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Immelmann 06-21-19 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2615202)
The download page seems doesn´t work.....I want to download the mod, for a check with my previous, but I can´t do it.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Given the amount of time that has elapsed. I guessing there must have been a wrinkle. I remain standing by. :salute:

propbeanie 06-22-19 07:56 PM

Rockin Robbins is most likely having computer woes again. He is basically a full-time Ubuntu user, but in his continuing effort to avoid extra steps in a mod-build process, he installed Windows on his computer again, for testing of his work. He was having some issues with it "co-habitating" in a nice manner... fingers crossed. :salute:

Rockin Robbins 06-24-19 06:55 PM

New release as of 6/24/2019, 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_PublicBe ta_EN.7z in the Subsim download area. This is mostly fine tuning. See the readme file in the docs folder of the main mod directory! Enjoy!

propbeanie 06-24-19 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2615156)
I have found one of the references that I remember reading of, concerning a US sub being attacked by an IJN DD with torpedoes...

I'm reasonably sure I read another report about one, but I might be remembering one of those WW2 sub movies... :salute:

OK, I am surprised that cdrsubron7 did not berate me for not having mentioned Commander Howard Walter 'Hap' Gilmore as having two torpedoes shot at him while patrolling the Aleutians in 1942, when attacking three destroyers. cdrsubron7 may have made a Single Mission for it in "FOTRSUC7AL05_Three Of A Kind"... I am trying to find the Patrol Report for it... be back later. :salute:

Wow, I found it kind of quickly:
Subject: U.S.S. Growler 0 Report of First War Patrol

0522 (M)
Vessels are destroyers.

ATTACKS NO.1, NO.2, and NO.3
Conducted attack on three DD's. Fired one torpedo (heavy head) at each of first two. Both hit amidships. Fired two torpedoes (light heads) at last destroyer. First missed; second hit under foremast.

06-00-30 (M)
Third destroyer fired torpedoes from tube nest between stacks.

06-00-35 (M)
Ordered 100 feet.

06-00-50 (M)
Fourth torpedo hit third DD under foremast - heavy flames.

06-01-20 (M)
Torpedoes swished down each side of Growler. Heard on sound and by ear. Swung hard left away from DD's which were emitting explosions. Counted three (3) heavy explosions and 53 lighter ones. Growler rocked considerably. When we fired last torpedo we were about 300 yards directly ahead of first DD and 200 yards on port bow of seconds. Heard screws from third destroyer about two minutes. They stopped and were heard no more. The torpedoes fired at Growler upset observation plans and robbed Growler of initiative in evasion. Had planned to remain at periscope depth to check on patrol vessels and planes. After going deep and due to distrubance of explosions, which prevented good listening, decided to remain deep and retire. Continued toward deep water, increasing depth in case of planes.

I don't know about you guys, but I find this very interesting. Notice that they are at periscope depth during this attack run, and the DD see their 'scope... :salute:

Immelmann 06-24-19 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2615648)
New release as of 6/24/2019, 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_PublicBe ta_EN.7z in the Subsim download area. This is mostly fine tuning. See the readme file in the docs folder of the main mod directory! Enjoy!

Will do. Thank you! :salute:

JapLance 06-25-19 04:55 AM

Hello guys :salute:

With the v0.90 just downloaded, I went to museum to check the ships in the mod. I'm certainly impressed with the quality of the Japanese destroyers models (superior to the originals in my opinion).

But then I found out this Menaki? Class:

Looks like a Kagero with 7x2 127mm guns. An April Fool's Day left over?

propbeanie 06-25-19 06:44 AM

We'll have to wait on someone else more authoritative than myself to reply, but I am guessing that it is actually a load-out difference on an Asashio base, but I do not know for certain.

merc4ulfate 06-25-19 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2615653)
OK, I am surprised that cdrsubron7 did not berate me for not having mentioned Commander Howard Walter 'Hap' Gilmore as having two torpedoes shot at him while patrolling the Aleutians in 1942, when attacking three destroyers. cdrsubron7 may have made a Single Mission for it in "FOTRSUC7AL05_Three Of A Kind"... I am trying to find the Patrol Report for it... be back later. :salute:

Wow, I found it kind of quickly:
Subject: U.S.S. Growler 0 Report of First War Patrol

0522 (M)
Vessels are destroyers.

ATTACKS NO.1, NO.2, and NO.3
Conducted attack on three DD's. Fired one torpedo (heavy head) at each of first two. Both hit amidships. Fired two torpedoes (light heads) at last destroyer. First missed; second hit under foremast.

06-00-30 (M)
Third destroyer fired torpedoes from tube nest between stacks.

06-00-35 (M)
Ordered 100 feet.

06-00-50 (M)
Fourth torpedo hit third DD under foremast - heavy flames.

06-01-20 (M)
Torpedoes swished down each side of Growler. Heard on sound and by ear. Swung hard left away from DD's which were emitting explosions. Counted three (3) heavy explosions and 53 lighter ones. Growler rocked considerably. When we fired last torpedo we were about 300 yards directly ahead of first DD and 200 yards on port bow of seconds. Heard screws from third destroyer about two minutes. They stopped and were heard no more. The torpedoes fired at Growler upset observation plans and robbed Growler of initiative in evasion. Had planned to remain at periscope depth to check on patrol vessels and planes. After going deep and due to distrubance of explosions, which prevented good listening, decided to remain deep and retire. Continued toward deep water, increasing depth in case of planes.

I don't know about you guys, but I find this very interesting. Notice that they are at periscope depth during this attack run, and the DD see their 'scope... :salute:

Not surprised the scope was seen at 300 yards.

fitzcarraldo 06-25-19 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2615648)
New release as of 6/24/2019, 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_PublicBe ta_EN.7z in the Subsim download area. This is mostly fine tuning. See the readme file in the docs folder of the main mod directory! Enjoy!

Great! Going for it now! :Kaleun_Applaud:

Many thanks for all the job!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 06-25-19 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2615744)
Not surprised the scope was seen at 300 yards.

:har: yeah. The passage of time though, also, in that they took five minutes basically to fire the four torpedoes. He didn't state what the range was when he started, but he IDs them as DD at 522, and it's 33 minutes before he shoots his first torpedo. Of course, he does state they were coming in on Silent Running, at about 1 knot speed, so add the time up (this is too much math - my head hurts!!!) and you might get close, but five minutes at one knot should be about 500 feet, correct... ?? :hmmm: let's round it up to 600, for 200 yards. Plus the 300, so he started shooting at 500 yards... kind of close to begin with :o - of course, I barely made it out of high school, mind you... so that would be 33x500= about 5600-5800 yards when he recognizes them as DD... ?? :hmmm: but I might be (probably are) way off in the calculation department... :salute:

merc4ulfate 06-25-19 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2615751)
:har: yeah. The passage of time though, also, in that they took five minutes basically to fire the four torpedoes. He didn't state what the range was when he started, but he IDs them as DD at 522, and it's 33 minutes before he shoots his first torpedo. Of course, he does state they were coming in on Silent Running, at about 1 knot speed, so add the time up (this is too much math - my head hurts!!!) and you might get close, but five minutes at one knot should be about 500 feet, correct... ?? :hmmm: let's round it up to 600, for 200 yards. Plus the 300, so he started shooting at 500 yards... kind of close to begin with :o - of course, I barely made it out of high school, mind you... so that would be 33x500= about 5600-5800 yards when he recognizes them as DD... ?? :hmmm: but I might be (probably are) way off in the calculation department... :salute:

They were first spotted at 8000 yards. He went 6 knots but doesn't say for how long. Even at 30 minutes that is 6000 yards. It was about an hour and 45 minutes before they fired the first fish.

Here is your calculator ... Calculator

Immelmann 06-26-19 12:46 AM

I've never seen such detailed Operational Orders in SH4 before! A nice touch.

Map contact description changes from ship to unknown? I've seen aircraft radar contacts being labled as ships on the map for some time now. Are these issues that cannot be addressed by modding outside the game core engine?

Thanks for putting the ship outlines back on the contact map! It makes a busy skipper's life a little bit less complicated. The way I justify having this available is that in reality more crew than just the Captain were observing contacts and making calculations about their makeup and course. So I figure having this information available simulates having more than one brain working on the problem.

For v0.90 I have done a complete reinstall of SH4. Not just a delete of saved data in my documents folder and using JSGME to pull out the last version and install the new one.

I would like to actually embed these twitch videos into my forum posts. But it looks to me like that is not possible. Twitch provides embed code to users but it doesn't seem to work. Or I'm not educated enough on forum posting here to make it work. I notice youtube videos do embed quite easily though. If anyone can offer instructions or point me to a how to guide it would be much appreciated. :salute:

Kieldk 06-26-19 05:30 AM

Installed Yesterday,
Love the new detailed operations order!

Ive installed by removing the old version with jsmge, and added new one and deleted save games.

Is that the correct order?
The game seems to be Working just fine..

Just 1 question

I dont Got Any air radar from career start in dec 41 anymore?

Even in january 42 i cant Choose the radar?
Is that normal?


propbeanie 06-26-19 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2615780)
... Here is your calculator ... Calculator

That's the kind of stuff I need for "math"... I am definitely "numberically challenged", to the point that sometimes, I have trouble calculating my home address... :har:


Originally Posted by Immelmann (Post 2615782)
... I've never seen such detailed Operational Orders in SH4 before! A nice touch.

Thanks for the input. We are really curious if this, and the multiple objectives are desireable, or go back to the single (maybe two) objective missions, and then just let the player ask for more via Status Report. The problem being that first of all, a person cannot score enough points with just one objective usually. Second of all, both Pearl but especially the Asiatic boats, where shuffled all over the place early, very similarly to what the Japanese and Germans did to their boats throughout the war. Very little wiggle room for the skipper's "autonomy". By 1945, the US reverted back to micro-managing the boats, but of course, there was a LOT of friendly traffic out there by then, and fratricide was entirely too common.


Originally Posted by Immelmann (Post 2615782)
... Map contact description changes from ship to unknown? I've seen aircraft radar contacts being labled as ships on the map for some time now. Are these issues that cannot be addressed by modding outside the game core engine?

Thanks for putting the ship outlines back on the contact map!...

The game will show sunk ship icons for plane crashes, but if you're seeing the description change, that is usually due to AI issues, such that a crewman sees a ship over the horizon and IDs it. Then they "lose" contact. Then the ship is again "seen", but cannot be identified as a particular ship. The same happens with radar and sonar when on the "fringe" of functionality for the device. This is where the planes might be IDd as ships, in that the radar does not maintain contact long enough to get an accurate read of the speed, so defaults to "Ship". If you're seeing that when at close range, let us know... The ships outlines will be something for an add-in mod after full-release, but what you see in v0.90 is the new "base" display.


Originally Posted by Immelmann (Post 2615782)
... I would like to actually embed these twitch videos into my forum posts. But it looks to me like that is not possible...

You might PM Webster or Sailor Steve, the mod(erator)s, and see if they know if it's possible. The YouTube functionality is a site "short-cut" that when the site see's a video link, it links it as a YouTube video. You might be running into the site "seeing" your Twitch link as a video, and it's trying to make it into a YouTube link, but fails... ??


Originally Posted by Kieldk (Post 2615795)
... Love the new detailed operations order!...

... I dont Got Any air radar from career start in dec 41 anymore?...

Thanks for the feedback on the orders. I hope to be able to follow-through with all of the objective files that aren't linked with the DynamicMiss to have something like that. Glad you like it. The way you did the install is fine. The main things are a clean install and to delete the Save folder before playing FotRSU, whether you do it before or after activation ~usually~ does not matter. As for the radar, it used to be that if you were in an S-Boat, you would not have surface radar for a while, not even with a renown purchase. However, be sure that you have the surface radar turned on. It is off by default. If you look at the "SH4_Q-Ref_Card_Front.jpg" file in the game's "root" folder, you'll see that you can turn the SD radar on and off with the <T> key, and the SJ with <Alt><T> combo, or just go to the radar menu, and use the On/Off button on the right of that page's buttons. :salute:

Kieldk 06-26-19 11:22 AM

Great my install is activated correctly!

Im in a Salmon class sub
And i dont Got radar in headquarters Or in game,
But the empty slot are there to install Them with, but no Radar in the shop menu🤷‍♂️☺️

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