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simkodavid 08-19-11 09:36 AM

I remember the first Silent Hunter
Hello all,

Many years ago I used to play a lot with Silent Hunter Commander Edition, I dragged the game from DOS through windows 98.

I really would like to taste the game again, is it fair to say that Silent Hunter 4 has the most resemblance to the first one arena and missions wise?


Sailor Steve 08-19-11 11:56 AM

SH4 is the only game currently available that has American submarines. It takes the concept of SHCE to a whole new level. It has a couple of flaws, but don't they all? This is the one you want.

Sorry to sound like a shill for the game, but it is that good.

simkodavid 08-19-11 06:30 PM

Thanks Sailor Steve, may I bother you with one more question please?

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit version, any problems installing and running SH4?

Many thanks in advance.

Edit:Sorry, probably the wrong thread for that question, I'll start searching and reading other threads in the SH4 forum.

Sailor Steve 08-19-11 06:55 PM

As far as I know there are no problems at all. That said, I'm still stuck with XP.

Gerald 08-19-11 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1731913)
As far as I know there are no problems at all. That said, I'm still stuck with XP.

Steve, is not it time to upgrade to W7 :hmmm:

Jimbuna 08-19-11 07:03 PM

I agree with Steve....I've an SH4 installation on W7 64 bit and it is running smoothly.

Sailor Steve 08-19-11 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1731920)
Steve, is not it time to upgrade to W7 :hmmm:

Are you going to buy me a new computer, with 8 gigs of RAM and a 5970 video card? Mine is six years old, single core, AGP video slot. The money spent on Win7 would be wasted on this machine.

Gerald 08-20-11 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1731956)
Are you going to buy me a new computer, with 8 gigs of RAM and a 5970 video card? Mine is six years old, single core, AGP video slot. The money spent on Win7 would be wasted on this machine.

It's true ... but there may be a solution for you .. PM if you want to know more, :yep:

simkodavid 08-20-11 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1731956)
Are you going to buy me a new computer, with 8 gigs of RAM and a 5970 video card? Mine is six years old, single core, AGP video slot. The money spent on Win7 would be wasted on this machine.

First of all thanks for answering my question regarding Windows 7 64 bit.

About buying a new PC, I never buy new PCs, I always buy second hand parts from people which must always have the newest hardware.

I bought an Asus M/B, with quad Q6600 cpu and 4 GB for about $120, for extra $150 I bought HD 4870 and added 4 GB of ram, used of course, all from local ads at local forums. For windows 64 bit I asked a stuff member of a local college to purchase one for me (if he didn't buy for himself). Microsoft policy where I live is to grant every school teachers, college stuff members, students (students get 7 Pro x64 for free through MSDN), members of educational board and so on with the right to purchase OS or Office suite for about 20$ to 30$. Even some High-Tech companies offer all their employees with such deals, so it's not such a big problem to purchase a copy the legal way, if you happen to have a friend, or a friend of a friend who is a Microsoft employee, he can purchase for you any piece of software you like for 10% of the normal price (that was true 4 years ago, I'm not sure about now).

Now I'm about to buy E6700 / 3.2 Ghz Processor Asus M/b 4 GB ram and HD 5450 for 150$ which will be excellent for HTPC, I'm packing it in a used case+psu which I got for nothing because the case is ugly for my friend's taste. The only thing I had to buy new it the hard drive, for some reason, people upgrading their PC always tend to keep their old HD and add a new one, so for my gaming pc I bought a 500GB hd and for the HTPC I'll probably by 1TB or 2TB.

I'm sure that in other countries like the US, prices for used hardware is even cheaper but buying used H/W from eBay is very expensive when overseas shipment is included.

IMHO, new hardware is a waste of money, the money saved I use for a fast Internet connection, WWII DVDs on amazon:up: and so on.

BigWalleye 08-17-12 06:57 AM

Since you imply that you are not in the US, you are perhaps unfamiliar with how things work here.

First of all, if you are a bona-fide student, getting someone else to buy you a student copy and then resell it is OK, but unnecessary. You could buy your own. If you do not qualify for the discount price, but buy from someone who is, then you are knowingly buying something which the seller has no right to sell.

Here's a quote from the Amazon webpage for Adobe CS6 Student Edition (first thing I could find):

"Please note: Adobe Student & Teacher Edition products are for students and educators only. If you (or the person you are buying the product for) are a student or educator, you may use any Adobe Student Edition product...."

If you would be comfortable purchasing a copy of MS Office for $50 with no registration or authentication - in other words, an obvious pirate copy - then what you are doing shouldn't cause you any concern. Personally, as an ex-software developer, I do not support piracy, but your ethics are your business. I just want ensure that you make an informed choice.

Sailor Steve 08-17-12 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by BigWalleye (Post 1922485)
Since you imply that you are not in the US, you are perhaps unfamiliar with how things work here.

Thanks for the help, but you might want to note that the post you're answering was made a year ago and the poster himself hasn't been on these boards since. You're not likely to get a response. :sunny:

Arlo 11-21-12 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1922535)
Thanks for the help, but you might want to note that the post you're answering was made a year ago and the poster himself hasn't been on these boards since. You're not likely to get a response. :sunny:

Speaking of a year ago (or close to it) I haven't posted in awhile. Hiyas SS! I've got my eye on a 4' Gato model for the mantle of the new house the wife and I anticiapte moving into next month. Costs a c-bill and the wife asked if that's what I want for Christmas. Luckily my brain still works and I said, "No, all I want is you." (I'll buy it after Chrstmas) :cool:

marklbailey 05-21-13 06:39 AM

Request for Assistance
I am a retired RAN type, currently conducting postgraduate research into the protection of maritime trade, through the Australian Defence Force Academy.

There is a work entitled Senji Yuso Sendan Shi (Wartime Transportation Convoys History), by Shinshichiro Komamiya, published by Shuppan Kyodosha, Tokyo, 1987. I believe it's pretty well known by some people here.

I, and a research librarian assisting me, have so far had no luck in locating a “published” translation.

We both agree that there is definitely “something” in existence, in the way of a translation.

There are a couple of published books which actually cite an English translation of the above.

It would appear that the person who did the translation was William G. Somerville and we have seen a lead that he is (or was) based in Lincolnshire, England.

I have been able to track a possible snail mail address for Mr Somerville, and have mailed him a letter (I can only hope I have the right fellow).

The research librarian has checked for any copy holdings on WorldCat and has found no copies. (WorldCat is a database reflecting the holdings of over 10,000 libraries worldwide.) No-one has this. I have been talking with David Lotz at USN Historical Command and they are also looking for it.

So the fact that he can find no record in WorldCat of any English translation tells him that the translated version of Komamiya’s book was never published (he's been a research librarian for the 28 years I have known him and he's very good at it!). He is now quite sure of that. Had it been published there would be a record with library holdings data in the WorldCat database, simply because a bunch of libraries (especially the American military academy libraries) would have acquired copies of the translated version.

So we think what has happened is that it has been translated and then distributed amongst a very small community of individual researchers, probably as a Word document (on cdrom)

Does anyone have any knowledge of this? Has anyone seen, or heard of, this?

I have seen some hints, traced to this board, indicating that it might have been done for subsim. (You have no idea how badly this torqued out my friend the research librarian, who had never considered that wargamers appreciate primary source material as much as researchers do. I pointed him at Fred T Jane's Naval wargame, and he called me rude names.)

I can be contacted on my home email, jalans12ATbigpondDOTcom

While I really need a copy for my research, I will also make sure that ADFA library, the RAN Seapower Centre and Dave Lotz get copies too. I believe it to be important to get a primary source like this into the research libraries.

I might add that I have been able to find a copy of Rollo Appleyard's CB 1515 (16) The Elements of Convoy Defence in Submarine Warfare (1919) thought lost since being withdrawn in 1939. Find of a lifetime, that, it only took 19 years.

Regards: Mark

Sailor Steve 05-21-13 07:34 AM

PM and email sent. :sunny:

in_vino_vomitus 06-11-13 04:27 AM

It occurred to me that although I read these threads I should maybe say a few thank you's. This is an excellent piece of work Ducimus. Thanks to you and everyone who's added to it.

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