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fitzcarraldo 10-28-14 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey (Post 2256181)
When you click the option for the 7th on SH3 commander it gives you the following lines for the bases.

St. Nazaire

Also I was mistaken about the combined flotillas. It's the 3rd and 10th that get combined and their base line is as follows.


Don't know whats causing it why.

Many thanks!

Also I have the problem, but ONLY with Hsie patch. I tested the GUI without Hsie patch and all is fine. Also I tested only with the GUI and no problem. Tested with Hsie and without the GUI I have the problem. Never before I see this error (because I never see the contents of the "..." button in Commander...:D)

Hsie patch overwrites the SCR campaign files, and it seems (for me) there is a problem with the SCR files in the patch causing the problem. I used as base the GWX Merged Campaign, with the scripted VIIFs of the Wolfpacks in Hsie patch.

But- it seems - it isn´t a problem with the GUI. Please test only with Hsie patch and without the GUI and securely you will the bases "errors".

This problem deserves a post in the Hsie patch thread.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Admiral Halsey 10-28-14 07:44 PM

I don't use the Hsie patches though.

fitzcarraldo 10-28-14 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey (Post 2256191)
I don't use the Hsie patches though.


Have you the problem without the GUI?

I have the problem with Hsie patch, with or without the GUI.

All works fine with the GUI WITHOUT the Hsie patch. In fact, all works fine without Hsie patch, and only with the GWX vanilla GUI!!!! :huh:

Activated the Hsie patch, and I have the problem :/\\!!


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Admiral Halsey 10-28-14 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2256201)
Have you the problem without the GUI?

Nope. Once deactivated SH3 commander works fine.

fitzcarraldo 10-28-14 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey (Post 2256207)
Nope. Once deactivated SH3 commander works fine.

Well...Tomorrow I will test and see the contents of the GWX config files for SH3C (if I can do it). Also I will do a test in a SH3 vanilla with SH3C.

Good night.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

fitzcarraldo 10-29-14 11:53 AM


The problem is the en_menu file (or de_menu). Eliminating it from Hsie patch, I have no problem with error in Commander, but the game is rotten.

You have an en_menu file with problems, and I have the en_menu included in Hsie patch with problems. I will investigate that looong and damned en_menu file. Some entry is causing the problem in Commander.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Admiral Halsey 10-29-14 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2256375)

The problem is the en_menu file (or de_menu). Eliminating it from Hsie patch, I have no problem with error in Commander, but the game is rotten.

You have an en_menu file with problems, and I have the en_menu included in Hsie patch with problems. I will investigate that looong and damned en_menu file. Some entry is causing the problem in Commander.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Glad you found out where the problem is coming from

fitzcarraldo 10-29-14 03:12 PM

I resolved the problem. This night I will publish the solution.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

fitzcarraldo 10-29-14 04:51 PM


Search in your installation the en_menu.cfg file. Route: Your SH3 folder\Data\Menu.

Make a copy of this file.

Create a folder "en_menu my way" (or anything else), and create inside it this folder structure:

en_menu my way\Data\Menu

Inside the folder "Menu" of this new "mod" put the copy of your en_menu.cfg file.

Search with a text editor the entries:

754=St. Nazaire
757=La Spezia
760=La Rochelle

The numbers could vary because of your installation. Search for "Nazaire" and you will find the entries.

Delete all these entries with name bases (in my installation 750 to 760), and replace they with:

754=St. Nazaire
757=La Spezia
766=La Rochelle

Save the en_menu.cfg file, and copy paste the folder "en_menu my way" in your MODS folder.

Activate the mod "en_menu my way" after all your mods, with JSGME.

You will receive an alert of overwriting the "en_menu.cfg" file. OK.

That´s all. Now you start Commander and you will have all the bases and flotillas.

Working fine in my installation (I started a campaign in 1939/08 with Commander and in game I had Könisberg as base).

It seems this solution will work with any installation with GWX.

Test, please!


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Admiral Halsey 10-29-14 05:04 PM

Thanks Fitz! I'll test this out ASAP.

fitzcarraldo 10-29-14 05:15 PM

I use the merged campaign optional with GWX. I think if you use another campaign files (example: GWX basic), you need to delete the entries of the not included bases (example: Penang).

All the best.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Admiral Halsey 10-29-14 05:15 PM

And it works like a charm! Once again thanks Fitz for fixing the problem:yeah:

fitzcarraldo 10-29-14 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey (Post 2256488)
And it works like a charm! Once again thanks Fitz for fixing the problem:yeah:

My pleasure!

I started campaigns in diverse years and bases and works fine with my Hsie patch and Ahnenerbe GUI.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Ahnenerbe 10-30-14 09:20 AM

Hi Fernando !!!!
Strictly speaking, all the entries in such en_menu.txt I though, since this question at one time climbed (remember, this was long ago), so such problems as that of Admiral Halsey, I have not experienced. In general, the other will be useful to find a solution to the case of problems with the flotilla.
Good luck to everyone !!

Wise 11-05-14 01:24 PM

Саня, это шикарно!! Среди множества модов «Хантера» меня трудно чем-то удивить, но твоя работа выше всяких похвал!! Эмоции непередаваемы. Высший класс! Полный обзор, красивый шрифт, потрясающий интерфейс, новые приборы, часы..настолько всё внимательно продумано и грамотно укомплектовано.. Можно долго перечислять все детали, которые меня поразили. Но, я думаю, в этом нет смысла, гораздо лучше один раз увидеть и… Одним словом, после твоего мода, уже совсем нет желания возвращаться к оригиналу Ubisoft. Спасибо, старина! Это РАБОТА с большой буквы! И как жаль, что такой бесценный, неимоверный, труд приходится юзать на графике игры лохматых годов..
Sanya, it is chicly!! Among a great number of mods of "Hunter" it is difficult to surprise me with something, but your work is higher than any praises!! Emotions are inexpressible. The highest class! Full review, beautiful font, fab interface, new devices, hours. so everything is thought attentively over and competently completed. It is possible to list long all details which struck me. But, I think, in it there is no sense, a great deal better see once and … In a word, after yours the mod, already absolutely isn't present desire to come back to the original of Ubisoft. Thanks, old times! It is WORK from capital letter! And what a pity that such invaluable, incredible, work should be used on graphics of game of shaggy years.

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