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Dowly 04-19-06 01:44 AM
Name: Teemu
Age: 20 ½

I was born in city called Uusikaupunki (Yay, they make Porsches there!). When I was 1½ years old we moved to small town called Varkaus (Theft in english :) ) which is near Kuopio in eastern part of Finland.

I have one brother, he´s 26. Parents are separated, tho they are with eachother all the time. ( Make up your mind already! :doh: )

I work as a welder. My interests include mainly photo manipulations and of course SHIII. :up:

GreyOctober 04-30-06 03:19 PM

Interesting hired guns or professional assasins so far, which is kinda dissapointing :nope: ..j/k

Here i go:

Name: Lucian

Nickname: GreyOctober (why?..i just happened to look outside the window some years ago)

Age: 23 something (born in October in Constantza, Romania - check SHIII map)

Education: graduated highschool, currentlly "serving my sentence" at Uni, studying mechanical comment

Occupation: Visual editor and graphic designer at a local newspaper (goes hand in hand with the mechanical part above i know :|\ )

Marital status (just in case there are girls around :lol: )...FREE. Curentlly living alone in my appartment in Galatz, same country.

I like: Smoking, a good laugh at the pub with a few beers on the table, driving my 1986 Volvo (which will be turning "vintage in a few years if i keep it :rotfl: ) at its breaking speed and surviving the experience...and i like a good challenge.

I dislike: Bad cigs, bad beer with worse people, and any other car :lol: , shopping for extended periods of time, human incompetence (though im sometimes incompetent myself) and silly/stupid situations featuring stupid people

Hobbies: Back in 95 i was diagnosed as beeing a sim nut. Played pretty much anything which flew, walked/drove, sailed and had guns to fire and an option of 100% realism. In 2000 i slowed the pace and went civilian with the Flightsim series, and then started blowing up stuff again with IL2FB and much recentlly SHIII.

:rock: ROCKING ON!


blizzard_beast 05-01-06 10:33 PM

A little bit about me:

Born in Russia, but moved to England at the age of 1. Currently 16 years old, and planning to join the RN Submarine Corps as a Nuclear Reactor technician. :)

wild bill 05-07-06 08:00 PM

A little bit about me:
age: 58
finished sub school: 1968 new london
US NAVAL Reserve: SK/SN/SG GUPPy Boats

Married:1975, 3 children
occupation: Retired
Brooklyn NY

fly fisher, skier, cyclist, Olympian

wild bill

Bertgang 05-09-06 06:42 AM

I share my birthday with Sailor Steve.

I was firefighter for short time, mainly to avoid the boring life of a conscripted italian soldier late in the seventy.

My interest for submarines, simulations and strategical games started about ten years later.

I prefer woods and mountains to sea; trekking, bike and photography when outside, tons of books and the good old Aces of the Deep when at home (and allowed by my wife).

Ironclad2 05-15-06 08:10 PM

Because it's either this, or study for final exams...

Name: Ironclad2

Age: 21

History: Born in 1985 in New London, CT, USA. Moved to Ann Arbor, MI when I was 17. Have been in Boston at school for the past 3 years, excepting a summer spent working near Geneva. Love of submarines began before I can remember: when I was little I would throw a tantrum every weekend until my parents took me to see the USS Nautilus. Still wondering if I made a mistake by not joining up with the NROTC or something.

Location: Boston, MA

Occupation: Student, studying physics, minor in nuclear engineering. If anyone knows how I might turn this into a real occupation some day, let me know...

Interests and hobbies: Subs, rowing, physics, girls.

Ambitions: Figure out how to have all 4 interests and hobbies at the same time...

Rose 05-26-06 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ironclad2
Because it's either this, or study for final exams...

Yep, same here :D

Name: Rose

Age: 15

Location: NYC

Occupation: Student

Interests and Hobbies: Skiing, sailing, :()1:, my mates, WWII history, other things...

Ambitions: Journalist (television)... maybe... im only 15, i have time to think

History: Born in 1991 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. God I loved that city. Moved to NYC when I was 7, but still go back to the midwest (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin; Chicago) every summer to visit old friends, etc. Been interested in WWII ever since I learned that 3 of my relatives had all fought and died in the war. Yep, the family went 0 for 3 during the war. Tough time for them. All three were in the Air Corps. I started with the video game Call of Duty, and it went from there. I read and watched BoB, got the Combat Flight Simulators, Silent Hunters, Medal of Honors, any WWII game you can think of. My bookshelf is about 75% WWII. Anyway, next person....

The Noob 05-28-06 02:47 PM

First Name: David
Last Name: Top Secret :cool::lol:


Location: You already Know too Much

Interests: Almost Everything

Ideology: Communism/Socialism mix

Thoughts: Strange

Occupation: PC Games, mostly Political Simulators of the Dos Age and Silent Hunter 3 with the Best Currently Available Mods.

I Like: Coke and Mc Donalds, TV, PC Games, PC Games were you can nuke smaller Countrys, and of course Simulations with thingys that Dive and Blow up Something.


Onkel Neal 05-30-06 10:12 AM

Roll Call: How long have you been a Subsim reader?

As you may know, we have a Special Project in the works. One of the things I am doing is compiling a roster of people who have been with Subsim since the Early Times. Of course, I have Bill, John, Drebbel, and a few others listed as the Moses group. I have a short list of other legacy players, some who have not been seen in a while (Frank, Jason), some who are still around. To cross check my list, I invite you to post here.

How did you learn about Subsim?
When did you first visit?
What do you recall about Subsim upon your first vist? (Some article, some game, maybe some forum topic, etc.)
What type of forum was Subsim using at the time? (Matt's BBS, EZBoard, phpBB 1.44, etc)
What was your name or Subsim nickname then? Same as now or something else?
Anything else you would like to mention (nostalgic times, people, events in the Subsim community):

Try to be as accurate as you can, thanks. This will be part of the SP.

Skybird 05-30-06 10:44 AM

I visited the forum the first time roughly half a year before Sub Command came out. I do not remember the exact date. Must have been 1999, maybe, or 2000? I was busy with Jane'S 688i, had questions, and stumbled over the place. From there, I received some well-meaning emails by someone, which did not help at all, unfortunately. He finally said (wanting to send me back to the forum where we had met): "Ask Neal about it." And I replied something like: "Who is this Neal, and where can I find him?" :rotfl: Half a year later when sub command came out, I became a fulltime member.My nickname always has been Skybird, I think, with the short intermezzo when The Other showed up for some weeks :lol: Ouh, and it was called "Neal'S place" back in those times, wasn't it? My first impression was that people there were a little bit eccentric...

Neptunus Rex 05-30-06 11:26 AM

Whoa! Make me think this early in the week? Ouch!

Let's see, my profile shows Sept 2002 as a member, but I know it was a little earlier than that, say late 2001, early 2002. I received a copy of SC before Xmas 2001 and found the site sometime after while doing a google search on submarine sims. I seem to recall having to re-register in 2002 after a site upgrade.

I keep coming back due to the subject matter and the good company. I kept mostly to the SC board for awhile, then discovered the General Topics forum fun too.

Same name the whole time.

Polak 05-30-06 12:04 PM

For me the story is very similar to Skybirds, first time I visited this place was around the realese of Sub Command. If I remeber right I think I found out about through a search engine. Prior to this account "Polak" I had two other accounts, "NAVY SEAL" and "FORMOZA". But I dont think I ever wrote any posts with those accounts(maybe 1 or 2 post with "NS").
A funny thing is that I found my old account "FORMOZA" a couple of days ago, took me a while to figure out the password.:smug: Obviously I dont use that account so it can be deleted.:oops:

A funny thing in the past was when I read and responded to some posts made by the subsim oldguard (Skybird, Drebbel, etc..) my posts where sometimes a bit to "personal" as if I had know them for a long time :D("Polak" has only been around here for about a year). I am sorry for the personal posts gentelmen, must have been strange when a guy that only had been member for 2 weeks and with post count of 10 wrote to you as if he had known you for ages. ;)

CCIP 05-30-06 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens

How did you learn about Subsim?
When did you first visit?
What do you recall about Subsim upon your first vist? (Some article, some game, maybe some forum topic, etc.)
What type of forum was Subsim using at the time? (Matt's BBS, EZBoard, phpBB 1.44, etc)
What was your name or Subsim nickname then? Same as now or something else?
Anything else you would like to mention (nostalgic times, people, events in the Subsim community):

I learned about Subsim from links to reviews (e.g. from SimHQ which I read regularly).
I first visited it ages ago, but only to read that or other review. Then I came here to see the SHIII review, and looked at the forums here. Then I was seeing links to the SHIII forum in the Ubi SHIII forums.
I actually lurked for a while here, studying the crowd and reading SHIII-related items with interest. I finally surfaced in the mod forum, and haven't shut up since :88)
So, actually, I haven't been on here for all that long - just over a year - but I've come to see Subsim as an excellent community. For me, of course, it's still mainly a sort of centre-of-gravity for the SHIII commnity, but I've come to realize that it's much more than that.
Nostalgic times? It was when the "SH3 Mod Team" forum was active and the Operations/Real U-boat team was together and would gather there - Egan, Beery, Nico, Jace, Observer, jason; and then, towards the end of its activity, how we'd successfully uncovered the X1 scam. Community action at its finest.

VipertheSniper 05-30-06 12:17 PM

Hmm I think I'm visiting here regularly since I have internet, which would be since around 1999. First time I got here when searching for the expansion disk for AoD, or the 1.31 patch for SH1 (and how to make it work with the german version), I don't know exactly really but I think it was about that time. I can still remember that forum, where you had thread trees. I've been more of a lurker around here tho.

My first thread was about the SH1 1.31patch at SSI's site being a corrupted file.

A little more info:
Same nickname I'm using now
I guess that forum I'm mentioning above would be Matts BBS?

Oberon 05-30-06 12:32 PM

I lurked without signing up since...oh...probably 2001ish, then took the plunge and signed up in 2002. Here's the link to my first post :D

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