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vienna 01-25-17 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2460609)
Could have been, :hmmm: depends on the context i suppose. Gotta link?

That cliche sounds all well and good but the truth is how many people saw the inauguration or didn't is not a lie equal to being sold a hugely expensive government boondoggle like the ACA with knowingly false statements.

This is because the latter lie affected the entire country, the former while yes a lie too i'm beginning to believe is just the presidents way of keeping the opposition fixated on something. Notice how this tripe dominates the discussion but what barely gets mentioned are the real important things he did today, like reopen stalled oil pipelines, meeting with us car execs, muzzling the EPA and raft of other far reaching actions, all crowded out by an stupid argument over nothing. He's playing the media like a fiddle at an Ozark Ho down.

So, essentially, you are totally for another lying, duplicitous, arrogant, petty politician sitting in the Oval Office? Way to drain that Swamp! This will surely end government corruption and malfeasance...

By the way, is there any ethical problem you see with Trump approving the pipeline given the CEO of the DAPL donated very large sums of money to Trump's election coffers and to the GOP's various groups and PACs?

Top executive behind Dakota Access has donated more than $100,000 to Trump:

Trump Just Green-Lighted Controversial Pipeline Whose CEO Donated Millions to GOP Super PACs:


Or is there any problem with the fact Trump still has not provided any proof he has, in fact, actually divested himself from pipeline-related holdings? Or should we just rely on Trump's well-documented honesty and integrity?


Mr. Trump is not required to file another disclosure form until later this year. So far, he has not provided documentation of the divestment.
Who benefits from revived Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines?:


Sailor Steve 01-25-17 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2460609)
Could have been, :hmmm: depends on the context i suppose. Gotta link?

Well, there's this one.

But I already commented on it at the time.

I had another in mind but I haven't found it yet.

Onkel Neal 01-25-17 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 2460606)
Getting things done is one thing.

Getting the right things done...quite another.

And that's why Obama sucked. Trying to get the wrong things done.

ikalugin 01-25-17 05:20 AM

Meanwhile PRC deployes a new DF-41 unit in it's north-eastern regions, to get better coverage of CONUS. Video of the DF-41 TEL:
From the availiable data is appears that DF-41 uses a larger canister than the Topol series of the land mobile ICBMs.

Mr Quatro 01-25-17 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2460604)
I find it amusing that the people who are hyperbolic-crazy angry at the guy are the most like him, personality-wise.:haha:

True statement ... but what about all of his double down stuff? Do those people double down too?

I like what one CNN reporter said during the debates pre-election:

"Perception = reality for the people on both sides"

Skybird 01-25-17 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2460604)
Liar, buffoon, egomaniac, who cares, at least he's getting things done.

Question is whether he really knows what it is that he gets done. His comments on "American cars" for example reveal an ammount of naivety and lacking information about the real facts of "American made cars" that is hilarious. If you want to buy a car that is mostly build in and made of American-made parts, you either have buy Tesla - or Toyota. LOL Not Chrysler. Not GM. Not Ford. And Tesla said they do not plan to upgrade their cars to later, newer generations of system upgrades, instead they expect their customers to do like with cellphones: buy a whole new car instead. Good luck with that, considering the price tag.

Also the so-called "Lohhausen experiment", but I found no adequate English text describing it. It is like Tanaland above, just a modern German-like city.

In these settings, system-simlations like Sim City just simulated with a much higher level of detail, accuratesse and reality-like complexity, candidates trying to regulate these systems failed by scores and scores. Even those who manage such systems in real life - they often scored especially bad, compared to "naive" novices to the matter.

Ex falso quod libet
(from falsehood, anything follows).

Catfish 01-25-17 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2460638)
And that's why Obama sucked. Trying to get the wrong things done.

Which were?
I guess building a wall is the most reasonable thing and right thing to do?
Trump wants to distinguish himself by any means as a doer, and puts up quite a show. Maybe, just maybe it really works out :hmmm:

Dowly 01-25-17 07:47 AM

Trump wants to investigate the voter fraud he can't shut up about.

Interesting to see, if he is able to accept the result in the event it doesn't show fraud.

yubba 01-25-17 08:01 AM

[QUOTE=Catfish;2460665]Which were?

Gee where to begin,,, oh how about flying the wings off Air Force One on a apology tour around the world,, alienating one of our greatest allies by removing the bust of Churchill ,,, destablized the whole middle east, left 4 Americans to die and lie about it, gave billions to Iran,, financed a coupe in the Ukraine to unseat a democraticly elected leader to cause tensions with Russia,, sent money and personnel to sway the elections in Israel not to mention what he did in Egypt. Failed to secure our borders,,invisioned and put in to law a health care plan that was neither lawful or affordable,,.almost forgot he is the creator of ISIS or ISIL or what ever you perfer to call them,, I know he couldn't muster the courage to call them what they are.. Which were,, you ask now that's funny that's just the tip of the iceberg.

yubba 01-25-17 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2460668)
Trump wants to investigate the voter fraud he can't shut up about.

Interesting to see, if he is able to accept the result in the event it doesn't show fraud.

And why shouldn't he investigate it ,, the libs all cried that Russia hacked our election,,.. if it weren't for double standards liberals wouldn't have any.. Bernie would be interested wouldn't you think ???

Dowly 01-25-17 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by yubba (Post 2460674)
And why shouldn't he investigate it

I didn't say he shouldn't.

yubba 01-25-17 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2460675)
I didn't say he shouldn't.

I know how hard it is to accept the results after all the dems cheated as hard as they could and even made the dead rise from the grave and vote for them. I'd be mad too if I was a dem,, but fortunitly I'm not I wouldn't have nothing to laugh at,, and would be angry all the time.

Catfish 01-25-17 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2460665)
Which were?

"Gee where to begin,,, oh how about flying the wings off Air Force One on a apology tour around the world,, "

Yes it was a mistake to assume that the middle east leaders would do anything reasonable, but he at least tried. You know there is a long history of the West muddling in middle east affairs, from the spy war in Afghanistan to oil exploitation in Iran, Iraq and whatnot. Not that you are aware of.
The people there did not like that very much especially when it was not for glorious democracy and freedom, but for hard dollars, by helping dictators like the Shah Reza Pahlevi or Saddam Hussein get in charge and being paid with oil for it. We can see the glorious extension of this practice in appeasing just of All Saudi Arabia, a friend and ally that has laws of the middle ages, and was the mastermind in planning the 9/11 attack, and still breeding new terrorists.

With the revolutionary liberation in Libya and Egypt, a geste like Obama's could have worked, and there could have been a more positive reaction, but Obama came much too late. There has been no western statesman ever to reach out a hand, so they plain did not believe him. And they are now proven right again. The front has hardened in a way that we look ahead at interesting times. You get what you sow.

"alienating one of our greatest allies by removing the bust of Churchill ,,, "

Lie. Small fact check for you, not that you'll read it i know: :doh:

"destablized the whole middle east"

You must be joking. The middle East has been exploited and fought about for centuries, with oil companies and western politicians behaving like in a self service store, and politically like elephants in a porcelain one.
Bush senior and junior surely did all to stabilize, eh? From weapons of mass destruction to accusing the wrong country for 9/11 and starting a war of agggression, and all the bad insurgent states who see such action critically, lmao.

"financed a coupe in the Ukraine to unseat a democraticly elected leader to cause tensions with Russia,,"

The financing of a coup in the Ukraine.. was that so? Wouldn't Obama not have been a hero if it had worked? If Bush had done it it would have been a shining example, if Obama did it its was false. How treacherous to campaign against Russia, eh!
But b.t.w. wasn't it the CIA that initiated that and then screwed it all up?

And "Cause tensions with Russia", oh no how disgusting! I guess Reagan did all to appease them? Bad, bad russians, the leftists and liberals being smashed for just having one positive thing about Russia and are traitors, but when Trump has it Russia is suddenly our best friend and ally? :haha:

"Failed to secure our borders"?

What the hell do you mean? Should Obama have built a wall or what?
Get your drug problem fixed, then maybe the mexican Narcos will change. "Draining the swamp", anyone?

",,invisioned and put in to law a health care plan that was neither lawful or affordable,,"

The US got a socially acceptable health plan of a kind that Bismarck installed in Germany in the 19th century. Maybe this is a bit too modern for you? It also was not against the law, and it is affordable. Look at new carriers and the F35, and tell me why you can't fund your veterans properly, and people who are ill. Trump now deleted it and has not even an alternative plan, how great!

".almost forgot he is the creator of ISIS or ISIL or what ever you perfer to call them,, I know he couldn't muster the courage to call them what they are.."

Obama the creator of Daesh or "ISIL"? lmao. Who invaded Iraq under which president? How did Daesh start, or Al'Quaeda for that matter? By which leaders was and is it being led? Didn't they come from a de-stabilized Iraq?

You are unbelievable, in all aspects of the word :yep:

August 01-25-17 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2460625)

Well when you find it let me know because that one has nothing to do with your accusation against me so you're just throwing mud hoping that some will stick.

Skybird 01-25-17 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2460665)
Which were?
I guess building a wall is the most reasonable thing and right thing to do?

Its so good to see somebody finally asking this question once again - as if it were the first time being asked and never had been answered before many times by now. But as I repeatedly said before: asking the same queston time and again does not make it any more original.

And I forgot in that post that years ago Obama laughed away warnings of Russia being the big new military enemy and rival once again. He made so many very grave and severe strategic misjudgements, so very many. And instead an insurrance system that America simply cannot afford in this financial format and that adds significantly to the debts level.

I liked Obama personally - his style and humour and contenance. By appearance and behaviour, the Obamas showed great class and grandezza. But his political record is a disaster, sorry. His presidency is the most expensive one ever, I think. And its not as if America did not already have huge debts before, and could afford it.

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