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nionios 04-10-20 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2661865)
When you see an enemy sub "sink" without help from one of your torpedoes, HIDE THYSELF! The enemy subs have torpedoes also, and they are not afraid to use them... :salute:

I suspected that and dived to periscope depth.In the map it was shown as "sunk".Do you mean it dived?But I couldn't hear it by the time it "sunk"(or dived).In case it had dived,should I've heard it on my sonar?Do they hear me also?

I don't know exactly what's the situation in game with AI subs.

mikehcl 04-10-20 04:17 AM

Radar contacts
Hello, the mod is very beautiful, but I noticed a slightly annoying problem that other mods don't have. When the sea is rough at wind 15, the radar continuously loses contacts, is the mod set up so specifically or is it a problem? thanks.

WH4K 04-10-20 09:50 AM

Opening/closing the outer tube doors was the thing, thanks.

I'm amused by how often I seem to run into Junsen-class IJN subs on my current March 1942 patrol, seeing as they apparently had a grand total of 8 such subs active during the entire war. :)

propbeanie 04-10-20 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2661877)
OK I installed the Directx 9.0 installer and I ran the .exe only for a message to pop up, saying " You must be running Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server Family to install Directx9.0"

That's the problem with Win10 and those older "legacy" DirectX v9 run-time installs. It's not ~nice~ to try to fool Win10 Mother Nature! You can try to re-run the install for Steam SH4, though I cannot for the life of me remember if you can leave the tick boxes for the game itself un-checked and just do the DirectX and still have a game afterwards, because I think they un-install it if you do that... If you tick the box to re-install, it will then overwrite everything you have... Perhaps s7rikeback or THEBERBSTER knows how to get around Windows 10's refusal to run the Windows DirectX v9.0c installer... :hmmm:


Originally Posted by nionios (Post 2661913)
I suspected that and dived to periscope depth.In the map it was shown as "sunk".Do you mean it dived?But I couldn't hear it by the time it "sunk"(or dived).In case it had dived,should I've heard it on my sonar?Do they hear me also?

I don't know exactly what's the situation in game with AI subs.

It might be that the particular sub you saw had been attacked by an Allied airplane, or perhaps it dove for self-preservation, only to die due to AI sub limitations... As far as I knew, the only AI sub that can "dive" is the Ko-Hyoteki midget, because we have seen that on another member's video recordings. I do have a submerged Jyunsen sub in the Roster, but it is not in the game... so maybe that particular submarine did "sink" in the literal sense, and "died" in front of you... :salute:


Originally Posted by mikehcl (Post 2661920)
Hello, the mod is very beautiful, but I noticed a slightly annoying problem that other mods don't have. When the sea is rough at wind 15, the radar continuously loses contacts, is the mod set up so specifically or is it a problem? thanks.

When the seas are rough, the ship bobs about. The radar is a beam, emitted from an antennae mounted on a mast above the conning tower. As the sub bobs about, the mast "deflects" even more, and the radar beam then goes from being too low, looking at the water nearby, to "just right", shooting across the horizon, to being too high, looking at nothing but sky, ~plus~ if you have waves breaking over your boat, and the water hits the antennae, the game shuts it down - an "automatic" from the game, but FotRSU has it set to come back on... The dish still does not rotate properly when you leave the station, and we've been looking into that for a time... but losing the radar is a part of the game and the mod... :hmmm:


Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2661996)
Opening/closing the outer tube doors was the thing, thanks.

I'm amused by how often I seem to run into Junsen-class IJN subs on my current March 1942 patrol, seeing as they apparently had a grand total of 8 such subs active during the entire war. :)

There are two "Jyunsen" models in the game, with the "Jyunsen 1" model, which represents six subs (I-1 through I-6, even though they are not all exactly alike), so are basically "Type J1 (I-1 thru I-4), Type J1 Improved (I-5), and Type J2 (I-6). At the beginning of the war, they all looked very similar. Then the JyunsenB, (aka: Type B1) which also stands-in for the later war ones, were odd-numbered I-15 through I-25, then continuous to I-39 for 20 subs. They were all over the place, and shuttled about willy-nilly by their "superiors", and had to radio in every night at midnight (Tokyo time) without fail, and get their orders for the next day, so were usually sitting ducks on the surface for their nightly radio procedure. The Allies had a good portion of the IJN codes, and could direct their submarines to intercept and sink the Japanese subs, and could call in, ships or planes later in the war... Then, dependent upon where you are in 1942 (Solomons especially), the submarines were doing food delivery service for the Army and SNLF... Not a good country to be a submariner for at the time... A good place to read about some of what they went through is Combined Fleet: SENSUIKAN!, while a good book is "The Japanese Submarine Force and World War II" by Carl Boyd and Akihiko Yoshida. Eye-opening stuff. :salute:

KaleunMarco 04-10-20 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2661996)
Opening/closing the outer tube doors was the thing, thanks.

another phenomenon that can happen is that one can get their tube doors out-of-sync, especially if you are a keyboard-person who uses the Q and W keys. if you forget to check the status of a tube before you open it, you may open an empty tube which then prevents you from reloading it until you close it. discovery is the key element because there is no status light or indication that a tube is open, at any time.

a related issue is that SH3 and SH4-Uboat theatre will allow a user to fire a torpedo with the doors closed but the Pacific Theatre will not allow that. so, if you are used to playing the Atlantic side of things, playing the Pacific will throw you curves not previously encountered.

WH4K 04-10-20 11:46 AM

FWIW, I was using the onscreen plunger to (attempt to!) launch torps, not keyboard shortcuts. I guess plain SH4 glosses over opening/closing outer tube doors.

It seems to take a really long time for opening/closing outer doors to complete. Fortunately, you can fire as soon as you get the "Opening" message!

chowderhead62 04-10-20 01:23 PM

Help! Having issues with the mod
OK, I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've installed a fresh copy of SH4 along with the U Boat missions. I booted it up and all is running fine. I'm running Windows 10 64bit. I then applied the FOTRSU mod and activated it in JSGME. I then ran the Large Memory app and applied it. I boot the game, and it boots fine....shows the splash screen and all. Then the In game graphics on the Con look fine. The problem is when I go to switch screens it hangs....doesn't do anything. If I tab back out of the game and back to the game then it has changed to the screen I was trying to go to. Additionally, sometimes when I load a mission the screen just starts flashing but the sound of the mission kicks in. I undid the mod in JSGME and all went back to stock game without a problem. Really trying to figure out why this isn't working!!! Anyone else have this issue or know how to solve? Thanks!!!

propbeanie 04-10-20 01:31 PM

Where did you install the game, in other words, what is the path? ie: "C:\Progamr Files (x86)\Ubisoft etc..." or whatever. Refer to the mod's Support folder, specifically the "Install Notes For the Various Versions of SH4 in Windows.pdf" for detailed guidance.

While it's been a bit of time, refer also to CapnScurvy's Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install posts and thread for Win10 specifics with SH4 and LAA. :salute:

s7rikeback 04-10-20 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2661877)
OK I installed the Directx 9.0 installer and I ran the .exe only for a message to pop up, saying " You must be running Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server Family to install Directx9.0"

Yikes!!! Hang on...
Sorry the beast, i gave you the wrong link - try this

chowderhead62 04-10-20 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2662099)
Where did you install the game, in other words, what is the path? ie: "C:\Progamr Files (x86)\Ubisoft etc..." or whatever. Refer to the mod's Support folder, specifically the "Install Notes For the Various Versions of SH4 in Windows.pdf" for detailed guidance.

While it's been a bit of time, refer also to CapnScurvy's Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install posts and thread for Win10 specifics with SH4 and LAA. :salute:

Game is installed to F:\Games\Ubisoft\SH4 I read through the guide when I installed it, but will reference again. I figured it out. I hadn't changed the "read attributes" to the files in the directory, so once I did that after running LAA it works fine. Thanks for the tip.

Texas Red 04-10-20 04:25 PM

OK so recently, I tried to load a game. Basically I was, at the time, set up for an attack run on a task-force. I load the game and it gets past the loading screen, then it is stuck on the "No mission to difficult". It doesn't crash at all, it is just stuck on the sign.

propbeanie 04-10-20 08:33 PM

Well... you are missing some of the "detail" of your situation there the beast. You say you are loading a Saved game, I assume, but had you exited the program after doing the Save, or is this just a Save and immediate re-load? How big of a task force was this, were there airplanes, were you submerged? In other words, was it ~really~ busy up top, or just a little? After you hit the Save menu, did you Name it a new, unique name, or just Save on top of where you were? After completing the Save dialog and actually "Saving" the game, did you pause a moment, and make certain the game was finished doing the writing to your hard drive? If you navigate to the "root" folder of your game and right-click on the SH4.exe program, and then left-click to choose "Properties", on that first "General" tab, toward the bottom under "Attributes", is the "Read-only" box checked? Are you therefore certain that you have LAA set correctly on the SH4.exe file?

If all of that looks fine, did you by chance happen to try to Save with a Replay at any point on this patrol? Navigate into your Save folder (generally C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4, unless you've changed it), go into "data", "cfg", "SaveGames", and find the latest date / time stamped and numbered folder there (hex numbers, so you will possibly see the letters A-F). If you select it in Windows 7, the Status Bar gutter across the bottom will have the info, but with Windows 10, you usally have to right-click the folder name, and choose "Properties" - you want to see what the size of the Save is, like "357kb" (rather tiny) or "1.48mb" (smaller than average), or "2gb" (whoops!) - fictionalized numbers, of course... :salute:

KaleunMarco 04-10-20 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2662150)
OK so recently, I tried to load a game. Basically I was, at the time, set up for an attack run on a task-force. I load the game and it gets past the loading screen, then it is stuck on the "No mission to difficult". It doesn't crash at all, it is just stuck on the sign.

when this happened to me i discovered that there was an error message hiding behind the black screen. the root cause was a config error of some kind.
my apologies that i do not remember more.

Texas Red 04-10-20 09:14 PM


Well... you are missing some of the "detail" of your situation there the beast. You say you are loading a Saved game, I assume, but had you exited the program after doing the Save, or is this just a Save and immediate re-load? How big of a task force was this, were there airplanes, were you submerged? In other words, was it ~really~ busy up top, or just a little? After you hit the Save menu, did you Name it a new, unique name, or just Save on top of where you were? After completing the Save dialog and actually "Saving" the game, did you pause a moment, and make certain the game was finished doing the writing to your hard drive? If you navigate to the "root" folder of your game and right-click on the SH4.exe program, and then left-click to choose "Properties", on that first "General" tab, toward the bottom under "Attributes", is the "Read-only" box checked? Are you therefore certain that you have LAA set correctly on the SH4.exe file?

If all of that looks fine, did you by chance happen to try to Save with a Replay at any point on this patrol? Navigate into your Save folder (generally C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4, unless you've changed it), go into "data", "cfg", "SaveGames", and find the latest date / time stamped and numbered folder there (hex numbers, so you will possibly see the letters A-F). If you select it in Windows 7, the Status Bar gutter across the bottom will have the info, but with Windows 10, you usally have to right-click the folder name, and choose "Properties" - you want to see what the size of the Save is, like "357kb" (rather tiny) or "1.48mb" (smaller than average), or "2gb" (whoops!) - fictionalized numbers, of course...

This is a save and "oops I screwed up" reload of the file. Sorry if that came off as rude. I was submerged and there were no airplanes. About 20-15 ships I'm gonna guess. It was kind busy up-top. I always name my save games a unique name. Usually the name of the patrol area with a "1" next to it for the number of saves in the area. For example, if it was Area 11-B I was ordered to patrol in, I would name the file " Area 11-B I" and if there was a second save in that area, I would save it as "Area 11-B II". No when it was done doing what it was doing I immediately went back to my game. The read only box is not checked. I have used the LAA exe on the SH4.exe multiple times. No, I don't even use replays. The size of the file is 2.77 MB.


when this happened to me i discovered that there was an error message hiding behind the black screen. the root cause was a config error of some kind.
my apologies that i do not remember more.
It is fine. That is actually the first thing I did was to Alt-tab to see if there were any error messages of some sort.


Yikes!!! Hang on...
Sorry the beast, i gave you the wrong link - try this
That didn't work either. :(

PongoDeMer 04-11-20 06:04 AM

Getting Fall of the Rising Sun to work properly
"There is a house in New Orleans,
It's called the (fall of the) Rising Sun,
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy,
And God, I know I'm one."

I have been spending the last 24 hours getting this mod (v1.004a_EN) to function. I have achieved partial success only. The problems I still have are the following.

1) The Submarine School doesn't function. The training scenarios boot up, but whenever I try to do anything - such as go to the bridge - everything vanishes, and I am left stranded on my desktop.

2) Exactly the same happens with the museum.

The good news is that stuff like quick missions and war patrols seem to work properly.

Please take note that I have loaded and activated the mod correctly, using JSGME 2.6. I know this, because I have used it to load and activate other mods. Also take note that I have been doing this with completely clean installations from Steam of SH4 plus U Boat Missions. In fact, I probably hold the world record for uninstalling and re-installing the game from scratch;:confused: with all folders deleted, including the SH4 folder in documents!!

Could anyone out there please help? Take particular note that I am a 61 year old semi-geriatric, NOT some 14 year-old computer whiz-kid, who can do all this in his sleep, so any replies will have to be phrased in simple jargon-free English, such as "Extract the sooper_dooper_snafu mod to the Silent Hunter 4 MOD file."

Thanks in advance,

Pongo de Mer.

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