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GakunGak 05-16-07 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by pops933
Totally agree, come on Ubisoft patch 1.3 is needed,fast.The modders do a great job but its your job to give us a fully working sim in the first place.

1. Bold: Agree 100%!!!:up:
2. Italic, Underline: Do not agree 100% as they should not rush this thing, it could get things worse....
My vote for 1.3:up:

DURUK 05-16-07 04:37 AM

seems like we're all supporting this..
bring it on UBI..

Gucc475 05-16-07 05:14 AM

Totally agree.

The developers have every right to be proud of their efforts so far and I'm sure they would like to see it finished, my great fear is that, as this is an inhouse team, Ubisoft may be over eager to reassign them to other projects (and that may be the reason the game was rushed out in the first place).

Software development seems to be one of the few industries where companies can release sub-standard or defective products and not wind up in court or out of business - but all things change!

Silent Hunter IV is so close to brilliance it hurts and that is coming from a self-confessed RTS nut not a hardcore simmer!

PS As this is the first time I have posted on this forum, I would just like to say a personal thank you to everyone who has offered their great advice, expertise and experiences (not to mention mods) on these pages - you guys are responsible for getting me hooked on SH III - YOU ROCK!:D

To UBISOFT - you are unbelievably lucky to have a community like this supporting one of your products - DON'T DESERT THEM NOW!

hector 05-16-07 05:16 AM

Supported,we need 1.3


Torpex752 05-16-07 05:42 AM

I agree With Neals List and his reasoning. My hope in addition to the list he mentioned is that the Damage control get a few tweaks here and there, or tell us what values to adjust and let the modders have at it.

daft 05-16-07 05:55 AM


The devs and us consumers have earned the right to see SH4 finished. Get to it Ubi. :)

Brigs 05-16-07 05:56 AM

I agree with the original post 100%, and also request that Ubisoft and the dev team fix the remaining bugs in the software.

JScones 05-16-07 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
We need your help to demonstrate the need for patch 1.3. Join the campaign here and make yourself heard. Post here. Don't hesitate or put it off. This thread will need hundreds of names to merit any attention.

Don't delay! Phone today! Only $19.95 plus postage! (p&h = $29.95).

Couldn't resist.

Seriously though, a new patch might actually convince me to reinstall SH4, so consider me as "signed". :up:


Originally Posted by wstaub
As it is the game is what I term only a "mediocre" game.

Neal, thoughts pls? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Von Tonner 05-16-07 06:03 AM

I think it is totally criminal and down right dishonest to bring a product to the market place with full knowledge that it is incomplete and buggy . To rely on modders to make this game playable is shameless and does UBI no credit whatsoever within the gaming community. I fully support Neal.

Front Runner 05-16-07 06:03 AM

We need at least a 1.3 patch to make SH4 the game I thought I was purchasing.

UBI please acknowledge.

November Kilo Tango Lima - over.....

Skybird 05-16-07 06:05 AM

I'm a little bit surprised to see such a relatively "tough" :) going for the developer taking place here, since usually there is plenty of forgiveness for navy-game's flaws and issues displayed. But okay, of course I support this, if for no other than principal reasons. I have stayed away from SH4 so far, but silently watched the forum, and took note of the feedback. If the game stays like this, I intend to stay away from SH4 for much, much time longer.Good luck, I really wish you success with this petition, Neal.

Brassusdk 05-16-07 06:05 AM

My vote for 1.3! :up:

capt_frank 05-16-07 06:06 AM

I'm in.

rich57 05-16-07 06:09 AM

Give Neal a Medal
Give Neal a Medal
I for one have been a "reader" of for years and have played with complete enjoyment SH2+SH3.Firstly ,my respect to UBI devs and modders out there.It was not till SH4 that I felt I had to post ....the game is stunning and with a few bugs fixed,playable. Keep up the good work....please.
"my main erk is the inability to see out the war and finish with a crew full of medals"...oh well
There are many other companies also releasing unfinished products.... games I have bought and not played again after too many ctds or bugs galore; Imperial Glory/The Guild 2 come to mind,a waste of money ,SH4 is not a waste of money but to be honest it is on the shelf till I read here that it has been patched.

CaptainCox 05-16-07 06:14 AM

100% support for a 1.3 NOW! common guys, you can do it!

solex 05-16-07 06:19 AM


It needs to be patched!

Bilge_Rat 05-16-07 06:20 AM

Go Neal Go!

The more patches the better. :up:

danlisa 05-16-07 06:25 AM

I have not purchased SH4 yet and I won't until this community can convince me to, at the moment I get a mixed feelings about this game.

A 1.3 Patch and more may be required to make this title a keeper.:up:


If you (UBI) are not inclined to finish the game then let the talented modders around the world finish it for you. SDK please!:up:

CaptainCox 05-16-07 06:26 AM

Oh yea, an SDK would be schweeeeet indeed!

donath 05-16-07 06:26 AM

SH4 does the United States Navy a dis-service.

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