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Hitman 09-06-07 07:11 AM


Well done CB :up:

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to get those 3D models for WW1 conversion for SH2, but since the sim seems to have good potential it could be worth sticking to SOF :hmm:

As soon as I finish my current projects I would like to have a look at the Torpedo Gyro settings. Selecting 90º as Gyro is impossible from the game interface, however historically the WW1 german UBOats only used three Gyro Angles 0,90 and 270 (To simplify firing solutions), so it is of huge importance to be able to select them for me.

CB.. 09-06-07 07:18 AM

cheers HM!:up:
now that is interesting....i didn't know that they only had the three gyro angles ....if it were possible to restrict the player to the same set up...then that would have a huge impact on the gameplay realism etc long did it take for a torp to turn the full 90 degrees? or did they have rotable torp launchers..or similar?

i'm enjoying the manual targeting and getting a lot of succes with your excellent torp angle calculations...many thanks..makes a world of difference..even able to get some dang close shots with "snap" shots now at destroyers haring along at 35 knots...

has Seeadler got any info which might clear up some of difficulties exporting new models to SOF??

ReallyDedPoet 09-06-07 07:30 AM

Any Canadians playing this? Not sure where to get it in Canada, have checked and a few other spots, not listed yet.


murat124 09-06-07 08:01 AM

Walmart in Whitby,ON has it for 18.95 :up:

ReallyDedPoet 09-06-07 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by murat124
Walmart in Whitby,ON has it for 18.95 :up:

Thanks :up:


CB.. 09-06-07 08:07 AM

HM...the torp gyro angle settings...
HM i think it might be possible to edit the torp gyro angles the game allows adjusting the settings for torp gryo instrumentation in the scope room..

go to the instruments.txt
( text based cfg files :up: the stuff dreams are made of modding wise)

here's what i reckon is the settings for the torp gyro manual control

25 messpeed Zielwinkel.jpg 1 0 6.28 0 9 0 6.28 6.28 0 1 0 _ziel_position03

wether this is purely the graphical range of movement shown by the selection lever/dial or wether this actualy affects the angles used by the torp itself i don't know...

but it might be possible to come up with a compromise

restricting the angles to 0/25/40 or similar; which would be an atmospheric if not bang on step towards what your after..

or perhaps in the


36.0 179.0 26.0 486.0 1 700 C/06
36.0 108.0 26.0 374.0 1 600 C/03
36.0 119.0 26.0 411.2 1 800 G/06
35.0 250.0 28.0 728.9 1 900 G/07

haven't interpreted all the entrys here BUT some where there may well be entrys for the available maximum gryo angle that at least may well be moddable...

and if it is....then it might also be possible to render certain parts of the torpedo angle setting Dial in the scope room "unclickable" there by arriving at the desired result or something close anyway...this is the sort of thing that TENDS to be possible with these things .on past reckon?
i'll keep my eyes open for anything else pertaining to the subject:)



i thinkt there is a link early on in the thread to the site with the downloadable english version of the if you have broadband you can order the game from them and download it straight to your pc....
i ordered my copy from Amazon.DE I'm in the UK amazingly arrived in 3 days!

horsa 09-06-07 09:20 AM


has Seeadler got any info which might clear up some of difficulties exporting new models to SOF??
He was able to add a model to SOF some time ago so I guess he should have all the necessary know how :D

CB.. 09-06-07 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by horsa

has Seeadler got any info which might clear up some of difficulties exporting new models to SOF??
He was able to add a model to SOF some time ago so I guess he should have all the necessary know how :D

ok sounds good:up:

tho i guess we now enter boldy into that area of modding i mentioned

the pleasure gained for all concerned modder.. and onlooker alike.. from the free sharing of informaton...(if reciprocated).. i get the feeling you guys know him better than i do....any chance of you asking him???

i think you can tell that i would quickly give the info should the situation have been reversed...:up:

that way i can tell wether or not i'm just wasting my time and effort here..

horsa 09-06-07 09:48 AM

No problem. I'll contact him by PM - he wasn't overly impressed with SOF so he's unlikely to be reading this thread.

Edit to add :

CB.. 09-06-07 09:52 AM

Cheers Horsa:yep: :up:

Hitman 09-06-07 09:57 AM


now that is interesting....i didn't know that they only had the three gyro angles ....if it were possible to restrict the player to the same set up...then that would have a huge impact on the gameplay realism etc long did it take for a torp to turn the full 90 degrees? or did they have rotable torp launchers..or similar?
The german WW1 torpedoes were capable of any Gyro Angle between -90 and +90 (90 left and 90 right), however it's the commanders who only used 0/90/270 because of the easyness of the firing solutions.

0º is the one to use when you are perpendicular to the target course, as you have already learned,

90 and 270º are the perfect settings when you are running paralell to the target :) either in the same direction ("Running fight" in naval terminology) or in the opposite ("En passant" in naval terminology). Those are the perfect shots when your approach was miscalculated and you would be too close to fire a torpedo if staying in perpendicular course. In those cases, you would turn to have the same or the opposite course as the enemy and when he reaches you, you would shoot either left or right using exactly the same formula as for the straigth shot....only difference being your bow is 90 degrees off and thus the torpedo turn of 90º :) .In the end, the result is the same as with the perpendicular shot, only you can now have your bow pointed elsewhere :yep:

Also very useful for shots inside convoys :up: you place your sub in the middle of two colums and shoot a salvo splitted right and left with 90º Gyro angles and hit at the same time the ships in two of the columns :know:

There is no need to restrict the player to those two angles, nobody should be interested in using anything else than them because calculating it becomes a nihgtmare (That's why the TDC was later developed and in use during WW2)

CB.. 09-06-07 10:04 AM

Cheers HM now i see what you mean!!
it might be possible by editing those entrys i showed ...if i get time i will experiment with them and see what sounds like a definite improvement..with some great gameplay and realism opportunites!

horsa 09-06-07 12:57 PM

Seeadler has replied. He says that he did not add any extra models. He replaced an existing model with his model of Konig by converting it to the DirectX format.

Basically this is what I've done here. I converted Seeadler's Konig to 3DS and made a crude retexture using UVMapper. This was imported into Deep Exploration and exported as a DirectX format model. I renamed this as Scharnhorst_voll and overwrote the existing Scharnhorst_voll file. I also added the texture plate to the textures folder.

I'm not very familiar with 3DMax so I tend to work out of Sketchup and export as 3DS. Uvmapper is a quick wysiwyg way of texturing that I prefer.

I'm sure it's only a short step to creating a new model file and adding an entry to a catalogue somewhere.

CB.. 09-06-07 01:50 PM

i see...yes it's the conversion to directX that 3dsmax is struggling least with the X file exporter plug in i have at the imports the SOF models like a dream blam straight open with 3dsmax there it all is..but exporting it back out again.....there's the snag....the game accepts the edited model crashes etc...but it's invisable trying variuos different settings with the export to see what the issue may even be a matter of might be exporting the model file hugely too large (in which case i am seeing nothing because i am inside the sub model...or it may be the exact opposite ...and the thing may be a tiny speck beneath me...or it may have reveresed all the polygon normals so it's shown inside out and there fore transparent...any number of things can go wrong or be set incorrectly....

so it's the conversion to the X file format that i need advice on...if he has 3dsmax what exportor plug-in is he using etc...and what settings does he use and so on...

in the mean time i willl take a look at deep exploration (it rings a bell think i've used it before..) and try one or two other tricks....see if i can find a way...

yes i think adding new ships etc is just a matter of correctly adding the new vessel to the games list of game objects....

it won't automatically use it tho untill you script it into the missions..which you obviuosly allready know how to do lol

tho to be honest with you i don't think is the right place to discuss this excellent sim...

horsa 09-06-07 01:54 PM

Yes, you're right about the scale. The models are about 5 times too big for SOF.

horsa 09-06-07 01:59 PM


it won't automatically use it tho untill you script it into the missions..which you obviuosly allready know how to do lol
No. I'm pretty clueless on that . I knew that the Scharnhorst appeared early on in one of the missions ( No. 9 : Safe Return Home ). By overwriting the scharnhorst model file meant Konig would appear instead.

ReallyDedPoet 09-06-07 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by CB..

tho to be honest with you i don't think is the right place to discuss this excellent sim...

Curious for the reason here :hmm:


clive bradbury 09-06-07 02:58 PM

Ok, gentlemen, you have convinced me. Downloading the program now...

CB.. 09-06-07 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by horsa
No. I'm pretty clueless on that . I knew that the Scharnhorst appeared early on in one of the missions ( No. 9 : Safe Return Home ). By overwriting the scharnhorst model file meant Konig would appear instead.

one way is to add this to any mission file (use the examples i've posted in the thread for the precise place to add the entry or just have a look thru a few stock's pretty clear where to add it...just find on with similar entrys and add yours to the list

ApplyStateEngine $0,"PassByZigZag#Scharnhorst#2.081,56.309,500000,1 #18"

go to the co-ordinates 2.082,56,309 chug about a bit and it will apppear..

add this to the list aswell

ApplyStateEngine $0,"PassByZigZag#Lion#2.081,56.309,500000,1#18"

and you'll get to see the two ships duke it out in a battle to the death...

i fancied see-ing another of my flottilla buddys knocking about the place...

so used a similar method to the above and here they are..crew on deck and all...

it really is no harder than SH2 for this sort of fact in a lot of ways it is actualy easier to add ships to missions etc etc

convoys are a little different..and i'm not sure that side of things will really pan out to anything like a high standard..tho i could be's hard to get convoy placement and formation can see it is possible by generating a convoy mission thru the generator...but scripting that ....looking at the files for the convoy is complex...and i would not know how to incorporate that code into a normal campaign mission file..and even if i could i still think they're would be in game issues that made it less than satisfactory..escorts not returning to the ships after an attack etc etc...
but loosely formated convoys should the simple inclusion of several ships and a few escorts given the same route and speed instructions..which is how the stock campaign handels the few small convoys it has incorporated..

FLOATER would know more about this more complex code work as it is AFAIK wrritten entriely in some form of Visual basic code...

in fact i reckon Floater could knck up a decent mission editor in no time at all...

why do i think that???

because I could knock up a basic mission editor myself ...and if I can make one...Floater could do it in his sleep!!!

on the modelling side here's that full 3 man watch crew idea i mentioned...

the third man is the stock one which you would see in game but ins't shown here..

unfortunately i am no closer to finding a way to export the model back into SOF from 3DSMAX...
i don't have an awfull lot of patince for fiddling about with model file formats exported settings etc etc etc...

love making the models etc hate all the anal p*ssing about needed to get things correct for inclusion into games..

tho should any-one deign to provide me the neccessary information on the correct X file plug in settings to export from 3dsmax or similar..i can now provide information on how to add a completely new ship model to the game.

here is a unique and new vessel using a stock model copied and renamed (along with a new texture file etc etc)

it's a german small cargo ship..

tho as you can probably see there is no smoke coming from the funnels so that is an indication that the job itself is not completely done...but as a stationary ship in a harbour area this would be perfect....

swop you this info for the exporter info....:hmm: :rotfl: :roll: :damn: :damn: :damn: :damn:
as you can maybe tell i stopped having fun "sharing" this info about one and a half pages's allready beginning to detract from the enjoyment i get from playing the game itself..and that's a "NO NO" ..i'm sorry i just can't take my self seriously enough to compete with the vibes..LOL. taking my self seriuosly isn't any FUN LOL!!!...this is just stored momentum. to get it out of my system so to speak..time to retire disgracefully back to my web-site again i feel.:arrgh!:

horsa 09-08-07 05:48 AM


as you can maybe tell i stopped having fun "sharing" this info about one and a half pages's allready beginning to detract from the enjoyment i get from playing the game itself..and that's a "NO NO" ..i'm sorry i just can't take my self seriously enough to compete with the vibes..LOL. taking my self seriuosly isn't any FUN LOL!!!...this is just stored momentum. to get it out of my system so to speak..time to retire disgracefully back to my web-site again i feel.:arrgh!:
I'm not sure what this is about. Sounds like there's a bit of history in there somewhere. :-?

swop you this info for the exporter info
I would if I could but sadly this isn't something I have for 3DMax.


ApplyStateEngine $0,"PassByZigZag#Lion#2.081,56.309,500000,1#18"
Thanks. :up: This looks useful. I'm too used to the direct simple route on a single mission file ( as in DC/SH2 ):) .

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