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ryanwigginton 03-15-09 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Antar

Originally Posted by ryanwigginton
Thanks. I just installed FlashGet, but it won't grab the Filefront download. I also tried searching for a TM torrent but no luck.


Click right-mouse on the 'link to file' at main Filefront screen and choose download by FlashGet.
This option will be available if you install Flashget correctly.


I tried that...

"An error has occured on the script in this page"

Error: Object doesn't support this property or method 'srcEvent.clientX'

auricom 03-15-09 10:40 AM

the second aft gun/too many crew is a hack of sorts I believe to get the second gun onto the narwhal and the right amount of crew on deck (crews per gun were usually 5-7 not two as in stock, spotters, aimers reloaders etc.)

There is a note about all that as it pertains to the Narwhal in the documentation somewhere, but I can't remember where exactly..

PL_Andrev 03-18-09 12:42 AM

I found something else: bug on the mines:

Mines are on the zero depth.
below the surface is OK, but on the surface you can see:

* no texture (one color shape)
* cut off the item (no mines part under the sea surface)

If my English is not-readable, please look on the screenshot:

keith_uk 03-18-09 03:32 PM

Is there any way to remove the speed conversion info which is on the right hand side of the map screen?

I don't know if its the amount of time i spend on the map screen, but when i go to the external view, i can see faint lines running down the screen from where the speed conversion info was.



Florida Sailor 03-21-09 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by keith_uk (Post 1067805)
Is there any way to remove the speed conversion info which is on the right hand side of the map screen?

I don't know if its the amount of time i spend on the map screen, but when i go to the external view, i can see faint lines running down the screen from where the speed conversion info was.



If you are referring to the Nomograph, the lines on the right side of the Navigation map, disable TMO. Open the MODS\REL_TriggerMaru_Overhaul_162\Data\Menu\menu_1 024_768.ini

Go to this section:.
[G31 I60]
Type=1030;Static bmp
Zone=0 768 200 720 2 1 0x31000000 0.76 -0.02 0x3100000f 0 0 0 0
Mat 0=data/menu/gui/layout/nomograph.tga

Put a semicolon in front of each line so it looks like this;
;[G31 I60]
;Type=1030;Static bmp
;Zone=0 768 200 720 2 1 0x31000000 0.76 -0.02 0x3100000f 0 0 0 0
;Mat 0=data/menu/gui/layout/nomograph.tga

Save the file and enable the MOD. The nomograph will vanish.

keith_uk 03-21-09 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Florida Sailor (Post 1069494)
If you are referring to the Nomograph, the lines on the right side of the Navigation map, disable TMO. Open the MODS\REL_TriggerMaru_Overhaul_162\Data\Menu\menu_1 024_768.ini

Go to this section:.
[G31 I60]
Type=1030;Static bmp
Zone=0 768 200 720 2 1 0x31000000 0.76 -0.02 0x3100000f 0 0 0 0
Mat 0=data/menu/gui/layout/nomograph.tga

Put a semicolon in front of each line so it looks like this;
;[G31 I60]
;Type=1030;Static bmp
;Zone=0 768 200 720 2 1 0x31000000 0.76 -0.02 0x3100000f 0 0 0 0
;Mat 0=data/menu/gui/layout/nomograph.tga

Save the file and enable the MOD. The nomograph will vanish.

Thanks, that worked:up:

clayton 03-25-09 08:25 PM

I've been out of the loop for awhile. Constantly coming and going to Iraq and other 'undesirable' places. I see that Ducimus got banned... Just wanted to say, what a damn shame!

BTW, check this out...


denis_469 03-26-09 02:17 PM

Thank autor with mod, but during career I have CTD with not enought video memory:cry: My com 2 Gb RAM, 1 Gb video, C2Q and Vista. But graphic is excellent! CTD during 3rd patrol near Tokyo gulf. Another CTD during heavy storms and fog with rain. Also not enought video memory.

PL_Andrev 03-26-09 04:09 PM

The most important change which should be made is automatically ship autosubmersion of player who is killed or disconnected.
In multiplayer games it means that now the game is unbalanced - escort ships unsuccessfully attacked all time disconnected or KIA players subs.

Next issue of TMO - mines: part 2
If the ship touches the mine, explosion will be procedeed.
Column of the water is existing, of course
but explosion looks.... funny...

Second issue:
Blinding ray of escorts light is the same for different zoom - for example the burning wreck is clearly visible at normal view of periscope, but with magnification is hidden by the blinding ray. Strange...
It can to be changed?
In my opinion the scope of blinding radius should be enlarged in accordance with device whch is used (eye, periscope views, binocular, uzo)...
Only I don't know is that possible...

lurker_hlb3 03-31-09 12:19 AM

TMO v1.7 is UP
Trigger Maru - Overhauled 1.7 has been uploaded

Replaces all previous version of TMO

Download link

TMO 163 to TMO 17 Changes

1.)UI changes

*added Hud Mod for TMO by Cpt. America
- adjusted orders bar to reduce button truncation at lower resolutions.

* removed medal tool tips from medal case in career room. (the way the game appears to handle medal display, no matter what it will be incorrect unless you have all the medals awarded)

2.) Player sub changes

*added historical prop rotation mod by Cpt. America

*added radar warning reciever for fleetboats. This will first appear in 8/43.

* MS/9 and MS/32 Paint schemes are now selectable upgrade for all US boats except Tench and Narwhal.

* Damage model adjustments.
( The goal of these adjustments was to reduce or eliminate the player's boat being stranded by having all engines/motors destroyed. An occurance that was far too common)

- removed Parent/child relationship between some damage zones in the player subs.

- reduced engine and motor damage zones in width and placed them farther apart from each other.

*Changed max torpedo launch depth for Tambor, Gar, Gato, Balao, and Tench to 150 Feet.

*fixed missing creak sounds from S boat interior. (thank you vickers03 and Captain America for pointing it out to me)

3.) AI changes

* AI machine guns will now fire at the player from a range of 3000 meters (where as it used to be 1500 meters)

* reduced AP value of shells used by 25MM machine guns from 10, to 9.7. Player subs have AP value of 10. This gives the shells just enough penetration to do a reasonable amount of damage, but not overly excessive.

4.) Ship & model changes

* JP and GE, AI sub's had a damage zone adjusted so they sink quicker then before, and fixed map icon.

* created an auxillary gunboat that will appear as a corvette in the subhunter layers. This unit also doubles as a "q ship", is unmarked, and is equiped with four 25MM guns, 3 deck guns, and 4 Y guns.

*The following ships have had modified to equip 3 to 4 machine guns, 1 to 2 search lights, and 0 to 4 additional deck guns:
- Nagara
- Hakusika
- Akita
- Heito
- Zinbu
- Biyo
- Kinposan
- Tahihosan
- Kasagisan
- Nippon
- Buzyun
- Haruna
- Conte Verde liner
- Horai
- Kiturin
- Tyohei

* fixed sound issues with HogIsland cargo ship (it was totally lacking a DSD file)

* JP aircraft carriers. (to again, address aircraft spawning after carrier exited game bug)
- Further reduced Aircraft numbers. (2 to 3 planes each)
- changed aircraft type to Val and Kate only. (If you see either of these planes you know they came from a carrier which might or might not still exist.)

5.) Campaign changes

* JP Subhunter layers
- will now only spawn units designated as "corvettes".
- had all ship specific entries removed (there were a couple left). All entries should now be "generic".
- upped spawn probablity from 19 and 21% to 45%

* removed misleading radio messages that would encourage the player drop whatever he was doing and go on a wild goose chase.

* Deactivated Subron50 / Holy Loch, UK flotilla. It was confusing to players, and not enough campaign work done on it to make it an enjoyable option.
- deactivated by changing the availablty dates so it closes down before the war even begins.
- commented out appropriate entries in careerstart.upc

* Added JP Minelayers travelling around some large minefields. (Partially done, not complete)

* Added Flipper and his friends.

* Added A few huts featuring bikini's and grass skirts in pearl harbor.

6.) Graphical changes
* changed underwater rendering in the scene.dat to stats used by the previous EE mod by W_clear. The reason was so that the sub was visible in the event camera during a depth charge attack.

* Torpedo textrues by Cpt America

7.) crew changes
* CPO is back to wearing all dunguree's, but retains service cover.

* Removed "Yeaaahhh!" crew cheer every time a torpedo hits. Good idea at the time, but it got annoying.

* added SCAF by CaptainScurvey
* added max optics by CaptainScurvey

* restored parent child relationship on various damage zones excepting engines, motors, fuel tanks, and rudder.

* added manual range adjustment tweak by Otto's

* Misc sound tweaks
- lowered engine volume from 100 to 93
- increased ambient wind volume from 90 or 91 to 97
- increased sub bow slash sound from 90 to 100

* Fixed CT steersman animation in updated CT files provided by vickers.

* added another 3d damage control crewman in CR

* OOD now faces the captain at the attack periscope when at battlesations.

* altered a couple JP airbase exit dates.

* reduced large JP airbase from 5 squadrons to 4 squadrons after 8/44

* improved traffic in SOJ tell end of war.

el cheguevara 03-31-09 12:28 AM

WOOT! Excellent, been waiting for this puppy for a bit. Gotta put FOTRS away for a while, since the beta was good, i bet the new features will be great. Pass along a very big thank you to Ducimus, tell him he deserves the break he is gonna take.

Hmuda 03-31-09 03:29 AM

So this is the final 1.7 and not the beta, right?

I reinstalled yesterday, downloaded all the mods I like and a day later, this pops up. Oh well, let's get DLing. :)

Kudos Ducimus!

Jimbuna 03-31-09 03:51 AM


rubenandthejets 03-31-09 05:29 AM

I kinda liked the "Yeah!" from the crew, especially early in th war. After a bunch of Mk. 14 duds an impact is really worth celebrating.

Hitting a DD thats been hammering me after a dud or two and I'm yelling "BOOYAH! Take that you %&^&ing sack of $&*!!!" so a couple of "Yeahs!" is pretty bearable.......or is it just me?

Wilcke 03-31-09 09:23 AM


Great work as always! We appreciate your abilities and hard work. To put together something as large as this is just awesome. Also, thanks to all the contributors to this mod there are many from this community. TMO never loses its appeal and I always keep a dedicated install on my HD so I can just jump in and go on patrol.

Well done! Thank you!

banjo 03-31-09 10:15 AM

Are we supposed to load this over 1.62 or remove 1.62 and then load 1.7?

Gato76 03-31-09 10:38 AM

Thank you Ducimus

Karbo 03-31-09 10:41 AM

It is TMO 1.7 Full so all you need is it.:up:

Carotio 03-31-09 11:22 AM

TMO 1.7 has also been released in SHMF:


Kapitan Soniboy 03-31-09 11:26 AM

Hey. How do I disable the free camera? You know when in the command room and at the bridge. I don't want to move the camera around the ship. How do I disable it? Please help.

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