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ikalugin 02-26-17 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2468965)
Identity tends to be something sticking to a people for generations and centuries - and that is how long it takes to form or change one. That it could be done shorter, metaphorically by pushing a button on some bureaucrat's desktop or by printing a stamp in some official formula (or drawing lines on a map in a different manner than bfeofre, for that matter), is the big illusion.

This was not strictly true in the past, this is even less true now.

French for example did not even share a single spoken language (this was introduced via mass media), Chinese still do not share a single spoken language (this is now being introduced via mass media).

If you want to see how fast modern nation building works in Europe now look no further than Ukraine. It managed to build itself into a nation-state in 25 years. The foundations of such a nation-state are simple:
- consistent historic myth creation.
- consistent falsification of culture.
- state sponsored and enforced distribution of the myth and culture.

Both myth and culture have to be simple in nature and hostile to any competition.

p.s. the ability to introduce culture/historic myth to vulnerable populations is especially clear in the post Soviet states, in addition to the nationalistic examples (Ukraine, Kazahstan, Belorussia, to lesser extend Russia as we adopted continuation of the existing structures) you get religious ones (spread of Islam to the atheist Dagestan for example).

p.p.s. to clarify - originally I wasn't talking about formation of a unitaric nation-state of Europe, I was talking about formation of a super state above nation-states of Europe which would provide certain services to the people of those nation-states that those nation-states could not. For example credible Armed Forces.

Skybird 02-27-17 06:49 AM

The Chinese are united by race. They are Han. Their sense of unity is very strong.

The regional feelings of identity in Europe you can see all across Europe. Despite the desperate attempt of EUcrats to ridicule or demonise them, local independence movements and sometimes even huge mass movements you can see all across Europe. France. Italy. Spain. Balkan. Alpine area. Switzerland. Denmark. Poland. At least over 60 political such movements are usually listed when talking about this, if you lower your numerical criterion from when on you count somethign as a movement, you even can end up with hundreds.

Then there are the shared roots of different languages (the Romanic, Germanic, Slavic branches of languages). The shared religious background, mainly - EU-denied - Christianity, although desintegrating into several sub factions like Catholic, Protestant, orthodox, Anglican. The dozens and dozens of regional local cultures, the more decisive these are the more isolated by terrain people are. In the Alpine area cou can get different identities this way from valley to valley already. The occident is diverse, still there is shared historic fundament in philosophy and patterns in which we think, feel, perceive and approach the world and life in general. At home we may feel in the family we are part of, then the village we come from, then the region where our dialect is being spoken.

I am member of my family, this is my most intensely felt identity. I love Lübeck, and I know Berlin since I lived there long (don't like it), nevertheless these places are dearer to me than others. If i were born more to the south, i would consider myself to be Bavarian, maybe. But then also German, the next wider context. I may feel close to an Austrian since we share a 98% identical language, but the Austrian history is that of a huge, multicultural empire, the German is not - the differences are immense, the social behaviour norms and standards as well as the self-perception are very different therefore (Germans often underestimate that when going to Austria, and think Austria is just like Germany, due to the language - it is not). Nevertheless we all are Europeans if we were born here and our families stem from here, still there are differences, and for people coming from another continent, culture, race, "Europe" nevertheless means somethign even more different again than for families rooted in Europe since many generations and centuries, even more so when the non-Europeans come from an own culture that different to the EU is very strict in advocating its own individual cultural identity. The Turks are an actual example. There is plenty, plenty of diversity in Europe. But if you put much of that into one train and drive to China, or Egypt, or the Kongo, you will soon see what the travellers on that train from Europe all have in common, and what separates them from all others, necessarily.

And Russia, the Sovjet Union - the dictators there often thought they could replace people at will and move whole ethnicities around like chess pawns. But the original feeling of identity prevailed, especially in the Muslim southern districts. You simplify too much there, ikalugin, in order to acchieve a wanted claim that man can be opportunistically manipulated and socially reprogrammed at arbitrary will (the will of the party, for example). You underestimate the individuality of people, ethnicities, cultures, identity. As they say: blood is thicker than water. In Europe, progressives may try to intentionally ignore that. In Russia, tyrants may want to ignore this diversity to claim more power for themselves when ordering the kind of self-perception they want their subordnates to have. But still - Russian feelings of "being Russian" seem to be extremely strong, try to retrain that: I am quite certain you would fail.

But especially in the places where most mass migration to Europe is coming from - the Muslim North Africa and Middle East and the Southern Balkan - people are much less self-denying, and feel such feelings of own identity even stronger, encouraged by the call of Islam for totalitarian uniformity: "power by uniformity". I cannot see that the progressive EU's social-engineered test-tube identity it provides poltically correct thinking people with (that claims nothign less than to not just speak for Europe but all mankind), has anything to offer that could confront these far stronger, energetic and dynamic self-unerstandings these foreigners bring with them. And that is the reason why Muslim migration fails to lead to successful integration throughout Europe. Its not migration in general that poses problems. Its migration from muslim countries, countries that already before Muhammad'S impact on the grounds of history were very patriarchalic and "machismo" and remained to be so until today. If you think you can socially re-engineer this to your liking as well, then you think wrong - like the EU and the politically correct establishments thinks wrong as well.

Skybird 02-27-17 07:34 AM

Not politics, but still: finally a precedence case has been laid out by a German court. For illegal car racing, which led to the killing of one innocent third car driver who had nothing to do with the two monkeys racing, both racers, who raced down the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin with 160 km/h and jumped several red traffic lights before smashing into the murder victim on the Tauentzien (near the famous KaDeWe), have been found guilty of MURDER and were sentenced to life. The deed took place one year ago, in February 2016.

Two of the things I have absolutely zero tolerance for, are drivers who drive drunk, and illegal racers on public streets.

A psychologist who tested both drivers, said they still show zero insight for their guilt. As so often with these kind of young men living on steroids and by a diat composed of narcissism bars, they insisted until the end that they had everything under control.

Which means, in reverse conclusion, that it was the mistake of the murder victim that it got killed. Thats the one point that has especially pissed me when i saw a report on it on TV some months ago.

The kill drivers were identified in the newspaper as Marvin H, 25 years, and Hamdi N., 28 years. The latter seems to be the one who crashed into his victim, as I recall it.

My mum's sister and here unborn baby and fresh husband got killed by a drunk primitive like these , 45 years ago. My own girlfriend and non-announced fiance got killed by such a drunk ape-thing as well, 30 years ago. He got his license back after just some months, and some time later again drove drunk, and again caused a heayv accident and injured several others.

I feel no mercy at all for these two.

ikalugin 02-27-17 08:06 AM

@skybird (because your post is too long to meaningfully quote).

We can agree to disagree then as civilised men.

What we can do is to make a fair wager, regarding the way the world is going. Is it reasonable to assume that you would live (and maintain intelectual capacity) for another 25 years? If so, then we can set formal conditions regarding the terms of the wager and a worthy price, maybe a bottle of high quality alcohol in my cellar (which would further improve from 25 years of being there)?

ikalugin 02-27-17 08:26 AM

Skybird 02-28-17 05:08 AM

Not Germany, but Netherlands, but still somewhat crucial for German foreign policy:

the Dutch parliament has ordered a study to exmaine whether the Euro currency really still is in the Netherölands' best interest, and if and how the country could leave the currency union. This decision comes two months before they have general elections in the country, and the results of that study will be presented later this year.

The Dutch start to feel the sting from Draghis plundering course and illegal state financing policy, pension fonds are beign cut and future pensioners will need to expct to get less money due to the ECB policy.

If the Dutch, often seen as the prime example of EU- and Euro-friendliness, decide to leave the Euro, it would send shockwaves through and a lethal signal to the Euro-zone, and Germany, would be even ore isolated in the Eurozone than ever before. The scale of such an exit compares to the Brexit. If not just Greece or Italy leaves, but the Netherlands, a net payer, then I think it is game over for the Euro. The Dutch have higher economy growth the Germany, and export twice as much goods per head than the Germans.

So after Greece, Italy, France, Spain, we now have a new potential ground zero for a megaexplosion of the EU/Euro .



I read in financial news that investors' expectations that at least one country will leave the Euro within the next 12 months, has gone steeply upwards in recent weeks. Currently over 25% consider that to be the most likely going of events, tendency: steeply climbing further. The Eurocrisis, as they call it, of course nevr had gine away, nor was it under control. It was just violently hidden under the carpet - by moving more and heavier furniture onto that carpet. Now the floor threatens to break through.

Skybird 02-28-17 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2469030)
@skybird (because your post is too long to meaningfully quote).

We can agree to disagree then as civilised men.

What we can do is to make a fair wager, regarding the way the world is going. Is it reasonable to assume that you would live (and maintain intelectual capacity) for another 25 years? If so, then we can set formal conditions regarding the terms of the wager and a worthy price, maybe a bottle of high quality alcohol in my cellar (which would further improve from 25 years of being there)?

25 years is a damn long time. Lets just disagree.

ikalugin 02-28-17 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2469224)
25 years is a damn long time. Lets just disagree.

I mean 1/4 of a century is about 1 generation.

Jimbuna 02-28-17 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2469223)
Not Germany, but Netherlands, but still somewhat crucial for German foreign policy:

the Dutch parliament has ordered a study to exmaine whether the Euro currency really still is in the Netherölands' best interest, and if and how the country could leave the currency union. This decision comes two months before they have general elections in the country, and the results of that study will be presented later this year.

The Dutch start to feel the sting from Draghis plundering course and illegal state financing policy, pension fonds are beign cut and future pensioners will need to expct to get less money due to the ECB policy.

If the Dutch, often seen as the prime example of EU- and Euro-friendliness, decide to leave the Euro, it would send shockwaves through and a lethal signal to the Euro-zone, and Germany, would be even ore isolated in the Eurozone than ever before. The scale of such an exit compares to the Brexit. If not just Greece or Italy leaves, but the Netherlands, a net payer, then I think it is game over for the Euro. The Dutch have higher economy growth the Germany, and export twice as much goods per head than the Germans.

So after Greece, Italy, France, Spain, we now have a new potential ground zero for a megaexplosion of the EU/Euro .



I read in financial news that investors' expectations that at least one country will leave the Euro within the next 12 months, has gone steeply upwards in recent weeks. Currently over 25% consider that to be the most likely going of events, tendency: steeply climbing further. The Eurocrisis, as they call it, of course nevr had gine away, nor was it under control. It was just violently hidden under the carpet - by moving more and heavier furniture onto that carpet. Now the floor threatens to break through.

If I were a gambling man I'd say Greece would be the first to leave post-BREXIT.

ValoWay 02-28-17 12:33 PM

The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!


While most Dutch voters say they favour retaining the euro, the eurosceptic far-right party of Geert Wilders is expected to book large gains though it is unlikely to win enough votes to form a government.

There always were extreme right parties in Europe, America and around the globe.


The party was founded in 1964 as successor to the German Reich Party (German: Deutsche Reichspartei, DRP). Party statements also self-identify the party as Germany's "only significant patriotic force".[12] On 1 January 2011, the nationalist German People's Union (German: Deutsche Volksunion) merged with the NPD and the party name of the National Democratic Party of Germany was extended by the addition of "The People's Union".[13]

Just because the media reports more often now about scum like this doesn't mean things are any different than they were before. It is not the first time that there was a wave of Muslim refugees and immigrants in Germany. The first generation, those which were not born in Germany, will have a hard time to adapt to local lifestyle and culture but as soon as the as their children, the 2nd generation, are born and start to enter public schools the assimilation process will become drastic and apparent. Yes, it also means more reports of juvenile delinquency and racism for about a decade but that will eventually disappear.

I have studied this topic at university and think the main reason why the German government decided to take so many refugees was to guarantee the longevity of the German healthcare, retirement and pension system. It is a proven scientific fact that Germany desperately needs higher birthrates to upkeep the system which is more than likely the reason why they did it.

If you are a nationalists I suggest to think twice before you throw out everything that's foreign, cause it might pay for your rent once you're old and unable to work..

Children with a foreign background in German elementary schools are barely distinguishable from kids with native ancestors nowadays. The media simply has to stop fearmongering and stop acting like everything that happens was new and exclusive so that they can sell more copies..

ikalugin 02-28-17 12:48 PM

This is going to be good.

Oberon 02-28-17 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2469351)
This is going to be good.

ikalugin 02-28-17 02:06 PM

To change the topic. Did anyone look into the "Unbreakable Brotherhood 2016" exercise?

Skybird 02-28-17 03:43 PM


Somebody else this time, please.

Oberon 02-28-17 03:54 PM


Catfish 02-28-17 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by ValoWay (Post 2469346)
The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!

Just because the media reports more often now about scum like this doesn't mean things are any different than they were before. It is not the first time that there was a wave of Muslim refugees and immigrants in Germany. The first generation, those which were not born in Germany, will have a hard time to adapt to local lifestyle and culture but as soon as the as their children, the 2nd generation, are born and start to enter public schools the assimilation process will become drastic and apparent. Yes, it also means more reports of juvenile delinquency and racism for about a decade but that will eventually disappear.

I have studied this topic at university and think the main reason why the German government decided to take so many refugees was to guarantee the longevity of the German healthcare, retirement and pension system. It is a proven scientific fact that Germany desperately needs higher birthrates to upkeep the system which is more than likely the reason why they did it.

If you are a nationalists I suggest to think twice before you throw out everything that's foreign, cause it might pay for your rent once you're old and unable to work..

Children with a foreign background in German elementary schools are barely distinguishable from kids with native ancestors nowadays. The media simply has to stop fearmongering and stop acting like everything that happens was new and exclusive so that they can sell more copies..

Excellent post, thanks.

"The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!"

This is the problem. The neutral/common sense people think they have to give this scum a platform "because democracy" and "can't we all live together". But they do not play by the same rules.
As soon as you let them do their thing you will only hear of them, while the normal media will enter shock state and look stunned at what is happening.
Time to take a more aggressive stance, and not just "let it happen".

Skybird 02-28-17 04:52 PM

Gunnar Heinsohn and some remarks on the demography and migration until 2050.

Only in German, sorry.

LINK - Flüchtlinge für Deutschlands Hightech-Zukunft

LINK - Kleiner Atlas der Völkerwanderungen bis 2050

Link - Afrikanerpolitik mal ganz nüchtern

Militärdemographie (military demography) - I did not even know that such an academic branch existed.

LINK - Die Illusion vom Überlaufbecken

LINK - Die Strategie des Überlaufbeckens

LINK - Sieben Thesen zu Integration und Illusion

I still recommend his book "Söhne und Weltmacht". Heinsohn hats einfach drauf. That the extreme left university community in germany hates him like the plague, just shows how pointy he hits the sore nerves. And no, I do not think that universities in Germany have become any less far left leaning in the 25 years since I studied.

Must I do anything myself? The whole archive at the Achse an be found here:

Skybird 03-01-17 07:58 PM

German "Manager Magazin" reports that in 2016 the number of millionaires leaving germany and giving up citizenship, has grown by a factor of 4, compared to 2015. 4000 millionaires letf Germany 2016, in 2015 it were 1000, and in the years before that it was a number in the low hundreds.

In frtance, the numbers are even worse, it leads the European nations in fleeing milionaires. 12 thousand have left France and turned their backs on French citizen ship in 2016. Asked why they do, the answers focussed on "tensions due to foreign religions" (why pluiral? Everybody knows it is just one certain religion causing troubles, and that is not the Krishna sectarians...), and fears of financial disaster in Europe.

Most flee to Canada and Australia.

This may cause problems sooner or later, if the trend continues, since our political left - and that is practically all parties there are in Germany's Bundestag - dream of plundering from those they demonise as "the evil rich", and with that loot pay for the many have-nots of lacking qualification that are being channeled to Germany in huge quantities, who are expected to produce our pensions in the future ebven if they lack the generla educaiton, qualificaiton, and willingness to integrate.

If net receivers move in by hundreds of thousands per year, and the few net payers of real wealth flee - then you get problems sooner or later. Even Keynesians sooner or later will face the truth that all their superstitious wonder-belief was just an illusion.

Maybe we need to build a new wall, this time around all Germany. To keep fleeing millionaires inside. Or we simply shoot all Republikflüchtlinge once again, and confiscate their wealth completely.

Which leaves me wondering. Do wealthy people grow on trees, or are they raining down from heaven? We need to replace them, don't we, else our business model once again faces problems.

Its not just about fleeing money. Around last christmas I read a long, thorough essay of the massive intellectuol brain drain Germany suffers from as well. It was not German, but some international medium, in English and German. I try to find it again.

The rich people have start to move out. The competent, well-qualified people started to move out. Sounds as if those of a sane mind in general have started to move out, eh?

When looking at those moving in to replace them, I do not really feel relieved. The exchange is hugely deficitary.

Skybird 03-06-17 08:42 AM

"No leading German politician was willing to take responsibility for the possibly illegal decision at the end, "Welt am Sonntag" said in its report."

So they have chosen for a fully legal disaster instead.

"(Merkel) also reportedly wanted to limit bad press that would have arisen from pictures of German authorities enforcing the border closure and their interactions with refugees."

Clear case of personal failure(s) then.

Or as Hayek said so nicely: In government, the scum raises to the top.

ValoWay 03-06-17 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2469393)
Excellent post, thanks.

"The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!"

This is the problem. The neutral/common sense people think they have to give this scum a platform "because democracy" and "can't we all live together". But they do not play by the same rules.
As soon as you let them do their thing you will only hear of them, while the normal media will enter shock state and look stunned at what is happening.
Time to take a more aggressive stance, and not just "let it happen".

Yea, my point is that it seems to me like nowadays every populist right-wing idiot only needs to make a fart and the entire arsenal of the western media immediately goes hysterical! Constantly reporting their nonsense all the time only encourages more idiots to talk even more bollocks..

Like this clown here:

Once everybody said that he's basically an idiot he was like "Hey, I was just joking, alright?"

Who's worth reporting next? This guy maybe?

I think he has a jolly good point and is definitely an official representative of his government or opposition with a lot to say so let's write an article about him, right?

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