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Castout 08-22-10 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 1474538)
I finally was able to order the cell phone I wanted

Jitterbug J. The only thing that was holding me back was that the eairler Jitterbugs were not Bluetooth. The "J" is.

I love it. It just makes phone calls. That's what I want in a cell phone. I don't want a relationship with my cell phone. I don't want my cell phone to manage my life. It is a tool to make cell phone calls when I want to make a cell phone call.


NOKIA, HTC, RIM, Apple and Google hate you :haha:

tater 08-26-10 08:30 AM

I went from the most primitive phone you can imaging to an iPhone 4.

Other than connectivity issues, it's great.

Lionclaw 08-26-10 08:32 AM

Nokia N73.

krashkart 09-04-10 09:21 PM

Virgin Mobile "Snapper". Very simple phone with few features. When it finally dies it might make a great hockey puck. :DL

JU_88 09-05-10 04:47 AM

Another Iphone - 16GB 3GS, quite happy with it, they are easy to use and it does everything I want it to do, phone/sms/web browsing/GPS maps/ Music/games.

The down side is that camera isnt great and in terms of 3rd party apps it all abit restricted by the iron fist of Apple, I have though about jail breaking but it seem to be more hassle than it worth.
Also i would say at least half the apps out there are crap anyway.
But -Im Looking forward to W.O.T.A, as its basically SH3 on the Iphone :)

Im not going to get a Iphone 4 either - not worth the money coming from a 3gs...

CaptainMattJ. 09-05-10 01:52 PM

Bluetooth doesnt make driving any more safe. Its the distraction of talking to some1 that is. I must see about 15 people on their phone every day, and they all drive like S**T. texting is 10 times worse, but drving and multitasking NEVER least not forever. Earing is the only thing i dont have a problem with. you dont think about eating. you just do it. if your having an coversation you ARE thinking more about them and less about the road.

Sometimes i think people do it just so they can be stereotypically cool. Oh look at me i can talk to people ANd drive (like S**t anyway). Unless your mother just died or theres something Extremely important, theres literally like no reason to talk. And again, its not holding it, its having conversations. only morons cant figure out that holding it and not holding isnt going to make a difference. i can drive with one hand. its not hard. plus, people dont follow traffic laws in the first place. i see retards turning from the middle of the lane, which holds up traffic, i could be going around 80 on the freeway and this a hole is tailgating, and he speeds up to 100 to pass me, like some nutjob. And then theres the retards who pull out of a driveway or something, and they dont give a **** whether or not theres ANY space for them to get into, and often holds up traffic for minutes. and theres the people who dont stop at stop signs, dont yeild, Dont use a turn signal cause they think im a god dam mind reader, and yet they rarely get pulled over. i could be doing NOTHING wrong and get pulled over. i got pulled over because i looked quote "suspicious". WTF Is THAT. its profiling. because im 20 they assume that i drink my ass off and/or smoke pounds of weed. plus i live in a town where nothing happens, so the police force sits on their ass and pulls EVERYONE over they see doing ANY traffic violations. i got aa ticket because about 6 inches of my bumper was in the red. my BUMPER was SIX inches into the red and i get a $200 ticket? THat is absolute BS.

Anyway, i use a disposable pre paid cell phone. all it does is send text and calls. all a phone should do. and im not in a contract, and i have more minutes then i know what to do with.

krashkart 09-06-10 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by CaptainMattJ. (Post 1485669)
Anyway, i use a disposable pre paid cell phone. all it does is send text and calls. all a phone should do. and im not in a contract, and i have more minutes then i know what to do with.

Which service do you go through? I'm with the Virgin Mobile pay-as-you-go and it's a bit of a rip-off.

McBeck 09-14-10 08:56 AM

HTC Desire.

Fast (1ghz cpu)
Android 2.2 (Can even use it as a hotspot)
Lots of apps.
Integration to FB, Twitter etc
Great internet browser

Battery only lasts 1 day with full use (Though, I guess this is the norm for big screened smartphones)
Cant use MP4

Fincuan 09-14-10 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by McBeck
Battery only lasts 1 day with full use (Though, I guess this is the norm for big screened smartphones)

It's definitely the norm. My Galaxy S lasts about 3-4 days with little use(only sync etc.), but only about a day in normal(== quite heavy) use. The screen is always by far the biggest battery hog, usually followed by 3g radio.

ediko 09-20-10 02:29 PM

Yep as boring as it looks. What I like about it- well it's battery can last a week if I won't touch it, it's quite durable too, it was dropped and still run's flawlessly.

What I don't like- its looks, stupid headphones that last for a month , bought 2 already and both of them are dead :nope: , not much stuff to do with it but receive and make calls now that I can't listen to music. Camera isn't too good and it lacks a flashlight which would really help me out quite a lot of times, hell why not install a zippo and a knife in it aswell :) Well what I mostly don't like about it is it's age... can't do nothing fancy with it but hey- it gets the job done!

Legionary74 10-07-10 03:21 PM

Castout 10-08-10 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by ediko (Post 1498187)

Yep as boring as it looks. What I like about it- well it's battery can last a week if I won't touch it, it's quite durable too, it was dropped and still run's flawlessly.

What I don't like- its looks, stupid headphones that last for a month , bought 2 already and both of them are dead :nope: , not much stuff to do with it but receive and make calls now that I can't listen to music. Camera isn't too good and it lacks a flashlight which would really help me out quite a lot of times, hell why not install a zippo and a knife in it aswell :) Well what I mostly don't like about it is it's age... can't do nothing fancy with it but hey- it gets the job done!

It doesn't look bad at all. I regret buying my E72. The E52 was my first choice but I got scared by user complaints and whining . . . . .

This one will surely be noticed when used :DL

AVGWarhawk 10-08-10 11:15 AM

Three weeks ago I got the HTC Evo. It is absolutely brilliant!

MH 10-08-10 11:51 AM

I have N 97 its a bit buged but has 34 gig of memory and qwerty phisical keyboard which is great,
Its kind like small tiny laptop.

conus00 10-08-10 12:40 PM

Palm Treo 755p
older phone but it does what I need.

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