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XTBilly 07-12-16 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by XTBilly (Post 2417787)

NKLCS Nagara, also known as Big Modern Freighter or _JP Large Composite Merchant 1.

Cheers. :D

max-peck 07-12-16 02:36 PM

Thanks Capn

The reason I was looking at the names.cfg is because I thought that was where the game decided what the ship is called in the Recognition Manual.
I guess I could be wrong about this!

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 03:29 PM

Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, but it seems to me that the Large Modern Composite Merchant and the Big Modern Freighter in FOTRS are two different ships. The quote "Nagara Maru" is not modeled in FOTRS. The Nagara Maru does not show up in v1.3 and since the Museum in v.06 does not work for me I have no way of comparing. :06:

These two silhouette are different. One is of the TMO Nagara Maru and the other is FOTRS version.

TMO version

FOTRS version

They sure look different to me. Of course I'm old and my eyesight isn't what it used to be.

max-peck 07-12-16 03:42 PM

I know it sound confusing - but they are all exactly the same thing

Welcome to The Twilight Zone

(Cue Music) :D

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 03:51 PM

OK, I've had my last say in the Nagara Maru matter. It really doesn't make my difference in the long run, more important matters await us. :up: :D

max-peck 07-12-16 04:07 PM

Sorry cdrsubron7 - I did not mean to make fun of you :)

The reason they look different is because they use a different ship model

The TMO version is the stock Nagara Model

The FOTRS version uses a new model, they pretty much replaced it with a new ship, but kept the same roster name, that is why it looks completely different

max-peck 07-12-16 04:10 PM

And to compound the confusion - the same ship can have different names in the rec manual, the names.cfg and the ME
It can be called 3 different things and still be the same thing :doh:

That's why I did the Twighlight Zone thing - sorry - I did not mean to wind you up :)

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2418335)
And to compound the confusion - the same ship can have different names in the rec manual, the names.cfg and the ME
It can be called 3 different things and still be the same thing :doh:

That's why I did the Twighlight Zone thing - sorry - I did not mean to wind you up :)

No worries, max. Like I said, I'm over it. It's forgotton. Like the newer model in FOTRS better anyway. :D :up:

propbeanie 07-12-16 04:27 PM

Ahhh.... I found something - again. I posted about this before, but I "studied" the anomaly this time (caution: I've only "processed" maybe 10% of my screen grabs)... I'm using a Quick Mission that AOTD_Max made (I think), where their group was testing the BB Nagato. This is where I first encountered the purposeful use of the Catapult Ship. They also have the Bismark in the mission. Everything is animated fine, everything seems to work just fine, and the Bismark (and the Nagato and the Catapult ships) are definitely works of art. However, the Bismark has what I was originally calling "a shadow". I will now call it "a reflection". I'm not sure of how many other ships may have this issue, but I do not notice this happening until the ship "dies". It's still shooting away, but I can no longer "target" it in the auto-targeting. The mission itself is odd in that I never get a "she's going down, sir!" or any other "kill" confirmation. I'll have to process one more picture, now that I think of it, where the Bismark is still shooting her big guns in the rear turret, which is about to go underwater... Very cool. Anyway, I'll give you a couple shots here. Just click on one of them, if you care to deal with all the garbage that photobucket tries to throw up in front of you, 'cause there's several more over there. In the first shot here, the Bismark has died, explosions are ripping her apart. Notice what appears to be an out of focus picture of her, like a "reflection" of her, but a bit off. The 2nd shows that you can see the "reflection" is of the ship's portion that has just slipped beneath the waves, basically like you're seeing the top of the deck in a mirror, so I'm assuming that the reflection for the ship is somehow "wrapped around". You'll notice "normal" reflections from the ship in the water also.

Notice the detail in the deck, or around the anchor cut-outs, the chains. The paint job, etc...

Is there a way to fix that reflection stuff?


Originally Posted by CapnScurvy (Post 2418295)
... The Names.cfg file can call a Dog=Cat if it wants to ... (did I ever tell you to emulate the stock game?) ...

The "Dog=Cat" I've been encountering throughout the sound stuff also... I've heard that "emulate stock" somewhere before... |;^)

max-peck 07-12-16 04:45 PM

And I finally managed to get my lazy ass in gear and finish the tankers

max-peck 07-12-16 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2418249)
On another thread I've been talking with aanker about using his Sofu Gan

Yes please :D:D

We really need Sofu Gan

I think I must have been spoilt - Ducimus put it into TMO 2.5 for me :)

I run Asiatic Fleet careers mostly, but whenever I sail out of Pearl, I always make a point of stopping at Lot's Wife
I know that from there on it - it's about to get serious :salute:

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 05:00 PM

Great work, max. Look forward to inspecting them at 1200 yds from periscope depth. :D :salute:

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2418345)
And I finally managed to get my lazy ass in gear and finish the tankers

Amazing! That's first-rate stuff there!:up::up::up:

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves (Post 2418276)
Have you all tried using the Validator TheDarkWrath created?

You are the EF Hutton of Silent Hunter and nobody seems to have listened. Jeff, can you link me so I can download and look at it? And how about an overview of what the Validator examines?

No, we're all so far in over our heads we don't know what DarkWraith's Validator is! Well, CapnScurvy might but......

Please feel free to jump in here whenever you feel like we're too pitiful not to help!:har::har:

Thanks Jeff!

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 05:37 PM

Okay, I ran TheDarkWraith's SH Validator on the stock game and here is what I got:

Silent Hunter 4 Validator v2.0.6.0 by TheDarkWraith

Validation results from C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS

Countries defined:

Classes defined:
B5N2Kate (303)
DBD3A1 (302)
Q1W1 (304)
USDiveBomber (302)
A6M2Zero (300)
FBBeaufighter (300)
USFighter (300)
FSF1M (304)
G4MBetty (301)
LBSH6K (304)
H8K (304)
LBSUSSearchPlane (304)
USHeavyBomber (301)
FSAR196 (304)
SSunderland (304)
USTorpedoBomber (303)
SpecOpsSmallBoat (14)
Landed_H6K (15)
Iceberg (107)
IcebergM1 (107)
IcebergM2 (107)
IcebergM3 (107)
IcebergS1 (107)
IcebergS2 (107)
IcebergS3 (107)
JPFish01 (104)
JPFish02 (104)
JPGunBoat01 (0)
JPGunBoat02 (0)
GeAuxCruiser (13)
TugBoat (104)
BBColorado (11)
BBFuso (11)
BBIowa (20)
BBIse (11)
BBIseConv (11)
BBKingGeorgeV (11)
BBKongo (11)
BBNevada (11)
BBNewMexico (11)
BBNorthCarolina (11)
BBPennsylvania (11)
BBTennessee (11)
BBTennesseeEarly (11)
BBWestVirginia (11)
BBYamato (20)
CABaltimore (7)
CADeutschland (7)
CAFurutaka (7)
CAKent (7)
CAMaya (7)
CAMogami (7)
CANorthampton (7)
CATakao (7)
CLAgano (6)
CLBrooklyn (6)
CLCleveland (6)
CLDido (6)
CLFiji (6)
CLKuma (6)
CLNaka (6)
CLOmaha (6)
COFlower (1)
CVEAkitsu (8)
CVEAttacker (8)
CVEBogue (8)
CVECasablanca (8)
CVETaiyo (8)
CVSChitose (8)
CVHiryu (9)
CVShokaku (9)
CVTaiho (9)
CVUSEarlyWar (9)
DDAkizuki (4)
DDAsashio (4)
DDClemson (4)
DDFletcher (4)
DDFubuki (4)
DDJClass (4)
DDMinekaze (4)
DDMutsuki (4)
DDShiratsuyu (4)
DDSomers (4)
DDTribal (4)
DDV&W (4)
DEBuckley (3)
DEEvarts (3)
DEJCButler (3)
DERiver (3)
Frigate (11)
FishingBoat2 (104)
FishingBoat (104)
KLCSNagara (102)
KLSSHakusika (102)
KMCSAkita (102)
KMCSHeito (102)
KMCSZinbu (102)
KMSSBiyo (102)
KMSSHogIsland (102)
KMSSKinposan (102)
KMSSWarMelody (102)
KPMCSExpress (102)
KSCSTaihosan (102)
KSQ (102)
KSSSKasagisan (102)
KSS (102)
LandingCraft (15)
LifeboatSmall (105)
LifeboatLarge (105)
LL (102)
LST (103)
MLOkinoshima (12)
MSNO13 (5)
OLNippon (101)
OLSchliemann (101)
OMBuzyun (101)
OMPaula (101)
OSHaruna (101)
OTMS (101)
FFBlackSwan (2)
FFBlackSwanElite (17)
PLConteVerde (109)
PLHorai (103)
PLKiturin (103)
PSTyohei (103)
PTElco (0)
NSampan01 (104)
NSampan02 (104)
NSampan03 (104)
SCSubchaser (0)
TR (103)
PCTrawler (0)
VV (102)
ASSubTender (100)
Survivor (106)
SSBalao (200)
SSGar (200)
SSGato (200)
SSPorpoise (200)
SSS18 (200)
SSS42 (200)
SSSalmon (200)
SSSargo (200)
SSSenToku (200)
SSTambor (200)
SSTypeXVIII (200)
SSTypeIXD2 (200)
SKoMidget (200)
CDAAPlatform (404)
LargeAirBaseCa (406)
LargeAirBaseGB (406)
LargeAirBaseGe (406)
LargeAirBaseIt (406)
LargeAirBaseJP (406)
LargeAirBaseUS (406)
NormalAirBaseCa (406)
NormalAirBaseGB (406)
NormalAirBaseGe (406)
NormalAirBaseIt (406)
NormalAirBaseJP (406)
NormalAirBaseUS (406)
SmallAirBaseCa (406)
SmallAirBaseGB (406)
SmallAirBaseGe (406)
SmallAirBaseIt (406)
SmallAirBaseJP (406)
SmallAirBaseUS (406)
SmallFloatplaneBaseJP (406)
CDBunkerLarge (403)
CDBunkerMedium (403)
CDBunkerSmall (403)
CDLargeTurret (403)
CDMediumTurret (403)
CDSearchLight (403)
CDSmallGunJP (403)
NavalBase (407)
AntiSubNet (501)
Minefield (500)

USDiveBomber (302=Dive Bomber)
USFighter (300=Fighter)
LBSUSSearchPlane (304=Patrol)
USHeavyBomber (301=Bomber)
USTorpedoBomber (303=Torpedo Bomber)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
LargeAirBaseUS (406=Airbase)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
NormalAirBaseUS (406=Airbase)
SmallAirBaseUS (406=Airbase)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
BBColorado (11=Battleship)
BBIowa (20=Super Battleship)
BBNevada (11=Battleship)
BBNewMexico (11=Battleship)
BBNorthCarolina (11=Battleship)
BBPennsylvania (11=Battleship)
BBTennessee (11=Battleship)
BBTennesseeEarly (11=Battleship)
BBWestVirginia (11=Battleship)
CABaltimore (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CANorthampton (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CLBrooklyn (6=Light Cruiser)
CLCleveland (6=Light Cruiser)
CLOmaha (6=Light Cruiser)
COFlower (1=Corvette)
CVEBogue (8=Escort Carrier)
CVECasablanca (8=Escort Carrier)
CVUSEarlyWar (9=Fleet Carrier)
DDClemson (4=Destroyer)
DDFletcher (4=Destroyer)
DDSomers (4=Destroyer)
DEBuckley (3=Destroyer Escort)
DEEvarts (3=Destroyer Escort)
DEJCButler (3=Destroyer Escort)
DERiver (3=Destroyer Escort)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KMSSHogIsland (102=Cargo)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
LL (102=Cargo)
LST (103=Troop Transport)
LandingCraft (15=Landing Craft)
OTMS (101=Tanker)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
PTElco (0=Patrol Craft)
SpecOpsSmallBoat (14=Special OPS Boat)
ASSubTender (100=Replenishment)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TR (103=Troop Transport)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
VV (102=Cargo)
SSBalao (200=Submarine)
SSGar (200=Submarine)
SSGato (200=Submarine)
SSPorpoise (200=Submarine)
SSS18 (200=Submarine)
SSS42 (200=Submarine)
SSSalmon (200=Submarine)
SSSargo (200=Submarine)
SSTambor (200=Submarine)
USFighter (300=Fighter)
USHeavyBomber (301=Bomber)
SSunderland (304=Patrol)
USTorpedoBomber (303=Torpedo Bomber)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
CAKent (7=Heavy Cruiser)
DDV&W (4=Destroyer)
DERiver (3=Destroyer Escort)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FBBeaufighter (300=Fighter)
USFighter (300=Fighter)
LBSUSSearchPlane (304=Patrol)
USHeavyBomber (301=Bomber)
SSunderland (304=Patrol)
USTorpedoBomber (303=Torpedo Bomber)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
LargeAirBaseGB (406=Airbase)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
NormalAirBaseGB (406=Airbase)
SmallAirBaseGB (406=Airbase)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
BBKingGeorgeV (11=Battleship)
CAKent (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CLDido (6=Light Cruiser)
CLFiji (6=Light Cruiser)
COFlower (1=Corvette)
CVEAttacker (8=Escort Carrier)
DDClemson (4=Destroyer)
DDJClass (4=Destroyer)
DDTribal (4=Destroyer)
DDV&W (4=Destroyer)
DERiver (3=Destroyer Escort)
FFBlackSwan (2=Frigate)
FFBlackSwanElite (17=Elite Destroyer escort)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KMSSHogIsland (102=Cargo)
KMSSWarMelody (102=Cargo)
KPMCSExpress (102=Cargo)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
LL (102=Cargo)
LST (103=Troop Transport)
OMPaula (101=Tanker)
OSHaruna (101=Tanker)
OTMS (101=Tanker)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
PLConteVerde (109=Rare Troop Transport)
PTElco (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TR (103=Troop Transport)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
LBSUSSearchPlane (304=Patrol)
SSunderland (304=Patrol)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
LargeAirBaseCa (406=Airbase)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
NormalAirBaseCa (406=Airbase)
SmallAirBaseCa (406=Airbase)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
CLFiji (6=Light Cruiser)
COFlower (1=Corvette)
DDClemson (4=Destroyer)
DDTribal (4=Destroyer)
DERiver (3=Destroyer Escort)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
Iceberg (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergM1 (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergM2 (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergM3 (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergS1 (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergS2 (107=Rare tanker)
IcebergS3 (107=Rare tanker)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FSAR196 (304=Patrol)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
LargeAirBaseGe (406=Airbase)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
NormalAirBaseGe (406=Airbase)
SmallAirBaseGe (406=Airbase)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
CADeutschland (7=Heavy Cruiser)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
GeAuxCruiser (13=Auxiliary Cruiser)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
OLSchliemann (101=Tanker)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
SpecOpsSmallBoat (14=Special OPS Boat)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
SSTypeIXD2 (200=Submarine)
SSTypeXVIII (200=Submarine)
FFBlackSwan (2=Frigate)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
DBD3A1 (302=Dive Bomber)
A6M2Zero (300=Fighter)
FSF1M (304=Patrol)
G4MBetty (301=Bomber)
LBSH6K (304=Patrol)
H8K (304=Patrol)
Q1W1 (304=Patrol)
B5N2Kate (303=Torpedo Bomber)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDLargeTurret (403=Artillery)
CDMediumTurret (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
CDSmallGunJP (403=Artillery)
LargeAirBaseJP (406=Airbase)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
NormalAirBaseJP (406=Airbase)
SmallAirBaseJP (406=Airbase)
SmallFloatplaneBaseJP (406=Airbase)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
BBFuso (11=Battleship)
BBIse (11=Battleship)
BBIseConv (11=Battleship)
BBKongo (11=Battleship)
BBYamato (20=Super Battleship)
CAFurutaka (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CAMaya (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CAMogami (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CATakao (7=Heavy Cruiser)
CLAgano (6=Light Cruiser)
CLKuma (6=Light Cruiser)
CLNaka (6=Light Cruiser)
CVEAkitsu (8=Escort Carrier)
CVETaiyo (8=Escort Carrier)
CVHiryu (9=Fleet Carrier)
CVSChitose (8=Escort Carrier)
CVShokaku (9=Fleet Carrier)
CVTaiho (9=Fleet Carrier)
DDAkizuki (4=Destroyer)
DDAsashio (4=Destroyer)
DDFubuki (4=Destroyer)
DDMinekaze (4=Destroyer)
DDMutsuki (4=Destroyer)
DDShiratsuyu (4=Destroyer)
Landed_H6K (15=Landing Craft)
JPFish01 (104=Coastal Vessel)
JPFish02 (104=Coastal Vessel)
JPGunBoat01 (0=Patrol Craft)
JPGunBoat02 (0=Patrol Craft)
KLCSNagara (102=Cargo)
KLSSHakusika (102=Cargo)
KMCSAkita (102=Cargo)
KMCSHeito (102=Cargo)
KMCSZinbu (102=Cargo)
KMSSBiyo (102=Cargo)
KMSSKinposan (102=Cargo)
KSCSTaihosan (102=Cargo)
KSSSKasagisan (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
MLOkinoshima (12=Minelayer)
MSNO13 (5=Minesweeper)
NSampan01 (104=Coastal Vessel)
NSampan02 (104=Coastal Vessel)
NSampan03 (104=Coastal Vessel)
OLNippon (101=Tanker)
OMBuzyun (101=Tanker)
OSHaruna (101=Tanker)
PLConteVerde (109=Rare Troop Transport)
PLHorai (103=Troop Transport)
PLKiturin (103=Troop Transport)
PSTyohei (103=Troop Transport)
SCSubchaser (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
SKoMidget (200=Submarine)
SSSenToku (200=Submarine)
COFlower (1=Corvette)
DERiver (3=Destroyer Escort)
Frigate (11=Battleship)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
SSunderland (304=Patrol)
CLFiji (6=Light Cruiser)
COFlower (1=Corvette)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
LifeboatLarge (105=Life Raft)
LifeboatSmall (105=Life Raft)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
CDAAPlatform (404=Antiaircraft)
CDBunkerLarge (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerMedium (403=Artillery)
CDBunkerSmall (403=Artillery)
CDSearchLight (403=Artillery)
NavalBase (407=Naval Base)
AntiSubNet (501=AntiSub Net)
Minefield (500=Mine)
FishingBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)
FishingBoat2 (104=Coastal Vessel)
KSQ (102=Cargo)
KSS (102=Cargo)
PCTrawler (0=Patrol Craft)
Survivor (106=Survivor)
TugBoat (104=Coastal Vessel)

Current ignore list:

Country errors:
no errors

Country ignores:
no ignores

Roster errors:
no errors

Roster ignores:
no ignores

Classes errors:
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Sea\Float_Plane_H6K\Float_Plane_H6K.eqp doesn't exist!
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Sea\NKSQ_\NKSQ_.eqp doesn't exist!
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Sea\NOM_Paula\NOM_Paula.eqp doesn't exist!
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_SmallJP\LCD_SmallJP.eqp doesn't exist!
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_SmallJP\LCD_SmallJP.sns doesn't exist!

Classes ignores:
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_LargeTurret\LCD_LargeTurret.eq p ignored
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_LargeTurret\ s ignored
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_MediumTurret\LCD_MediumTurret. eqp ignored
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Land\LCD_MediumTurret\LCD_MediumTurret. sns ignored
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Ordnance\AntiSubNet\AntiSubNet.sns ignored
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Ordnance\Minefield\Minefield.sns ignored

DefSide errors:
StartDate of 5/9/1945 is not 1 day later than previous EndDate for German in \data\Roster\DefSide.cfg

DefSide ignores:
no ignores

Campaign errors:
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Campaigns\Campaign\PatrolObjectives\Sin k Yellow Sea 02\Sink Yellow Sea 02.mis:
no errors

Campaign ignores:
C:\Ubisoft\SH4 FOTRS\data\Campaigns\Campaign\PatrolObjectives\Sin k Yellow Sea 02\Sink Yellow Sea 02.mis:
no ignores

Saved campaign errors:
not coded thus not checked

Saved campaign ignores:
not coded thus not checked
Obviously, the errors reported should be put on ignore before you install FOTRS Ultimate because they are inconsquential errors.

Oh. If you do as I do and rename SH4.exe to SH4FOTRS, the validator will refuse to recognize your installation.

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