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frinik 02-07-10 10:16 PM

Top Notch!
ZW; I second what Uk-Recce said; we're getting top notch support from you:up:


LcSummers 02-08-10 04:16 AM


uk-recce and frinik are right. Its an excellent service. Now that TvT is running on all members PC, i think supporting each other will speed up your goals.

We know its really hard work for you but we are behind you in every sense belonging TvT.

Now cant wait for other improvments and comments, so not only you ZW but we are busy too.

Thanks to all of you for your support and kindness.


Wilcke 02-08-10 11:16 AM

Fixes for Updated Mission Release for ZW´s Members

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1261395)
I concur with you Mort great support form ZW!:up:

Just to compare notes with you guys how many FPS do you average with the game?. What kind of graphic card do you have with dedicated or shared mem?

I average about 12 FPS( with antialiasing and forest animation turned off the rest at 80% and a screen resolution of 1024 X 768).My gc is an ATI Radeon with 512 mgs dedicated and 1794 shared.I also have the game on a laptop with an Nvidia 7000 (256 dedicated) and with aa and forest animation turned off & the rest low and S.R. of 800 x 600)I average 8.4


AMD X2 4800
4gigs of RAM
Nvidia 9800GT

1920 by 1080 on 23" LCD Widescreen

I run medium settings, (but am at work and will update this tonight).

I average FPS in the high 30's and they slow down a bit when a lot of tanks are burning, low 20's.

ZeeWolf 02-08-10 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1261570)

uk-recce and frinik are right. Its an excellent service. Now that TvT is running on all members PC, i think supporting each other will speed up your goals.

We know its really hard work for you but we are behind you in every sense belonging TvT.

Now cant wait for other improvments and comments, so not only you ZW but we are busy too.

Thanks to all of you for your support and kindness.


That is a fantastic idea, thanks again you guys. I truly appreciate your time
as well and please do not think I take that for granted. This kind of project is a group one and best served by those (like us) who are passionate.

My Best Regards :salute:


Chucky 02-08-10 02:10 PM

In action I am seeing 15-20 fps,but I have all detail on,1680 x 1050 resolution.
i7 920 @3.4 ghz and ATI 4890 (1gig mem) plus 6 gigs system memory.
I have a spare Nvidia GTX 280 OC but not sure if that will make much difference?
I prefer the ATI,it doesn't need a power station to run it.

morttheslayer 02-08-10 04:33 PM

First Impressions of v1-2B for ZW and Members
First Impressions of ZW patch v1-2B
PC Specs CPU Core 2 Duo E8500 (2x3.16GHz) 1333 M/Board Asus P5QC Skt775
Graphics Ge Force 9800GTX+ 512mb o/b mem RAM 4 Mb Corsair DDR3 1600Mhz
HDD Seagate 500Gb SATA2 7200rpm Audio Creative X-Fi Xtreme Audio7.1
OS XP Home SP3 Task Manager- 16 Apps running (incl TvsT) no overclocks
Game installed base version with ZW v1 and V1-2B installed consecutively.
Note ZW Xmas patch NOT installed.
Game Mode AA default off Forest Anim off Vulnerability on Normal ammo
everything else max Screen Res 1024x768
PC load on TM approx 53% FPS lowest 6/7 busy combat to highest about
35 "cruising the stepps" Some shadow anomolies (v minor) put down to
shader or drivers.
1. Russian Defence of Kurtnki: T34 seems to shoot too straight (flat)
no allowance needed for 300/400 m shots.
2. After getting "Browned all over" but not quite to a crisp thought
I'd check for survivors (tab) and found a treacherous comrade unbuttoned
whilst 2 Hannomags circled him - concluded he'd surrendered! HAR:haha:
3. Tiger Trap: after advance thro village to ambush point (in my case
just before hill top on left) let wingmen advance (to avoid previously
experienced treachery!) and when they engaged I proceeded to join them.
Not as the gunner though!! it defaulted me to drivers position several
times (this happened in the stock game also and was a bummer when
under fire and wanting to move but control the gun!
4. Tiger breakout strange Hannomag behaviour just after first
engagement. Either adjacent Tiger or a near miss caused Hannomag to
"barrel roll" then a few seconds later right itself! happened a
couple of times, expression is Vorsprung Durch Technik I believe!!
5. I have had no success yet summoning the reload Hannomag. Repair
not tested yet as Russian I crisp up swiftly and as German I don't get
hit hard enough yet (but then I haven't been to Kursk!!!!) I used all
advised controls - !-b but nothing even when I can see them not far
away. Is there any conditions they won't come? or missions when
they are not available (i.e. don't exist or have been "knocked out"?
6. A couple of runtime errors occurred, happened when loading 2
separate missions. Reloaded OK and played OK after perhaps I
confused the poor PC belting in and out of missions quickly.
7. Having studied the infantry a bit more I'm more impressed with their
actions - much improved but I think they should surrender more!!
8. Bottom Line excellent the main grief for me was that default to
Drivers position and perplexed about getting rearmed/repaired. Am I
doing it right! Have I defaulted a key log (b)?? - I'll check!
I had trouble submitting as after logging in and typing up found
I was logged out - deep joy!! now copied this on notepad and will paste.
Another thread highlights this if any other tankers get de-tracked!
Zeewolf and tankers All the best hope this may be useful - still testing
:salute: Love It Mort

morttheslayer 02-08-10 05:05 PM

FPS Frinik
Hi Frinik:DL
Gave some info on the thread for testing/bug hunting. My FPS range from 6/7 in action (I have experienced a slight stutter once or twice) to about 35 FPS when cruising with not much going on. Average seems to be about 20. I get the most graphic load when I scan in F5 mode as commander or gunner. Also very slight tearing (hardly noticeable) but now and then the graphics "lag" and then catch up like when you scan fast from left to right or traversing the turret. From my system it would seem an improvement in GPU would be the best upgrade sometime, the CPU doesn't seem to bottleneck the game looking in Task Mangler when it's running. I found some games are destined to be "jumpy" even when run retrospectively years after B17 (Mk2) comes to mind it was always choppy
even on later better rigs. Anyway can't afford an upgrade just yet.:cry:

All the best Mort

frinik 02-08-10 11:28 PM

FPS & Wish list
Wilcke, Chucky and Mort thank you kindly for answering.

I am impressed how good your FPS are.Mind you compared with your Core 2 Duo E8500 (2x3.16GHz), AMD x 2 4800 or a 3.4ghz processor I outgunned; mine's just a paltry 2.0 ghz! This gives food for throught. TvsT is definitely a demanding game.I'll have to upgrade my processor if I wish to keep up with ZW's new mods.It seems that having a fast processor has more impact on the FPS than a performing graphic card.(having both makes sense of course)

Another topic I would like to share with you fellow ZW members. I sent ZW a PM in which I laid down a sort of wish list of changes/tweaks or improvements I would like to see in the game.This is by no means a request but simply a list of things to think about to make that great game more immersive and intense.Here's mine(4 items). I think it'd be great if you too would list the things that you would like to have in TvsT.If we don't say anything we're definitely not going to get anything. Making our wishes known doesn't mean they'll come true but at least ZW will be aware of them.


1) Artillery strikes. Having them would be great and give us tankers a new challenge. Dodging artilery strikes would also enhance randomness and give extra unpredictability to the game not to mention new targets to seek and destroy!Having Soviet 155 or 240 mm shells crashing on the battlefield or German Flack 36 and 105 haubitzer on our side would be make the game much more immersive and intense.

2) Landscape damage.What strikes me is that while you can set a tank, a truck or an APC on fire in the game you never see burning trees, or grass or even those Russian isbas(log cabins). This is odd because when you watch those WWII docs you see charred trees, burning grass and houses whenever there's been a battle.Even when there's a burning tank in the middle of the woods in TvsT the trees never catch fire?????.Adding that to the game would also make the game more realistic.

3) Air strikes.Can they be added? After all both during Soviet or German offensive/defensive operations air strikes were involved.They would also add an element of randomness to the game. We could take advantage of those huge tracts of woodland and hills that come with your new maps to hide from marauding planes, evading straffing and bombings.

4) HE shells. This to me is a little irritant. HE shells in TvsT are little more than petards.They explode harmlessly next to a atrget barely raising a little plop with a bit of soil sprouting up.It seems unrealistic to me since one the main purposes of HE shells is to use against infantry positions.There's got to be a way of tweaking the explosion and the resulting damage from splinters or concussion to make them more credible and accurate?Because if the Kursk campaign involves attacking entrenched positions with infantry and artillery, we ''ll be forced to expend our precious AT shells to take them out rather than the more appropriate HE sprengstoffe.Unless we play with the unlimited ammo supply tweak...

May be I should start a new thread rather than post it her?

LcSummers 02-09-10 03:37 AM

Hi members
My first question is which button must i push to get FPS. I think it was one of those F1-F9 keys?

When i knew were to show i will give a report.

Wish list as frinik start to write.

1; A button to let and see my and other crews bailing out. If you see videos, many tankers left their severe damaged tank and didnt stay inside till they were killed.

2, A kind of career mode with rising in ranks and medals and (kill marks).

3, Another point is german armoured platoons were successful because they had intercom (could talk and send information to other members). My opinion is to make some orders ( advance left, right, retreat, hold position etc) with a simplified menue.

4; Tanks that were not involved in Kursk battle (Tiger II, SdKfz 324/2 Puma etc)

5; as frinik mentioned airstrike. I see those sturmoviks, they circling around and make sight seeing instead supporting their comrades.

I am eager what kind of whishes we will see


frinik 02-09-10 06:59 AM

Lc the key is F9.You'll see a long column of number appearing on the upper left side of your screen with the FPS being the first on top.Just press F9 again to erase from your screen.

morttheslayer 02-09-10 10:54 AM

Wish list for TvsT
Hello Zeewolf and Frinik some of this you've seen before from others.

My wish list if ZeeWolf can possibly (and kindly) incorporate in the sim is:

1. Artillary strikes (not sure if random is possible) but maybe triggered by a % of enemy/friendlies advancing.

2. Although I have doubts about aircraft behaviour (i.e. they seemed to be put in for window dressing and if programmed to do too much will give a CPU/GPU hit possibly?), but either airstikes on foreward positions or strafing columns (of either side) would be nice.

3. Controlling wingmen - again nice if simple controls can be achieved like - advance retreat - stop but have doubts if possible.

4. As you have all said, a crew bailout would be nice.

5. Agree with Frinik, several times I have tried "tree removal" with HE so I can get clear shot sometimes it works mostly it doesn't and I waste mmo. So a damage model increase for moving more mud or firewood would be excellent.

6. Infantry behaviour, all real engagements feature combined elements like soldiers supporting their tank force when advancing. Be nice to see a large contingent (depending on good FPS - if possible) of troops advancing with tanks sometimes. It would be good to see after a battle troops of either side surrender when possibly triggered by % loss of respective armour/troops/equipment.
Russians would expend large numbers of soldiers often as cannon fodder so a large advance of troops would be brilliant.

7. I don't know how difficult it would be to introduce weather effects like rain or snow.
Snow would be brilliant with (yes another wish) winter landscape.
I realise this has been mentioned before and outside scope of Kursk, but would be awesome for a full 12 month year round campaign possibility.

8. A long range mission (if any are created in future) would be fantastic if fuel consumption were modelled and a refuel capacity (fuel bowser) available. I know I'm pushing my luck now now ZeeWolf!!!!HAR :haha:
but offered for an aditional option. I mean you wouldn't like it if we
weren't interested now would you.
Don't know what is practically possible with this sim but best of wishes to ZeeWolf and I await his works with great interest. My fear is not enough members to keep ZeeWolf in operation for all these wishes and of course time is a big factor. No good chasing Dragons because you (Zee) can only do what is practicable at the end of the day.
Best Wishes and Respect Mort :salute:

LcSummers 02-09-10 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1262499)
Lc the key is F9.You'll see a long column of number appearing on the upper left side of your screen with the FPS being the first on top.Just press F9 again to erase from your screen.

Hi frinik

thanks give it a try, then report

FPS varies as most mentioned but lowest is 11 to22 and highest with not much action but all in outside view 35 fps (1280x1024 with all set to maximum)


ZeeWolf 02-09-10 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1262712)
Hello Zeewolf and Frinik some of this you've seen before from others.

My wish list if ZeeWolf can possibly (and kindly) incorporate in the sim is:

1. Artillary strikes (not sure if random is possible) but maybe triggered by a % of enemy/friendlies advancing.

2. Although I have doubts about aircraft behaviour (i.e. they seemed to be put in for window dressing and if programmed to do too much will give a CPU/GPU hit possibly?), but either airstikes on foreward positions or strafing columns (of either side) would be nice.

3. Controlling wingmen - again nice if simple controls can be achieved like - advance retreat - stop but have doubts if possible.

4. As you have all said, a crew bailout would be nice.

5. Agree with Frinik, several times I have tried "tree removal" with HE so I can get clear shot sometimes it works mostly it doesn't and I waste mmo. So a damage model increase for moving more mud or firewood would be excellent.

6. Infantry behaviour, all real engagements feature combined elements like soldiers supporting their tank force when advancing. Be nice to see a large contingent (depending on good FPS - if possible) of troops advancing with tanks sometimes. It would be good to see after a battle troops of either side surrender when possibly triggered by % loss of respective armour/troops/equipment.
Russians would expend large numbers of soldiers often as cannon fodder so a large advance of troops would be brilliant.

7. I don't know how difficult it would be to introduce weather effects like rain or snow.
Snow would be brilliant with (yes another wish) winter landscape.
I realise this has been mentioned before and outside scope of Kursk, but would be awesome for a full 12 month year round campaign possibility.

8. A long range mission (if any are created in future) would be fantastic if fuel consumption were modelled and a refuel capacity (fuel bowser) available. I know I'm pushing my luck now now ZeeWolf!!!!HAR :haha:
but offered for an aditional option. I mean you wouldn't like it if we
weren't interested now would you.
Don't know what is practically possible with this sim but best of wishes to ZeeWolf and I await his works with great interest. My fear is not enough members to keep ZeeWolf in operation for all these wishes and of course time is a big factor. No good chasing Dragons because you (Zee) can only do what is practicable at the end of the day.
Best Wishes and Respect Mort :salute:

Thanks mort for your great interest and ideas. Both you and frinik can read
my mind :up:
I'm sure with Kursk you will agree I'm on the right track.

thanks guys

Luftace 02-09-10 01:01 PM

still crashing
Ok guys, finally got around to installing the members 2B update, and I'm still having the same problems as before. I have added all .dll files into the main tvt folder as instructed. I have cleared the cache and restarted after updating and still get the c++ runtime error. When I go to the more details tab that microsoft brings up about the program having to close unexpectedly, it only points to one of two files: engine.dll or controls.dll. Below is what I copied and pasted of one such message. The other message is almost identical with the only exception I notice is the Controls.dll being replaced with Engine.dll instead.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: TvsT.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4892f14e
Fault Module Name: Controls.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 48899ad9
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0033ba8a
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Read our privacy statement:

Toshiba Qosmio X305-Q701 Laptop
Os: Vista 64bit Home Premium, Service Pack 1; updated as of 29 Jan., 2010
Intel Core 2Duo CPU P7350 @ 2.00GHz (2 CPUs)
200GB HD
Nvidia GeForce 9700M GTS TurboCache 512MB

ZeeWolf 02-09-10 01:29 PM

DirectX 9c on Win 7 (64bit)?
Hi Luftace, I was wondering can you install DirectX 9c on Win 7 (64bit)? :hmmm:
I would like to know as much as possible about Win 7 (32 and 64 bit)
so I can be a greater help to you guys. :yep:



LcSummers 02-09-10 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1262837)
Hi Luftace, I was wondering can you install DirectX 9c on Win 7 (64bit)? :hmmm:
I would like to know as much as possible about Win 7 (32 and 64 bit)
so I can be a greater help to you guys. :yep:




i am using Win7 (32bit). TvT uses DX 9c. Everything works fine on my pc.
Its a mixture of winxp and some kind of Vista but much much better and faster.

Even my old games IL2 1946 modded, SH4 running well and are much nicer in graphics too.
What kind of more information do you need?


ZeeWolf 02-09-10 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1262838)

i am using Win7 (32bit). TvT uses DX 9c. Everything works fine on my pc.
Its a mixture of winxp and some kind of Vista but much much better and faster.

Even my old games IL2 1946 modded, SH4 running well and are much nicer in graphics too.
What kind of more information do you need?


That is the kind of thing I like to hear, I was thinking (looking in the future)
that this is the OS to move to. I can see a greater future for T vs T when
the most current OS [Win 7 32bit] runs TvsT at an improved performance over the native OS that it was created on.
If I have more specific questions I will turn to you, but for now your positive report is a huge endorsement for the future of T34 vs Tiger.:rock:

Thanks LC

Chucky 02-09-10 02:36 PM

I have found Win 7 64 to be much better for games ZW.It seems to be quicker plus it runs games I have that would NOT work on Vista 64.

Maybe they got it right this time?

ZeeWolf 02-09-10 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Chucky (Post 1262877)
I have found Win 7 64 to be much better for games ZW.It seems to be quicker plus it runs games I have that would NOT work on Vista 64.

Maybe they got it right this time?

Ok Chucky, that's huge plus for Win7 32bit AND Win7 64bit! :woot:
I am very delighted to hear that, and yes maybe they DID get it right this time. :yeah:

Thanks Chucky :up:


morttheslayer 02-09-10 03:32 PM

Luftace game crash
Hi Luftace, this will probably be as much use as a chocolate fireguard but I had what I thought to be big problems as well - mostly graphics and got resolved by double installing and double modding! I cleared the cach each install and made sure each stage ran as well as the original initial install.
This after checking registry (regit on my OS - XP) for any duplicate files
left. If there are after uninstalling they appear as G5 software if you check Reg "before" you tamper you will ID them and see what I mean.
I see you updated you ver of Win (Vista) not long ago, obvious question did it run OK before and after your SP update? Also do you have to have DX10? have you thought about reverting to DX9c?
I can only wish you the best of luck with it mate. Hope to hear you have it beat soon.
ATB Mort

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