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Oneshot/Onekill 11-28-09 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Padvotke (Post 1210221)
Posted by Aramike:"Think of the military - awarding people with medals recognizing their achievements isn't an affront to the honorable individuals who don't recieve them. The purpose of this is to recognize the people who've worked just a little bit harder to make our games more enjoyable, spent a little bit longer answering our questions, welcoming our peers, and making us think/laugh."This could be an approach.. But make sure you have enough medals then :)

Your opinion has been noted. You made your point, now move on.
You obviously never spent time in the service, you have no idea behind the reasoning for individual achievement. In fact people that served, myself included did not look for recognition, we did or jobs, but if and when such recognition was bestowed, we took it as an accomplishment for ourselves and our comrades because we were all a band of brother's

Not to mention, in the military there are alot of UNIT citations and medals that can and are awarded for specific unit involvments in certain missions, ect. These awards are given to every person in the unit.

There are also medals for good conduct. (Staying out of trouble and following the rules and regulations of the military for a specific amount of yrs)

Do you really think that a Silver Star or MOH winner is looking for glory. No it's quite the opposite my friend. They are simply doing whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission and bring their buddies home in one piece.

Oneshot/Onekill 11-28-09 11:57 PM


Now that I got that off my chest.....I nominated Really Ded Poet for Moderator. I don't think you have him mentioned from the above post.

I also second the nomination for jimbuna for Most helpful member.:salute:

Carotio 11-29-09 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1206267)
Most helpful? Easy.: Carotio.
If you haven't seen enough in the threads (hard to believe), check out his site
Lots of help, in lots of languages.

Thank you, but it's the wrong link you give, read my signature for the correct one... :03:

Anyway, I would like to stress out that it's not good sportmanship to propose a post of my own, so it will only count if someone else will concur about it. Also I don't really know what category it should be in, or if a new category is in order like: Best Celebration Post OTY
Celebration: post count 999 on the date 9-9-9, YIHAAAAA

I will post a complete list of my candidates for the other categories later, but I think Skwasjer will be one of them... :D

Kapitan Soniboy 11-29-09 05:47 PM

Most helpfull: Rockin Robbins

Gotta say that the "sonar only" attack method is great! And his other tutorials aswell. And his knowledge about WWII fleet boats is incredible.

Sailor Steve 11-29-09 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Oneshot/Onekill (Post 1210621)
I also second the nomination for jimbuna for Most helpful member.:salute:


I'm goin' down 11-29-09 06:20 PM

getting complicated
some of the players nominated are SH3 gamers, plus WAC 4.1 supermod is designed for SH3. I am a SH4 player and have no knowledge re those nominations, not that I am supposed to. However, I did look at some screenshots for WAC 4.1 and the graphics are amazing. I am trying to find a video of the mod because it looks very interesting. (Can comarable graphics be done in SH4?). I assume the powers that be have figured out how to deal with that issue.

p.s. in an unrelated matter, if you want to laugh your ass off, rent and watch Rat Race. A young actor named Vince Vieluf is hilarious (he is the one with the pierced tongue.)

Takeda Shingen 11-29-09 06:28 PM

With regard to recognition and consternation, I have often wondered why one cannot seem to compliment someone without another taking offense. Humanity is certainly peculiar.

kaptkirkU4467 11-30-09 07:48 PM

....Sailor Steve for most helpfull.

geetrue 12-01-09 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen (Post 1210953)
With regard to recognition and consternation, I have often wondered why one cannot seem to compliment someone without another taking offense. Humanity is certainly peculiar.

Sounds like something Spock would say on Star Trek :D

Snestorm 12-01-09 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1206267)
Most helpful? Easy.: Carotio.
If you haven't seen enough in the threads (hard to believe), check out his site
Lots of help, in lots of languages.


Web site address correction.:

Sorry for the goof.

Snestorm 12-01-09 11:35 PM

The Big One
Subsim Commander Award:

J I M B U N A !

floundericiousWA 12-02-09 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by kiwi_2005 (Post 1205708)
I'll just go and hide for a couple of weeks till its all over :arrgh!:

Don't you mean run silent, run deep? :DL

gutted 12-03-09 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1209341)
A few months later, gutted, from New York (I believe),

Did you just call me a northerner? I take offense to that!! LOL j/k.

I'm actually from New Orleans.

most helpful person:
Rockin' Robbins

Some years ago (2005, 2006? i forget), me & RR (and a few other peeps) were having some targeting discussions in some thread.. and from the info we collectively deduced, he just went on a helping spree. Videos, tutorials, and jumping in every thread about targeting he could and helping out.

Though at times, i think he hemmed himself into a strict way of thinking (even giving names to attack profiles), and instead should have looked at it in a more general way.. he definately helped alot of people remove their training wheels. But i guess my brain is wired diferently. I'd rather know and understand the theory and mechanics behind it, than memorize some 10 step recipe.

His effort is definately worth noting though.

Pacific_Ace 12-04-09 10:35 AM

Well it was certainly a shock to be perusing this thread and see myself mentioned for funnest post. I'm glad to have made someones day like that! I thank I'm Goin' Down for having thought of me. :yeah:

It is (to me) hard to make a choice in the 'most helpful' category.
RR and Jimbuna are certainly standouts and have served this community very well and also in other forums. If there is a category for most politically incorrect humorist that award goes to Jimbuna, although you have to go to BtS to see it in action as 75% of his posts there leave me :har::har::har: and going 'Oh my GOD I cannot believe he posted that!'

Jimbuna 12-04-09 11:56 AM

I'll come up with my list in a day or two....just point me to the ballot box :DL

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