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August 06-21-20 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2679128)
Good that you and your righty friends never play that game.

Not nearly as often as the left does and then usually only in response to something your side has done.

iambecomelife 06-21-20 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2679111)
So should we merge with the German Politics thread as previously suggested by Dowly?

That's fine with me. Everyone else, cool down (yeah, I know I'm one to talk).

Skybird 06-21-20 02:12 PM

In London they have smeared (they did, or did I misunderstand it?) and threaten to tear down the monument of Churchill.

In Göttingen, Ruhr area, Northrhine Westphalia, they have unveiled a monument statue of Lenin. Not in some forsaken place in Eastern Germany, no - but in the former West Germany.

What have communists and nazis in common? Three things. Both are socialists, are left. Both want totalitarianism, centralism, planned economy. Both are immune to learn the lessons from history, ever.

Sign of the times. Some weeks ago, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a member of an anti-capitalist platform named "Antikapitalistische Platform", which gets observed by the Verfassungsschutz as being hostile to the constitutional order and of which this woman is co-founder, has been voted as judge into the state's constitutional court. In the GDR, she worked for the SED regime and since then also has been shown to have abused her influence there for enriching herself at the cost of other people in cortrupt activities. A corrupt and declared anti-capitalistic SED profiteer who rejects to say sorry for the SED regime's injustice, and relatives the murderings at the wall until today - now being constitutional judge at a state'S highest court in contemporary Germany. The explicit legal demand that constitutional judges must be - no ifs and no buts - strictly loyal to the constitutional order of the republic, has been fundamentally violated - and all parties, including the regional CDU, agreed to it.

The old links and ties and connections still work, you know. In Meck-Vor, and is Saxony and Thuringia as well.

Catfish 06-21-20 02:20 PM

This action is so dumb, words fail me :o

Catfish 06-21-20 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2679134)
Not nearly as often as the left does and then usually only in response to something your side has done.

Always and usually. No, it is always the right wing that begins, and the left only responds.
I am waiting who stops first, it also serves my post count :yep:

Seriously, best put it into the Germany thread.

Dowly 06-21-20 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679158)
What have communists and nazis in common? Three things. Both are socialists, are left. Both want totalitarianism, centralism, planned economy.

Why am I not surprised you hold that view...

Catfish 06-21-20 02:35 PM

Too much Mises, and a dash of Fox news :hmmm:

Skybird 06-21-20 02:48 PM

Too much of severla hisatorians over the yearsd who uphold that view as well.

I explained it often enough, and every time everyx word got ignrtoed, for it challemnges the usual narration. Them third reich was a super.exmaple of social cinbst5rcutiojk n you expect to see in a Soviet/cimmunist regime. And Hitlerreiterated in an adress tot he party in feb ruary 1944 or 1945 that in his view there are no fundamental differences between Bolschewism ands Nationalsocialism. It was a state-woned economy, either by expropriation of the fomrer owners or their volunbtary subordination by becoming loyal oarty emmbers. Money was created by the state. Private property was partially expropriated as wanted by the state. The individual meant nothing. The collective and the party meant everything.

Its even in the name: Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands.

That the Sovjets after the war managed to make this similiarty between Hitlers and Stlains reigme forgotten, is maybe the most successful propaganda coup in the history of mankind, it allowed them to be celebrated as liberators while in fact representing the same system of polticla control and oprression as there was in the Third Reich. Be a bad guy but do not get called out for it! Brilliant.

Am I the only one noticing that the methods of opression and state cruelty in both regimes where practically the same, too? They even shared the love for campos, and general antisemitism. Same needs - same solutions.

Two children of one and the same spirit.

And no, I am not the first one saying that, nor was von Mises.

If both things are green, if both things jump and if both things squawk, if both things look alike, do alike and sound alike, I assume that both things are frogs. thats the reaosn why I do not prefer the one over the other, do not prefer Commies over Nazis or the other way around. To me they are all the same evil, and in distributing my contempt for both equally, I am absolutely unbiased.

Skybird 06-21-20 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2679167)
Too much Mises, and a dash of Fox news :hmmm:

The first I can forgive. The latter not.

Dowly 06-21-20 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679170)
I explained it often enough, and every time everyx word got ignrtoed, for it challemnges the usual narration.

Your words are being ignored because they're batpoop insane. This is just your latest attempt at historical revisionism to forcefully fit something to your world view.

But hey, the silverlining is that now I at least know for sure what a raging right-winger you are. After all, they're the only ones spreading this crap in hopes to distance themselves from the Nazis.

Jimbuna 06-21-20 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by iambecomelife (Post 2679153)
That's fine with me. Everyone else, cool down (yeah, I know I'm one to talk).


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2679161)
Always and usually. No, it is always the right wing that begins, and the left only responds.
I am waiting who stops first, it also serves my post count :yep:

Seriously, best put it into the Germany thread.


Skybird 06-21-20 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2679179)
Your words are being ignored because they're batpoop insane. This is just your latest attempt at historical revisionism to forcefully fit something to your world view.

But hey, the silverlining is that now I at least know for sure what a raging right-winger you are. After all, they're the only ones spreading this crap in hopes to distance themselves from the Nazis.

I recall to have linked TWO historians longer essays in direct reply to your derogatory complaints about this view in recent years. Instead of insisting on personal offence and holding a binocular the other way around before your eyes, I suggest you try putting it down and instead use ordinary wide field glasses matching your eyes' correct values. You then maybe will see the tunnel view effect going away immediately, and things in front of you suddenly appearing much bigger.

And hadn't you said you blacklisted me? ;)

Skybird 06-21-20 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2679183)

Hm? You seem to be in the wrong thread?

Jimbuna 06-21-20 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679189)
Hm? You seem to be in the wrong thread?


If so, please enlighten me.

Catfish 06-21-20 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679186)
I recall to have linked TWO historians longer essays in direct reply to your derogatory complaints about this view in recent years. blah.

You have linked two doubtful essays and opinion pieces opposing the historical and generally accepted school of thought, and just trying to revive it again and again does not make it more believable.
National socialism was "socialistic" as long as plundering and stealing from other nation's wealth worked, to calm down and buy the german ordinary citizen.
Any kind of socialism could have been initiated after a victory and an end of war in Europe, does anyone think Hitler would then have stepped back as a dictator, to build a worker and farmer state?

Skybird 06-21-20 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2679190)

If so, please enlighten me.

???? Whats going on?

Skybird 06-21-20 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2679193)
You have linked two doubtful essays and opinion pieces opposing the historical and generally accepted school of thought,

The generally accepted thought is wrong so often that I stopped caring or counting, and it is not the point anyway. The point is that you do not like your own worldview being put into doubt. I recall the general tone of your answers back then, some of them. No argument, but bias, emotion and rant. And the apparently inevitable personal stab on some occasions. Sorry, that was not convincing back then, it has not become any more convincing today.

But anyhow...

skidman 06-21-20 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679170)
Them third reich was a super.exmaple of social cinbst5rcutiojk n you expect to see in a Soviet/cimmunist regime.

OK, it's obvious what is happening on your keyboard. I wonder what is happening in your brain. All in all it leaves a totally devastating mark.

Dowly 06-22-20 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679186)
I recall to have linked TWO historians longer essays in direct reply to your derogatory complaints about this view in recent years.

Not me I don't think since I just found out you hold these beliefs.

Jimbuna 06-22-20 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2679196)
???? Whats going on?

That is me responding to your post #1013


Hm? You seem to be in the wrong thread?

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