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Arclight 06-04-13 09:15 PM

What, now? That took a while. Remember this being planned back at launch, 4 years ago now.

Skybird 06-09-13 04:18 AM

I have switched habit from starting SP sessions for myself to starting a MP session instead with only me as a player. But it remains unlocked, and subsim members are invited to join me if they happen to note my name (same like on subsim) on the MP session list.

Due to the matter the game simulates, it still remains to be a SP thing pretty much, imo. There are plenty of people who indeed play with just one or two good buddies that they know and who lock it there. Maximum joins number is 8.

Skybird 06-09-13 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Arclight (Post 2067535)
What, now? That took a while. Remember this being planned back at launch, 4 years ago now.

As I understand, many things have chnaged since 4 years ago. Many chnages and improvements under the hood, new resxerves, weapons, equipoment, functionality changed/replaced/abandoned.

I still play it with the same enthusiasm like I exploded with 6 months ago, when I started. :yeah: To me it is more a walk-in-the-woods simulator than a hunting simulator.

Current version with new MP is a bit rough about some edges (some bugs), but I assume it gets fixed.

SgtPotato 06-09-13 05:01 AM

It seems that you guys never tried to hunt while playing Red Dead Redemption. Try to hunt a cougar and you'll get pounced by a swarm of cougars, then a pack of wolves join in. :o

Of course, I might starting off-topic. :O:

Arclight 06-10-13 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2069081)
As I understand, many things have chnaged since 4 years ago. Many chnages and improvements under the hood, new resxerves, weapons, equipoment, functionality changed/replaced/abandoned.

I still play it with the same enthusiasm like I exploded with 6 months ago, when I started. :yeah: To me it is more a walk-in-the-woods simulator than a hunting simulator.

Current version with new MP is a bit rough about some edges (some bugs), but I assume it gets fixed.

I'd be a bit bummed getting back into it now, having lost my fancy warden status. Was a nice run though, think I stuck with it 2-3 years.

Skybird 06-10-13 06:31 PM

Ehem, afaik you regain all status and items you bought when you reactivate membership. At least they advertise it this way. If subscription ends, you are back to guest status. Subscribe for another period of time or for some of the license, and all stuff you got locked when becoming guest again, is unlocked again.

As guest you can only hunt mule deer with the .270. However, you now have access in MP to all reserves nevertheless, in MP and being guest in somebody else's session. So you can shoot only mule on Loggers Point, but you can walk with friends in any other reserve as well.

Arclight 06-10-13 07:59 PM

I had a special status for supporting them from before launch. You lose this "founder" status if membership lapses for a time. Yes, I'd still have all my gear and such, just not that. One perk of it was getting to try new content for free for... 3 months I think it was.

Nippelspanner 11-09-13 05:39 AM

Hunting fever struck again and my wallet suffered a clean Kammerschuss :oops:
When I first heard of the implementation of MP, I was highly skeptic.
Where is the fun?

Boy was I wrong. Played many many hours with a buddy of mine already and we can't get enough.

I was also wrong about the .308 Anschütz being weak and useless, it turned into my new favorite rifle in no time. It got ripped apart in the forums for being too weak, yet I already dropped strong red deer at ~200m on the spot. Also fat Schwarzwild is no problem if you shoot waidmännisch enough :D
(That one nearly brought me into the Top 100)

On top of that the rifle is very precise and the looks are much more appealing to me than the 8x53 Anschütz,
the "glowing orange" autumn skin it has is just too much for me as an aesthetic person, yikes.
I hate this game for abusing my addiction...:yeah:

Skybird 11-09-13 02:33 PM

Why is that boar grinning? Did you tell it you want to photograph it? :D

Anyhow, welcome to the reserve. I still enjoy this game twice or three times per week, and it still is great fun, and so much visual beauty.

I do not use the Anschütz .308, but the Anschütz 8x57IS and Anschütz 9.3x62. Additionally the .223, the crossbow and the Python. I focus on these to drive up their point scoring. With the 9.3 I'm finished: 250 kills. It's no rifle, but a cannon. :D

If you ever want to buy the .308, save your money on the scope. The rifle is nice for small stuff, but the scope for it, 12x, is crap. You can use the Anschütz scope 3x/6x/9x for it anyway, it is better.

Nippelspanner 11-09-13 04:35 PM

I did buy the 3-9x scope, it is exactly what I wanted it to be - a simple crosshair. I dislike the fancy scopes, especially the ugly 12x with those tactical mil dots. What the hell do we need that for in a game where animals have a max render distance of 220m-260m?
But well, we also don't ned the new .44 custom they copy&pasted to press even more money out of all of us... meh.

I got bored by scopes anyways and started to use this rifle (.308) without a scope for days. It is great. You have to get close, you have to wait for the perfect shot. I dropped ~30 animals now and all but 3 of them have been instant kills due to a Kammerschuss.
That's hunting!

The fat Keiler got away with a body shot - while I shot him in his head!
I think it just couldn't penetrate it's Dickschädel! :)

If you like the German style the game introduced, check the Blaser Bockflinte. I am no shotgun fan at all but this is such a great rifle! I use the .308 with the Bockflinte in combination now because with this setup I can hunt it all. For Fox and Pheasant I use the Bockflinte, for the rest the .308.

Now I just wish they would re work the sound atmosphere of Hirschfelden, it seems a little odd to hear the grasshoppers from 5am to 19pm straight... And they are so loud! :doh:

Skybird 11-09-13 05:34 PM

I have used arrows in recent weeks a lot, but made it a principle to shoot at ranges of 20m maximum, closer preferred. Dickschädel beasts I use the crossbow for. Lighter animals I prefer to go after with the Python, its the most silent one. I plan to start with the Vorderlader, after I met some point scoring goals with the mentioned weapons.

Aktungbby 11-09-13 05:47 PM

No mongol bows are available in the strong version?:Kaleun_Salivating:

Nippelspanner 11-09-13 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2139318)
I have used arrows in recent weeks a lot, but made it a principle to shoot at ranges of 20m maximum, closer preferred. Dickschädel beasts I use the crossbow for. Lighter animals I prefer to go after with the Python, its the most silent one. I plan to start with the Vorderlader, after I met some point scoring goals with the mentioned weapons.

I absolutely love the recurve bow, it is so much fun! And I could not agree more, I won't shoot ofer 20m anymore myself, spend too much time with Nachsuche and often seen the arrow not penetrating the lungs even on medium game (which is completely unrealistic btw, the bows in tH are a joke, power-wise!).

You will have fun with the Vorderlader as well, I am certain. I haven't used it much so far but I do love it. I got a Fox at ~70m a few days ago with it. Risky shot due to the guns "precision" but hey... got him! :D

Together with the trapper clothes, it must feel like hunting 150 years ago, haha.

Aktungbby 11-09-13 06:07 PM

God bless! "trapper clothes"! I still make 'em to go with my blackpowder rifles , also made by me and I knapp my own obsidian knife points and attach stag handles to 'em for that 'buckskinner' motif but now that I see I can go virtual hey... I'm ' GAME':up: 'Possible bags and gun barrel sheaths included. The percussion caps are German, the mos' reliable... natch!

Skybird 11-09-13 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nippelspanner (Post 2139325)
I absolutely love the recurve bow, it is so much fun! And I could not agree more, I won't shoot ofer 20m anymore myself, spend too much time with Nachsuche and often seen the arrow not penetrating the lungs even on medium game (which is completely unrealistic btw, the bows in tH are a joke, power-wise!).

Yes, but I understand that this sim also is a game and the various bows must be made having differences that nevertheless are balanced to each other. There is no point in having one bow that is the most precise, strongest and most silent because then there is no need to chose any of the others. The crossbow for strength and long distance (you can lie down on the ground with it), the Python for silence.

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