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Mad Mardigan 12-12-21 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Anvar1061 (Post 2782361)
1. Where did you take it? My en_menu.txt says 13=All you need is good men .... Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock de_menu.txt 13=Gute Männer muss man haben ... Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock
For SH3 Commander
SH3 options.cfg
;Loadup text
en_13=Loaded via SH3 Commander. Good hunting!
de_13=Geladen via SH3 Commander. Gute Jagd!
fr_13=Lancй via SH3 Commander. Bonne Chasse!
2. VIIA replaces model VIIB, but you will choose VIIB.

I tried using the MaGui (1360x768) included in the zip... but, noted when trying to use the periscope... that things were not lining up right.. among a couple of other areas... so, I borrowed the MaGui 1360x768, from 1Alex's mod set.

It, is working like a swiss clock.

The only complaint I had... not really a complaint, per say... was the "All you need, is hot girls..." scroll across the bottom of the main menu load screen.

Of which I have since corrected.

Ok, so... after loading up, via SH3Cmdr., selecting a VII-B, will net it being a VII-A, instead... just so as to make sure I understand that correctly... :shucks:


M. M.

Anvar1061 12-12-21 06:01 AM

What's wrong with the periscope? I need to know.
Choosing VIIB from the outside it will be similar to VIIA.

Mad Mardigan 12-12-21 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Anvar1061 (Post 2782368)
What's wrong with the periscope? I need to know.
Choosing VIIB from the outside it will be similar to VIIA.

Instead of the view when at attack peri station (to be more... precise)... being centered, the view of the outside was... skewed off center & to the left. That I can recall of... without removing current ws maGui (1360x768).

I'll... see of de-activating the WS I have currently active... & re activate the one included with the zip package & retry it... see if the issues I noticed still show up... this time, taking notes & see of grabbing some screen shots.

Give Me, a few to see of doing so... & shall report back on that. :yep: :shucks:


M. M.

Mad Mardigan 12-12-21 09:17 AM

Re: Ok, reporting back in...
1st off... sorry about the... crudeness of the screenshot. How I generally use to grab them, for whatever reason, failed to do so with this mod set... no ideas how or why... but, no matter... can figure that out, later...

On to the screenie...

Peri view, managed to straighten itself out... no big shock, as have seen others post of things with mods NOT working right.. deactivate & go back with another attempt & low & behold... it works... or for the most part does, at any rate.

Is 2... trouble spots, as follows:

#1 (red outlined box, top right...)
On mousing over that area & getting that... whatever that almost clock looking thing is... to slide upwards & outta the way...

The Tube selector knob, is missing & the other 2 dial areas, same size as the tube selection dial area is... are flat out blank.

In addition, the single/salvo selector knob, is also missing, as is the knob for selecting impact or magnetic detonator.

# 2 (red outlined box, bottom right...)

That area... is totally borked. With the other MaGui (1360x768), all of it works, without any issues... at all.

Those areas, also in the Uzo view... are just as borked, as the Attack Peri view is... No idea if that also, extends to the Observation peri view, as well... did the check on those 2 views... & threw in the towel... on the basic assumption, if those are that way, is likely that the 3rd view, from the Observation peri... is likely just as borked.

After this, with the other MaGui (1360x768)... am reactivating it... & sticking with it.

Everything else, is working... Ace's... tops... swell... grand.

End report.


M. M.

Anvar1061 12-12-21 11:21 PM

Oops.. Something didn't go according to plan. Thanks for the report.

Mad Mardigan 12-13-21 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Anvar1061 (Post 2782549)
Oops.. Something didn't go according to plan. Thanks for the report.

No sweat... being a... crash test dummy, is My strong suite... of which... have no issues with being one. It is, in My own small way, helping to contribute back. :shucks: :yep:

On a side note... noticed that I missed in My report, that when you get that... whatever it is called in trouble spot # 1, to slide out of the way... if I recall correctly, the knob for the speed select for the torps, was... also m.i.a, as well, with the MaGui (1360x768) included with the whole mod set.

My... apologies, for not mentioning that, in the 1st report back on activating it the 2nd time. :oops:

Warmest regards,


M. M.

Anvar1061 12-19-21 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2782653)
My... apologies, for not mentioning that, in the report :oops:

Warmest regards,


M. M.

No need to apologize, my friend! You identified the problem and reported it. I found out everything that needs to be done to fix it. It's just 2 TDC files. If you set MaGUI (1024x768) in front of the Widescreen interface MaGUI (1360x768), then this problem will go away. I will take it into account in the next version.

Anvar1061 12-19-21 09:16 AM

GWR SH3 v21.11

kyle9154 12-19-21 09:23 AM

Nice Andrey, i'll give it a try and see how it goes

Kal_Maximus_U669 12-19-21 10:16 AM

gwr 21.11
Hey Andrey
I am happy to see that yours is back on track .. I will have the opportunity to test again .. after a long silence it does not look like you..Я надеюсь, что с тобой все в порядке...
Amicalement KM_U669 :up::salute:

Anvar1061 12-19-21 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2783676)
Я надеюсь, что с тобой все в порядке...
Amicalement KM_U669 :up::salute:

Yes, I'm fine.
It's just that sometimes you give up and you don't know where to go next.

Kal_Maximus_U669 12-19-21 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Anvar1061 (Post 2783688)
Yes, I'm fine.
It's just that sometimes you give up and you don't know where to go next.

Great, yours is already on the grill .. I'll tell you soon :up:

Kal_Maximus_U669 12-19-21 02:56 PM

GwR21 11.1
bonsoir Andrey
позаботься о своем здоровье и нравственности ... мы не можем ... потерять тебя ... ну хорошо .. :yep::D
We begin :
_First attempt = CtD :ping:
_Second attempt = to start..20min then crash "Library Runtime message Windows problem with the Exe" I want to clarify that the properties of the exe must be on admin windo7 compatibility is nothing else if not "ctd"
I put you some screens so that you see that we frizz permanently the "CtD" because we do not have enough Fps ... you should fire me all that can be ... starting with the types II has Right from the port, it does goat vouchers 4: 5m while we have a sea at 2ms ..
the test was carried out under Windows 10 16 gb ram gtx 1080 ssd and all the "titim ..." :shuck:
Depart An41
removing this one is to avoid unnecessary things because with Diego Gut's interface I should even have the interiors which was the case before ... but I don't have it anymore ...
the harbor is pretty but too much is preventing the career from starting as it should ... :yep:
I don't have this problem on Onealex & Toyotagt86 ...
the test was carried out that only with the main mod ... nothing else ..

kyle9154 12-19-21 06:02 PM

Yeah same as Kal here, crashes every time but at least this time the patrols start so that's a plus..I guess. I'm going to have to put this on the back burner and just keep playing my new career with Toyo's mod as its frustrating to never be able to get this to work as I very much want to play with your compilation mod.

Kal_Maximus_U669 12-20-21 07:03 AM

Gwr21 ver 21.11
yesterday I restarted my backup it worked but arriving halfway through my career crash after 2 attempts I throw in the towel ca soul ... I play medium 20mn then it's over .. CtD
I'm like Kyle I would like so much to be able to play yours ... with the boat compilation but nothing to do ...

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