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August 05-01-24 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2911122)
Ok, MSN, what's so "chilling " about enforcing immigration and letting the states decide abortion issues?

edit: oh shoot, August beat me to it!! Almost word for word ;)

:) I guess because it's such an obvious question! I'm guessing that they are betting that nobody will actually read the article closely enough to notice the headlines disparity.

Rockstar 05-01-24 02:16 PM

Powell just said, it is likely that gaining greater confidence (in reducing inflation) will take longer than previously expected. Which I’m guessing unless it comes down soon they will NOT be able to lower rates in time for November elections and if they do anyway just for political gain, the results will be fleeting and probably worse once they raise them again.


It will probably take longer than previously expected for the Federal Reserve to gain enough confidence about the inflation trajectory to start cutting interest rates, Chair Jerome Powell said.
So Biden’s Build Back Better economy is in shambles, emergency oil reserves about dry, universities under attack & democrats supporting calls for pogroms, Middle East on fire, war in Eastern Europe, border out of control.

All that’s left for him to pander to voters with is legalizing weed :har::har:

Sad to think for some getting all of the above under control seems so “chilling”. :roll:

"Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?" - Ronald Reagan

Rockstar 05-01-24 07:32 PM

Today Biden announced cancelling $6.1 billion in student debt for 317,000 borrowers from The Art Institutes, per CNBC.

Since taking office, Biden’s administration has stolen over 144 billion dollars of tax payer money to cancel federal student loans to buy votes.

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be if people were expected to pay off their own debts? Now that would be chilling!

em2nought 05-01-24 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2911202)
Today Biden announced cancelling $6.1 billion in student debt for 317,000 borrowers from The Art Institutes, per CNBC.

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be if people were expected to pay off their own debts? Now that would be chilling!

Talk about trying to buy the young radical voters off. Guess where Biden is planning to fast track the import of more illegal aliens from? You'd never guess. He wants to plop them into most of the major cities in Florida. :timeout:

I wonder where Biden's FBI is? Not spying on any of these lovely fine junior intifada members? Probably not, they reserve the FBI for the really terrible dudes like these evil doers who raised the American flag at UNC after some fine terrorist wannabes had removed it and put up their own Jihadi banner. Singing the Star Spangled Banner? Lock those dudes up and throw away the key. ROTFLMFAO

Rockstar 05-02-24 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by em2nought (Post 2911203)
I wonder where Biden's FBI is? Not spying on any of these lovely fine junior intifada members? Probably not, they reserve the FBI for the really terrible dudes like these evil doers who raised the American flag at UNC after some fine terrorist wannabes had removed it and put up their own Jihadi banner. Singing the Star Spangled Banner? Lock those dudes up and throw away the key. ROTFLMFAO

Not more than a month ago the usual suspects would have been accusing those lads of toxic masculinity and white supremacy. Because according to democrats, that’s where the real problem is. :roll:

Rockstar 05-02-24 10:34 AM

I read about how the usual suspects all think Trump is destroying democracy the constitution, life, the universe and everything. But it seems to me that in all actuality it was the usual suspects all a long. Next time if the usual suspects ever wonder how someone like Hitler came to power just take a break from trying to redefine gender and look in mirror.

Jimbuna 05-02-24 12:24 PM

If the 25th Amendment applies for one then it must apply to both candidates surely.


More concerns raised for Trump as he struggles to say four-syllable word

As cognitive concerns about Donald Trump continue to be raised, his latest struggle to pronounce a four-syllable word certainly won’t help things.

Trump has mispronounced things before, of course – including tricky words like “America” – and mixing up Hamas with hummus.

His latest mistake saw him unable to pronounce the word “infrastructure” properly during a rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Speaking to the crowd, Trump was attempting to criticise President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package – but he couldn't get his words out coherently.

″[It didn’t] work out too well ― $1.2 trillion for their fake…” he said, before struggling to say the word.

Trump has sparked cognitive concerns in recent months since his 2024 presidential campaign began.
Earlier this year the crowd of his supporters gathered in Richmond, Virginia fell silent as the former president appeared to mix up Presidents Joe Biden and Barack Obama yet again.

It comes after leading psychiatrist Dr Lance Dodes released a statement claiming that there is “overwhelming” evidence that Donald Trump is suffering from dementia.

Dr Dodes is a supervising analyst emeritus of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. He released a statement about Trump’s cognitive state, referencing the mixing up of Biden and Obama.

He wrote: "Unlike normal ageing, which is characterized by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different: confusion about reality.

"If he were to become president he would have to be immediately removed from office via the 25th Amendment as dangerously unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office.”

August 05-02-24 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2911230)
If the 25th Amendment applies for one then it must apply to both candidates surely.

Seems like you have taken a side with this constant posting of biased crap articles Jim. BTW the 25th Amendment does not apply to Trump like it does to crazy old Joe.


It clarifies that the vice president becomes president if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office through impeachment, and establishes how a vacancy in the office of the vice president can be filled.

Want to explain how you think the 25th is applicable to a candidate?

Jimbuna 05-02-24 01:15 PM

Not biased at all Dave, I'm simply asking the question if the 25th Amendment applies to both.

If forced into a comment in public I would say that imho neither are fit for office but the reasons why are down to individual opinion.

I'll also add....I never thought I'd see the day when US politics followed in the footsteps of what we are being exposed to here in the UK.

Local by-elections in my home town today and it is the first time I've ignored the two largest parties and voted Independent.

August 05-02-24 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2911248)
Not biased at all Dave, I'm simply asking the question if the 25th Amendment applies to both.

Well the short answer is it doesn't Jim. The 25th only applies to sitting presidents, not mere presidential candidates.

Jimbuna 05-02-24 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2911252)
Well the short answer is it doesn't Jim. The 25th only applies to sitting presidents, not mere presidential candidates.

Cheers :salute:

mapuc 05-02-24 01:38 PM

Well the question is:

As sitting President, is Biden fit for office if we look closely on your 25th Amendment ?


August 05-02-24 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2911254)
Well the question is:

As sitting President, is Biden fit for office if we look closely on your 25th Amendment ?


Well Markus the 25th doesn't make that determination one way or the other. It only provides the legal means to transfer power in the event it becomes necessary

The rest of the wiki paragraph that I posted above:


It also provides for the temporary transfer of the president's powers and duties to the vice president, either on the initiative of the president alone or on the initiative of the vice president together with a majority of the president's cabinet. In either case, the vice president becomes acting president until the presidential powers and duties are returned to the president.
Taking over presidential duties in the event of incapacitation would be a decision made by the Veep and a majority of the Presidents Cabinet and note it would be only temporary.

Also see the article on Acting Presidents:


The vice president immediately assumes the presidency in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the president from office. Likewise, were a president-elect to die during the transition period, or decline to serve, the vice president-elect would become president on Inauguration Day. A vice president can also become the acting president if the president becomes incapacitated; should the presidency and vice presidency both become vacant, the statutory successor called upon would not become president but would only be acting as president. To date, three vice presidents—George H. W. Bush (once), Dick Cheney (twice), and Kamala Harris (once)—have served as acting president. No one lower in the presidential line of succession has so acted.

mapuc 05-02-24 02:19 PM

Thank you Dave.

This I knew without the Vice President approval the sitting President can't be removed-Except if he get hurt or killed(God forbid)


Rockstar 05-02-24 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2911254)
Well the question is:

As sitting President, is Biden fit for office if we look closely on your 25th Amendment ?


Take Nixon’s case, when he voluntarily resigned from office the 25th lawfully clarifies procedure and the chain of command. If a president were deemed unfit and forcibly removed before the end of their term the 25th still only clarifies procedure and chain of command. Defining what fit or unfit means is left up to the Senate and the Courts to decide.

Not a bunch of emotional and power hungry representatives in the lower house and their party fanboys, that’s what should send chills down anyones spine.

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