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propbeanie 07-11-16 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2418097)
I'm happy to hear that the aircraft were detectable via SD, if I'm reading you right, PB. I never detected the airplanes until they came at me strafing my sub. The CAP is a feature I added to the mission at the last minute, I had never used it before, glad it worked as planned. One thing I like about that mission is the fog, I believe Billy mentioned it before. It's great the way the carriers just appear out of the fog..:

Well, the SD sort of worked... I got "Radar contact, bearing 16 ..." or whatever they said "long distance", etc., so I go to the chart, see the little marker for the contact, pencil mark it, draw me an appropiate circle around my boat, look at the plane contact again, draw a line from the first spot to the new one " ratz" says I, "gotta dive & fast!". Never hear a squeek outa the "watch" on the bridge, and all of a sudden, a plane is coming in, and has me dead to rights... crash dive worked really fast with that big gaping hole in the hull....

Therefore, the SD picked-up something, but it wasn't the dude that got me. I should have "Saved" that one with replay, and studied it. I wouldn't swear to it, but it sounded like four bombs, two of which straddled me, it looked like, when I came up on the bridge. One of the first ones dropped had already hit the boat. So, multiple planes, and they had already seen me, but my "look-outs" hadn't spotted them.

Another time through, they announced "Rada contact", so I go to the chart, and nothing is on there, so I zoom in & out a few times - nothing. Oh well. Change course to 38, just start into the turn at Standard, and "boom-boom!" What thuh?? Again, nothing out of the watch crew. You're fired! I'm thinking... But maybe it's not them. Maybe the CAP planes are invisible?? I never did see them - I heard them, but my watch crew never saw them. They saw the ships on the horizon last time, through the fog, and I couldn't see'em - 'Course, that ain't sayin' much...

It's a fun one cdsubron7, but I'm thinking that there's something amiss, and it could very well be my install of FotRSU05a,. I'll have to do it like I did it the 2nd time, but capture it and post that vid for you. I just took the mission's heading and went ahead Flank, then did 32x TC while watching the chart. Abracadabra and presto bingo, a multi-plane attack!

By the way - no attack from "The Sound", or any of its relatives.

cdrsubron7 07-11-16 11:13 PM


By the way - no attack from "The Sound", or any of its relatives.
I still here the "Sound" on occasion, but not as long in duration, maybe a split second or two and then stops. Doesn't keep repeating for long periods of time as before. :yep:


Another time through, they announced "Rada contact", so I go to the chart, and nothing is on there, so I zoom in & out a few times - nothing. Oh well. Change course to 38, just start into the turn at Standard, and "boom-boom!" What thuh?? Again, nothing out of the watch crew. You're fired! I'm thinking... But maybe it's not them. Maybe the CAP planes are invisible?? I never did see them - I heard them, but my watch crew never saw them. They saw the ships on the horizon last time, through the fog, and I couldn't see'em - 'Course, that ain't sayin' much...
Check to make sure they took the lens caps off next time. :haha:

XTBilly 07-12-16 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2418097)
I'm happy to hear that the aircraft were detectable via SD, if I'm reading you right, PB. I never detected the airplanes until they came at me strafing my sub. The CAP is a feature I added to the mission at the last minute, I had never used it before, glad it worked as planned. One thing I like about that mission is the fog, I believe Billy mentioned it before. It's great the way the carriers just appear out of the fog. I just finished working on a another mission called "Solomons Run". Here's a screenie from it. :D

On another not there still seems to be a few ships missing. Three carriers, Unyru, Zuiho, and Ruhyo. A heavy cruiser, the Aoba.

The Unyru is available in WTW, the Zuiho is in FOTRS v2.0 and the Ryuho by miner1436 doesn't seem to be available anywhere that I can find. The Aoba is available from WTW and miner1436's 11 new ship mod. :up:

Well, now, YOU seem to sound like the Boss!!:haha::har:

The Zuiho is listed in the Shoho's entry in \Roster\Japan. It's using the Shoho's model. I've tried to put it in a single mission but I couldn't. I'm sure we'll be able to see it in the campaign.
The Aoba and it's sister Kinugasa should be fine additions later on.

Boss's plan is to include all of Maddy's work in the core mod, Japanese inventory right now features more than a hundred ships.:yeah: We can always add more after the release of the core mod. Patience is one of a Jedi's greatest virtues...:03::haha:

I downloaded it, but I had not time to test your mission, be sure I will though! It feels so good, to play a mission of yours again!! History repeats itself. :up::salute:


XTBilly 07-12-16 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2418087)
First time through, all I found was an airplane and 3 destroyers (probably because the airplane saw me. I quit after about 30 minutes of Silent Running - er, crawling... Second time through, I stayed on the surface, Flank speed toward the waypoint, and all I saw was an airplane and three destroyers *and* I got sunk... never fired a torpedo. Third time through, I got to see the carriers on the horizon, and got chased and sunk by three destroyers... I'm below the thermal layer, mind you, but apparently, Bungo Pete started his ASW school in 1938, and these guys are the first graduating class... No hedgehogs, no side-shooters, just roll 'em off the back, and land on top of me. Mind you, I wasn't trying to be completely quiet the whole time, just when I thought I needed to be, which was apparently necessary the whole scenario, 'cause the plane never saw me the fourth time... They just pegged me as soon as my scope pierced the surface...

Nice report here Sir! It's very good to know that I'm not the only one been teared to pieces by the escorts. You know, FOTRSU v0.5 feature the v2.0 AI. The results are obvious. t's good to see a veteran Captain like you having "difficulties":D with the escorts.:salute:

propbeanie 07-12-16 05:55 AM

Well, I've not been the most careful skipper lately, and I've grown accustomed to anchored ships, or poor crews, etc., while I've been testing, and I was a bit surprised by the airplanes. I don't believe I've ever been directly hit by a bomb before, without at least ~knowing~ the plane was there or on the way. Been strafed, been bombed, but I do not remember being sunk by a plane before... :lol: - It'd be interesting to see what cdsubron7 set the crew "ranking" to on those escorts. I figured just get a sub-depth below the thermal and turn, and I'd be fine, but "no", they had me tagged in all four tries I've done. 'Course on run #2, that didn't matter, 'cause the plane "holed" my boat, so when I dove, I just kept going down... Do the planes have the same settings somewhere in them?...

By the way, who of you is *really* familiar with the ME? I've gotten some really strange behavior from it lately (in addition to The Museum), since loading up v0.5Alpha. I'm still trying to play my GFO+ campaign, and I of course have "stock" copies of v1.4 and v1.5 installed, and I'll use them to compare between the versions of the game. I might build me a "stock" Single Mission in v1.4, put it in the v1.5, GFO & FotRSU folders, and see the differences in play. I might then maybe tweak the mission in say FotRSU, and add a ship or two from that catalog and play away. I do NOT bring anything from what I'll call the "higher" levels of the game back down, or in other words "cross-contaminate" v1.5 with an SM modified or created in FotRSU. But if I've used the ME in FotRS's folder, when I go to open the ME in the v1.4 folder (or v1.5), I'll get the all too familiar "Ship_xxx is not found in the library", referring to one of the ships only found in FotRS, for example, yet I'm using the ME in the v1.4 folder. Almost like there's a config file somewhere in the Windows directory itself. I know that there's a DLL file put somewhere in the Windows system when you install the game, and you can't play the game unless it's been installed, so does the ME use that also?... I'm almost to the point where I'm going to do my "stock" playing on this little dual-core, and my FotRS - and FotRS only - playing on the big computer, since it's the only one that can handle it. That also brings up a point, in that we'll have to try to figure out the "Minimum System Requirements to play Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate", over and above what the vanilla game requires... Later.

XTBilly 07-12-16 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2418153)
Well, I've not been the most careful skipper lately, and I've grown accustomed to anchored ships, or poor crews, etc., while I've been testing, and I was a bit surprised by the airplanes. I don't believe I've ever been directly hit by a bomb before, without at least ~knowing~ the plane was there or on the way. Been strafed, been bombed, but I do not remember being sunk by a plane before... :lol: - It'd be interesting to see what cdsubron7 set the crew "ranking" to on those escorts. I figured just get a sub-depth below the thermal and turn, and I'd be fine, but "no", they had me tagged in all four tries I've done. 'Course on run #2, that didn't matter, 'cause the plane "holed" my boat, so when I dove, I just kept going down... Do the planes have the same settings somewhere in them?...

This is the Kido Butai, the Combined Fleet's pride, an elite strike unit.
You can be sure that the escorts of such a force were handpicked!:03::D

Since my main PC is out of action, I run FOTRS Ultimate in my wife's little laptop.

AMD Athlon II 1 core 1.7GHz, 2 GB memory, AMD Radeon 6320 GPU 1366x768.

The little laptop handles FOTRS very well, with most graphics turned down of course. No notable difference in FPS compared to stock.
I don't think the requirements will be different from stock. Thanks UBI for this!

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 07:55 AM


Well, I've not been the most careful skipper lately, and I've grown accustomed to anchored ships, or poor crews, etc., while I've been testing, and I was a bit surprised by the airplanes. I don't believe I've ever been directly hit by a bomb before, without at least ~knowing~ the plane was there or on the way. Been strafed, been bombed, but I do not remember being sunk by a plane before... :lol: - It'd be interesting to see what cdsubron7 set the crew "ranking" to on those escorts. I figured just get a sub-depth below the thermal and turn, and I'd be fine, but "no", they had me tagged in all four tries I've done. 'Course on run #2, that didn't matter, 'cause the plane "holed" my boat, so when I dove, I just kept going down... Do the planes have the same settings somewhere in them?...
I always leave the crew setting at Veteran. Billy is correct, the ships in Kido Butai are the best of the best. :rock:


By the way, who of you is *really* familiar with the ME? I've gotten some really strange behavior from it lately (in addition to The Museum), since loading up v0.5Alpha. I'm still trying to play my GFO+ campaign, and I of course have "stock" copies of v1.4 and v1.5 installed, and I'll use them to compare between the versions of the game. I might build me a "stock" Single Mission in v1.4, put it in the v1.5, GFO & FotRSU folders, and see the differences in play. I might then maybe tweak the mission in say FotRSU, and add a ship or two from that catalog and play away. I do NOT bring anything from what I'll call the "higher" levels of the game back down, or in other words "cross-contaminate" v1.5 with an SM modified or created in FotRSU. But if I've used the ME in FotRS's folder, when I go to open the ME in the v1.4 folder (or v1.5), I'll get the all too familiar "Ship_xxx is not found in the library", referring to one of the ships only found in FotRS, for example, yet I'm using the ME in the v1.4 folder. Almost like there's a config file somewhere in the Windows directory itself. I know that there's a DLL file put somewhere in the Windows system when you install the game, and you can't play the game unless it's been installed, so does the ME use that also?... I'm almost to the point where I'm going to do my "stock" playing on this little dual-core, and my FotRS - and FotRS only - playing on the big computer, since it's the only one that can handle it. That also brings up a point, in that we'll have to try to figure out the "Minimum System Requirements to play Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate", over and above what the vanilla game requires... Later.
This in my opinion has always been one of the biggest problems with SH4 and the ME. Too many versions that don't work well with each other. Back in the day when I was creating missions for SH4 I always used THO+RSRDC to make the missions. Also, we had v1.4 and v1.5. Unless you had the exact same setup I was using at the time the missions wouldn't play or play correctly.

Now that RR has started the FOTRS Ultimate project maybe some of the differences can be eliminated. :yep: :up:


Well, now, YOU seem to sound like the Boss!!:haha::har:
I'll try to be more careful in the future, Billy. :D :rotfl2:

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 08:16 AM

Okay, I've tried to keep things stable for awhile this time. I really tried.:D:D But CapnScurvy's exact recipe for fixing our ships to have 100% functioning (maybe not perfectly functioning, but testing will fix that too) ships makes it really impossible not to clean up a bit.

So I'm releasing v.06Alpha. It's still Alpha because we haven't incorporated CapnScurvy's interiors and his corrected keyboard layout yet. Once our laundry list of features is complete, and that will happen soon, we'll go Beta!

Change log:

  • Conte Verdes for Britain and Germany are now type 109 and will work properly in Mission Editor and in the game.
  • Nagara is now from FOTRS v1.3, working magnificently.
  • The backup file in the Sounds directory is vamoosed.
Other than that, no changes. Everything you've done for v.04Alpha should continue to work now.

It will take about a half hour to get all this 7zipped and uploaded.

This train is barreling down the tracks, WFO (that's wide freakin' open, shame on you!) for GLORY. What's that light at the end of the tunnel I see? Hmmmmmmm.... Sure hope that isn't a train.:hmmm:

Time to get creamed by cdsubron's new mission! Onward into the fog!

CapnScurvy 07-12-16 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie
But if I've used the ME in FotRS's folder, when I go to open the ME in the v1.4 folder (or v1.5), I'll get the all too familiar "Ship_xxx is not found in the library", referring to one of the ships only found in FotRS, for example, yet I'm using the ME in the v1.4 folder.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you're doing, but have you been checking your SH4 folder for entries from the ME? I've been finding an "ME log" file showing up there after doing some things in the ME. I'm a firm believer that the SH4 folder (found in your "Documents" folder) should be cleared out between tests/trial runs to make the game default to its original configuration. If you want..... I guess you can go back to whatever resolution you'd prefer (I don't, I use the default 1024x768 resolutions since my test monitor is a CRT 4:3 aspect). To me, if your switching between v1.4 and v1.5 your asking for trouble if your not checking and deleting the SH4 folder....even if you've been using the SHMulti....whatever it is. I wouldn't trust it to do want you expect, any more than trusting JSGME not to screw up from time to time either.

I've been going through the Museum too. Last night I had a HUGE lookup with a bright green ?!? "Screen of Death" :06:....the sound in the background was pooched too by repeating over and over. No way to get out of it, or return to desktop, without rebooting the computer. I was about 6-7 ships into the British side of the Museum. I'll have to check the British listing of assets, then repeat my check to see which one caused the issue. This lockup looked like the kind we used to get from the old DOS days.

Besides the Montana and New Jersey having no main guns (which I fixed), the Iowa caused CTD's too. Turns out one issue is FOTRS had the Iowa listed as a UnitType=11 (Battleship), while the stock game lists it as a UnitType=20 (Super Battleship). They also had a lot of changes to the .dat and .sim files that I didn't want to start tracking down, so I pulled over the Iowa FOTRS v1.3 files, then used the newer skins from the Alpha mod. She looks good now, without messing up the Museum.

This UnitType thing needs to be completely cleaned up before you guys start wanting to make test missions, or check to see what the UnitType may be for a ship within the Campaign files. I'm beginning to suspect that the Campaign/Dynamic mission files may be really screwed up if the UnitType do not match. Could be some other inconsistence's as well, that will make the game crash other than just the UnitType not being correct. Like a unit start date may have been changed between FOTRS v1.3 and their SH4 v1.4 mod. Which Campaign files we're using is going to need to be checked.

Guys we have to crawl, before we can walk. Making sure the Museum displays the assets correctly is the first step. Getting them to work within the games mission files will have to come later. Not until we have a solid base of assets to work with....including the sounds and other secondary features for the assets, were just wasting time. As an example of a secondary feature, didn't anyone notice the bow wake missing on the starboard side of the stern wheeler in the Japan group?

Besides the Museum proving an asset can be displayed correctly (which is really important), there's still the issue of finding out if these assets have their other features working as well. Do they have a "Visual" capability for the sensors to operate as they should, or are they blind as bats? Just having guns on the ships doesn't automatically give them the ability to fire. It's things like this that come into question when simple things like UnitTypes aren't matching up, or bow wakes are missing.



Originally Posted by Double R
So I'm releasing v.06Alpha. It's still Alpha because we haven't incorporated CapnScurvy's interiors and his corrected keyboard layout yet. Once our laundry list of features is complete, and that will happen soon, we'll go Beta!

Change log:

•Conte Verdes for Britain and Germany are now type 109 and will work properly in Mission Editor and in the game.
•Nagara is now from FOTRS v1.3, working magnificently.
•The backup file in the Sounds directory is vamoosed.
Other than that, no changes. Everything you've done for v.04Alpha should continue to work now.

Ok, guess I'll put out my work just to keep it up to speed. Maybe hold off in putting out the latest Alpha until I put up my Optical/Interior mod for inclusion. Of course, I'm not home today. I should be able to put it out tonight. I don't want to hold up progress. I guess having different sets of eye's will help.......I just ran across an issue with the Salmon Command Room last night that I didn't expect to find. There's always somethin'.

propbeanie 07-12-16 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by XTBilly (Post 2418154)
This is the Kido Butai, the Combined Fleet's pride, an elite strike unit. You can be sure that the escorts of such a force were handpicked!:03::D...


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2418169)
I always leave the crew setting at Veteran. Billy is correct, the ships in Kido Butai are the best of the best. :rock:...

So, what you're trying to tell me, is that the pilots of the planes, came in skimming the waves, climbed to 10k while a couple clicks out, then got in front of the sun, and came at us from 9 o'clock high, in our blind spot, and we were doomed from the get-go... :06: - ain't it ~great~ at our age, to still act like 10 year olds, and put "character" to a cartoon character? -personification??-... lol :arrgh!:

I think there are quite a few users that will *really* enjoy this.


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2418169)
... This in my opinion has always been one of the biggest problems with SH4 and the ME. Too many versions that don't work well with each other. Back in the day when I was creating missions for SH4 I always used THO+RSRDC to make the missions. Also, we had v1.4 and v1.5. Unless you had the exact same setup I was using at the time the missions wouldn't play or play correctly...

Ahh yesh, I remember it well... I put TMO+RSRDC on my machine, even though I hadn't really "graduated" to that level yet, just so I could experience what others were talking about with your missions. I also did Spyron, and that was my first experiences with trying to keep two versions of SH: WotP on my machine... But it was sure some fun stuff, other than it was a bit difficult at times to keep up with the updates, since I was at v1.4 at the time (not failing to mention the TMO & RSRDC updates), and got the UBM add-on just a bit after it came out - which made me want to go back to SHIII for the unterwasserboots :rotfl2: but I still prefer WotP :sunny:...

Haukka81 07-12-16 08:56 AM

Stability should be priority Number one , so far no crashes least in my limited testing in campaing. ( not sinked anything yet :P

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rockin Robbins 07-12-16 09:28 AM

100 FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v.06Alpha_EN is now available on the super-secret, hush, hush, undercover Google directory. Have fun!

propbeanie 07-12-16 11:01 AM

This cracks me up... I just turned back to the computer (I'm filling out insurance forms over at the desk for my retirement -effective NOW!!!:up:), and there's a retirement present from Rockin Robbins: "Why, thank you, sir!".. 245 MB and counting...

cdrsubron7 07-12-16 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2418221)
This cracks me up... I just turned back to the computer (I'm filling out insurance forms over at the desk for my retirement -effective NOW!!!:up:), and there's a retirement present from Rockin Robbins: "Why, thank you, sir!".. 245 MB and counting...

Good for you, PB. I hope you enjoy your retirement. After 43 years I've still got about another year and half to go to reach retirement.:-?

XTBilly 07-12-16 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2418221)
This cracks me up... I just turned back to the computer (I'm filling out insurance forms over at the desk for my retirement -effective NOW!!!:up:), and there's a retirement present from Rockin Robbins: "Why, thank you, sir!".. 245 MB and counting...

You have my best wishes for many good and healthy years to enjoy your retirement!:Kaleun_Cheers:

Cheers, Billy.

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