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Schroeder 06-29-10 06:10 AM

Oh boy, those bloody over motivated newcomers.:nope:
They are all so eager to get a kill that they even shoot at planes that are already doomed for sure instead of firing their ammo into a real target. I guess I have to have a long and loud talk with some of the AI (Annoying Interference) pilots during the next briefing. Claiming the kills of the senior members as their own is definitely not sportsman like.:nope:

Oberon 06-29-10 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1430606)
Least I could do is bring out a toast...*fiddles around in his Spit's cockpit* Ah...there ''Kssship''




Oberon 06-29-10 07:50 AM



Raptor1 06-30-10 03:07 PM

There is a distinct lack of TS here...

HunterICX 06-30-10 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1431939)
There is a distinct lack of TS here...



Oberon 06-30-10 05:19 PM

18th July 1940

Luftwaffe Target: None - Fighter Sweep

Less activity centred on attacks on shipping but at 0930 hours a force of some 30 aircraft assembled behind Calais and flew towards Deal. An attack on a convoy did not develop. One fighter squadron was operating off Deal and two other squadrons were patrolling nearby as reserves. Interception took place under cloudy conditions. No enemy aircraft was brought down, but a Spitfire of No. 610 Squadron is missing. Enemy aircraft bombed a coastguard station and sank the East Goodwin Light Vessel.

  • Enemy: Fighters - nil; Bombers - 1 confirmed, 2 unconfirmed.
  • Own: 3 Spitfires (from Nos. 152, 609 and 610 Squadons).

Oberon 06-30-10 05:22 PM

Green One - 152 Squadron - RAF Warmwell

Quiet flight, rest of squadron engaged 109s, however I did not see contacts and my requests for bearings were unanswered. RTB'd and crashed on landing.

Crashed on landing

Pilots Notes:
I really wish I could see like the rest of the squadron...


Schroeder 07-01-10 03:09 PM

I would say a certain TS is down again.:timeout:

Arclight 07-01-10 03:13 PM

Dangit. Need to install it here again as well. :shifty:

Maybe set up TS3 as well? Might try it out sometime.

HunterICX 07-01-10 03:16 PM

Right, mine's up


Oberon 07-01-10 04:52 PM

25th July 1940

Luftwaffe target: Convoy CW8 in Hellfire corner

Enemy activity by day was again concentrated on attacks on shipping and convoys in the Channel, the major engagement taking place off Dover. A few raids penetrated inland and dropped bombs without inflicting any serious damage.
During the early morning, an attack was made on a convoy off Spurn Point. This raid was intercepted and the He111s are claimed as probable casualties. Another attack was made on this convoy in the evening but no damage is reported.
From about 1127 hours, when a large raid was plotted approaching Dover from the Calais area, attacks interspersed by reconnaissances continued in waves against Dover harbour and shipping until 1930 hours. Bombs were dropped in the harbour and near a RAF experimental station. Ships in convoy and naval units are reported to have been hit. The first attack at 1207 hours was directed against Dover harbour and plotted as 50+ aircraft. This was quickly followed up by an additional raid of 40+ - probably the escorting fighters. Three and a half squadrons of our fighters engaged the enemy. Later, an attack of two or three waves of some 12+, 20+ and 30 aircraft was made on a convoy off Dover at approximately 15-minute intervals. Fighters again intercepted and inflicted casualties. No sooner had the tracks indicate that these raids had returned to France than other enemy aircraft commenced to congregate behind Gris Nez and a further attack on the convoy was made. Large formations of enemy aircraft continued to be plotted in the Channel up to 1930 hours.
During the period of these attacks, our fighters successfully accounted for 14 enemy aircraft confirmed and an additional 11 probable against a loss of only four Spitfires. In addition, AA claim one confirmed enemy casualty.
Ten or eleven fast coastal motor boats with fighter escort were spotted by a pilot of No 111 Squadron off Gris Nez in the afternoon.

The 109s coming at us from above as we still struggled for height — Way* being hit and falling away out of sight [he was dead]. I remember the 109 attacking me from the port side, my trying to turn in towards him, the loud bangs of his cannon-shells striking my Spitfire as he hit me from an almost full deflection angle; and even through the pounding fear that I felt, admiring his marksmanship. A few seconds later, with my aeroplane miraculously still answering apparently normally to the controls, finding myself behind two Me 109s, aligning my sight on one, pressing the gun button — and the guns failing to fire; then diving out of the fight to return to base.’
*F/L B.H.(Wonky) Way 54 Squadron Hornchurch
Pilot Officer D.R.Turley-George 54 Squadron RAF


  • Enemy: Fighters - 14 confirmed 11 unconfirmed; Bombers - 11 confirmed 3 unconfirmed. 1 unknown aircraft type also confirmed as shot down.
  • Own: 5 Spitfires 1 Hurricane.
  • AA claims 3 confirmed in the above totals.

Oberon 07-01-10 05:10 PM

Yellow Two - 32 Squadron - RAF Biggin Hill

Another scuffle at Hellfire corner, the rest of the sections got hit by yellow nosed bastards, yellow section turned and hit the bombers. I got one and hit another but I don't think he went down.
Red One got chased into a hangar at Lympe and another one of our chaps was chased across Southern England by a squadron of 109s on extra fuel tanks. I spotted a 109 going down, turned to follow it down and stalled into the drink next to it. Had small talk with the Jerry before a launch from Dover picked us both up.

One He-111 confirmed

Crashed into the Channel

Pilots Notes:
Focus on own flying, not Jerry's flying. Buy new rubber ducky.

Fincuan 07-01-10 07:00 PM

Yellow Three - 32 Squadron - RAF Biggin Hill

After flying a low-very high-medium profile to the target area we immediately mixed with the 109s. Spits for fighters and Hurris for bombers sure, only if there were Spits around! The 109s liked me for some reason, and the only way to the bombers was over their burning wrecks. I tangled with a few of them without getting a proper shot, then spotted another one below me. I quickly rolled the Hurri over into a steep dive on the unsuspecting Jerry, and the reward was one burning 109 drawing a nice line of fire across the sky. I was unable to see if to pilot ejected or not as more 109s screamed on me. After a few failed "drive-bys" on another 109 I followed one up in a climb, which you should technically never do in a Hurri, and was rewarded with a nice deflection shot as he started stalling but the Hurri just kept going. Bullet strikes were observed all over the e/a and he started a shallow dive while pouring out thick black smoke. Unfortunately I ran out of ammo and was also a bit concerned by the tracers streaking past my cockpit, so it was time to point the nose down and get the hell out of there. This move shook off the pursuers for a while, but quickly they were on my tail again. Each time they got close enough to fire I pulled the Hurri into a tight turn, either scissoring with them or doing a full 360, and after doing this several times and being almost halfway to Biggin they finally gave up. Rote licht no doubt. On arrival at Biggin I spotted at least two Jerries circling the airfield, certainly almost out of fuel by now, but luckily they didn't care much about me.

One 109 confirmed and one possible
(In Olegworld both were confirmed)

"Landed safely", aka game ended just as I was landing.

HunterICX 07-01-10 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fincuan (Post 1433080)
"Landed safely", aka game ended just as I was landing.


Thought Schroeder was the last one to land, sorry about that Fin


Oberon 07-02-10 09:56 AM

Heh, our formation on the way to the target was rather amusing.

Oberon: "Raptor..."
Raptor: "Yes?"
Oberon: "It's come to my attention that we are about to reach twenty thousand feet..."
Raptor: "We passed it some time ago..."
Oberon: "Well...I haven't yet because I'm slightly below you...however if I recall correctly, the briefing states that we are to fly between twelve and sixteen thousand feet...right?"
Raptor: "Right..."
Oberon: "Do you not think therefore it might be a good idea if we were to...I don't know...lose some altitude?"
Raptor: "....cutting throttle to fifty percent and lowering altitude..."

Raptor1 07-02-10 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1433595)
Raptor: "....cutting throttle to fifty percent and lowering altitude..."

I dare say this didn't work as well as I wanted. It seems that every time I want to reasonably drop the altitude, I end up increasing it even more...

And next time my attempt to be the first Hurricane pilot in space will succeed!

Task Force 07-04-10 03:22 PM

Im back! after a weekend out...

4 hours in a car... Just on route 460. Gah, never seen somany trees in my life. (well, I have but still.)

Out of it all I saw some of intresting things.
first A p 47 on a semi truck, a sherman tank, more trains/traincars to count, includeing a steam train in a museam, Fork Union Military Acadamy (has a cool peice of artillary, that im guessing is from the civil war.), and LOTS & LOTS of old houses. err, and to end this list peatersburg battlefeild/the crater, and appomattox courthouse!

all in all, not all that bad. just abit boreing in between.

carry on...

Raptor1 07-04-10 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1435290)
(has a cool peice of artillary, that im guessing is from the civil war.)

Just 1 gun?

Task Force 07-04-10 03:40 PM

well, on display in the front. im sure they have more.:O:

Schroeder 07-04-10 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1435290)
and LOTS & LOTS of old houses. err, and to end this list peatersburg battlefeild/the crater, and appomattox courthouse!

Old houses in the states? They can hardly be more than 300 years old. That isn't old by European definition.:O:
The oldest one in my one horse town is from 1533.

Harhar finally some America bashing again!:yeah:

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