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Moonlight 04-16-23 08:10 AM


STEVE HILTON: Striking doctors, disgraced business bosses, woke universities… this is how we've been betrayed by our allegedly great institutions

This article By Steve Hilton sums the present day UK up perfectly, Trust has almost disappeared in every official body you can mention, the Police\Politicians\ and the Justice System all started to go "To Hell in a Handbag" after Maggie Thatcher "The Milk Snatcher" became Prime Minister.
It wasn't all her fault I might add, oh no, not by a long way, it was a general malaise that had infected the middle classes and above for a decade or more before she came to power, it became more noticeable in the 1970's Union strikes where scumbags from the gutters took a stranglehold of those powerful Unions and ultimately destroyed them in the process, you cannot have the "Tail Wagging The Dog". That's where I always thought that Britain was changed for ever. The Unions had to be brought under control and that meant the kid gloves were off and all official bodies had better get on board with government policies or else.

I'm sure there were similar instances in the 1960's but the true potential of a government is the power it controls over the Media, and Thatcher knew how to use it to her advantage, those Media barons would have killed to be next in line to lick her boots, Maggie knew this and we all know what happened next. Nothing went back to how it was before the 70's strikes, oh no, those official bodies and non official bodies by the way had been corrupted forever and that's why the country is in the mess it is today, a leader is needed because we haven't got one and I don't see anyone on the Horizon either. We're all ****** and we know it, we'll be heading deeper into the abyss until someone rises up and says "Enough is Enough" it might happen but as things stand now I won't hold my breath.

Jimbuna 04-16-23 01:01 PM

The SNP has insisted its finances are "in balance" after reports the party is facing a financial crisis.

According to the Sunday Times the party's treasurer told its ruling body it was struggling to balance the books due to an exodus of members and donors.

The SNP told the BBC selective quotes had been taken out of context.

On Saturday the new leader Humza Yousaf dismissed rumours the SNP faced bankruptcy, saying the party was solvent.

Moonlight 04-17-23 06:01 AM

Leaked video shows Sturgeon dismiss finance concern

I think it will all end in tears for the SNP, eventually the truth will come out and even though it might be whitewashed over a few times the SNP hierarchy will be tainted forever. When the mudslinging starts being thrown in a certain direction we'll know who has been chosen as the sacrificial scapegoat. My bet would be anybody who is not Nicola Sturgeon, even though she probably knew it was going to implode and implicate her, the missing £600,000, a motorhome supposedly paid for as a battlebus on her families driveway, this is not how a proper political party is run, I suspect there will be more revelations to come before they can sweep the rest of them under the carpet.
That Blackclock fellow who was down in Westminster for a while has been very silent as well, I just wonder if he saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump before he was pushed, it was all happening in the background so why wasn't anyone asking questions?, were the SNP asleep at the wheel? or were they too busy burying the skeletons as deep as they could.

SNP and the Auditors.
if the SNP had nothing to hide why did they put restrictions on what information the auditors could access and what they could not?. Very suspicious behaviour and the auditors knew this as well, that's why they resigned.

Jimbuna 04-17-23 06:47 AM

Jimbuna 04-18-23 04:59 AM

Jimbuna 04-18-23 05:06 AM

Matters seem to be deteriorating rapidly.


SNP treasurer Colin Beattie has been arrested by police investigating the party's finances.

Mr Beattie, 71, has been taken into custody and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.

A spokesman for the force said the arrest was made in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the SNP.

MGR1 04-18-23 10:33 AM

Now we know where all the people and groups that made Scottish Labour so corrupt went: the SNP.:hmmm:

Horrible thing to say, but never let a Clydesider near politics. Corruption will follow at some point.


Jimbuna 04-18-23 10:56 AM

Jimbuna 04-19-23 01:10 PM

Colin Beattie has resigned as SNP treasurer after his arrest as part of a police investigation into the party's finances.

He said he would also be stepping back from his role on the public audit committee until the police investigation had concluded.

The 71-year-old was taken into custody and released without charge on Tuesday.

It came hours before First Minister Humza Yousaf set out his government's priorities for the next three years.

In a statement, Mr Beattie said he had resigned as treasurer with "immediate effect".

MGR1 04-20-23 11:46 AM


SNP MSP Fergus Ewing calls Greens 'wine bar revolutionaries'


An SNP MSP has warned that running down gas production in Scotland would be "economic masochism".
Veteran backbencher Fergus Ewing urged First Minister Humza Yousaf not to listen to the "wine bar revolutionaries" in the Scottish Greens - the SNP's partners in government.
The outburst drew amusement in the Holyrood chamber as Mr Ewing was cautioned on the tone of his language by his sister, Deputy Presiding Officer Annabelle Ewing.
Mr Yousaf said nobody advocated that gas extraction should stop tomorrow and the focus was on a just transition.
As someone from the North East of Scotland it's nice that someone from within the SNP has put a shot across the bow of the Weegie Mafia currently in charge of the party. If the transition affected Glasgow I have no doubt the Party tune and policy emphasis would be rather different.


Jimbuna 04-20-23 12:47 PM

Humza Yousaf today hit back at Lord Frost after he suggested stripping Scotland of devolved powers following SNP chaos. The Conservative peer said devolution was about "enabling powers to be exercised closer to the people in a more practical and accountable way".

But the former Brexit negotiator said it had resulted in "effective one-party states" with a "tinpot amateurish one in Wales and a seriously dangerous one in Scotland".

Lord Frost warned that "not only must no more powers be devolved to Scotland, it's time to reverse the process".

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, he said: "We, the Conservative Party and the Conservative Government, have allowed this to happen.

"It's time to fix it. Ministers should make clear that, if re-elected, they will review and roll back some currently devolved powers.

"In particular, Scotland does not need to be an independent actor on the world stage; it should not be able to legislate to disrupt free trade within the UK; and it does not need to have most tax raising powers currently available to it.

"These powers are embryonic, independent government powers."

MGR1 04-20-23 03:20 PM

Frost undercuts his argument by not mentioning Northern Ireland. NI is, after all, an integral part of the UK of the same status as England, Wales and Scotland, even if many on both sides of the Irish Sea wish otherwise.

The Tories may be able to get away with these proposals in Wales, after all the Principality was a fully integrated part of England until the late 1960's. Scotland is another matter as we've been deliberately unintegrated since 1707. The Act of Union only passed in Scotland due to that fact. Besides, devolution is popular even if the most hardline Unionists want to turn the clock back to before 1999.

Distaste for, ranging to outright hatred of, English Tories will also act as a psychological block for many if these proposals become Conservative Party policy. Which will be even more damaging for the Scottish branch of the party.

All of that means is that these proposals are a non-starter.


Jimbuna 04-21-23 04:50 AM

There is now a "broad expectation" at Holyrood that former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will be questioned by police or even arrested in the coming days, a Scottish Tory politician has said. Murdo Fraser also believes the Scottish National Party (SNP) is facing "total collapse" as a result of fallout from the ongoing police probe into its finances. The SNP was plunged into crisis after the arrest of Peter Murrell, its former chief executive and Mrs Sturgeon's husband, on April 5, in connection with Operation Branchform, an investigation into possible fundraising fraud.

Jimbuna 04-21-23 06:58 AM

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab has resigned from the government after an investigation upheld some bullying allegations against him.

The full report into his behaviour found Raab had acted in an "intimidating" and "insulting" manner with civil servants while justice secretary.

He also was found to have described work as "utterly useless" and "woeful" in meetings.

And it says he abused power in a way that humiliated staff in a specific case while foreign secretary.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who received the report yesterday, has accepted Raab's resignation "with great sadness"

Raab had promised to resign if the inquiry found evidence of bullying but has criticised the inquiry, saying it set the threshold too low.

Hitting out at the findings, he said it set a "dangerous precedent for the conduct of good government" and allowed officials to target ministers.

Labour leader Keir Starmer accused Rishi Sunak of weakness, saying he should have sacked Raab first.

Jimbuna 04-23-23 02:08 PM

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