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Krauter 01-10-12 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1818834)
My current character is not that far along yet in the Main Quest - but my previous one had already gotten to the top of the Throat of the World and I don't think I could do Paarthurnax any harm unless something happens to drastically change my opinion of him. He was kind to me and unless he becomes hostile or is proven to be deceitful, the Blades can bite me where he's concerned. I see them as useful in getting information and providing some protection... for now. But I won't kill him for them just because he's a dragon.

I would rather not kill him either, but according to his past (and name) some would say he is worth killing. I like him though, and, as you said frau, I had a delightfull surprise when I finally made it to the peak of the great mountain.

seaniam81 01-11-12 11:29 AM

Has anybody tried Bard's Leap Summit yet? And it's quest? I did that the other day it was totally amazing!

frau kaleun 01-11-12 12:27 PM

I remember being at some 'Leap' or another but not on any particular quest, other than that I was clearing a path through Forsworn country on the way to whatever quest I was currently trying to finish. Although the picture in the wiki doesn't match the one I remember, maybe I was just looking over a different spot but at the same bunch of ruins. Pretty sure there was a Word Wall and I know I learned that shout as that character so I bet that was it. I probably just didn't pay attention to the wooden plank, usually if I run out to the end of something for the view it's one of the stone bits with the dragon head on the end.

Got the first two words of "Marked For Death" last night in my current character. Used it on a dragon I went to kill at its lair after picking up a bounty request in Riften. I must say it looks like it's going to make my life considerably easier for the foreseeable future. I think I can probably just shout the damn things down now and then hide behind a rock while Marcurio the Magigolo finishes them off with an assortment of destruction spells and staves. :O:

I think I'm going to marry him this time because then if he gets arbitrarily "dismissed" by the start of some quest that assigns me a different but temporary follower (and I know some of those are coming up with the Companions) he'll just go to Breezehome instead of all the way back to Riften.

Besides at this point he's saved my bacon so many times I really should make an honest man out of him. I can still call him the Magigolo, though, right?

seaniam81 01-11-12 01:33 PM

Frau Kaleun, I think we are talking about the same spot. If you manage to jump and survive you get a nice bonus to speachcraft, and are greeted by the last person to jump.

Krauter 01-12-12 11:20 AM

Just captured Odahviing :rock:

frau kaleun 01-12-12 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1819952)
Just captured Odahviing :rock:

I still have so many things I need to do before I get that far! :wah:

On a funny note, remember that snooty shopowner in Solitude I was talking about? Well I passed through town again recently and was hitting up some of the shops and I went up to hers and it's late morning, all the other traders are open for business, and when I get to her door it says "Open" (not "Unlock" so clearly they are not closed).

I walk in and she looks at me and says "Can't I get a minute's peace from all these customers?" Which is not unusual given her general attitude so I keep walking towards the counter at which point her dialogue turns into things like "Get out!" and "I'm warning you!" and "You'll be sorry!" and at that point I just think, screw this beeyotch and I turn back towards the door by which time she is already yelling for the guards and I'm like, WTF LADY HOW DO YOU EVEN STAY IN BUSINESS?!?!?

The funny thing was, I actually went there this time to SPEND money. :haha:

But no guards appeared and I hadn't done anything wrong, on further investigation it turns out that "shop" is a bit buggy which results in you being treated like a trespasser sometimes even if they're open. But given the way you're treated when they actually are open, it's really hard to tell the difference. :hmmm:

Anyhoo I went and did all my business with the nice blacksmith's wife who runs the odds'n'ends place next door, and with the sweet old lady alchemist across the street so BITE ME ENDARIE.

I swear I'm tempted to run the civil war storyline all the way to capturing Solitude for the Stormcloaks on the off chance that Endarie will end up being collateral damage in the battle.

"Uh... Mr. Ulfric sir I think I accidentally killed a civilian."

"WHAT? Did I not give specific orders that civilians were not to be harmed?"

"Yes my Jarl but... you know that elf lady who..."

"Elf, Nord, Khajiit, Breton, it matters not. Orders are orders, Thane, and you will be severely--"

"...ran that apparel shop just inside the gate..."

"--dealt with for this... hold up a tick, not Endarie? Endarie from Radiant Raiment?"

"That's the one, sir."

"Well, I always did think she had it coming. Treated me like scum and I'm a freakin' Jarl, for Ysmer's sake. Carry on!"

Ducimus 01-13-12 09:32 AM

If anyones interested, i figured out how to reduce the range at which Point of Interest markers appear on your compass. Putting some of the exploration back into the game without removing markers entirely. Instead of the game telling you where everything is, from seemingly miles away, now the point of interest markers won't show up until you can visually see the place in the game world. In short, i reduced the range markers appear by 60%. Or in other words, if you can't see the place on your screen (line of sight not applicable), it doesnt show up on your compass either.

Can download this simple ESP file here:

frau kaleun 01-13-12 09:47 AM

Do you know if that works for the quest marker arrows as well? It would be nice, especially if you have several active quests. That way an arrow for things you need to do on the other side of Skyrim wouldn't be cluttering up the compass when you're currently only working on one in your current locality.

Speaking of mods, is anybody using the SkyUI mod? I've downloaded it and have it ready to go (I think) but since I'm in the middle of clearing out a cave full of bandits I probably won't enable it until I'm back home in Whiterun sorting out my loot for smithing, enchanting, and bartering purposes. I'm just wondering if anybody else is finding it worthwhile, especially when it comes to viewing and sorting the in-game lists like inventory, favorites, magical stuff, what's in a particular container, etc. Because the vanilla lists are really a bit clunky especially when it comes to sorting the various items in a given list.

Ducimus 01-13-12 09:55 AM

No, it doesnt work for quest markers. Personally i just leave one active marker at a time to remove the clutter.

As for SkyUI, yeah i tried it. It is a good UI and great for displaying info at a glance. While it is a great UI, and awesome for PC's, I personally didn't like it, because i think it added too much clutter with all the extra fuctionality and what not. I'm more of a streamlined/functional/minimalist kinda guy where the UI is concerned.

SkyUI, seems to function, kinda like the old UI from obivion, just with extra sorting functionality.

Krauter 01-13-12 10:04 AM

Donno what the controls are for PC, but for quest markers, press start to open the menu (not the one with magic, items and map, the one that lists your quests) and click on the ones you don't want to do so they're not prioritized.

frau kaleun 01-13-12 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1820545)
No, it doesnt work for quest markers. Personally i just leave one active marker at a time to remove the clutter.

That's what I've been doing as well.


As for SkyUI, yeah i tried it. It is a good UI and great for displaying info at a glance. While it is a great UI, and awesome for PC's, I personally didn't like it, because i think it added too much clutter with all the extra fuctionality and what not. I'm more of a streamlined/functional/minimalist kinda guy where the UI is concerned.

SkyUI, seems to function, kinda like the old UI from obivion, just with extra sorting functionality.
I might give it a go when I'm back in Whiterun and see what it's like. I'm used to the UI now but the way stuff is sorted is really annoying. There are a couple mods out there that address that issue only, so I may take a look at those too. Mostly they are just renaming items so that everything sorts in a way that makes it easier to keep track of what you've got by grouping common items together, if I can see how it's done I can probably tweak it myself so the lists sort to my own specifications. Another big issue is how tiny the favorites menu is and how it's sorted as well but I think there's a mod that also addresses that.

frau kaleun 01-13-12 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1820557)
Donno what the controls are for PC, but for quest markers, press start to open the menu (not the one with magic, items and map, the one that lists your quests) and click on the ones you don't want to do so they're not prioritized.

It works the same way on the PC by hitting J to open the Journal which contains all the quest information. Marking them active/inactive is not the issue, though, the issue is whether or not it's possible to have a quest marked as active but have the marker *not* show up on the compass until you get within a reasonable distance of the destination.

There are times (most of the time, actually) when I would prefer to have more than one quest active, I just don't want markers for stuff I need to do in Markarth cluttering up the compass and giving "false leads" from three holds away when I'm trying to finish up a quest (or quests) in The Rift. Then when I eventually got to Markarth, those arrows could start showing up when I was close enough to the destination(s) for it to be helpful instead of just clutter.

Krauter 01-13-12 11:43 AM

Aah gotcha, I'd also rather not have any markers at all and just rely on using the map, but I'm on console :(

frau kaleun 01-13-12 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1820604)
Aah gotcha, I'd also rather not have any markers at all and just rely on using the map, but I'm on console :(

Sucks to be you. :O:

The main thing is that I get so many miscellaneous objectives and small "one-off" quests, and for some of them the places I need to go are near enough in location that it would be simpler to keep them all active and that way when I get into one area I could see quest markers for everything I need to do there. Unfortunately if I keep them all active, I also see markers for stuff I still need to do all the way on the other side of the map.

Right now I just have to keep checking the Journal and telling it to show me something on the map, then make it active if it's nearby or near where I'm going anyway and I want to kill two birds with one stone. But tasks start piling up and it gets really tedious checking the Journal over and over again.

Oh and you're right, I've spent more time than usual in the countryside in The Rift lately. Hunting there is pretty darn good. Also it's nice to grab some new and sometimes different ingredients for mah potionz, altho I keep expecting the Magigolo to ask me if I'm really going to stop and pick EVERY DAMN PLANT between here and wherever we're going. :haha:

And the answer is yes, yes I am. There's not really much growing around Whiterun anymore, I think I picked the tundra clean. :shifty:

I have now (as my current character) joined the Companions and am doing whatever odd jobs they're giving me, altho I'm avoiding certain people because I don't want to get started on the final bunch of major quests for them yet. I still just want to pick up loot and raw materials to fund my little crafting obsessions. I'm getting close to topping out in Enchanting and Smithing, altho I've been spending my perks on the former so I'll need to level up a couple more times before I can get to where I can finally make use of all the lovely Ebony I've collected so far. :D

Oh and do you guys know if Ore Veins reset after some time has passed? I mine everything I can find but after I cleared out one mine in Whiterun it seems like I went back a while later and all the Ore Veins were still inactive. I don't know if it's worth making note of where such things are if you can't re-mine them periodically.

mookiemookie 01-13-12 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1820608)
Oh and do you guys know if Ore Veins reset after some time has passed?

30 in-game days.

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