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Fifi 02-15-19 04:38 PM

How many planes?
Dunno, i didn’t count them! :)
But quite many, flying by 2, every 3 hours or so (if i recall well)

propbeanie 02-15-19 06:30 PM

OK thanks. But it wasn't a bunch at one time. Have you noticed if they're small float planes (scout planes from ships), or large float planes (attached to certain air bases), or army planes (land-based) or navy planes (carrier-based)? Have you had a chance to check your LAA setting on SH4.exe? thanks. :salute:

merc4ulfate 02-15-19 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2591929)
OK thanks. But it wasn't a bunch at one time. Have you noticed if they're small float planes (scout planes from ships), or large float planes (attached to certain air bases), or army planes (land-based) or navy planes (carrier-based)? Have you had a chance to check your LAA setting on SH4.exe? thanks. :salute:

Were you using the external camera on all the plane test? Sometimes this happens when I cam, sometimes on the nav map. I am normally trying to avoid the planes so I do not take the time to try to figure out which one it is.

merc4ulfate 02-15-19 09:09 PM


Decided to play a single mission. Battle of New Georgia.

Choose to do it in a Gato. I can hear the USN and the IJN on sonar at mission beginning.

I hit Time Compression to get all closer sooner. Somewhere between 15min and one hour in time later BOOM CTD

I do not recall the compression nor the time exactly.

propbeanie 02-15-19 09:20 PM

I have used periscope, radar, visual and external camera, usually relying on the external camera to show me when an attack is happening. I'll have to go through all the missions I've done with the replays and / or recordings I have done, and try to isolate the ones that fail to attack, and the ones that are just a little too good to be true... In the meantime, I have now been through all of the airplanes and all of the weapons, and have not crashed. However, I've only been in the Tambor. Let me know your submarines when you have CTD'd, and I'll do a set with those.

Here's a portion of the results of the last test with the torpedo planes. I should have Saved the replay because I had two torpedoes coming at me at one time, criss-cross fashion on 45° angles. Almost had me. Using the external camera, I could see the one plane attacking, went to ahead full, crash-dived to 90 ft, and went to external camera and underwater, just in time to see the two torps crossing where my conn had been... wow. You def don't want to stay at periscope depth with torpedo bombers around... I sure do wish we could come up with a way to do an "Incoming TORPEDO - SIR!!!" test and voice message, and if we could get the angle in it, like it reports ships, man...
Twin 20, btw


PS: Say uh, merc, we don't have a Battle of New Georgia in FotRSU Campaign... Coral Sea?? Are you in cdrsubron7's Single Missions?? Is that where some of your CTDs occur?

2nd Edit: Nevermind merc4ulfate. I found an issue with the Pensacola listing, which was set to the late war version. I'll see if we can sneak this in on RR...

CapnScurvy 02-15-19 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2591912)
How many planes?
Dunno, i didn’t count them! :)
But quite many, flying by 2, every 3 hours or so (if i recall well)

2 planes, every 3 hours or so...… not many!

Fifi 02-16-19 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2591929)
OK thanks. But it wasn't a bunch at one time. Have you noticed if they're small float planes (scout planes from ships), or large float planes (attached to certain air bases), or army planes (land-based) or navy planes (carrier-based)? Have you had a chance to check your LAA setting on SH4.exe? thanks. :salute:

Sometimes i take time to observe them with obs periscope, but have to say i didn’t in this patrol :oops:
So i can’t tell the plane type unfortunately.
My sub is a Gar class.

My LAA is set to true for FORTSU (as well for others SH)
I’m running also Ralles with multi SH4 without problems.

VIIC1941 02-16-19 04:11 AM

How to change the sub's max visibility? In good weather conditions(no wind,no fog,no waves), I can only see the ship of 16400 meters.:hmmm:

torpedobait 02-16-19 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2591678)
@ Admiral Lutjens: :hmmm: -Everything looks good... Use JSGME and de-activate the FotRSU mod, and try to run the game. It should start fine in Stock trim. On the menu, after you have the video set the way you want, try to start a Quick Mission, and see what the game does when you get into the boat itself, and are in the 3D world of the game. If it fails, then do another re-install of the game, and be sure and install the DirectX v9.0c that comes with the game. If it does run fine, then something is happening with the activation of the mod. It almost sounds like Windows is rolling the changes back. Do you have Win8 or Win10 there? Is it a 64-bit version of the OS? When you created that "E:\" drive, did you format it as NTFS?

What I am suspecting though, is that you might have issues with the current install, from the previous mod attempts. I had trouble with my SH5 and the TWoS mod, and could not get it to go on my laptop. I tried a couple of re-installs of SH5 from Steam, but Steam apparently does not do a "full" check of the files. It just looks to see if they are there. If they are, then it passes over them. I first tried "Clear download cache" (which took ~forever~ once I logged back into Steam), but it didn't get it to where the game could run. Next, after I was logged out of the Steam Client, I deleted the data in the SH5 install folder. There are several files that do not delete, since they're "locked", but I went one folder at a time (I do not remember where the "locked" files were) and got most of them deleted. Then I went into the Steam Client on my computer, logged back in, selected the game on the menu, right-clicked it and chose "Properties", then used the "Local Files" tab and clicked on the "Verify integrity of game files" button. It found "errors" finally, and re-downloaded the full game (which took a while - again!), and it worked after that. I don't know if you will end up with that, but you might have to, if the game install was trashed. Let us know though if it will completely load a Quick Missions scenario in the Stock version. :salute:

@Admiral Lutjens: Something I haven't seen mentioned: Have you set ALL the folders, sub-folders, and files in your base v1.5 and the FOTRSU mod to NOT be Read Only? I believe the default is Read Only. That will keep the game from applying the mods, but it doesn't say anything! Right click on the base folder, uncheck the Read Only box, and apply the change to all subfolders and files via a check mark. It takes a few minutes. Then do the same in the MODS folder just to be sure. That might fix your mysterious failure to get into FOTRSU. At least it can't hurt anything!

torpedobait 02-16-19 08:13 AM

I apologize if I missed a response to this, but is anyone addressing the .50 Cal/3.5" gun issues?

I am driving a Tench in April 1945 and still have no available upgrades to either one. Every boat since my original S Class has only been able to arm with a .50 Cal that will not elevate above 2-3 degrees, and a 3.5" deck gun. Never seen this before in any mod, just this one (RC2).


propbeanie 02-16-19 09:44 AM

The boat upgrades should progress by date, and the next release of FotRSU should have the 50 cal able to fully elevate, thanks to CapnScurvy. For the most part, the AA and deck guns will follow a set pattern, due to previous "upgrade" issues. Some one of us might be able to supply a list sometime in the near future... :salute:

Fifi 02-16-19 11:51 AM

In the waiting of next official release, couldn’t we have a patch for the 50 Cal. Fix, the new flags, and the better AI? :D :oops:

CapnScurvy 02-16-19 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by torpedobait (Post 2592011)
I apologize if I missed a response to this, but is anyone addressing the .50 Cal/3.5" gun issues?

I am driving a Tench in April 1945 and still have no available upgrades to either one. Every boat since my original S Class has only been able to arm with a .50 Cal that will not elevate above 2-3 degrees, and a 3.5" deck gun. Never seen this before in any mod, just this one (RC2).


The next release will have a completely capable 50cal Browning MG.

You have to realize, the Stock game never had a 50cal available. For good didn't work!! It was modeled in the files, but never made it into production due to poor file didn't work correctly and the developers time to work on the project came to a close with Ubisoft wanting to meet their release date; Poof!! No 50cal in-game!

Just like the "covers" for the modeled Radar Units that were never implemented. The plain covers are made but have no way of covering up the unavailable units, and/or being removed when the Radar sets become available by mid 1942. Talk about having big ideas, yet not following through!?!


So, you're saying you're in a Tench, April 1945, and you still have a 50cal Browning? Did you start the present game out in a Tench or was it awarded during a career? In other words, you're progressing through a career started before the April 1945 point you're at now?

The reason I ask, the game makes a distinction between carrying over from one patrol to another the equipment; which is different than starting a career game at a specific time. In April, 1945 the Tench gun setup SHOULD BE two mounted (Fore and Aft) 40mm Twin Bofors, and twin 5inch .25cal Canons (Fore and Aft, the Twin Cannons should come in March 2, 1945).

Using the Career "Beginning 1945" start date, while in-port, you should find this on the Crew Management page......Fore and Aft AA guns:

Over on the Weapons/Equipment page you should find the Tench has both 40mm Bofors listed, and the single Bow Mount 5 inch .25cal DG (this single Bow mount Cannon should run between Aug. 1, 1944 to March 1, 1945):

Accepting the mission, when the game starts you should find the correct guns loaded on deck:

AND, once you populate the Crew Slots on the Crew Management page, you should find the guns fully manned:

Like I said, this is what happens if you start a Career using the Tench at the "Beginning 1945" start date.

If you're carrying over a previously started Career and NOT getting upgraded, there's possibly something we can do to fix this, or maybe we can't. As the old TV used to read, "The trouble is not in your set due to network difficulties which are out of our control".

Goes to show another reason why the best thing for the game is to NOT play a saved Career from one time period to another. The game just can't keep track of itself! Get a large "saved" game going from one time period to the next, your asking for trouble.

merc4ulfate 02-16-19 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by CapnScurvy (Post 2592047)
The next release will have a completely capable 50cal Browning MG.

You have to realize, the Stock game never had a 50cal available. For good didn't work!! It was modeled in the files, but never made it into production due to poor file didn't work correctly and the developers time to work on the project came to a close with Ubisoft wanting to meet their release date; Poof!! No 50cal in-game!

Just like the "covers" for the modeled Radar Units that were never implemented. The plain covers are made but have no way of covering up the unavailable units, and/or being removed when the Radar sets become available by mid 1942. Talk about having big ideas, yet not following through!?!


So, you're saying you're in a Tench, April 1945, and you still have a 50cal Browning? Did you start the present game out in a Tench or was it awarded during a career? In other words, you're progressing through a career started before the April 1945 point you're at now?

The reason I ask, the game makes a distinction between carrying over from one patrol to another the equipment; which is different than starting a career game at a specific time. In April, 1945 the Tench gun setup SHOULD BE two mounted (Fore and Aft) 40mm Twin Bofors, and twin 5inch .25cal Canons (Fore and Aft, the Twin Cannons should come in March 2, 1945).

Using the Career "Beginning 1945" start date, while in-port, you should find this on the Crew Management page......Fore and Aft AA guns:

Over on the Weapons/Equipment page you should find the Tench has both 40mm Bofors listed, and the single Bow Mount 5 inch .25cal DG (this single Bow mount Cannon should run between Aug. 1, 1944 to March 1, 1945):

Accepting the mission, when the game starts you should find the correct guns loaded on deck:

AND, once you populate the Crew Slots on the Crew Management page, you should find the guns fully manned:

Like I said, this is what happens if you start a Career using the Tench at the "Beginning 1945" start date.

If you're carrying over a previously started Career and NOT getting upgraded, there's possibly something we can do to fix this, or maybe we can't. As the old TV used to read, "The trouble is not in your set due to network difficulties which are out of our control".

Goes to show another reason why the best thing for the game is to NOT play a saved Career from one time period to another. The game just can't keep track of itself! Get a large "saved" game going from one time period to the next, your asking for trouble.

I started a career from Dec 8 1941 and was upgraded through multiple boats and even after getting the Tench none of the boats would allow anything other than the nifty fifty.

CapnScurvy 02-16-19 08:58 PM

Been going over the next release version for Ultimate V0.80_RC3, and I believe I've corrected this issue of not having upgrades offered when they become available. One of the early issues with the game has been that when an upgrade was offered (like changing a Stern 3.50 Deck Gun for a Bow 4.50) the gun wouldn't be on the boat when the mission started. To correct this I made the guns work within a particular "date of availability", in the hope the gun would be positioned where you expect it to be. Unfortunately, when guys say they aren't getting the chance to even choose a different deck gun, we still have a problem.

With the next release, I think this has been eliminated. A bit ago someone asked when should you expect to get an upgrade? The following list contains some of the weapons and equipment upgrades and when to expect seeing them offered:

S-Class Submarines

Surface Search Radar
(SJ Radar) 1942-06-01 to 1943-05-31
(SJ-1 Improved) 1943-06-01 to 1945-12-31

Air Search Radar
(SD Radar) 1941-12-01 to 1943-03-11
(Improved SD Radar) 1943-03-12 to 1945-12-31

Deck Gun
(3inch .50cal) 1941-12-01 to 1942-07-31
(4inch .50cal) 1942-08-01 to 1943-12-31
(5inch .25cal) 1944-01-01 to 1945-12-31

AA Gun
(.50cal Browning) 1941-12-01 to 1942-05-01
(20mm Oerlikon Single) 1942-05-02 to 1942-12-31
(20mm Oerlikon Twin) 1943-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Porpoise ; Tambor ; Gar ; Gato ; Salmon ; Sargo Submarines

Surface Search Radar
(SJ Radar) 1942-06-01 to 1943-05-31
(SJ-1 Improved) 1943-06-01 to 1944-12-31
(ST Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Air Search Radar
(SD Radar) 1941-12-01 to 1943-03-11
(Improved SD Radar) 1943-03-12 to 1944-12-31
(SV Elite Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Deck Gun
(3inch .50cal Stern Mount) 1941-12-01 to 1942-03-31
(3inch .50cal Bow Mount) 1942-04-01 to 1942-07-31
(4inch .50cal Stern Mount) 1942-08-01 to 1942-12-31
(4inch .50cal Bow Mount) 1943-01-01 to 1943-12-31
(5inch .25cal Stern Mount) 1944-01-01 to 1944-07-31
(5inch .25cal Bow Mount) 1944-08-01 to 1945-03-01
(5inch .25cal Twin Cannons) 1945-03 02 to 1945-12-31

AA Gun
(.50cal Browning) 1941-12-01 to 1942-05-01
(20mm Oerlikon Single) 1942-05-02 to 1942-12-31
(20mm Oerlikon Twin) 1943-01-01 to 1943-07-31
(40mm Bofors Single) 1943-08-01 to 1944-05-31
(40mm Bofors Twin) 1944-06-01 to 1945-12-31

Narwhal Submarine

Surface Search Radar
(SJ Radar) 1942-06-01 to 1943-05-31
(SJ-1 Improved) 1943-06-01 to 1944-12-31
(ST Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Air Search Radar
(SD Radar) 1941-12-01 to 1943-03-11
(Improved SD Radar) 1943-03-12 to 1944-12-31
(SV Elite Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Deck Gun
(4inch .50cal Twin) 1941-12-01 to 1945-12-31

AA Gun
(.50cal Browning) 1941-12-01 to 1942-05-01
(20mm Oerlikon Single) 1942-05-02 to 1942-12-31
(20mm Oerlikon Twin) 1943-01-01 to 1943-07-31
(40mm Bofors Single) 1943-08-01 to 1944-05-31
(40mm Bofors Twin) 1944-06-01 to 1945-12-31

Balao ; Tench Submarines

Surface Search Radar
(SJ Radar) 1942-06-01 to 1943-05-31
(SJ-1 Improved) 1943-06-01 to 1944-12-31
(ST Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Air Search Radar
(SD Radar) 1941-12-01 to 1943-03-11
(Improved SD Radar) 1943-03-12 to 1944-12-31
( SV Elite Radar) 1945-01-01 to 1945-12-31

Deck Gun
(3inch .50cal Stern Mount) 1941-12-01 to 1942-03-31
(3inch .50cal Bow Mount) 1942-04-01 to 1942-07-31
(4inch .50cal Stern Mount) 1942-08-01 to 1942-12-31
(4inch .50cal Bow Mount) 1943-01-01 to 1943-12-31
(5inch .25cal Stern Mount) 1944-01-01 to 1944-07-31
(5inch .25cal Bow Mount) 1944-08-01 to 1945-03-01
(5inch .25cal Twin Cannons) 1945-03 02 to 1945-12-31

AA Gun
(20mm Oerlikon Single) 1941-12-01 to 1942-12-31
(20mm Oerlikon Twin) 1943-01-01 to 1943-07-31
(40mm Bofors Single) 1943-08-01 to 1944-05-31
(40mm Bofors Twin) 1944-06-01 to 1945-12-31

A player will be able to choose if he wishes to keep his current equipment or step up to the next upgrade.

In my tests I have been successful in getting the 5".25cal Twin Cannons onto a Porpoise after the March 3, 1945 availability date. I've been able to start a mission with a "Middle of 1942" start date (June 10th, 1942) having the 20mm Single AA as the AA gun; a 3.50 cal DG on an S-Class:

Then return to port after August 1, 1942 and be offered the 4.50 cal DG as expected:

And sure enough, the gun is on the boat when the mission starts:

It's my belief the proper weapon will be on the sub depending when you start the Career, AND, you'll be offered the correct upgrade in-port when it becomes available. :up:

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