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AVGWarhawk 06-30-11 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen (Post 1694854)
Tak's eyes went back and forth, from AVG to Tarrasque.

"How odd." He said in an unimpassioned voice. "How very odd."

"Not as odd as you Takeda. You seem to run a charmed life sir. Care to explain? Nothing phases you and you carry one as if this is nothing to worry about."

*moves the business end of the weapon toward Tak*

"Do you wish to explain yourself?"

Tarrasque 06-30-11 11:09 AM

"Explain then monster why the killings stopped that night you were behind bars?"

"Did the beast suddenly decide to hunt rabbits? Did it decide to pray instead? No! It didn't kill because you were restrained. You couldn't slake your blood-lust. You couldn't kill one of us!."

"And as for you 'Sir'. Superior officer? Don't make me laugh! You've had your chance to lead. You've had your chance to forge us into a team against the monsters. You failed. Worst, you didn't even try. You just ran off with your tail between your legs to do your own little thing and just left the rest of us here to die."

"And as for 'men? Who the hell do you think you are talking to? They're all dead! All that's left on this godforsaken rock from the Terrific is the three of us and that monster over there. Well I tell you now Mookiemookie, there's no damn way I'm going to let your stupidity endanger us all. Jim, are you with us? AVG and I survived two nights alone. If he was the beast, he'd have killed me whilst I slept in the trenches. He didn't. In fact, doesn't it seem at all suspicious that the one person that we know has to be a monster is suddenly being defended by Mookiemookie. Why? Unless he is one of 'them' himself!"

AVGWarhawk 06-30-11 11:11 AM

"Yes Takeda, something does smell rotten in Washington."

Jimbuna 06-30-11 11:12 AM

Jimbuna stepped forward and with a deft stroke of his hand knocked the rifle into the air forcing Tarrasque off balance.

"Enough of this ridicolous in-fighting...the lot of you".

"There will be a rckoning this evening, of that you can be certain".

He looked around and fixed his gaze on the short-legged German AVG Warhawk and smiled at him in a sneering fashion...he could see the effect this was having on Warhawk as he looked increasingly ill at ease 'or is he simply about to pass wind'?

EDIT: Damn...must learn to type faster!!

mookiemookie 06-30-11 11:14 AM

Quite odd that you've thrown your lot in with a German private, chief. Damned odd indeed. Some may say treasonous. Or maybe it's the case that these beasts hunt in packs.... *Mookie shot an accusatory glance towards AVG and Tarrasque*

AVGWarhawk 06-30-11 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1694863)
Jimbuna stepped forward and with a deft stroke of his hand knocked the rifle into the air forcing Tarrasque off balance.

"Enough of this ridicolous in-fighting...the lot of you".

"There will be a rckoning this evening, of that you can be certain".

He looked around and fixed his gaze on the short-legged German AVG Warhawk and smiled at him in a sneering fashion...he could see the effect this was having on Warhawk as he looked increasingly ill at ease 'or is he simply about to pass wind'?

"So, Mr. Buna gets a backbone does he? Mr. Buna has spent the better part of his stay knocked out, strapped down or investgating buildings. The theatrics are not necessary Mr. Buna. We are well aware that your history since your arrival would preclude you as a werewolf. That raises another question, why do you live such a charmed life on this island?"

mookiemookie 06-30-11 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694867)
"So, Mr. Buna gets a backbone does he? Mr. Buna has spent the better part of his stay knocked out, strapped down or investgating buildings. The theatrics are not necessary Mr. Buna. We are well aware that your history since your arrival would preclude you as a werewolf. That raises another question, why do you live such a charmed life on this island?"

Mookie hissed, "Getting frustrated because you can't feast on him, eh, wolf?"

Takeda Shingen 06-30-11 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694867)
"So, Mr. Buna gets a backbone does he? Mr. Buna has spent the better part of his stay knocked out, strapped down or investgating buildings. The theatrics are not necessary Mr. Buna. We are well aware that your history since your arrival would preclude you as a werewolf. That raises another question, why do you live such a charmed life on this island?"

"There's that word again.........charmed."

Tak's eyes glanced toward the trinket carried by mookie.

"You don't like things that are charmed, do you? No, you fear them....."

Tarrasque 06-30-11 11:20 AM

"Treasonous? Show me where it states in the queen regulations that it's treasonous to survive? Show me where it states that you have to be torn to shreads just to 'obey orders'?

"We could have survived this if you officers had shown an ounce of leadership. If you had actually paid attention to events. But no! You chose to focus on the war out there. Who cares about the Hood, or the Oak? What matters is we were being slaughtered like animals. And all the time your sole goal, your sole focus was 'We must oppose the Germans'

"Well I said enough! Whatever uniform AVG wears, he's human. Which is more than that Yank. And I suspect more than can be said about you!"

AVGWarhawk 06-30-11 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by mookiemookie (Post 1694870)
Mookie hissed, "Getting frustrated because you can't feast on him, eh, wolf?"

"No sir! These men with exception of Tarrasque do not listen to reason. Not to mention we have not showered in days. And what of you Mookie? You seem to live a charmed life as well. In fact, Takeda, Buna and Mookie seem to be hiding something? Would it be the three of you are in cahoots? I smell the werewolf league standing here before me."

mookiemookie 06-30-11 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694874)
I smell the werewolf league standing here before me."

That smell of werewolf is coming from your upper lip! We know well what you are, beast!

Takeda Shingen 06-30-11 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694874)
"No sir! These men with exception of Tarrasque do not listen to reason. Not to mention we have not showered in days. And what of you Mookie? You seem to live a charmed life as well. In fact, Takeda, Buna and Mookie seem to be hiding something? Would it be the three of you are in cahoots? I smell the werewolf league standing here before me."

"Three beasts carrying out two murders? Your math seems off? Did you loose your sense of logic when you sold your soul? No, it seems that you are trying desperately to deflect the truth of the matter. And why are you" he looked at Tarrasque "so militant in the defense of this abomination? Methinks the two of you doth prostest too much."

AVGWarhawk 06-30-11 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen (Post 1694877)
"Three beasts carrying out two murders? Your math seems off? Did you loose your sense of logic when you sold your soul? No, it seems that you are trying desperately to deflect the truth of the matter. And why are you" he looked at Tarrasque "so militant in the defense of this abomination? Methinks the two of you doth prostest too much."

"Perhap you are right in stating we protest too much. However, you three are feeding off each other creating a false sense of proving guilt beyond a doubt. Were is your proof sir? Killing innocent men is on the menu today?"

Takeda Shingen 06-30-11 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694879)
"Perhap you are right in stating we protest too much. However, you three are feeding off each other creating a false sense of proving guilt beyond a doubt. Were is your proof sir? Killing innocent men is on the menu today?"

"You already saw to it that it was."

Tak's eyes narrowed.

Jimbuna 06-30-11 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1694867)
"So, Mr. Buna gets a backbone does he? Mr. Buna has spent the better part of his stay knocked out, strapped down or investgating buildings. The theatrics are not necessary Mr. Buna. We are well aware that your history since your arrival would preclude you as a werewolf. That raises another question, why do you live such a charmed life on this island?"

"If you haven't been able to work that out by now I fear it is already too late for you but answer me this....when you discharged your rifle at me the other day, why is it you missed with so many rounds expended"?

"Was it he 'hair' trigger that put your aim off or simply a bristle that got into your aiming eye".

"I know you will not heed my words of today but I will repeat them tomorrow....such a pity you won't be around to hear them...and you can take that to the bank".

VOTE: AVG for lynching!

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