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Moonlight 06-13-23 08:39 AM

Aaaahhh Nadine Dorries, they didn't call her "Mad Nad" for nothing you know, she was born a peasant but she rose through the ranks to become an MP, you have to give her some credit for that.
I always liked her for some unknown reason that I can't explain, she was always one of those MPs who I loved watching when she screwed up, the Channel 4 fiasco was "Mad Nad" at her best, or should that be her worst.

I wasn't shocked when I heard she'd thrown her Teddy out of the pram and resigned over the peerage she'd been promised by Bozo, truth be told, she never deserved one in the first place but, I do think some scores were being settled by some unknown political pygmy in the background.

Yep, and that political pygmy is, James Forsyth, Sunaks political secretary has his dirty fingerprints all over Bozo's honours list, he'd be in prime position to remove Nadine's name from it, a thoroughly dislikeable bastard even on his best day.

Bye bye Nad, you gave me some laughs over the years and some raised eyebrows as well, I did hear a couple of times that you were well worth a grope behind the bike shed as well, but that's just hearsay, did you?, ooh Nad, you little hussy.

Moonlight 06-13-23 03:12 PM

Slow-walk protest law heads for further Lords clash

Jimbuna 06-14-23 05:28 AM

I give thanks I no longer have a mortgage or any debt but I did graft for the privileged position I currently find myself in.


The UK has "no alternative" but to hike interest rates in a bid to tackle rising prices, the chancellor has said.

Jeremy Hunt said inflation - the rate at which prices rise - was the "number one challenge we face".

He said the government would be "unstinting in our support" for the Bank of England "to do what it takes" to slow inflation.

Rising interest rates and mortgage costs weighed on UK economic growth in April.

Borrowing costs have been steadily rising since December 2021 to a current 4.5% in an attempt to slow consumer price inflation, which stands at 8.7%.

This is more than four times the Bank of England's 2% inflation target.

Moonlight 06-14-23 06:19 AM

I've never lived in rented accommodation or ever needed a mortgage either so I've always been perplexed as to why the mortgage holders have to suffer these market conditions. Its always been a big business\government con in my opinion, the devastation on hard working families finances by those 2 entities above is the biggest bleeding scandal of all scandals.

Nadine Dorries keeps party waiting on by-election

Is Nadine about to cause some mischief I wonder?, if she put her resignation in to Jeremy Hunt in the next couple of days all the bi-elections can be held at the same time. But, if she keeps her party waiting, she could force them into a potentially divisive by-election later on - for example, ahead of the autumn party conference season.

Hehehe, Mad Nad's in the driving seat with this one, I wouldn't blame her either for sticking it right into Sunak's back, he's probably already factored this in and he and his top team will be having kittens if it goes to an Autumn bi-election. You caused this Fishy, if you hadn't treated her so poorly over Bozo's honours list this Autumn bi-election nightmare would never have even surfaced, you know what they say about a woman scorned don't you you bleeding idiot, lets hope she sticks the knife in where its going to hurt the most.

I've been told that she's gone off kangaroo testicles and she fancies some testicles that are a bit richer in taste, be careful Fishy, you could end up getting "de-bollocked".

Jimbuna 06-14-23 09:17 AM

I've tidied up those two deletions for you Sky :03:

Jimbuna 06-14-23 12:44 PM

The government has confirmed a by-election in Uxbridge and South Ruislip, the former constituency of ex-prime minister Boris Johnson.

Business in the House of Commons began earlier with government Chief Whip Simon Hart issuing the writs for the vacant seat.

The by-election will take place between 21 and 27 working days from the issuing of the writ.

Jimbuna 06-15-23 06:08 AM

Well then, no surprises here then. I reckon the vast majority of the British electorate will agree with the committees findings.


A report by MPs says ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled the Commons over lockdown parties at No 10

The committee says it would have recommended suspending Johnson from the House for 90 days.

It says he deliberately misled the House, the committee, impugned the committee and was “complicit in the campaign of abuse and attempted intimidation of the Committee"

It also recommends the former PM should not get a pass which allows ex-MPs to access Parliament after they leave.

Last week, Johnson stepped down as a Tory MP after being given advance sight of the Privileges Committee's report.

In an explosive statement, he called the committee a "kangaroo court" whose purpose "has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts"

Johnson has admitted his statements misled Parliament but denied doing so intentionally or recklessly.

The committee make recommendations, but it is up to the Commons to decide whether to accept them.

Jimbuna 06-15-23 12:25 PM

I find it quite appalling that this national embarrassment is in line for so many perks at the taxpayers expense.


What perks will Boris Johnson get after quitting as an MP?[61898_PANUK_DIV_24_NCA_BorisMisledMPsPartygate_RET _ABC]-20230615-[bbcnews_whatperkswillborisjohnsongetafterquittinga sanmppartygate_newspolitics]

Jimbuna 06-16-23 05:10 AM

It would appear that the Lying King has already sorted out another money spinner for himself, possibly as the new columnist on the Daily Mail.

He'll be on a very high six-figure sum salary to pen a weekly column which starts tomorrow.

This will no doubt be a headache for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Jimbuna 06-16-23 12:33 PM

This guy keeps on digging a deeper and deeper grave for himself.


Boris Johnson has committed a "clear breach" of the ministerial code by not clearing a new role writing a column for the Daily Mail with the parliamentary authorities.

The committee that vets ex-ministers' appointments says he informed them only half an hour before the news emerged.

Moonlight 06-17-23 06:15 AM

Well, we'll see what happens in the House of Commons next week, me thinks there could be some fireworks tossed into the fray, that's political talk for some truth bomb accusations being directed at certain politicians, tin helmets and body armour might also be needed. :haha:

ANDREW NEIL: How on earth have the Tories managed to enrage both Generation Rent AND Generation Mortgage?

That's an easy one old boy, the Tories don't give a **** about the little people, they never have done and they never will do, that's until they need your vote. We've had nothing but incompetent buffoons running the country since the GE of 2010, it's not surprising either that the opposition parties have been an even bigger set of incompetent buffoons since the Tories have been in power.

The case for the prosecution.
The UK national debt in 2010. £1,076.6 billion
The UK national debt in 2023. £2,536.9 billion
The prosecution rests it's case.

Jimbuna 06-17-23 06:45 AM

Boris Johnson has asked his supporters not to vote against a report that found he intentionally misled Parliament.

The Commons is expected to approve the Privileges Committee's recommendations - which will strip Mr Johnson of his right to a parliamentary pass.

Has he eventually come to his senses and realise just about everyone is sick to the back teeth of his shenanigans?

I'm not overly confident that is the case but time will tell.

Moonlight 06-17-23 07:52 AM

Incompetence and the Tories.

EXCLUSIVE Albanian armed robber who was sent home after using a fake name to get UK passport is back in Britain

Oh well, I'm glad the Labour Party weren't in power at the time as they would have given him immunity from being deported in the first place.

Westminster needs to be cleansed of these incompetents and fast, 90% of them need kicking out of the House of Commons and the same should be applied to the House of Lords.

The Tories are probably going to be hit with a triple whammy at the next General Election, not only the economy and the cost of living is going to give you a kick in the backside but, the former Red Wall seats that are now Blue could turn Red, Blue or Yellow.
Meanwhile up in Scotland I expect to see the SNP support collapsing quite a bit with the Red, Blue and the Yellow colour of the LibDems making a comeback, this could be the strangest General Election I've ever witnessed, interesting times cometh.

Note to the Admins, we need some better smilies than the ones on offer, there's no rush, next week will do. :haha: :O:

Jimbuna 06-17-23 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Moonlight (Post 2872377)

Note to the Admins, we need some better smilies than the ones on offer, there's no rush, next week will do. :haha: :O:

Moonlight 06-18-23 04:30 AM

^That Smilie is not a good example of what the forum needs, look around the interweb, there are gazillions of good ones. :yep:

David Warburton quits as MP, triggering another by-election

Bloody hell!, 4 bi-elections now, so that's four this year and another one at next years General Election, those voters are gonna be well pissed off with these political parties. The bi-elections don't matter that much as they could end up any damned colour this year, the main prize is next year and the GE, I would expect the public to give these political parties a huge Clapback of annoyance for heaping the politicians problems on to the shoulders of the voters.

If the economy wasn't in such a mess I would have expected Fishy Rishi to call an early GE but, I think if he did call one now they could lose that massive majority they have. With all the shenanigans going on in the background as well the Tories will need time to let everything settle down so they can re-assess things in the cold light of the day. :yep:

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