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Redwine 04-18-07 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jace11
So is there a finished fixed version based on 1.2 yet? Or are these just tweak files?

Bit confused..

Sorry, here you have one already done... i was busy adapting all the mods to V1.2, plus i have fever and feel so bad. Not much time on the computer.

akdavis 04-18-07 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Takao
Found the SJ & SD radar manuals & others here:

Specidics are here for the SD & SJ, as well as others:

Wow, very informative. SD radar is handled so poorly in game as to be laughable. I'm not sure we'll ever have proper interface or range-only functionality, but I hope we can at least achieve the right performance stats:

Maximum reliable range.
Target Range in Mile
Land 3,000 feet or higher 35
Land 1,000 feet 20
Large planes above 1,000 feet 12-20
Small planes above 1,000 feet 8-15
Low planes Not detected
Especially important to note is that planes below a 1,000 feet are not detected. What height do planes fly at by default in the game?

Not sure if this is within the realm of modding, but SD radar (at least early version) is not in the right location on the sub and should be on an extendable antenna, as described in the above resources and seen in this 1942 pic of the Porpoise:

letterboy1 04-19-07 12:02 AM

Rest up, Redwine. Get well soon.

Jace11 04-19-07 04:14 AM

Well the story isnt over yet cause after 1.2 the SD radar doesnt work at all. You get no warning of air contacts at all..

Having tested this file, because it is based on the 1.2 version, it doesn't work either - could not detect planes in the simple mission I made.


The 1.1 version of this file restores function to the SD and it picks up airborne contacts again..

Therefore they did something to SD in 1.2 version of this file that deactivates it (probably by accident). Is it possible to correct that?

At the moment I am using 1.1 version of this mod and it seems fine, but I havent tested all the sensors... kinda difficult in game.

The problem is I dont know what other differences there are between the two versions... I have the tweak file, and will take a look.

letterboy1 04-19-07 10:03 AM

Dang Jace, the plot thickens. I'm just running on the regular 1.2 patched files for now and will continue to monitor this thread.

Redwine 04-19-07 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jace11
Well the story isnt over yet cause after 1.2 the SD radar doesnt work at all. You get no warning of air contacts at all..

Having tested this file, because it is based on the 1.2 version, it doesn't work either - could not detect planes in the simple mission I made.


The 1.1 version of this file restores function to the SD and it picks up airborne contacts again..

Therefore they did something to SD in 1.2 version of this file that deactivates it (probably by accident). Is it possible to correct that?

At the moment I am using 1.1 version of this mod and it seems fine, but I havent tested all the sensors... kinda difficult in game.

The problem is I dont know what other differences there are between the two versions... I have the tweak file, and will take a look.

Same happen here, version made over v1.2 stock file doesnt works :damn:

I i changed it as you for the v1.1 version file.

Really this game have lot of great things, but radar and sonar are not...

SH I radar was just wondeful, with SH II radar i was capable to sink ship with my deck gun in middle of the fog, beyond the visual range using my radar.

But SH III and IV are really anoying...

Jace11 04-19-07 12:46 PM

Ok, well I did a quick test..

I took the 1.2 fixed version from this thread and transposed all the setting values for the SD Early and Late from 1.1 into it using Minitweaker...

And, good news, it works again... So it is one of the settings they have changed not a node name or something tricky..

My guess would be the surface (which they increased) meaning the object has to be larger I think for it to be detected at all... They may have made it too large.. so small planes are not seen/??

Could be one of the other settings though not sure yet...

Its not surface..just tested...

By the way I need to know if the SD Early and Late are the only radars involved in this... Am I right in thinking that none of the others are for detecting planes...?

Get back to you when I find out.. more testing required..

Mraah 04-19-07 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Redwine
Same happen here, version made over v1.2 stock file doesnt works :damn:

I i changed it as you for the v1.1 version file.

Really this game have lot of great things, but radar and sonar are not...

SH I radar was just wondeful, with SH II radar i was capable to sink ship with my deck gun in middle of the fog, beyond the visual range using my radar.

But SH III and IV are really anoying...


Using my tweakfile from earlier post, if you want to return the radar parameters back to Ducimus' Flavored mod see below. I tested them and they work fine. I haven't played with SJ radar yet for 1.2 .

From Ducimus' Old File :

Early_SD change to ;
PreciseRange = 13000
MaxRange = 18000
MinHeight = 8.3
MaxHeight = 2500
Surface = 75
ElevationMax = 181

Late_SD change to ;
PreciseRange = 15000
MaxRange = 19000
MinHeight = 8.3
MaxHeight = 2500
Surface = 20
ProbInsideArc = 0
ElevationMax = 181

Jace11 04-19-07 01:10 PM

I now think its the min / max height values.

Jace11 04-19-07 01:14 PM

This link is a hotfix for the radar..

It is 1.2 sensors + the 90 / 270 fix + the SD radar fix

SD range extended to 1.2 values as per dev intentions

Function restored by lowering detection heights

Mraah 04-19-07 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jace11
Ok, well I did a quick test..

I took the 1.2 fixed version from this thread and transposed all the setting values for the SD Early and Late from 1.1 into it using Minitweaker...

And, good news, it works again... So it is one of the settings they have changed not a node name or something tricky..

My guess would be the surface (which they increased) meaning the object has to be larger I think for it to be detected at all... They may have made it too large.. so small planes are not seen/??

Could be one of the other settings though not sure yet...

By the way I need to know if the SD Early and Late are the only radars involved in this... Am I right in thinking that none of the others are for detecting planes...?

Get back to you when I find out.. more testing required..


Cool that you're getting into the head banging :damn: aspect of understanding the UBI radar. Back when I was inspired by Ducimus' work I made some notes on my testing.

The SJ in this game will not detect aircraft. They use a MaxHeight of 80 (1.2) and 200 (1.1) . So far, the MaxHeight has to be at least 1000 to detect aircraft. I'm still testing, I'm thinking 300 before it detects an aircraft. In realworld, I read the SJ should pick up a/c but to screw with it also screws with the ships. So far, Ducimus' work on the SD is about the only thing that works to minimize ship detection.

Some notes below :

The Playing Field = 40,000m : This is my definition of the area that SH4 (SH3) uses to load the ships/aircraft. Basically, when you see the clock stop or slow down while you're cruising around or when it drops to a TC of 8x it means that something is within 40,000 meters. I called the clock slowdown "Instinct" or in Star Wars it would be "A disturbance in the Force" ... lol :lol: .

MaxRange : Establishes a base maximum compared to the Surface value.
Example using Surface=100 ;
1. MaxRange = 111,120 detected a Zero @ 31,900 m
2. MaxRange = 55,560 detected a Zero @ 21,100 m
3. MaxRange = 40,000 detected a Zero @ 14,600 m
In other word's, using a Surface=100 the Zero was detected at an average MaxRange of 65%.
Example using Surface=200 ;
1. MaxRange = 55,560 detected a Zero @ 14,600 m

I'm still testing and jotting down stuff. I have to goto work (real life always get's in the way!) so I'll continue later.

Redwine 04-19-07 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mraah

Using my tweakfile from earlier post, if you want to return the radar parameters back to Ducimus' Flavored mod see below. I tested them and they work fine. I haven't played with SJ radar yet for 1.2 .

Many thanks ! I have stored the previous version ... :up:

kakemann 04-19-07 03:26 PM

Just want to thank you guys for great tweaking! I'm following this thread closely. The Radar bug is quite annoying.

But is there a fully functional file to get the radar to work also heading south?
For the 1.2 patch?

If not what weaknesses is it in the current file?
Is the problem the elevation settings and the SD radar?

Ducimus 04-19-07 03:37 PM

Can someone list, EVERY single variable for the SD radar and its default values for 1.1 and 1.2? Just want to dwell on it for a little while. Compare and contrast time. A total snapshot of each. I'd do it, but im @work currently.

TopCat 04-19-07 03:44 PM


I did some extensive test with the latest file posted by Jace. Unfortunately it does not work

The SJ-Radar works fine.

But the Air radar has the 90 to 270 bug with aircrafts (not with ships!) and it detects all ships.

This Radar is really weird.

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