire a ***wakehomer*** at a stationary target, OF COURSE it's not going to work! If I wanted to model the weapons like dumb torpedoes, there's a few other things I'd have to do to make it work... like Thomas did with the Mk 8's in SCX.
Thing is it still detects a stationary target... and can occassonaly hit them... :hmm:

caymanlee 05-07-07 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by LuftWolf
Post it here, I can figure it out.

What is the problem exactly?


mainly problem is the "torpedo drop" success rate is barely low, when the ASW missile drop the torpedo(no matter ss-n-16 or ss-n-27), tropedo often lost! can't active, then disappear, I figure out it main have something to do with the droping altitude, so I do some writing in it's Doctrine, turn out great

here is my modified SubrocAttack doctrine:

; $Header: SubrocAttack.txt Thu Jul 24 17:05:51 EDT 2003 mike $
; $Revision: 3 $
; $Copyrt1: Copyright (c) 2003, Sonalysts, Inc. All rights reserved. $
; fixed and modified by Amizaur
; random range (controlled by MissileCEP value) and bearing (+/- 2deg ) error added
var firing
var initx
var inity
var apexrng
var currng
var ordalt
var ordalt2
var ordptch
var OrdCrs
var MissileCEP
var rngerror
var brgerror
var KillSwitch
IF Init THEN {
firing = false
initx = ownx
inity = owny
apexrng = ( ( xyrng ( tgtx - initx ) ( tgty - inity ) ) * 0.475 )
DebugOut "Asroc launch, rng:"
DebugValueOut ( apexrng * 2 )
IF ( apexrng < 1852 ) THEN {
apexrng = 1852
DebugOut "rng setting lower than minimum, correcting to 2nm"
DebugOut "Rng now"
DebugValueOut ( apexrng * 2 )
MissileCEP = ( 100 + ( apexrng / 10 ) )
DebugOut "Missile CEP"
DebugValueOut MissileCEP
rngerror = ( ( rnd MissileCEP ) - ( rnd MissileCEP ) )
DebugOut "range error:"
debugvalueout rngerror

brgerror = ( ( rnd 2 ) - ( rnd 2 ) )
DebugOut "bearing error:"
debugvalueout brgerror
apexrng = ( apexrng + ( rngerror / 2 ) )
KillSwitch = 0
} ELSE {
currng = xyrng ( ownx - initx ) ( owny - inity )
IF OwnAlt > -300 THEN {
KillSwitch = 1
} ELSEIF ( OWnAlt < -300 ) AND KillSwitch THEN {
IF ( currng > apexrng ) AND ( OwnAlt < 5500 ) AND ( NOT firing ) THEN {
DebugOut "Asroc drop"
DebugValueOut currng
firing = true
OrdCrs = GetEntVar "PreenableCourse"
OrdCrs = ( OrdCrs + BrgError )
SetCrs OrdCrs
SetSpd MaxSpd
ordalt = ( abs ( currng - apexrng ) / apexrng )
ordalt = ( MaxAlt * ( 1 - ( ordalt * ordalt ) ) )
ordalt2 = ( abs ( currng + 1 - apexrng ) / apexrng )
ordalt2 = ( MaxAlt * ( 1 - ( ordalt2 * ordalt2 ) ) )
ordptch = xybrg ( ordalt2 - ordalt ) 1
IF ordptch > 180 THEN {
ordptch = ( ordptch - 360 )
SetPitch ordptch
; DebugOut "Ballistic Alt"
; DebugValueOut ordalt
; DebugOut "Ballistic Ptch"
; DebugValueOut ordptch


the red part is the modified part, test reasult is good

by the way: I change the SS-N-16 asw trop launcher default loadout, base on a optional loadout in the reality, I replace the torpedo with a depth charge nuke bomb;)

LuftWolf 05-07-07 06:51 AM

That's interesting to hear you say that as it appears that no one else is having issues... I believe that I had fixed the Subrocs.

There is a specific reason I've actually not done one of the things you mentioned...

I'll look at it for a future update, but I'm fairly certain the vast majority of users are not having any problems with the latest version of the mod.


GrayOwl 05-07-07 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by LuftWolf
That's interesting to hear you say that as it appears that no one else is having issues... I believe that I had fixed the Subrocs.

There is a specific reason I've actually not done one of the things you mentioned...

I'll look at it for a future update, but I'm fairly certain the vast majority of users are not having any problems with the latest version of the mod.


No Has of problems who not make changes speed ASW of missiles - at all missiles she practically identical. :o

If you will increase speed SS-N-27 up to 1600 Kts you will have a problem with to throw a torpedo.

SS-N-27 for ASW of a rocket has a very short distance, therefore she has supersonic speed - there is no economy of fuel - for such short distance it it is not meaningful.

I have decided this problem - torpedo falls smoothly - as on a parachute, from any rocket and on any speed.:damn: :damn: :damn: :rock:

Molon Labe 05-08-07 11:12 PM

Hey, LW (and LW/Ami players), I got you a present:

The old PSL chart for previous LW/Ami versions is out of date since the speeds of the Akula-1 Imp and 688I have changed. Also, I'm 99% sure DW doesn't round to the nearest integer, as shown by the older charts. Plus, the SW on the old chart is just wrong as far as I can tell; probably because it wasn't updated when the speed went down to 38 knots back in the day...

Driftwood 05-09-07 10:44 AM

Terrific ML! Thanks for doing this! :up:

Molon Labe 05-09-07 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Driftwood
Terrific ML! Thanks for doing this! :up:

You're welcome, Cap'n Jack!

Driftwood 05-10-07 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Molon Labe

Originally Posted by Driftwood
Terrific ML! Thanks for doing this! :up:

You're welcome, Cap'n Jack!

LOL, there's a handle I've not heard in a while! :D At the risk of getting slightly off topic, are you still flying? I'm in the middle of remodeling my "man-cave" so my online time is limited to when I'm at work. It'll probably be another week before I'm out of dry dock and back in the "conn." :arrgh!:

LuftWolf 05-16-07 08:54 AM

I've done some fixing on the MH60 dipping doctrine to make sure the helo launches with its dipping sonar OFF.

I need some people to look at it before I release it as an official patch.

Thanks! :)


Molon Labe 05-16-07 03:20 PM

You know I only added that in so the post was on-topic, right?

Anyways, the issue was during landing (although it might have been an issue on takeoff too), but in any case this will only take all of 5 minutes to test in MP. Let me know when you're around and I'll set it up.

LuftWolf 05-17-07 02:45 AM

Well... it should fix it for both landing AND takeoff... although I might have to set the delay timer to be a little bit longer to cover the landings as well.

I'm around all day today, so we should probably test it... I'll jump onto AIM at some point today and we can do it in MP.


Zacho 05-20-07 12:12 AM

Can the P-100 Oniks SSN-22 Sunburn Encapsulated folding-fin version
launched from 65 cm torpedo tubes on SSN's. Associated with Rim Hat FCS.
industrial code 3K-55

SS-N-21 Sampson

be launched in the akula

LuftWolf 05-21-07 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Zacho
Can the P-100 Oniks SSN-22 Sunburn Encapsulated folding-fin version
launched from 65 cm torpedo tubes on SSN's. Associated with Rim Hat FCS.
industrial code 3K-55

SS-N-21 Sampson

be launched in the akula

I'd have to sacrific some weapon or another... most likely the 65-76 since it's no longer actually carried on Russian submarines (reportedly...), but I'm sure that most players would not be in favor of this change, also I'm not sure any version of the Sunburn is carried on the Akula... I've never heard this before.

So, thank you for the idea, but I'm not sure it'd be a popular decision to go in that direction, or necessarily good from a gameplay/simulation stand point.


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