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Havan_IronOak 05-23-20 09:24 AM

Cannot end patrol in Brisbane?
Started my Career in Manila

Successfully ended 1st Patrol in Surabaya... sorta
I sank 8 ships (including a cruiser) and got the screen saying I'd been awarded the Navy Cross. I did notice that the medals box was empty so I thought I'd mention it. Not sure if it's an aspect of the mod, an existing problem that everyone else knows about (except me) or something else. I even suspected (at the time) that it was caused by my using a fix medals mod that I shouldn't have.

I've since checked and I'm NOT using the fix medals mod that I was worried about.

My mod list is pretty vanilla:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunters Wolves of the Pacific\MODS]

Captain Midnights CBS NEWS Sound Mod

I can live with that, but I am stymied by a rebasing problem.

I received orders to Re-base in Brisbane

But Brisbane won't allow me to end patrol

I tried quitting and reloading a save and came in again... still no joy.

Is this a mod issue? or is there a quick and easy fix?

KaleunMarco 05-23-20 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672410)
Started my Career in Manila

Successfully ended 1st Patrol in Surabaya... sorta
I sank 8 ships (including a cruiser) and got the screen saying I'd been awarded the Navy Cross. I did notice that the medals box was empty so I thought I'd mention it. Not sure if it's an aspect of the mod, an existing problem that everyone else knows about (except me) or something else. I even suspected (at the time) that it was caused by my using a fix medals mod that I shouldn't have.
I've since checked and I'm NOT using the fix medals mod that I was worried about.

My mod list is pretty vanilla:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunters Wolves of the Pacific\MODS]

Captain Midnights CBS NEWS Sound Mod

what you experience is normal. do not let it deter you from proceeding.
the small icon medals is a set of separate graphics files that sometimes go missing with some mods. the medals-fix mod will not fix will switch the medals around a bit, with the Navy Cross becoming the highest award and the Asiatic-Pacific becoming the lowest.
good luck, Kaleun.:Kaleun_Salute:

jldjs 05-23-20 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Para92 (Post 2672386)
The problem only comes with career mode. either after loading, a black screen with the typical mouse pointer or the 2 messages appears
hier sind Screenshots


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672410)
Started my Career in Manila

Successfully ended 1st Patrol in Surabaya... sorta
I sank 8 ships (including a cruiser) and got the screen saying I'd been awarded the Navy Cross. I did notice that the medals box was empty so I thought I'd mention it. Not sure if it's an aspect of the mod, an existing problem that everyone else knows about (except me) or something else. I even suspected (at the time) that it was caused by my using a fix medals mod that I shouldn't have.

I've since checked and I'm NOT using the fix medals mod that I was worried about.

My mod list is pretty vanilla:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunters Wolves of the Pacific\MODS]

Captain Midnights CBS NEWS Sound Mod

I can live with that, but I am stymied by a rebasing problem.

I received orders to Re-base in Brisbane

But Brisbane won't allow me to end patrol

I tried quitting and reloading a save and came in again... still no joy.

Is this a mod issue? or is there a quick and easy fix?

I’m a long time player though not an expert on how the mod works, but, this thread has instructions everywhere on NOT putting the game in the Programs(x86) folder. You must have missed it so I’d start there.
Also, you as the Captain got the award but your crew probably got none. I think you’ll see your award on the Captains log(?)

KaleunMarco 05-23-20 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672410)
Started my Career in Manila
I can live with that, but I am stymied by a rebasing problem.
I received orders to Re-base in Brisbane

But Brisbane won't allow me to end patrol

I tried quitting and reloading a save and came in again... still no joy.

Is this a mod issue? or is there a quick and easy fix?

this happens periodically when bases cease to exist while you are out on patrol, especially early in the Pacific War.
it's date thing.
the fix is to find a safe place to mill around for a day or two (in the game) and the new base will finally activate and you can head home. trust me, those who have gone before you have experienced the same issue.
good luck.:Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 05-23-20 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Lutjens (Post 2672104)

Thanks. That is a known issue in the US_HarborTraffic layer, which was similar to what was in the Jap_HarborTraffic layer before we split it into "parts", which is also the plan for the US_HarborTraffic layer in the near future.


Originally Posted by kcoun (Post 2672191)
Just downloaded the mod and I'm starring at everyone's belt buckle lol ... how do I grow ?

That is the camera. It remembers your last setting, so you just need to click on the screen with your mouse, aim higher, and then arrow forward, then click the mouse again, move back where you want to be, and off you go!


Originally Posted by Para92 (Post 2672362)
can anyone bring out a german patch? So at least that the text is German

We are attempting to work on a solution for that. Would you like to be our guinea pig for this? We hope to get the files set-up shortly, and we can send you a preview copy?


Originally Posted by Para92 (Post 2672381)
I have now tried 2 times to start a mission after the loading bar comes a message "no mission in Difficult" after that the game has ended,it comes with every store if you want to spawn in the harbor. no matter what level of difficulty


Originally Posted by Para92 (Post 2672386)
The problem only comes with career mode. either after loading, a black screen with the typical mouse pointer or the 2 messages appears
hier sind Screenshots

What version of the SH4 game do you have? You need v1.5 of the game, with the U-Boat Missions Add-On, or "Gold Edition", for FotRSU to be able to run. If that's not it, then you may have neglected to install Microsoft's DirectX v9.0c and the codecs. Also, be sure that you have the LAA or a similar "memory" applet set on the SH4.exe so that Windows recognizes the game as being Large Address Aware, and will give it a bigger footprint in your computer RAM.


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672410)
Started my Career in Manila

Successfully ended 1st Patrol in Surabaya... sorta
I sank 8 ships (including a cruiser) and got the screen saying I'd been awarded the Navy Cross. I did notice that the medals box was empty so I thought I'd mention it. Not sure if it's an aspect of the mod, an existing problem that everyone else knows about (except me) or something else. I even suspected (at the time) that it was caused by my using a fix medals mod that I shouldn't have.

I've since checked and I'm NOT using the fix medals mod that I was worried about.

My mod list is pretty vanilla:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunters Wolves of the Pacific\MODS]

Captain Midnights CBS NEWS Sound Mod

I can live with that, but I am stymied by a rebasing problem.

I received orders to Re-base in Brisbane

But Brisbane won't allow me to end patrol

I tried quitting and reloading a save and came in again... still no joy.

Is this a mod issue? or is there a quick and easy fix?

This is not a mod issue. Re-read your orders, and then look at the submarine you are driving. You are still based at Fremantle, if you are on the Searaven. The "S-Boats" are the pig boats, Sugar boats, numbered S-36 through S-41.


Originally Posted by jldjs (Post 2672416)
... Also, you as the Captain got the award but your crew probably got none. I think you’ll see your award on the Captains log(?)

When in the Captain's Office before leaving on patrol, you can click on the "Captain's Photo" on the desk (Jane Russell), which takes you to your rank screen. There is a problem with the stock game's awards box's image "masks" (too small), and some mods disable it so it does not mess things up.

Havan_IronOak 05-23-20 07:10 PM

Thanks for the quick response on my rebasing issue.
Went to the right port and ended patrol successfully!

The answer is sometimes right in front of you. And it helps to know which type of boat you're driving. :p2:

I am curious about the levels at which medals are given...
With the Medal Fix mod that I was using two years ago it was as follows:

Purple Heart - Over 40% medium damage taken by the sub
Bronze Star - 3 ships sunk in one patrol or a DD, CL or larger combatant ship not worthy of a higher award.
Silver Star - 6 ships sunk in one patrol or a CVE or CA sunk.
Navy Cross - 8 ships sunk in one patrol or a BB or CV.
Congressional MOH - 6 ships sunk in the same engagement (checks for 24 h timeframe) or 2 of the following BB, CV, CVE.
Asia-Pacific Campaign medal - 6 ships sunk in one patrol or a CVE or CA sunk.

Is that still accurate?

As to kcoun's problem with being too short... the num-pad 7 key may be what he's looking for, no? It's not so much the tilt of the camera but the height of the camera that is off.

Havan_IronOak 05-23-20 10:53 PM

Thanks for your response

Originally Posted by jldjs (Post 2672416)
I’m a long time player though not an expert on how the mod works, but, this thread has instructions everywhere on NOT putting the game in the Programs(x86) folder. You must have missed it so I’d start there.
Also, you as the Captain got the award but your crew probably got none. I think you’ll see your award on the Captains log(?)

Thanks for your input.

I did see all the warnings about the Programs(x86) folder but that seems to be a warning that folks repeat without any empirical data as to why. I play a good number of different games and I've not had any issues that others haven't also had who followed that rule. At least none that I could attribute to that. (It's also kinda nice to have all your games in one overall folder)

This time my problem worked out to be my taking an order for S boats to re-base in Brisbane to apply to me when my boat wasn't an S-Boat (Doh!) Went to Freemantle and was able to end the mission just fine.

As to the awards (Medals) PropBeanie explained that there was a graphics bug which could cause problems so they simply display the empty box, but if you click on it, your medals are in there. Oddly I seem to get one medal per patrol for myself and a matching medal to award to one lucky crewman. I was first hooked on this game from watching a Let's play that One F Jef made about 10 years ago. In it he seemed to always a number of medals for his crew that he passed out pretty randomly. But he did always seem to get more than one for his crew. Of course This mod incorporates the Medal Fix so I'd expect to act differently than the base game that I assume Jef was playing.

Michael Wood 05-23-20 11:19 PM

I'm not bragging. I'm complaining
Started 1941 career today, driving Seadragon. Just spent 9 days near Formosa. Ran out of torpedoes. Sank 69,000 tones of shipping.

No one ever did that in history and I ain't that good. Something is wrong with game. I have been playing without map updates, which doesn't help. Game too easy.

I think part of the problem is that in real life, after the first couple ships sunk in area, shipping would be rerouted? Hunter killer pack would be sent to destroy me? Nope. They just keep coming.

Anyway to modify routing to account for player activity? Thanks.

propbeanie 05-24-20 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672525)
Thanks for your input.

I did see all the warnings about the Programs(x86) folder but that seems to be a warning that folks repeat without any empirical data as to why. I play a good number of different games and I've not had any issues that others haven't also had who followed that rule. At least none that I could attribute to that. (It's also kinda nice to have all your games in one overall folder)

This time my problem worked out to be my taking an order for S boats to re-base in Brisbane to apply to me when my boat wasn't an S-Boat (Doh!) Went to Freemantle and was able to end the mission just fine.

As to the awards (Medals) PropBeanie explained that there was a graphics bug which could cause problems so they simply display the empty box, but if you click on it, your medals are in there. Oddly I seem to get one medal per patrol for myself and a matching medal to award to one lucky crewman. I was first hooked on this game from watching a Let's play that One F Jef made about 10 years ago. In it he seemed to always a number of medals for his crew that he passed out pretty randomly. But he did always seem to get more than one for his crew. Of course This mod incorporates the Medal Fix so I'd expect to act differently than the base game that I assume Jef was playing.

The medals award system is basically the same as stock, with different artwork, and a couple of medals "swapped" in the assignment list. There isn't really a way to change the assignment process, same with doing them by dates such as the Philippine Campaign award. What has changed in FotRSU is the amount of renown awarded, so a player has a lower points score than in stock. This is probably what is behind your not getting medals to pass around. We'll look into whether we can balance that better.

As to the reasoning behind not using a Program Files folder, we do have several places in the documentation where the reasoning is documented. The short story is that Windows "protects" the folders from "unauthorized" changes, and the user, the game, nor JSGME are "authorized" to make changes in the folder, and any changes that are attempted are rolled back by Windows to their previous state.


Originally Posted by Michael Wood (Post 2672528)
Started 1941 career today, driving Seadragon. Just spent 9 days near Formosa. Ran out of torpedoes. Sank 69,000 tones of shipping.

No one ever did that in history and I ain't that good. Something is wrong with game. I have been playing without map updates, which doesn't help. Game too easy.

I think part of the problem is that in real life, after the first couple ships sunk in area, shipping would be rerouted? Hunter killer pack would be sent to destroy me? Nope. They just keep coming.

Anyway to modify routing to account for player activity? Thanks.

Unfortunately, re-routing traffic is only done on an "immediate" basis. In other words, something within the spawn range will attempt to avoid a submarine contact area. There is no way in SH4 to simulate re-routing traffic for a given time period. However, there should be countering forces sent toward your location when you are spotted. Anything available will come your way, such as ships, but especially airplanes. A player who successfully sinks a ship, and then moves to an area far enough away from the sinking will often times not encounter the "response force", and after the game's quiet time, the response seems to quit, the same as the failure to re-route traffic... Where were you primarily operating Michael Wood? I can look and see what forces should be available nearby, and it might be that you are too far from anything able to respond... ?? :salute:

Michael Wood 05-24-20 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2672576)
Where were you primarily operating Michael Wood? I can look and see what forces should be available nearby, and it might be that you are too far from anything able to respond... ?? :salute:

I sat on the bottom 18 NM south of Makung for several days, surfacing at night to get some fresh air. Then, moved to 8 NM West/South West of Makung, sat on bottom, surfacing at night to get fresh air.

In both cases, was within 5 NM of land, so did not surface in day time.

Then, moved 40 NM West/North West of Makung. Sat in middle of assigned area. Only surfaced at night, for fear of aircraft.

I did not enter Makung harbor, for fear of nets, mines and ASW patrols. All attacks made submerged. Was never spotted by anyone, anytime.

So, operations were in Formosa Straight, as per orders. According to your posting, there should have been attempts to locate and destroy me. That is good.

Oh, oh! Just remembered. There was Sub Chaser No 13 Class boat patrolling (?) in the Makung area.

4H_Ccrashh 05-24-20 04:50 PM

Thank you!! Thank you!!

This project has made SH4 exactly what I was looking for when I bought SH4 many years ago...

Thank you...

I have to point out one thing.. It will seem petty but the retired Master Sergeant USMC (RET) noticed that my sub,, a Sargo class boat has the Ensign (Flag) flying from the stern.. US Navy ships fly the flag on the stern when anchored or tied to a pier in port.

When the ship gets underway the order is given to "Shift the Colors" at which point the flag on the stern is lowered and another Ensign is raised at the "truck" (mainmast).

Its just something I noticed. I apologize..

propbeanie 05-24-20 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Michael Wood (Post 2672580)
I sat on the bottom 18 NM south of Makung for several days, surfacing at night to get some fresh air. Then, moved to 8 NM West/South West of Makung, sat on bottom, surfacing at night to get fresh air.

In both cases, was within 5 NM of land, so did not surface in day time.

Then, moved 40 NM West/North West of Makung. Sat in middle of assigned area. Only surfaced at night, for fear of aircraft.

I did not enter Makung harbor, for fear of nets, mines and ASW patrols. All attacks made submerged. Was never spotted by anyone, anytime.

So, operations were in Formosa Straight, as per orders. According to your posting, there should have been attempts to locate and destroy me. That is good.

Oh, oh! Just remembered. There was Sub Chaser No 13 Class boat patrolling (?) in the Makung area.

OK, found the issue... the patrol goes out, does one round, and then stops... we'll fix that. Gotsta has some dangerous waters around there! Plus we'll make it possible for the flyboys to harrass a person better - just not too much!...


Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh (Post 2672673)
Thank you!! Thank you!!

This project has made SH4 exactly what I was looking for when I bought SH4 many years ago...

Thank you...

I have to point out one thing.. It will seem petty but the retired Master Sergeant USMC (RET) noticed that my sub,, a Sargo class boat has the Ensign (Flag) flying from the stern.. US Navy ships fly the flag on the stern when anchored or tied to a pier in port.

When the ship gets underway the order is given to "Shift the Colors" at which point the flag on the stern is lowered and another Ensign is raised at the "truck" (mainmast).

Its just something I noticed. I apologize..

We've been debating which way to go with the mod(s) for that. We want "automatic", but have not worked a way around that yet. I also want to put a Union Jack on the bow of all of the subs, which would disappear when shifting the colors. We also want an option for no flag, for when a boat is in enemy waters. Thanks for the comments! Rest assured, we are working on it. :salute:

lockheedliang 05-25-20 01:03 AM

Believing that bigger version number is always better, I downloaded and installed this mod in place of the 1.004 version and for the benefit of not CTD I started a new career from Asiatic fleet. It all worked fine until my 3rd patrol in which I found all the enemy ports empty, Singapore, Saigon and so on....In the beginning I thought it was in line with IJN's strategic movement at that phase of the war with an all out approach....But I sailed all the way up to Kobe and Osaka but they were just empty as well......Strange isnt it? I didnt think I have come across this issue in previous versions since I am a port slaughtering guy haha.

Havan_IronOak 05-25-20 01:53 AM

Just completed my third patrol with the new FOTRSU. Couple of observations
I purposely made this patrol shorter (sort of research as to the medals given out at various levels). This was before I read your post above.

Sank 5 merchant ships for 17,470 tons and when I ended the patrol I got my second Asiatic Pacific Campaign medal. But this time the crew got two medals instead of one so I'm guessing that there's a degree of randomness in crew medals. Other than being an immersive detail, do crew medals actually do anything?

Got offered a new boat this time as well.

While checking out the new boat I noticed a very minor typo in the description text for the Oerlikon 20 mm "the 20-mm preformed well..." should be "the 20-mm performed well..." if you care about such trivialities.

One last observation. I'm guessing that you're already aware of it but in case not, the text in the medals screen is off by one on the mission count. I just finished my third patrol and the text says 4th. The captain's log in my office correctly shows the three. It'd be cool if it were possible to fix this. I'm guessing that it's not & that this is a bug in the base game as I can see folks mention it in 9 year old You-Tube Let's Plays.

Again, not a big deal but I was watching a You-tube replay where the guy mentioned it so I was careful to check this time when I ended my patrol.

Still having a great time with this mod. Thanks again to all involved.

KaleunMarco 05-25-20 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672726)
I purposely made this patrol shorter (sort of research as to the medals given out at various levels). This was before I read your post above.

Sank 5 merchant ships for 17,470 tons and when I ended the patrol I got my second Asiatic Pacific Campaign medal. But this time the crew got two medals instead of one so I'm guessing that there's a degree of randomness in crew medals. Other than being an immersive detail, do crew medals actually do anything?

Got offered a new boat this time as well.

the awarding of medals is related to mission success, secondary objective success, and points from tonnage.

and no, the awarding of medals to your crew does absolutely nothing for them or your boat.


While checking out the new boat I noticed a very minor typo in the description text for the Oerlikon 20 mm "the 20-mm preformed well..." should be "the 20-mm performed well..." if you care about such trivialities.
this is a text file masquerading as a TSR in the game folder
C:\Ubisoft\'your install'\Data\UPCData\UPCLocalization

you can correct it if you want...just dont mess with the field names in front of the descriptive text


One last observation. I'm guessing that you're already aware of it but in case not, the text in the medals screen is off by one on the mission count. I just finished my third patrol and the text says 4th. The captain's log in my office correctly shows the three. It'd be cool if it were possible to fix this. I'm guessing that it's not & that this is a bug in the base game as I can see folks mention it in 9 year old You-Tube Let's Plays.

yes, you are correct. this is an UBI error that cannot be fixed by non-Ubi personnel....meaning you or me or anyone else on this side of the game.

have fun. good luck.:Kaleun_Salute:

Havan_IronOak 05-25-20 11:42 AM

Sorry to always be that kid in the back of class with his hand raised.
Thanks again for the quick response!

Sorry for all the questions but they say that the dumbest question is the one that you SHOULD have asked but didn't.

Just to confirm... When the description on the SD radar says that it defaults to OFF, that means the initial default is off, right? If I use the T key to switch it ON it will automatically come back on when I surface after every dive until I hit the T key again to change the default back. I know that SD radar was active (unlike the German Metox radar) but does it attract more planes? I've heard it stated emphatically (on discussion boards) both yes and no.

mikesn9 05-25-20 11:59 AM

A quick, perhaps moot, question about deck gun
First, I'm running FOTRSU 1.004, was planning on finishing my career with it before upgrading.
I have a Gar class with aft deck gun.
Finished 5th patrol, (Oct '42) when entering port got conning tower upgrade.
Looking at the boat's info it shows a Bow gun, with only aft gun crew slots.
I didn't lose any crew members, so that was good.
finished off the in-port rituals, went to sea.
looking at the boat, I have 2 decks guns, 1 aft & 1 forward.

Battle stations: crew mans aft, of course. I thought that might be ok, I handle fore deck gun..nope only active is aft.
quick system info: win 7 all the right directories etc, etc.

A: is there a fix for this kind of situation in 1.1? Maybe upgrade best?
B: is there a patch for this for 1.004?

propbeanie 05-25-20 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by lockheedliang (Post 2672720)
Believing that bigger version number is always better, I downloaded and installed this mod in place of the 1.004 version and for the benefit of not CTD I started a new career from Asiatic fleet. It all worked fine until my 3rd patrol in which I found all the enemy ports empty, Singapore, Saigon and so on....In the beginning I thought it was in line with IJN's strategic movement at that phase of the war with an all out approach....But I sailed all the way up to Kobe and Osaka but they were just empty as well......Strange isnt it? I didnt think I have come across this issue in previous versions since I am a port slaughtering guy haha.

First of all, did you de-activate v1.004, and did you empty the Save folder after activativating v1.1? The two are not compatible. It might not be noticed immediately, but you will end up with issues if this was not followed. Secondly, we need more detail, such as where you sailed from, which boat, and what date that was (approximately is often good enough).


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672726)
I purposely made this patrol shorter (sort of research as to the medals given out at various levels). This was before I read your post above.

Sank 5 merchant ships for 17,470 tons and when I ended the patrol I got my second Asiatic Pacific Campaign medal. But this time the crew got two medals instead of one so I'm guessing that there's a degree of randomness in crew medals. Other than being an immersive detail, do crew medals actually do anything?

Got offered a new boat this time as well.

While checking out the new boat I noticed a very minor typo in the description text for the Oerlikon 20 mm "the 20-mm preformed well..." should be "the 20-mm performed well..." if you care about such trivialities.

One last observation. I'm guessing that you're already aware of it but in case not, the text in the medals screen is off by one on the mission count. I just finished my third patrol and the text says 4th. The captain's log in my office correctly shows the three. It'd be cool if it were possible to fix this. I'm guessing that it's not & that this is a bug in the base game as I can see folks mention it in 9 year old You-Tube Let's Plays.

Again, not a big deal but I was watching a You-tube replay where the guy mentioned it so I was careful to check this time when I ended my patrol.

Still having a great time with this mod. Thanks again to all involved.

The mission count is reflecting the fact that you are in-base now, and getting ready to go on that next patrol. My belief is that the game counts from zero, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., the way a computer does for something such as Arrays. Some human (may he be forgiven) came along and started counting from one... The computer assumes a correct "start" number, and does not know that he was incorrect, so it is doing what it was told to do...


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2672792)
the awarding of medals is related to mission success, secondary objective success, and points from tonnage - and no, the awarding of medals to your crew does absolutely nothing for them or your boat...

... this is a text file masquerading as a TSR in the game folder
C:\Ubisoft\'your install'\Data\UPCData\UPCLocalization

you can correct it if you want...just dont mess with the field names in front of the descriptive text...

... yes, you are correct. this is an UBI error that cannot be fixed by non-Ubi personnel....meaning you or me or anyone else on this side of the game.,,

:up: I have my doubts as to whether Ubisoft can fix it... lol


Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak (Post 2672812)
... Just to confirm... When the description on the SD radar says that it defaults to OFF, that means the initial default is off, right? If I use the T key to switch it ON it will automatically come back on when I surface after every dive until I hit the T key again to change the default back. I know that SD radar was active (unlike the German Metox radar) but does it attract more planes? I've heard it stated emphatically (on discussion boards) both yes and no.

Sort-of... The SD is off by default until you turn it on. It stays on until turned-off, so technically, even when submerged, it is on. It's just the "water" interaction that has it "off". If you come up to radar depth and expose the antennae, it will "turn back on". The SJ is on by default, and won't turn off until you tell it to. When you submerge and then come up to radar depth, or surface, it will turn back on by default. If you want either radar off, you have tell it to turn off. This is another frustrating aspect of the game... and "yes", if you use the radar much, it is a homing beacon for the enemy, whether they have a radar detector or not. Somehow or other, even in early 1942, you will see airplanes home in on your submarine like flies on stink. Doing much radio transmitting will do you the same favor :roll: - If you wish to be "stealthy", you submerge every once in a while and do the sonar, see if you "hear" anything. Surface, turning off your radars as necessary, and continue on. Do a couple of sweeps with the radar, and turn it back off, continuing on. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.


Originally Posted by mikesn9 (Post 2672818)
First, I'm running FOTRSU 1.004, was planning on finishing my career with it before upgrading...
A: is there a fix for this kind of situation in 1.1? Maybe upgrade best?
B: is there a patch for this for 1.004?

No, no fix. In an attempt to rid the game of the dreaded "lost" deck gun crew, each submarine has its deck gun "glued" to the deck such that it cannot be removed, thus avoiding the loss of the gun crew... however, it does introduce a new wrinkle into the mess, which is what you and others have now seen. Since the game wants to "upgrade" your gun, when it attempts to do so, it finds the "open" slot, and puts the gun there, which results in the same "loss of deck gun crew" issue, but only for the new gun (usually). You no longer have a choice as to what happens. You cannot run a gun without a crew... sigh. Anyway, the "drawings" that you see on the F7 screen can only show what the artwork is in the folder for that information. Some of the boats do not match, and the game definitely does not "update" the info displayed... You will have to pretend you don't see that 2nd deck gun... We tried a couple of edits for v1.1, but I seriously doubt if they will help much... "Testing" for this sort of issue is more than difficult... :salute:

KaleunMarco 05-25-20 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by mikesn9 (Post 2672818)
First, I'm running FOTRSU 1.004, was planning on finishing my career with it before upgrading.
I have a Gar class with aft deck gun.
Finished 5th patrol, (Oct '42) when entering port got conning tower upgrade.
Looking at the boat's info it shows a Bow gun, with only aft gun crew slots.
I didn't lose any crew members, so that was good.
finished off the in-port rituals, went to sea.
looking at the boat, I have 2 decks guns, 1 aft & 1 forward.

Battle stations: crew mans aft, of course. I thought that might be ok, I handle fore deck gun..nope only active is aft.
quick system info: win 7 all the right directories etc, etc.

A: is there a fix for this kind of situation in 1.1? Maybe upgrade best?
B: is there a patch for this for 1.004?

i wrote this for some of the other Kaleuns.


Mios 4Me 05-25-20 09:20 PM

What does the Camera mod in the Extras section do? The Support TOC won't open on my system and there's no readme in the folder. Thanks.

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