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Aktungbby 07-04-17 12:31 PM

welcome aboard!

Jimbuna 07-04-17 12:47 PM

Great first post nick :up:

THEBERBSTER 07-04-17 02:15 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > nick8321

Support The New SH4 Mega Mod Project FOTRSU > 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.62 PublicBeta_EN
Steam Conversion SH4 Installation Instructions By ValoWay

SJ_SABRE 12-21-17 08:24 PM

Ahoy squids. Ex-Army here but still love the sub sims...

New laptop for Christmas

I was struggling to get SH4 running again on the new box. Thanks to this forum, and a few other threads, looks like its now working well...:yeah:

Even have some noob mods working to boot!

Eluktronics Pro-X P650HS-G
Intel i7-7700HQ Quad Core
Windows 10 Home
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Large Address Aware
Silent Hunter IV (steam)
Not running any compatibility mode (win 10 native)
using Program Files (x86) with no issue (steam library)

Jimbuna 12-22-17 08:46 AM

Welcome to SubSim Sabre :salute:

CapnScurvy 01-09-18 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by SJ_SABRE (Post 2532378)
Ahoy squids. Ex-Army here but still love the sub sims...

New laptop for Christmas

I was struggling to get SH4 running again on the new box. Thanks to this forum, and a few other threads, looks like its now working well...:yeah:

Even have some noob mods working to boot!

Eluktronics Pro-X P650HS-G
Intel i7-7700HQ Quad Core
Windows 10 Home
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
Large Address Aware
Silent Hunter IV (steam)
Not running any compatibility mode (win 10 native)
using Program Files (x86) with no issue (steam library)

Welcome SJ_SABRE to SubSim!!

That's great that you have the game running from Steam, but I must warn you that if you keep it in the "Program Files (x86)" folder and run mods that alter the original game files (which is what mods do) you'll have issues. Since Windows XP, Windows OS has taken an approach of not allowing files to be altered when defaulted/installed into any of these folders......"Program Files", "Program Files (x86)", or the "ProgramData". It's due to security reasons, but when you decide to alter the game files with modifications, Windows will not allow the changes. That's why so many gamers have learned to install their older games into folders other than the three above. The reason newer games can be defaulted to one of these folders is simply they have the correct file "flags" that Windows recognizes (although, even newer games MAY have issues if you decide to mod/alter them).

I also see you have "Large Address Aware 2_0_4_0". I'm guessing you have downloaded version "" from their site. Be aware, that version is NOT used with a Windows 10 NetFramework 4.5......which is provided with Windows 10. You should download/use the LAA version "" for the NetFramework that's in Windows 10.

It's these kinds of things that will trip up a player trying to install older games on newer Windows Operating Systems (newer than Windows XP.....the OS the game was designed for). To make sure you have the correct NetFramework; DirectX; or even have the game installed in the correct place, you should read the "Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install" found HERE.

Something that has just come up on my computer with the "latest" update to Windows 10 (v1709....the Fall Creators Edition) is I now have to set the game in an older "Compatible" mode to have it run. My earlier versions of Windows 10, both v1607 and v1703 did not require me to do anything with the "Compatibility" settings.......with v1709 my game would not boot as usual until I put it into a Vista compatible mode. Just be aware of what could happen, and what to do when it does.

bubba734 01-11-18 02:34 PM

Screen Resolution
I had the same problem. I found that changing the screen resolution to 1024x768 or lower before running the program resolved the problem.
My Lenovo desktop that is from 2007 runs SH4 fine in lower resolution.

Occam's razor. Good luck!

propbeanie 01-11-18 11:10 PM

bubba, older laptops especially, want the screen resolution to match their "Native" resolution. Look in your system settings for the video display, and see if it doesn't give you that. Set your Windows display to that "Native" resolution, and then match it in the game. It might be that 1024x768 is the best that your computer can display, but it might not be (1280x800??). I had an old HP laptop with a nice 17 inch display from that era, but I cannot remember what it could do, but I'm thinking it was like 1366x768 HD. I do remember though that SH4 didn't have an exact match for my monitor's resolution, but I played it "Windowed" at the next size down, and it looked great, other than having a "border" around the screen... Our newer (5 year old) lappy does 1600x900, while the newest is some unbelievable high figure that I'd have to get the kids to explain... In all cases, you might have to freeze the display scaling for the game. To do that, you right-click on the SH4.exe file, left-click on "Properties" from the context menu, then click on the "compatibility" tab. In the "Settings" section, tick the box "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". That does not work on all displays, and may make things worse, depending upon the resolution you are using... :salute:

THEBERBSTER 01-12-18 03:00 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > bubba734
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

jlan5031 01-24-18 05:23 PM

I have a nice new Del Alienware Gaming laptop. It comes with Windows 10. I installed SH 4 Gold from Amazon. The unmodded game runs with no problems so far. However, none of the downloaded mods can be made to show up. I have used JSGME/MODS setup in my other games successfully but not on SH 4. The installed mods show on my JSGME enabler and transfer from active/inactive, but they don't show up in the game.
I've read this thread and tried to follow the ideas and directions as well as I could without success.
The same version of SH 4 is on my old Windows 7 pc, and it works well.
Ant ideas would be greatly appreciated.

propbeanie 01-24-18 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by jlan5031 (Post 2538226)
I have a nice new Del Alienware Gaming laptop. It comes with Windows 10. I installed SH 4 Gold from Amazon. The unmodded game runs with no problems so far. However, none of the downloaded mods can be made to show up. I have used JSGME/MODS setup in my other games successfully but not on SH 4. The installed mods show on my JSGME enabler and transfer from active/inactive, but they don't show up in the game.
I've read this thread and tried to follow the ideas and directions as well as I could without success.
The same version of SH 4 is on my old Windows 7 pc, and it works well.
Ant ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Usually, when mods that show as activated in JSGME don't show in the game itself, it's either a bad mod folder structure, or you've got the game installed in the "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder. If it's your install, you could copy the "Ubisoft" folder and then paste it into the root of C:\, so that you have "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific...". You'll have to change your shortcuts and all, but the game doesn't care where it is. You could also uninstall and then re-install it in a different folder. Windows "protects" the "Program Files..." folders from alteration, which is what mods do.

jlan5031 01-25-18 01:16 PM

Many thanks for your prompt and helpful reply. It allowed me to solve the problem. The main problem was my thinking I had taken care of the Programs(86) issue. Once I convinced myself I should look again, lo and behold, there was the Ubisoft folder! Everything fell into place, and now all is well.
My thanks again,

propbeanie 01-25-18 01:40 PM

Excellent! Glad you're going! :yeah:

Now, if you're doing multiple mods, you might be interested into looking into using MultiSH4 v1.5 to help you manage multiple SH4 game save folders. Another helpful utility is Rockin Robbins' SH4CMS, which can help with easy recovery in the event that things go wrong. The only problem with it is having to follow the batch files' naming convention, but if you're into editing batch files, it's no biggie.

Happy hunting! :salute:

fireblade274 02-17-18 12:15 AM

have win 10 and sh4 issues, figured this was best place
Hi, so this issue first started in sh4 uboats expansion. A after a short time of game play, new and old saves crash my computer. loading old ones result in immediate crash, new saves, my last one I deployed to the Solomon islands (i think), encountered a convoy, dived, took out a few ships, went to free cam to see last torpedo hit, when I went underwater to view near enemy ship, crashes computer. this is just one example, many similar others where crashing happens after 20-30 min of gameplay. Never installed or tried to use mods on SH4.

But after completely uninstalling everything, including using cc cleaner for registry and deleting sh4 from docs folder, and simply trying to run sh4 without the expansion, I just got the same aformentioned crash after 1+ hr of game play. It happened when i went free cam underwater near enemy ship hull. Game runs very smoothly, until it crashes. constant 60fps on max settings.

im getting ready to put my head through a mirror after uninstalling and reinstalling this (and TWOS but thats a different story. cant click on ok after games synchronized from server :dead:) sooooo many times ive lost track. each time i have to start a new save, play for more then an hour, only to verify if have to start again. which i do

Slight venting: I just want to play sh4 uboats stock, or TWOS. preferably both, but you know at least one working would be like the tops right now:salute:

Here's my specs:
i5 4690k oc to 4.6 ghz
win10 64 bit
2x HD6950s crossfired
480gb SSD
8gb RAM

Bleiente 02-17-18 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by fireblade274 (Post 2541780)
Hi, so this issue first started in sh4 uboats expansion. A after a short time of game play, new and old saves crash my computer. loading old ones result in immediate crash, new saves, my last one I deployed to the Solomon islands (i think), encountered a convoy, dived, took out a few ships, went to free cam to see last torpedo hit, when I went underwater to view near enemy ship, crashes computer. this is just one example, many similar others where crashing happens after 20-30 min of gameplay. Never installed or tried to use mods on SH4.

Basically - never use old scores when changing the game version a/o modes.
Therefore, in such situations, it is always better to completely delete the folder SH4 under "My Documents". But do not worry, it will be recreated when you restart the game.

Since you have the Steam version of the game...
or Win10 problems

If this does not help, THEBERBSTER has put together all the tutorials related to SH4:


CapnScurvy 02-21-18 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by fireblade274 (Post 2541780)
Hi, so this issue first started in sh4 uboats expansion. A after a short time of game play, new and old saves crash my computer. loading old ones result in immediate crash, new saves, my last one I deployed to the Solomon islands (i think), encountered a convoy, dived, took out a few ships, went to free cam to see last torpedo hit, when I went underwater to view near enemy ship, crashes computer. this is just one example, many similar others where crashing happens after 20-30 min of gameplay. Never installed or tried to use mods on SH4.

But after completely uninstalling everything, including using cc cleaner for registry and deleting sh4 from docs folder, and simply trying to run sh4 without the expansion, I just got the same aformentioned crash after 1+ hr of game play. It happened when i went free cam underwater near enemy ship hull. Game runs very smoothly, until it crashes. constant 60fps on max settings.

im getting ready to put my head through a mirror after uninstalling and reinstalling this (and TWOS but thats a different story. cant click on ok after games synchronized from server :dead:) sooooo many times ive lost track. each time i have to start a new save, play for more then an hour, only to verify if have to start again. which i do

Slight venting: I just want to play sh4 uboats stock, or TWOS. preferably both, but you know at least one working would be like the tops right now:salute:

Here's my specs:
i5 4690k oc to 4.6 ghz
win10 64 bit
2x HD6950s crossfired
480gb SSD
8gb RAM

What is your Windows 10 version and build?

I'm not talking about whether its a "Pro" or "Home" version, but what does your "Settings" / "System" / "About" page read?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, please read my Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install.

While reading the first post, go ahead and read the rest of the pages. Windows 10 has some things that prevent this old game from running as expected. If you follow what to do about checking your system to make sure it's "set" to play the game; plus installing it as I've described; plus adding Large Address Aware (LAA) properly; plus follow the "Do's and Don't" that I've outlined........ Windows 10 and the game will run better than ever!

fireblade274 03-03-18 09:05 PM

Thank you for your reply! ive been mucking around in TWOS, finally got it to work but i kinda really like the point and shoot aspect of sh4, plus i feel the sinking mechanics are better.

Any way, my win 10 pro version is 1709 and os build 16299.248

I read a bit of your link but WOW thats a lot of info to take in at once.. I guess the first question i have is, since i have steam, how can i get sh4 installed somewhere other then programs 86 folder? Is LAA steam friendly?

CapnScurvy 03-04-18 07:55 AM

Thanks for getting back regarding the version/build of Windows 10........that 1709 version, build 16299.248 is the latest as of this date. So, you're up to date with your Updates. GREAT!! That build number will change as Windows Updates itself. The Version 1709 is what they called their "Fall Creators Update" which has been a few months ago now. If Windows follows its pattern of upgrades, a newer version may not be too far off.

But lets work with the one we've got.

I'm happy to report some of the things I mentioned in my Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install are not needed to check with this newer version 1709. For instance the older legacy NetFramework versions are now included in the v.1709 build...and their "Enabled", so you don't have to go through your system and hand set their settings. Already done for you!

This means loading Large Address Aware onto your system to provide the game more access to the additional memory the game didn't plan on you having, will be much simpler. The question of which version of LAA should I use, is answered for you with the new 1709 build....use the "" to work with the newer NetFramework v4.0 and newer, which is what's in v1709.

Now, your question of using a Steam download for the game.....oh boy, I'm not a Steam user. Never will be. I buy disk versions of games and never allow a seller to dictate to me when/what I can download. As you've already found out with Steam, you've had to purchase the "Base" SH4 version 1.3. To upgrade from v1.3, one of the most bug riddled game version Ubisoft pushed out on us (version 1.4 was much better!!) you've had to repurchase the last version of SH4 (v1.5) for an additional cost. Steam knows exactly what it's doing......getting players to buy a faulty version of the game, just to resell you a more stable version!! Sorry, I don't play that game!

So, I'm going to suggest you look here SH4 <> TUTORIALS <> HOW TO DO IT <> INFO <> DOWNLOAD LINKS -STICKY INDEX. The THEBERBSTER is a Steam user, so he's got some very good insight on what to do with a Steam download of the game. When you get your Steam questions figured out, I'll be happy to help you with anything else Windows 10 related concerning the game. :up:

propbeanie 03-04-18 05:36 PM

THEBERBSTER now has his Steam links highlighted with ">STEAM User Information", so look for those. He has some nice color-coding to go with some nice information throughout his thread. :salute:

THEBERBSTER 03-05-18 07:40 AM

Hi pb

The THEBERBSTER is a Steam user,
:hmmm: Oh. no he is'nt.
Disc man every time.:up:

THEBERBSTER now has his Steam links highlighted with ">STEAM User Information",
Credit for this information in my tutorials goes to ValoWay :Kaleun_Applaud:

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