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logo114 11-06-18 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2575908)
Hi Logo
Where did you download / bought your SH5?

I have tested it with the DVD version and also with the Uplay download version.
i am already desperately.
Without TWOS I can save.

logo114 11-10-18 11:41 AM

I only started the game as admin. Now I logged in as admin and started as admin.
Everything works now.

aaken 11-26-18 01:03 PM

Hello again,

I'm not sure if this is a TWoS bug (I've never played SH5 without TWoS) so excuse me if this has been reported as "vanilla" bug.
When I'm in bunker and choose torpedo loadout, I load a T5 in the aft torpedo tube but when I start the patrol the aft torpedo tube has a T1.
I've seen this behaviour also in previous version of TWoS.


vdr1981 11-27-18 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by aaken (Post 2578980)
Hello again,

I'm not sure if this is a TWoS bug (I've never played SH5 without TWoS) so excuse me if this has been reported as "vanilla" bug.
When I'm in bunker and choose torpedo loadout, I load a T5 in the aft torpedo tube but when I start the patrol the aft torpedo tube has a T1.
I've seen this behaviour also in previous version of TWoS.


That's a known problem...Not sure from where it's coming from, stock game or the mod it self...

Ejergard 12-15-18 04:52 PM

CTD from bunker scene
First of all, thank you for a wonderful mod! :Kaleun_Salute:
I recently upgraded from v1.06 of TWoS (complete reinstall, not patches), and this is a new problem for me. I saw someone asking about the same issue in the main mod thread, but he was directed here and it doesn't seem like he made a post in this thread.

I'm sure I have missed something on my end, but I have been thorough trying to keep it basic, clean install, cleared registries, followed instructions etc.

1. Operating System, System spec ?
- Win7 pro sp1 64-bit, i7-3770k cpu @ 3.5 GHz, 16Gb ram, GeForce GTX 980
2. What is your version of the game ? (DVD, Uplay download, Steam, other ?)
- Steam
3. Confirm that your game is updated to official v1.2.0 version and that the vanilla game works without problems.
- Confirmed
4. Provide a screenshot which will show all content and installation path of your main Silent Hunter 5 install folder.
5. Describe briefly your mod installation process and specify any error messages you've got during the installation.
- Followed the instruction in the pdf, worked like a charm, no errors
6. Confirm that you have checked for solution in provided install instructions and other documentation?
- Not found pertinent info
7. Specify mods you're using and state your mod order (do not type the list manually, use "Export activated mods list to" JSGME function).
- "Vanilla" TWoS v2.2.9 install, no extra JGSM-content activated
8. If you use any unsupported mods, remove them, reinstall your game/TWoS completely according to install instruction, start new campaign and make sure that the issue still persist.
- N/A
9. Make sure to provide as much details as possible when describing situation where problem/bug/CTD can be observed. What should we do in order to reproduce this issue?
- Game closes without any error messages (CTD) within 60 seconds after entering the bunker scene. If I'm quick, I can click the uboat-configurations guy, or the missions guy, but it will crash even if I get their selection windows opened. It will also crash if I just stand still after bunker scene is loaded, and don't do anything.
10. Upload several screenshots and gamesaves where problem can be observed.
- N/A

vdr1981 12-15-18 06:18 PM

What about Generic File Patcher? Everything went smooth there?

Ejergard 12-16-18 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2581729)
What about Generic File Patcher? Everything went smooth there?

You are absolutely correct, Sir!
I thought I was careful when doing this, counted that I had 9 entires after all the OK's in the patcher, but I think I forgot to restore snapshot also. I redid this part, and it works like a charm now

Thank you!

vdr1981 12-16-18 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ejergard (Post 2581790)
You are absolutely correct, Sir!
I thought I was careful when doing this, counted that I had 9 entires after all the OK's in the patcher, but I think I forgot to restore snapshot also. I redid this part, and it works like a charm now

Thank you!

I'm glad I could help. Have fun and happy hunting!:salute:

Darkandstar 12-19-18 01:10 PM

Taken from the installation guide:

Note that regardless of selected language options during the stock game installation,
TWoS will adjust your game for gameplay with English language texts and German
Put short, it's nice that the installation guide informs us but it'd be nicer if it also told us how to prevent or revert this change, which is the issue I bring to the thread.

Windows 10, steam install.
I don't believe anything else is relevant, as the mod is working as intended, I just have issue with that xD

Spillmester 01-17-19 03:58 PM

Report via celestial, gives me weather report? Task never seem to complete

THEBERBSTER 01-17-19 04:24 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Darkandstar
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bstanko6 01-18-19 07:35 AM

I had version 2.2.2. No problems, all mods worked and the game was great. Updated to 2.2.9, and few things have broken.

1) the begin with type 7b Uboat mod shows the flag pole as a gray shader without skin. Looks weird. The type 7a, no problem.

2) The chimney smoke mod, does not work at all.

So far that's it, just aesthetics's but I am curious if there is something I can to fix them. Love. The update. Thanks.

oIMADMANIo 01-18-19 10:33 AM

Installed the Game and Mod yesterday - 2.2.9 - runs great but I have one single strange issue - when I give my Navigation Officer to fix our Position by celestial - i got the Weather Report.

Donīt know why - weather is good - Boat is surfaced.

This is the List of TWoS Mods that I have enabled:
- Encrypted BdU Orders
- FX Reduc. Fires and Expl
- Real Navigation
- Remove Sub Flags
- SM Interior_Food Stocks

Please, donīt tell me he just canīt navigation on top of BananaBoxes because the FoodStocksMod ;D


vdr1981 01-18-19 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by oIMADMANIo (Post 2587207)
Installed the Game and Mod yesterday - 2.2.9 - runs great but I have one single strange issue - when I give my Navigation Officer to fix our Position by celestial - i got the Weather Report.

Donīt know why - weather is good - Boat is surfaced.

This is the List of TWoS Mods that I have enabled:
- Encrypted BdU Orders
- FX Reduc. Fires and Expl
- Real Navigation
- Remove Sub Flags
- SM Interior_Food Stocks

Please, donīt tell me he just canīt navigation on top of BananaBoxes because the FoodStocksMod ;D



vdr1981 01-18-19 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by bstanko6 (Post 2587182)
I had version 2.2.2. No problems, all mods worked and the game was great. Updated to 2.2.9, and few things have broken.

1) the begin with type 7b Uboat mod shows the flag pole as a gray shader without skin. Looks weird. The type 7a, no problem.

It's probably system related since sub flags work just fine for others...


2) The chimney smoke mod, does not work at all.
Not all ports will have chimney smoke, regardles of TWoS version...

bstanko6 01-18-19 12:55 PM

I'll do,a full reinstall and let you know

finchOU 01-18-19 05:14 PM

Supermarks a Superbug?
Got a game crash when trying to edit a Supermark. Basically pushed V (to edit) and every time I typed "V" in the word convoy it would restart the editing process. Then when I had enough of that I moused over the cancel option and the game immediately crashed to windows. I've had a crash trying to re position Supermark once before...but thats it.

I'm still running TWOS 1.06 (due to not playing that much and stilling wanting to continue my current career without starting over to install the newest version.

EDIT: replicated it again though slightly different. Now when I add the text for the original Supermark (vice editing it)....I try and type "convoy"...but when I get to "v" it goes into edit mode and starts over. cancel button causes Crash to Desktop.

EDIT#2: replicated again. It seems the keyboard gets stuck in limbo. It worked fine the first couple of times I did it(meaning I edited it and saved it...I then did it and canceled it). Then for some reason without explanation, I made a new Supermark and it was bugged again...meaning the keyboard was still doing game commands while I was typing....specifically when I hit "V" it would start over the text...because "V" is the edit supermark key. So I don't know what the trigger is...I'll keep digging when I have more time.

EDIT #3: After testing again last night and this morning....I think I've narrowed it down to maybe having a corrupt Journal? I load my Journal when I start up and save when I exit....without journal entries. Long story short, I loaded up one of the wolfpack missions to do a separtate test to see maybe if it was a corrupted save game file from my campaign. Low and behold everything worked great with no issues when making or editing supermarks. Then I decided to load my Journal in this single mission and then it replicated same problem as before. So i'm thinking either the Journal file is corrupted (and not the campaign saved game file)...or maybe there is some sort of operator error in the loading or saving process of the journal. seems straight forward.

Next I'll start a new journal for my Career.....make new Supermarks....and then save and exit. I'll start back up and open the journal to see if I can get the problem again...

EDIT #4: The problem definitely has to do with Opening a Saved Journal and specifically editing a Supermark. Started Campaign Save without opening Journal.... no problems making, saving, or editing Super marks. As soon as I opened the New Journal (aka nothing actually saved on it)....I can make new supermarks with any text....but as soon as I edit that when things go bad.....if I hit the v key it erases the text.....and as soon as I try to hit the cancel/save/erase keys it crashes.

Next I will try "other keys" besides the v key to see what happens...

EDIT #5: Back to square one. Did a "Historical Mission" and was able to duplicate the problem without using the Journal Functionality. So its definitely NOT a Journal problem. Isn't Troubleshooting fun?? So ignore my last edits...... (or maybe I shouldn't post my active troubleshooting efforts as to no confuse people). The Problem persists....which is again....I can make a Supermark and type text that includes the letter "v" in the text. But if I edit that supermark it sometimes doesn't lock out the keyboard to use other commands. Namely, if I start typing and hit the letter "v" will erase my text as if I'm re-editing the supermark. It will erase the supermark if I hit the "x" key while trying to edit it.

now I need to test whether moving the mouse after actuating the edit function....will keep it from trying to reedit or delete the supermark when trying to edit it....

Edit#6: Sooooo yeah. If you just move the mouse off your will not have a problem editing them. So...kind of a stupid move on my part, not figuring it out's still kind of a bug, but easily avoidable. So, in Closing, If you want to edit a Supermark.....after you mouse over it and hit "v"...make sure to mouse off the supermark...because the X,C,V keys (to delete, move, or edit) are still active. That was a long road to a simple anwser....but sometimes that is the problem....a simple solution.

1. Operating System, System spec ?

2. What is your version of the game ? (DVD, Uplay download, Steam, other ?)

V.1.2.0 and TWOS 1.06

3. Confirm that your game is updated to official v1.2.0 version and that the vanilla game works without problems.


4. Provide a screenshot which will show all content and installation path of your main Silent Hunter 5 install folder.

5. Describe briefly your mod installation process and specify any error messages you've got during the installation.

6. Confirm that you have checked for solution in provided install instructions and other documentation?


7. Specify mods you're using and state your mod order (do not type the list manually, use "Export activated mods list to" JSGME function).

Only added the antilag mod to fix stuttering....

8. If you use any unsupported mods, remove them, reinstall your game/TWoS completely according to install instruction, start new campaign and make sure that the issue still persist.
9. Make sure to provide as much details as possible when describing situation where problem/bug/CTD can be observed. What should we do in order to reproduce this issue?
10. Upload several screenshots and gamesaves where problem can be observed.

bstanko6 01-18-19 06:10 PM

Did a full reinstall, same problem. Flags are fine but the flagpole appears as if it has no skin. The other pole near the stern of the ship is also gray but no skin. If I take away the begin career with 7b and stick to 7a the 7a looks great no issues.

If I place the flag removal mod, it takes away that flag pole but there is the other flag pole at the stern that stays and is gray with no skin. Might be a conflict between the Uboat skins.

vdr1981 01-19-19 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by bstanko6 (Post 2587271)
Did a full reinstall, same problem. Flags are fine but the flagpole appears as if it has no skin. The other pole near the stern of the ship is also gray but no skin. If I take away the begin career with 7b and stick to 7a the 7a looks great no issues.

If I place the flag removal mod, it takes away that flag pole but there is the other flag pole at the stern that stays and is gray with no skin. Might be a conflict between the Uboat skins.

I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about flags them self and not only the flagpoles. What you have described now sounds correct, I couldn't implement sub flags any better...

vdr1981 01-19-19 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2587260)
Got a game crash when trying to edit a Supermark. Basically pushed V (to edit) and every time I typed "V" in the word convoy it would restart the editing process. Then when I had enough of that I moused over the cancel option and the game immediately crashed to windows. I've had a crash trying to re position Supermark once before...but thats it.

I remember similar problem reports from long time ago but I could never reproduce them. You should try with latest TWoS version but your problem may persist as well. v1.06 is very old and unstable.

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