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Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 12:02 PM

On another thread I've been talking with aanker about using his Sofu Gan (Lot's Wife) mod with FOTRS Ultimate. Lot's Wife was a rock that jutted out of the ocean (great place for a high speed submarine collision with a medium sized rocky planet!). It was used for navigation checks and rallying point for wolfpacks, so is historically significant.

I was also talking about a true campaign mod called Spyron, hosted as It looks really promising, but as you all know, the mods present when making missions determines whether it will work on your computer. They aren't amenable even to links on Subsim and my minimum requirement for mods used in FOTRS Ultimate is that the mod must be accessible from Subsim, even if only by link. I also require that the mod be 100% compatible, meaning every single ship in their campaign must appear in FOTRS Ultimate, and it must require no changes to Ultimate \Sea or \Roster files.

That may be true as it stands. But I'm determined that FOTRS Ultimate plugins be available at Subsim without journeying to another website to download them. They also have to comply with FOTRS Ultimate mod numbering systems. If necessary we could make a parallel mod that resemble Spyron but doesn't copy any files from there. It's a shame when people are so exclusive they deny others the opportunity to benefit from their work.

Every mod I've ever made has had a EULA that reads something like "PLEASE copy this mod and use it in your own work. Make any modification, adaptation or mutilation that blows your skirt up. Give me credit or don't give me credit as you think right. Just use it and spread it around! If it's on the Internet it belongs to everybody." That's just my personal choice and anybody is free to make their own.

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 12:10 PM

And this version won't last long. Upon receipt of CapnScurvy's stuff I'll be uploading v.1Beta! Then we go optimizing all these minor aspects that will drive players crazy if we don't find them first......

fitzcarraldo 07-12-16 12:39 PM

In this version continues the problem in Museum?

In my v13 with ships from OM, SH3 and FOTRSv2, I can see the musem normally.

I tried to add some ships from OM in FOTRS Ultimate (previous version) and the Museum problem persists. I don´t know why: it seems there is a problem with some eqp file for the ships (I believe).

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Bleiente 07-12-16 12:46 PM

Hi fitzcarraldo :salute:

I think that the problem lies in the weapons assignment ... it is deposited in the "Library" folder.

greetings :arrgh!:

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 12:57 PM

OK, I seem to be having a old age moment here, so humor me. I'm working on a new single mission called "IJN Oil". One of the merchants I'm trying to use in the mission is the Nagara Maru or Large Modern Composite Freighter. The ship I see in the mission is neither of these although the ship I placed in the mission using the ME is labeled a Large Modern Composite Merchant. Below is a picture of the merchant in the single mission.

So, my question is which ship in FOTRS is the Nagara Maru and what's it's name in v.06? :06:

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2418254)
And this version won't last long. Upon receipt of CapnScurvy's stuff I'll be uploading v.1Beta! Then we go optimizing all these minor aspects that will drive players crazy if we don't find them first......

Just to satisfy my curiosity, Boss. Besides the Capn's excellent interiors what else will be included in the v.1 beta. Just wondering where we'll be on this one?

propbeanie 07-12-16 01:05 PM

@ RR = OK. As for the Sound folder, do you want just the "fix", or also tweak a couple of the blatantly inappropriate files, such as when a person hits the "D" or "C" keys while underway underwater - electric motors already whirring a-way - and the OOD calls to "secure the diesels and engage the electrics!"? If I can figure out why the Museum sound is odd before your intended release date, that'd be nice to include in the 100 mod itself. However, we do NOT want to overwork CapnScurvy! He's got other things we want/need him to work on... :yeah:

In the meantime, I'm looking at adding sounds from several mods together, for a plug-in that is 100% "100_FotRSU Compliant! ®" - available sometime, hopefully not too far in the future...

Thanks guys for the retirement wishes. As busy as I've been since Friday, I'm surprised I *ever* found time to work. I'm actually retiring "early" cdsubron7, but we don't get penalized anymore if we go at 60 with at least 30 years in - so I did. Feels great. Limited income, but I basically had it anyway, since they quit doing any and all OT where I work - errr, worked! - anyway...

Now I'm off to the sea, in my suit of white and blue, to see what I can see, and do what I can do...

I might have to add this to my sig:

I *really* gotta find me a replacement for photobucket...

The posts are *flying* 'round here, like cdsubron7's CAP in Indian Ocean Foray! and "yes" cdsubron7, there is an issue on the Nagara, like 2, 3 , 4 or more pages back... you can't leave here for more than a Single Mission length of time, else you've missed two and a half pages of posts and updates! :lol: - def not a senior moment, 'least, I ~hope~ not, 'cause I are there...

Jeff-Groves 07-12-16 01:12 PM

Have you all tried using the Validator TheDarkWrath created?

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 01:15 PM

Just for grins, I tried accessing the Museum in v.06 and got as far as the "Find'em, Chase'em, Sink'em" and could here the background music. Seems kinda funny, this is further than I could get in v.05. :yep:

propbeanie 07-12-16 01:15 PM

@ Jeff-Groves: As a matter of fact, I have that in the folder, and haven't used it in weeks! I'm really leaving the site this time... I *have* to go play now, I hear my game calling me...

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 01:24 PM

Ah, found it, post #468. Nagara Maru = Big Modern Composite. That's what I get for being away on vacation for four days in Pittsburgh. :haha:

propbeanie 07-12-16 01:28 PM

See... we just gotta move *faster*!!! I hear RR going "come on, hurry up! Let's GO!" (are you ready steve? unhuh. Mick? yeah. Andy? Ok. well, Ok fellahs, Let's GO!!!)

fitzcarraldo 07-12-16 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bleiente (Post 2418268)
Hi fitzcarraldo :salute:

I think that the problem lies in the weapons assignment ... it is deposited in the "Library" folder.

greetings :arrgh!:

Yes. If you add only merchant unarmed ships, no problem. But the armed merchants and warships have weapons assignement and causes problem...

From my experience, if some ship causes problems in museum, it causes problems in game (CTD in campaign), so I think we must detect the problem.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

max-peck 07-12-16 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2418271)
OK, I seem to be having a old age moment here, so humor me. I'm working on a new single mission called "IJN Oil". One of the merchants I'm trying to use in the mission is the Nagara Maru or Large Modern Composite Freighter. The ship I see in the mission is neither of these although the ship I placed in the mission using the ME is labeled a Large Modern Composite Merchant. Below is a picture of the merchant in the single mission.

So, my question is which ship in FOTRS is the Nagara Maru and what's it's name in v.06? :06:

Hi mate

Looking through the data/roster/names.cfg leads me to this

The Nagara is called the 'Big Modern Freighter' in game

Loading this up in the museum gives me this

Same ship you have showing

Just to double check I loaded the dat file into SH3D
Same ship

Not sure where you got the name 'Large Modern Composite' from though?
I can see no reference to this name in the names cfg

Is this what your ME calls it?

As another check I started the ME, running just Alpha 0.6

I can see the Big Modern Freighter (Nagara)
I cannot see a Large Modern Composite in the list

Are you running JUST Alpha 0.6?
Maybe you have some mod soup going?

Just had another thought
Maybe I am the one with the Mod Soup :D
Can anyone else confirm what the Nagara is called in their names.cfg?

CapnScurvy 07-12-16 02:21 PM

The Nagara (Bless her soul), is called the "Large Modern Composite Merchant", within the ME. Goes back to the stock game since the Nagara is originally from the stock game. :o Pull the ship over to the map and see what the ME calls it.

The Names.cfg file can call a Dog=Cat if it wants to.

If you want to know how to use specific assets within the the stock games naming system (did I ever tell you to emulate the stock game?). Print off the original Names.cfg file and put it into Word to have the various sections put things into alphabetical order (will help in finding the ships original names).

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