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Rwearjr 11-30-22 05:22 AM

Good stuff CPTLTJASON! Not sure if I was reading a fictional account of an SH5 mod, or a novel/documentary about "Weserfels." Nice work Kaleun. Perhaps you should be (if not) a writer? Could it be her cargo bay is designed to carry a type II U-Boat as well?
Thank you for sharing these, as obviously you put quite a bit of thought into Weserfels back story.

CPTLTJASON 12-07-22 07:11 PM

I appreciate the comment Rwearjr but I’m hardly a writer!

The Type II uboat would be useful for port raids, mining operations, and reconnaissance and would greatly expand the operations of the raider, however there is no way to transport the vessel realistically. The uboat can’t be carried in pieces as there would be no way to assemble the boat nor a way to launch it without a heavy duty boom (279 tons). I have read about these uboats being transported on barges for operations in the Black Sea and in the couple pictures I’ve managed to find they are transported with hulls fully assembled with the exception of the conning tower and the 2cm MG C/30 ahead of the conning tower. On top of that the hold would be extraordinarily long which would be unusual for a merchant ship of the era. With that being said the ship is already a stretch being 606ft in length and equipped like a light cruiser, I’d like to keep it as realistic as possible. There is the option of a joint operation like Schiff 33 and UA carried out briefly in the South Atlantic all that amounted to was the resupply of the uboat with torpedoes, fuel, and provisions and being towed to another operational area. But in my opinion a more in depth and long term operation would both hamper the Hilfskreuzer and the uboat which could result in both being sunk.


Rwearjr 12-09-22 05:26 AM

My post was perhaps a bit tongue-n-cheek, given the specs of Weserfels as outlined. TY for the reply nonetheless, popcorn in hand, awaiting the first patrol. Be it pre-war, or after. Weserfels will be wreaking havoc on the high seas.
"Niemals aufhoren zu jagen"

CPTLTJASON 12-12-22 10:51 PM

I see, nevertheless an interesting concept. Perhaps later in the war when the smaller midget subs are brought into service like the "Seehund" or "Hecht". Schiff 30 could carry perhaps 2 of the craft.


CPTLTJASON 12-14-22 04:51 PM


Finalizing the the storyline for the 1935 portion of Schiff 30.
This will cover the design and construction phase, Launching, commissioning, and fitting out. Then the trial cruises, loading of cargo, etc., and finally the departure. I expect Schiff 30 to sail soon.

CPTLTJASON 12-17-22 09:20 PM

On September 1st 1939 at 04:47 the first shots of the Second World War were fired when the Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Polish positions on the Westerplatte.

The Seekriegslietung began preparations for commerce warfare in earnest. Although auxiliary cruisers were hardly a priority, 2 prewar studies were hastily carried out in the summer of 1939 and there was little support among the officers in the Seekriegslietung or the Naval High Command. In spite of this the Kriegsmarine’s auxiliary cruisers were to repeat the successes achieved by disguised commerce raiders of the Great War such as the Mowe, Seeadler, and Wolf IV. During WWII, the newest and fastest freighters were reserved for troop transports therefore the conversion office of the Kriegsmarine was left with a pool of ships ranging from modern motorships with reliable diesel engines to steamers with recycled steam turbine engines from bygone passenger liners. 11 freighters were converted, 9 sailed, of these 6 were sunk in action. The “Thor” was destroyed by explosion in Yokohama, Japan. Only “Widder” and “Orion” survived. The last merchant raider sunk on the high seas was Schiff 28 also known as the “Michel” she was torpedoed and sunk by the submarine USS Tarpon (SS-175) some 50 miles from port. This marked the end of the Hilfskreuzer operations...........or so official history says,

However, there was a 12th raider a mysterious vessel doomed to sail the seas for eternity. By orders of the Führer, she sailed on a cruise of destruction, sinking ship after ship, destroying port after port, sowing minefield after minefield it was even said that she sank an entire convoy when the escorting destroyers abandoned their posts on sighting her terrifying silhouette, captured and held the Cocos Islands, and even took a battleship prize at the British Naval Base at Trincomalee, Ceylon.

In spite of this the allies were never aware of the existence of this raider as her activities were always linked with uboats, other commerce raiders, and even spies. It was not until late 1944 when a British tanker was sunk in the Pacific Ocean roughly 80km off Papua New Guinea that shed light on the existence of this mystery raider, but Allied intelligence attributed this sinking to a Japanese raider.

She was never caught and subsequently undertook the return voyage to Germany, or what was left of it and surrendered in late 1945 at Kiel Harbor, Buoy Nr. 10.

This is story of the dreaded merchant raider Schiff Nr. 30
The “Wolf.”

.....................Die Piraten des Führer......................

CPTLTJASON 12-17-22 09:55 PM

Mid-1934, Marinekommandiertenabteilung, Berlin.

In July 1934 KAdm Karl von Werner of the Marinekonstruktionsamt (K) proposed the construction of a disguised commerce raider from the keel up, von Werner had served aboard the raiders Mowe and Wolf IV in the Great War, the project was initially met with strong opposition, the Reichsmarine had just launched the Panzerschiffe Admiral Graf Spee, known as Panzerschiff C costing 82,000,000 RM and were planning for the Admiral Hipper-class cruisers which would cost 85,000,000.00 RM, in spite of this Adm Erich Reader Chef der Marineleitung authorized von Werner to proceed with the project with utmost secrecy.

He met with the owners of the Deutsche Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft Hansa at their Bremen Headquarters to discuss the requisitioning of one of their new future class of motorships of the Ehrenfels Class. The Reichsmarine would end up buying the ship for 4,250,000.00 RM was accepted on July 19th. The payment was received on July 20th, 1934 at 12:01pm then on July 21, 1934 at 08:00 hrs. the teletype at the A.G. Weser Werft tapped out a directive from Berlin, 1.Marineleitung. Iac. 33928/34 geh.

The chosen ship was the “Weserfels” she was originally the second ship of the new Ehrenfels Class of motorships to be built by the Deschimag A.G. Weser Werft, Bremen. These large, fast motorships were diesel powered giving them a tremendous advantage over coal or turbine ships. She was to have sailed on the bi-weekly Hamburg-Calcutta run via the Suez Canal.
Specifications (as planned)

Length 506ft
Beam 61ft
Draft 31ft (Loaded 33ft, Empty 27ft)
Tonnage: 7.764 GRT (4.795 NRT 10.450 tdw)

Engine installation:
2 x 6-Zylinder doppeltwirkende Zweitakt-Dieselmotoren
Deschimag Werk A.G. "Weser", Bemen
Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg (MAN), Augsburg: Typ: D 6 Zu 53/76
7.600 PSe, 210 UpM, Vulcan-Getriebe 86 UpM

1 x Propeller / 1 x Rudder / 16.0 knots

Crew: 44
Passengers: 12

Loading gear:
1 x 50 t Boom
1 x 15 t Boom
6 x 10 t Boom
14 x 5 t Boom

The ship was given the designation of H.S.K. (10). But to maintain the secrecy of the project official documents refer to H.S.K. 10 as Schiff Nr. 30. Officially the ship was a special transport, destined to sail under the Reichsdienstflagge, the Reich Service Flag.
Unlike the Hilfskreuzers of the Great War which were just converted freighters this Hilfskreuzer was to be built from the keel up. The vessel would be heavily armed with 10 x 15cm guns, an array of secondary and anti-aircraft guns, 6 torpedo tubes, a catapult, the space to carry 8 aircraft, range 180,000km, an endurance of at least 300 days, space for up to 500 mines, cargo space for captured cargo, specially built refrigeration rooms, large pens for livestock, prisoner quarters, etc.

Most of the disguised raiders of the Great War were heavily armed however, they lacked above all things armor. With the “Weserfels” it was decided to augment the sand ballast with the installation of armor plates on her decks and hull with a thickness of 0.5” on the deck and 1” on the hull from frame 10.0 to frame 255.5 This greatly increased her weight from 7,700 grt to 10,800 grt. but it provided protection for the machinery spaces, magazines, torpedo rooms, mine rooms, and 8 x 15cm guns hidden behind flaps which were a headache to design in less than two months. During this phase in the design process, It was eventually decided to build the ship independently of the other Ehrenfels Class ships which is the reason she does not appear as an Ehrenfels Class ship in any register.

Final plans were approved by the Reichsmarine, and the contract was signed on August 31st. at the Deschimag A.G. Weser Werft. The keel was laid in Building Way Nr.V. on September 1st. at 07:00 hrs.
During the construction of the ship, the commander was assigned, the newly promoted Korv.Kpt. Wilhelm Hellmuth Hartmann, the II. Artillery officer of the pocket battleship Deutschland. Previously he had served as commander of the minesweeper M-21. He joined the Kaiserliche Marine in October 1918, one month later the war ended, however Hartmann was retained and was swiftly promoted by 1928 he held the rank of Kapitanleutnant and was in command of the minesweeper M-21 before being transferred to the newly completed Panzerschiffe Deutschland as II. Artillery Officer in June 1933 shortly after the ship entered service.

After being given command he began assembling his crew, rejecting the entire roster provided by the Personnel Office which were basically undesirable officers and ratings. Instead, he handpicked his officers, petty officers, and ratings. Once the crew selection was completed the original crew of 440 were housed in barracks in Bremen the nature of the ship was still a mystery to the crew and was to remain for the remainder of her construction.

The ship was completed on February 11, 1935. The launching took place on the 12th. and without ceremony one of the last ships launched under the flag of the Reichsmarine floated high on the River Weser. The “Weserfels” was then towed to the Fitting out Pier where she was completed by April 30th.

CPTLTJASON 12-17-22 10:06 PM

1.5.1935 Deutsche Schiff-und Maschinenbau A.G. Weser Werft, Bremen, Commissioning Pier

On May 1, 1935. The M/S “Weserfels” was commissioned into the Reichsmarine as Schiff Nr. 30 under the command of Korv.Kpt. Hellmuth Wilhelm Hartmann. Officially she is still the “Weserfels.”

Schiff 30 was the last ship to be commissioned into the Reichsmarine, afterwards the ship was moved to the Naval Fitting out Depot and began taking aboard her equipment

CPTLTJASON 12-17-22 10:26 PM

2.5.1935 Naval Fitting Out Depot, Bremen.

The ship was moved to the Naval Fitting out Depot and began taking aboard her equipment. from 2.5.-10.5. After which the ship will return to Deschimag then proceed on her sea trials.

Rwearjr 12-18-22 05:09 AM


CPTLTJASON 12-19-22 12:15 PM

11.5.1935 Mouth of the River Weser

The ship returned to Deschimag for final adjustments and on the 11th the ship departed for sea trials with a commission from A.G. Weser Werft aboard the ship fired her main and secondary guns before putting into Columbus Pier to take on fuel. The following day Schiff 30 continued her sea trials as far as Hohe Weg Lighthouse.

On the evening of the 12th. Schiff 30 once again made fast at Columbus Pier after taking on fuel Schiff 30 departed Bremerhaven at 21:32 hrs. and returned to Bremen back to Deschimag. The ship arrived at Deschimag and was put into Drydock V for correction of defects found on the sea trials and modifications recommended by the Kommandant and crew. During the time at Deschimag the crew were housed in Barracks and not allowed to venture further than the city center.

On the morning of the 16th. the ship was refloated and towed to Fitting Out Pier Nr. IV. From the 15th to the 20st the ship was fitted with the remainder of her equipment.

Modifications and corrections to ship carried out by
Deschimag A.G. Weser Werft, Bremen
1.) Reinforcing of the bow, propeller, and rudder for sailing through ice.
2.) Addition of Seetakt/De-Telegraph and radar office.
3.) Addition of 2 x 3.7cm PAK 36 and 2 x 2cm MG C/30.
4.) Deckhouse on boat deck lengthened.
5.) Armor plating (0.25”) installed for the steering gear room.
6.) Upper bridge and wheelhouse layout remodeled. including the captain’s cabin, bridge radio room, and chartroom.
7.) Addition of cabins for 10 officers, 20 petty officers, and 60 ratings.
8.) Hold Nr. I converted to hold 5 Panzers (Sd.Kfz. 101) and other equipment.
9.) Workshop added for Panzers.
10.) Exhaust noises eliminated by installing large new mufflers.
11.) Mine Deployment room enlarged by 10ft., scuppers enlarged.
12.) 7.5cm relocated further aft of the bow from Frame 264.5 to 260.0
13.) 3.7cm installed between Hold Nr. II and Foremast (Frame 204.9)
14.) 2 x 65cm searchlights installed on the upper bridge.
15.) Addition of 4 x 2cm MG C/30 2 all 4 were installed on the boat deck

Image 1: Schiff 30 on the River Weser conducting her sea trials
Image 2: Schiff 30 at the Deschimag A.G. Weser Werft, Bremen

CPTLTJASON 12-19-22 09:32 PM

9.7.1935 Anchored off Brunsbüttel Locks in 20 fathoms of water.

At 13:00 hrs. the ship was cleared of all shipyard workers and contractors. The crew was assembled below decks and the Kommandant gave the following announcement “In accordance with the Fuhrer’s proclamation of the “Restoration of Military Sovereignty” given on 16.3. In which the Reichswehr was dissolved, and the Wehrmacht was established. Today 21.5.1935 the Reichsmarine is dissolved, and the Kriegsmarine is established as a branch of the Wehrmacht effective immediately.” The fitting out of the ship was transferred to the Allgemeine Marineamt(B) then back to the Marinekonstruktionsamt(K). The change did not have a significant impact on the fitting out of the ship. New stationary, codebooks, etc. were issued to the ship and by June 25th. the ship was ready for her sea trials.

By the 26th the fitting out work was completed, and the ship taken over from the shipyard.

The raider departed Bremen on June 27th and sailed down the River Weser to conduct her second set of sea trials with a commission from the Deshimag A.G. Weser Werft aboard on evening of 28th. Schiff 30 made fast at Columbus Pier and took on fuel, water, and coal. Afterwards the ship resumed her sea trials and completed these by the 29th she returned to Bremerhaven anchoring for the night to the west of the approaches. Schiff 30 departed Bremerhaven at midnight and began the transit back upriver to the A.G. Weser Werft. for final adjustments and to disembark the commission. After 4 days at the shipyard the ship moved to Freihafen III, Bremen. For 8 days the ship took over 600 tons of stores, coal, and fresh water. In the afternoon of the 14th. Schiff 30 sailed for Kiel via the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.

Schiff 30 made a stopover in Cuxhaven to pick up 3 V-Boots on departing the DDG Hansa colors on the funnel were painted over. By the late afternoon she was at anchor off the Brunsbüttel Locks.

CPTLTJASON 12-20-22 10:22 PM

13.7.1935 Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, Anchored off Rendsburg in 10 fathoms of water.

Schiff 30’s voyage through the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal was going smoothly until 02:29 hrs. when a tugboat from Rendsburg signaled the ship to stop and anchor off Buoy 29. A tanker and a freighter collided off the Kiel-Holtenau locks it will take 1-2 weeks to clear the wreckage. The Kommandant signaled to Berlin and requested instructions on what course of action to take. In the meantime, the ship anchored 1km from Rendsburg in 10 fathoms of water in the Canal.

CPTLTJASON 12-24-22 08:47 PM

Merry Christmas to all!

Rwearjr 12-25-22 05:10 AM

Merry Christmas CPTLTJASON. :Kaleun_Salute:

CPTLTJASON 12-25-22 05:17 PM

Kiel Harbor, Naval Fitting Out and Ordnance Depot

The O.K.M. instructed Hartmann to turn the ship around and return to Bremen and await further instructions. At noon, the ship turned around in Rendsburg and sailed for Bremen, arriving in the early morning of the 15th. The ship docked at Freihafen IV and took aboard some of the equipment from Kiel which arrived via the Reichsbahn on 2 Sonderzüge.

The ship was shifted to the Naval Fitting Out Depot where she remained until the 18th. During this time 8 Offiziere, 31 Uffz, and 100 Mannschaften of the Heer come aboard under Hptm Fredrich Deutsch. In Stettin tanks, vehicles, and equipment will be taken aboard. With this she will have all three branches of the Wehrmacht aboard.

On the evening of the 19th. orders came in instructing that Schiff 30 put to sea and make for the Baltic Sea via the Skagerrak, Kattegat, Great Belt, and put into Kiel Harbor.

At 08:00 hrs. on the 20th., Korv.Kpt. Hartmann ordered Schiff 30 to put to sea in accordance with the operational orders. At 06:00 hrs. on the 24th. the ship arrived at Kiel without further incident and moored at the Kiel Naval fitting out and Ordnance Depot. Here she began outfitting for her training cruises.

The raider was photographed from the dock on which the light cruiser “Karlsruhe” was moored at.

CPTLTJASON 12-25-22 07:31 PM

Baltic, Kiel.

Schiff 30 is ready for her test cruises. While in port and During the night the following was carried out: adjustment of the torpedo tubes, compensation of the compass, and determination of the radio load. At Scheerhafen Fresh water, provisions and coal were supplied and the tanks for aircraft fuel were filled at Kiel-Holtenau. 3 Heinkel He 60 aircraft and aircraft parts were taken on board. The following test cruises were carried out in the following sequence:

25.7.-26.7. Howachtbucht Proceeded with bow protection gear and cutter for mines.
27.7-1.8. Eckenforder Bay Small and large caliber weapons shooting.
2.8.-5.8. Kiel Bay T.E.K. Torpedo shooting.
6.8.-8.8. Kiel Bay Torpedo shooting.
9.8.-10.8. Lübecker Bay Anti-aircraft weapons shooting.
11.8. Kiel Bay Practice launching and recovering the embarked aircraft and use of the onboard catapult.
12.8. Kiel Bay Engine measured mile
13.8.-15.8. Kiel Bay During these cruises further training of the crew in boat drills and combat exercises. Repeated launch and recovery of the embarked aircraft on the catapult and trial fitting of the disguise mechanisms.
16.8. Kiel Bay Training for searchlight crews and the boarding and demolition commandos

On 17.8 the Kommandant, Freg.Kpt. Hartmann reported the ship and crew ready for combat. That evening the Kommandant was recalled to Berlin and informed that the ship would sail on 1.Sep. at midnight. He arrived early on the 18th. and immediately began preparations be begin the final outfitting of the ship. Hartmann had less than 15 days to outfit his ship, an impossible task reported the Administrative and supply officers, but impossible was not in Freg.Kpt. Hartmann’s vocabulary.

Soon Schiff 30 returned to the Naval Fitting Depot and began taking aboard, ammunition, torpedoes, and her cargo which brings us to her operational orders: Sail from Kiel to Yokohama via Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Punta Arenas, and Valparaiso. On arrival to Yokohama the raider is to disembark her cargo for the Naval Attache and Ambassador in Yokohama then cruise the Pacific for suitable Islands to be used for rendezvous points for raiders in times of war, among other tasks. The ship is scheduled to depart Kiel for Stettin on the morning of the 22nd. and be back in Kiel by midnight.

Now I will pause for a few days to begin writing the Kriegstagebuch. I initially will write it by hand as I've always done with the uboat patrols then type a final copy of which will now include attachments such as combat sketches, radio reports, reports from different ships divisions, etc.
(Picture shows Schiff 30 back at the Kiel Ordnance Depot)

CPTLTJASON 12-27-22 08:46 AM

30.8.1935 Kiel Harbor

Working in 2 shifts (port and starboard) the ship is outfitted and ready for departure in record time.

5,500 cbm3 of diesel fuel
4,000 cbm3 of lubricating oils
4,500 cbm3 of fresh water
3,200 t of coal
2,200 cbm3 of aviation fuel
1,000 cbm3 of reserve diesel fuel
Endurance of 350 days.
10,000 t of cargo and equipment.

In Stettin part of the cargo was loaded in accordance with 1.Okm. 100579/35 gkdos. this cargo was initially supposed to arrive by train and be loaded at Scheerhafen. But both trains were still sitting in the marshaling yards in Stettin when the Kommandant inquired about their arrival to Kiel. So, Hartmann decided to sail for the port and take aboard the cargo there.
In the evening Freg.Kpt. Hartmann travelled to Berlin for the last time for a final briefing and brought up to date on the latest political situation and intelligence from the B-Dienst. During the Kommandant’s voyage to Berlin the ship was disguised as a Transportschiffe A10 sailing under the Reich service flag.

1.) Outer hull dark grey
2.) On deck ventilators, hatches, winches, etc. light grey
3.) Superstructure grey
4.) Smokestack length unchanged, painted light grey with black top
5.) Masts light grey, crow’s nest unchanged
6.) Pole masts put up including cargo booms
7.) I and X cannons completely disguised, painted grey
8.) Boats setout
9.) Draft marks and identification markings on hull
10.) Reich Service Flag hoisted on roof of signal deck

In the night, the disguise work was complete, Schiff 30’s outbound orders are as follows to proceed independently to Cape Arkona and meet the tanker “Esso Bremen”. From here both will proceed via the Great Belt, Kattegat, and Skagerrak to the North Sea where they will follow 4224 AN, 7878, 4949 AF, 9939 AB, 1236 AC, and 8711 AG. Here they will meet another freighter the “Wachtfels.”

The fitting out of Schiff Nr. 30 is on schedule and is anticipated to depart on 1.Sep.1935.

Rwearjr 12-29-22 05:14 AM

Freg.Kpt Hartmann will have five years of preparation, and excercises to familiarize himself and the crew with Schiff 30 prior the looming date of Sept 1, 1939.
"Nach Osten ho Pirat der Fuhrer"

CPTLTJASON 12-29-22 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rwearjr (Post 2844507)
Freg.Kpt Hartmann will have five years of preparation, and excercises to familiarize himself and the crew with Schiff 30 prior the looming date of Sept 1, 1939.
"Nach Osten ho Pirat der Fuhrer"

Yes and the ship will take part in Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

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