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Oberon 11-14-15 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2358330)
I suspect just a matter of time.

Sadly, yes. I've been waiting for another attack in London, Birmingham or Manchester for a while. One can only presume it's slightly harder to get the weaponry across the Channel or something. But yes, this is a war after all, sadly, and we are going to suffer casualties.


Originally Posted by Betonov (Post 2358368)
Someone on imgur hits the nail

Ah, Jollyjack, he's done some brilliant topical comics, a couple on North Korea that are perfect. :up:

Rockstar 11-14-15 01:19 PM

Sooo, we what is being said then its part of the new norm, we shouldnt get too worked about it. Well I mean as long as I can get too work other than that we shouldnt be concerned?

And as far as the myth of no go zones. The myth is nobody not even police venture in. Reality is its not exactley a tourist destination. And the police when they do go they go heavily armed, and take other special precautions not normally associated with routine patrols. At least according to French governemnt sources and european news agencies.

Look this is becoming an increasing problem. When my dog gets fleas I dont let them itch, if I do they spread multiply and eventually get on me. No, when it comes to fleas I exterminate them at the first sign.

Oberon 11-14-15 01:28 PM

In a way, yes, it is the new norm, it has been the new norm since September 2001. We should expect terror attacks, but no-one is going to be able to take away the shock when they happen. Yes, we can work to prevent them and we have done, there are countless terror attacks that have been averted, potential terrorists that have been arrested, but no force is perfect and some are going to slip through.
Should we just shrug and say 'fair enough',, of course not, and we need to make sure that if there is a way that does not undermine the values of the nation that we hold dear, if there is a way to stop something like this from happening then we should take it.

So yes, if your dog gets fleas, you de-flea it...but unless you eradicate every single flea in the world in a mass flea-genocide, you're not going to completely prevent the dog from the chance of getting fleas again.

mapuc 11-14-15 01:29 PM

I'm so to say confused in many way

I shall try as good as I can to explain one of my confessions

For the moment I have only Danish TV-channels one Swedish TV-channel and depending on the weather(antenna-air) 10-20 different German TV-channel

I try to get as much information about ISIS/The terror in Paris and other places

I hear Danish,Swedish and or German terror expert make statement in some news program I try to remember what they have said

Here is a the lastest from the former leader of the Danish PET(equal FBI)
"Its not that easy to "hear" what ISIS are saying to each other, they are using advanced military coding system"

This was his answer to a question from the journalist.


Tchocky 11-14-15 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2358381)
Sooo, we what is being said then its part of the new norm, we shouldnt get too worked about it. Well I mean as long as I can get too work other than that we shouldnt be concerned?

Not what I was getting at, no. I mean, yes, large scale terrorist attacks are more common in Europe now, but low-level long-term insurgencies are almost gone.
We have 7/7 and 13/11, instead of The Troubles and Red Brigades. DOn't ask me if this is an improvement, I've no idea.


Look this is becoming an increasing problem. When my dog gets fleas I dont let them itch, if I do they spread multiply and eventually get on me. No, when it comes to fleas I exterminate them at the first sign.
As a metaphor this is almost peerless. As security or public policy it's lunacy. Like it or not we have a framework of human rights and process. If we decide to chuck it out the window, I guess that's possible (if undesirable in my view)

But if it's going to go, dismantle it rather than destroy it through negligence and disrespect.


Originally Posted by mapuc
Here is a the lastest from the former leader of the Danish PET(equal FBI)
"Its not that easy to "hear" what ISIS are saying to each other, they are using advanced military coding system"

Yeah that's tricky. You can't snoop a coffe shop conversation and you can't break all encryption in real time. I'm fairly certain that metadata collection and the like really serves to help investigations after the act. Pick up the pieces, as it were.

We're no closer to cracking the IS nut today than yesterday - we're just a little deeper in innocent blood.

mapuc 11-14-15 01:34 PM

Another thing that makes me sad

Reading some peoples response

"Islam has declared war on us, we can not trust a Muslim"

Islamic radicalism has declared war on us, that's true. but they are not every Muslim or every Muslim is not radical in their belief and that's a mega huge different.


Tchocky 11-14-15 01:35 PM


Worrying rhetoric bubbling up around the place, though.

Onkel Neal 11-14-15 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2358394)
Another thing that makes me sad

Reading some peoples response

"Islam has declared war on us, we can not trust a Muslim"

Islamic radicalism has declared war on us, that's true. but they are not every Muslim or every Muslim is not radical in their belief and that's a mega huge different.


That's very true.

Skybird 11-14-15 01:39 PM

My concern is that this has been just the opening act.

Amongst IS' legionaires, a huge number has French passports - passports which will help them to return to France legally. The French contingent amongst IS' foreign fighters, is one of the biggest foreign groups in IS' service.

One of those attackers who got killed was a known "radical", already known to the police since 2010. And still he could freely move around and get himself into striking position.

I fear France must take into account that there could be several hundred, maybe even over a thousand, sleepers ready to strike within its national borders currently. Impossible to completely neutralize that threat.

Of the killed attackers today, one has owned an Egyptian passport, and at least one Syrian, maybe even two Syrian passport shave been found by the authorities. One of these Syrian passports is linked to a Syrian "refugee" who had entered Greece via Turkey sometime in October. The German BKA has warned already weeks ago that several tens of thousands of forged Syrian passports were circulating at the time of this BKA announcement. In past weeks, several countries let Syrian and other migrants and refugees travel without registration and checking their papers at all, due to the huge pressure at the borders. The head of the German coalition party SPD several days ago admitted that tens of thousands of refugees just disappear after they crossed the German border, and are moving around in Germany untracked, unknown off and completely unregistered.

In other words: nobody has any clue on how many of those masses of foreign people who were let in, were not what they pretended to be. Dozens? Take that as a certainty. Hundreds? Could be possible. Nobody can say for sure.

This is a perfect security nightmare.

If the story about that Syrian passport gets further confirmed, it means that those 130 people got killed and those hundreds got wounded in exchange for letting happen uncontrolled border crossing and unregulated mass migration. Nice trade. Headless sentimentality and wishful dreaming has quite a bit to do with it.

Today's threat by IS that this has been just the first of several strikes, absolutely is no empty threat, but must be taken into account as a substantial threat for sure. What they would need for maintaining that threat, is a sufficient supply of suicide attackers, no matter whether national residents ( many of the attackers seem to have spoken accent-free French, also the attackers in London and Madrid held British and Spanish passports), or IS-returners or false "refugees" streaming into Europe.

Did I already say that this is a security nightmare? But one that one could have easily foreseen - if only one would have wanted that. But since many years one stuck the head into the sand, and in recent weeks and months insanity turned from bad to worse. Madness, when turning pandemic, is called "reason".

Oberon 11-14-15 01:46 PM

Aye, sadly that is likely. I think it was inevitable that there would be radicals hidden in the refugee crowds. But do you turn away millions for a low percentage of troublemakers? :hmmm:

mapuc 11-14-15 01:51 PM

I have a question for you to think about

Why Paris, France ?

Why not Berlin, Madrid or London ?

Tchocky 11-14-15 01:53 PM

Tying this to the recent refugee crisis is to miss what's been going on for years - inter-European bickering about information sharing and data collection.


A major Islamist terror attack in Europe is almost inevitable as European members of Islamic State (Isis) return from Syria and Iraq, according to senior EU officials familiar with the diplomatic, intelligence, and security planning taking place to try to counter the threat.
That's from over a year ago.

The EU has been trying to come up with a counter-terrorism strategy for the past 18 months. The current emergency is jolting the process, but officials are intensely pessimistic that the results will be too little, too late.
Various schemes are under discussion, most notably an EU-wide Passenger Names Record (PNR) for all air travel within the EU supplying up to 15 parameters that are mixed in a computer algorithm to help identify suspects.
The scheme is opposed in the European parliament on civil liberties grounds as it would monitor millions of ordinary travellers. The Germans, sticklers for data protection, are also lukewarm on the idea but are keener on reintroducing tighter border controls within the passport-free Schengen zone.
That brings the concern and effort back to March 2013.


Originally Posted by Skybird
If the story about that Syrian passport gets further confirmed, it means that those 130 people got killed and those hundreds got wounded in exchange for letting happen uncontrolled border crossing and unregulated mass migration. Nice trade. Headless sentimentality and wishful dreaming has quite a bit to do with it.

So no, not really. Certainly imposing heavy border checks and severely curtailing freedom of movement might have caught this in progress, but to frame it as you have as an even trade, one for the other, is false.

IS would have had no trouble getting fighters in place if there was no refugee crisis.

Betonov 11-14-15 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2358381)
Sooo, we what is being said then its part of the new norm, we shouldnt get too worked about it. Well I mean as long as I can get too work other than that we shouldnt be concerned?

We shouldn't treat it as the end of the world.
The dog won't die becasue of a few fleas, France won't die becasue of a terrorist attack.
If your dog has fleas you take measures to kill the fleas and make some measures it won't catch them again. And that means not going after the entire Endopterygota* superorder just because one order is of a parasite variety.

And since terrorists want us to be affraid, concerning ourselves over it, cancelling travel, hidding in our houses, looking over our shoulder and giving governments powers over our personal life means THEY won and I'll personally send every one that became affraid a white flag so falsely given to the French by the internet in the last years and wave it with pride.

*Endopterygota superorder includes fleas, beetles, wasps, bees, ants and butterflies

Oberon 11-14-15 02:23 PM

Huh, so fleas are in the same superorder as learn something new every day.

Apparently an old co-worker and school friend was in Paris at the time, fortunately she is safe and is coming back soon. Police and army are everywhere apparently.

Skybird 11-14-15 02:23 PM

France is amongst the front runners with having problems with its very huge Muslim population that grows rapidly. It also is part of the anti IS coalition, and has installed some legislation that are not in favour of Islamic demands. And as I said: a huge sub-group of IS' legionaires, are French. In a way one can say that France gets caught by the backleash of its own migration policies of the past half of a century. The integration of that huge Muslim influx, has failed on epic proportions. I knbow nio country in europe, where the integration of bigger Muslim communities was a success story.

Contemporary world events just were a spark that worked as the trigger.

Also, propaganda efforts by IS find many open ears in France, due to that high numbers of Muslims living there.

Many people will also say that those poor Muslim communities are disadvantaged and socially discriminated. Well, that formed up over decades, and to good parts even is true. The question however just is: why do they get discriminated and why do many people no longer want to have much to do with them anymore? Could their lacking integration that they refused to realise, have anything to do with it? Or does that hurt precious socialist feelings or violate political correctness that always claims the fault is ours, not theirs, and that we must just try harder to like them? Or is it maybe an even deeper fundamental incompatability between the value system as formalised in the French constitutional order and Western civilization, and Islamic morals and demands? ;)

It should really catch your attention that where ever in Europe there are bigger Muslim communities, there are troubles, and these troubles grow practically everywhere. They just do not integrate. Other foreigners coming to Europe to fit in, over time melt in, adapt, integrate. Islam does not. Never did. Muslims allowing to get assimilated, are a minority, Muslims building successful, even exemplary careers, are even more an exception from the rule.

Maybe because the claimed word of Allah is put above earthly man-made values and rules, and due to its divine nature its rulership is not to be negotiated?

I hear the hypocrites yelling already, "Islam has nothing to do with what happened yesterday". It has all and everything to do with it. The shout Allahu Akbar! was to be heard on all places of the slaughtering.

"Moderate" Muslims may think that they do not belong to those barbars. But those barbars belong to these "moderate" Muslims nevertheless, they base on the same book, the same historical figure and story, they speak in that scriptures' name and correctly refer to it. They match the examples set up by Muhammad himself during his life much closer. When Muhammad could exterminate a whole Jewish tribe and execute all 900 male members, old and young, on the market place in Medina, while leading all women into working and sexual slavery: just because he felt offended by the educational intellectual superiority of the Jewish pharisees - why should he have a problem with his disciples slaughtering 130 infidels belonging to a culture that stands in Islam's way, hindering it to fulfill Muhammad's wanted heritage of world rulership?

I remind also of the fact that many of the attackers from London were no social losers or disadvantaged, discriminated victims of social injustice, but came from the social middle clas, had good jobs, homes, families. That should make people think.

Betonov 11-14-15 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 2358426)
Huh, so fleas are in the same superorder as learn something new every day.

it's the superorder where animals start life as larvae

it means that buttelies are the same superorder as zerglings and hydralisks

Betonov 11-14-15 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2358427)

I hear the hypocrites yelling already, "Islam has nothing to do with what happened yesterday". It has all and everything to do with it. The shout Allahu Akbar! was to be heard on all places of the slaughtering.

I can kill people and yell ''für den Kaiser Franz Joseph'', will that mean it is an Austro-Hungarian issue ??

Oberon 11-14-15 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Betonov (Post 2358429)
it's the superorder where animals start life as larvae

it means that buttelies are the same superorder as zerglings and hydralisks



Originally Posted by Betonov (Post 2358431)
I can kill people and yell ''für den Kaiser Franz Joseph'', will that mean it is an Austro-Hungarian issue ??

Depends if you kill an Ostrich, I guess... :hmmm:

Tchocky 11-14-15 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird
In a way one can say that France gets caught by the backleash of its own migration policies of the past half of a century. The integration of that huge Muslim influx, has failed on epic proportions. I knbow nio country in europe, where the integration of bigger Muslim communities was a success story.

Oh for God's sake, two posts ago it was the result of recent EU border policymaking, now it's 50 years of French whatever.

Make up your mind.


I hear the hypocrites yelling already, "Islam has nothing to do with what happened yesterday". It has all and everything to do with it. The shout Allahu Akbar! was to be heard on all places of the slaughtering.
Well that's all the proof I need. I mean come on people, SHOUTING.

A psychopathic murderer who was taking innocent life before blowing himself up - why do you take that to be a reasonable source of motive?

Why is that proof to you?

Frankly I consider a murderous rampage to be a sign of a flawed mind, easily seduced by opportunistic sadists.

Apparently you think this is the sign of a well-adjusted honest thinker. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Wouldn't want to misrepresent your position.


"Moderate" Muslims may think that they do not belong to those barbars. But those barbars belong to these "moderate" Muslims nevertheless, they base on the same book, the same historical figure and story, they speak in that scriptures' name and correctly refer to it.
It's very nice of you to tell people who they are. You should get a newsletter as it appears the overwhelming majority of peaceful, non-insane Muslims don't have the right to refer to themselves as such. They're apostates, right?


They match the examples set up by Muhammad himself during his life much closer.
As always we get back to this - you can't have it both ways.

There can't be huge unintegrated Muslim populations in France if by your definition none of them are proper Muslims.


So Betonov, what's Lepidoptera then? I vaguely remember the term and don't wanna Google :D

Betonov 11-14-15 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tchocky (Post 2358436)

So Betonov, what's Lepidoptera then? I vaguely remember the term and don't wanna Google :D

Butterlies and Lipidoptera is the order, part of the superorder Endopterygota, class Insecta, Phylum Arthrpoda, kingdom Animalia

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