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vienna 05-09-12 03:15 PM


Damn, this just sounds like swallowing textbook-style propaganda and repeating it without even trying to think on your own.
More and more, this quote from Penguin regarding Bubbles becomes truer and truer...


Bubblehead1980 05-09-12 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by soopaman2 (Post 1881503)
I do not think it will lessen the crew in any way. I am sure they will all be outstanding sailors.

I love me some partisanship sometimes, and have alot of fun with it, but this reeks of idealogical hate.
Lets call our next one the USS Hitler, because he took over alot of countries. Or the USS Bernanke, because he runs our country.I am sure someone sees them as heroes.

Would you cheer if a ship by the name of the USS Obama got sunk? Just wondering. You have an irrational hate towards the other side, as if the other side has nothing to offer, or should be minimized.

EDIT: (St. Reagan gets too much credit for sinking the soviets, but zero blame in our current economical failure, but that is irrelivant ATM. Trickle down lulz!)


They can name it after you for all I care. As long as it works right.

USS Bubblehead... Nice ring! ;P

Of course I would not cheer if a ship named USS Obama(although it will be a damned shame if they ever name one after him, sure they will though, eventually.Some group will whine and moan and then some spineless politician will give in to appease the AA voters) was sunk, it would be manned by US sailors and marines, lives could be lost, so no I would not want it to sink.

USS Hitler? lol get real Bernanke? That would be inappropriate also.

Reagan took office, the country and economy were a mess, Carter was just like Obama, Reagan came in and things turned around, he left office with a 64% approval rating and a strong economy, obviously majority of people did well under him.Of course, a Dem would tell you everyone can do well under them lol, sorry but that is not real life.Far as the soviets, yes he played a huge role.Every President since WW II had been almost afraid of the Soviets, dicked around with them, appeased them even.JFK took a hard line at some points during his tenure, but we wasted billions, if not trillions over 40+ years on proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam, trying to "contain" them, not defeat them as we should have.Reagan felt this was stupid and decided to change it, he did not want us to fight more endless proxy wars, it was time to stand up to what he appropriately named the Evil Empire.Reagan built a strong military and the soviets could not keep up, unfortunately it ran a deficit but things can not always be perfect, it lead to the fall of the soviet union.Reagan was not perfect, but he was a hell of a lot better than any Democratic President we have had.Of course there are a million factors we could discuss but that is the truth, plain and simple.

Bubblehead1980 05-09-12 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by vienna (Post 1881748)
More and more, this quote from Penguin regarding Bubbles becomes truer and truer...


:damn: NO.

Oberon 05-09-12 03:33 PM

Reagan defeated the Soviet Union by spending them into submission, and now you're paying for it. :03:

Jimbuna 05-09-12 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1881758)
Reagan defeated the Soviet Union by spending them into submission, and now you're paying for it. :03:

Agreed.....but I still don't understand all the hype over the naming of a ship :hmmm:

Sailor Steve 05-09-12 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 1881746)
Oh he was not oppressed and was not standing up for anyone, he was just a corrupt guy who found his way by forming a union, he duped a group of uneducated people, like how most unions gained power.Not being insulting, just stating the obvious

Again I would ask that you cite specifics. What is obvious to everyone but you is that you still do nothing but spout the party line. This is why absolutely no one takes you seriously. If you want to become more than the forum joke you need to start actually discussing things.

Oberon 05-09-12 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1881765)
Agreed.....but I still don't understand all the hype over the naming of a ship :hmmm:

Not exactly a front line vessel either. It's a bit like someone objecting to the naming of a Fort Victoria class. :hmmm:

Stealhead 05-09-12 06:15 PM

We could just use the ships number and just not give it a name CV-76 for example that would be the dull name of the USS Ronald Reagan if we did the SSN-23 is Jimmy Carter ships need names and it does make sense that they do use the names of Americans for many of them it to an extent represents the complex nation that we are.I am pretty sure that very few sailors discuss at length the names of their ship as a ship is an entity in and of itself they my have the name of a person, place or battle but a ship and its crew has its own esprit de corps and to help promote that you need a name.

Bubblehead said:

"prob a lot easier to fool a farmer than say a banker etc"

What exactly makes a banker smarter than a farmer? Sure one gets higher pay and the job required more education but I see no way that being a banker or any other high paying job makes you smarter than any other person by your logic then an enlisted person is less intelligent than an officer(many times they are far more intelligent than officers) or that a person that sevres in a front line combat role is less intelligent than a person who serves in a rear echelon role when the fact of the matter is that money and power are not important to everyone not every person needs have lots of wealth or have power some people do the work that they want to do.

Also without the farmer the banker would starve to death so the banker needs the farmer at lot more than the farmer needs the banker.You should try and grow some crops and raise livestock
because it is a much harder job than you think and it requires a lot of skills and knowledge.And the work that a farm worker does I can assure you even if it paid what the banker got most people would refuse to do the job because it is such hard work.

vienna 05-09-12 06:59 PM


What exactly makes a banker smarter than a farmer? Sure one gets higher pay and the job required more education but I see no way that being a banker or any other high paying job makes you smarter than any other person by your logic then an enlisted person is less intelligent than an officer(many times they are far more intelligent than officers) or that a person that sevres in a front line combat role is less intelligent than a person who serves in a rear echelon role when the fact of the matter is that money and power are not important to everyone not every person needs have lots of wealth or have power some people do the work that they want to do.

Also without the farmer the banker would starve to death so the banker needs the farmer at lot more than the farmer needs the banker.You should try and grow some crops and raise livestock
because it is a much harder job than you think and it requires a lot of skills and knowledge.And the work that a farm worker does I can assure you even if it paid what the banker got most people would refuse to do the job because it is such hard work.
Well put...

Just think of how many times you've heard of a freshly minted Lt. being paied up with a seasoned, knowledgeable platoon Sgt.; thers's a reason the military does this: a college degree and OCS do not even begin compare to the experience, command skills, and battle knowledge of a good NCO. Many an officer butt has been saved by a "mere" noncom...

AS far as farmers go. farmers were the most valued part of older society before the Industrial Revolution and, arguably, still are...


August 05-09-12 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by vienna (Post 1881840)
Well put...

Just think of how many times you've heard of a freshly minted Lt. being paied up with a seasoned, knoeledgeable platoon Sgt.; thers's a reason the military does this: a college degree and OCS do not even begin compare to the experience, command skills, and battle knowledge of a good NCO. Many an officer butt has been saved by a "mere" noncom...

On the other hand I've personally known more than one senior NCO that had his cookies pulled out of the fire by a young but on the ball 2LT who was smart enough to know that getting drunk and missing a troop movement could easily ruin said NCO's career on the cusp of his retirement.

There's a reason that NCO's, for all their experience, command skills, and battle knowledge are not put in actual charge of the platoon.

Platapus 05-09-12 07:27 PM

Perhaps the solution is to just give all boats letters and numbers. :DL

Oberon 05-09-12 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 1881865)
Perhaps the solution is to just give all boats letters and numbers. :DL

Russkie style?

Platapus 05-09-12 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 1881865)
Perhaps the solution is to just give all boats letters and numbers. :DL


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1881868)
Russkie style?

Might keep the bitchin and whinin down.

Stealhead 05-09-12 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 1881856)
On the other hand I've personally known more than one senior NCO that had his cookies pulled out of the fire by a young but on the ball 2LT who was smart enough to know that getting drunk and missing a troop movement could easily ruin said NCO's career on the cusp of his retirement.

There's a reason that NCO's, for all their experience, command skills, and battle knowledge are not put in actual charge of the platoon.

That is true people have their place in the military and a 30 year SNCO still lacks the specific training that even an 0-1 has of course such things are not a reflection of ones intelligence or lack there of on the flip side of the coin in a unit with poor officer leadership it is the SNCOs and and NCO that hold the unit together and in every unit they are the ones that maintain discipline and if the all the officers are killed or wounded one of the NCOs takes his place all though today it might only be for a few hours in the old days that usually meant a battlefield commission.

@Oberon The Soviets only did that some of the time and now most Russian navy vessels have a name short of perhaps small craft which in most cases in most navies have only numbers.I think it is important for esprit de corps for a ship to have a name on a very small vessel the sailors have pride in the unit they are assigned to and in the US military at least where units have numbers they all have some sort of mascot/name (though honestly "Bulldogs" is used a bit too often in the USAF why cant their be an Albatross squadron once in a while)

Oberon 05-09-12 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 1881874)
Might keep the bitchin and whinin down.

Ooooh, I strongly doubt it... :03:

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