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Archive1 06-09-22 07:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, need to use a .tga image - and the program.
Save as .tga (also called the PaintNet image) from the Paint net program.
But must have correct size: width 14.3 and height 11.25 inches.
Goto data/Menu/Loading/Open/...and load the new opening screen as Intro. Rename the original Intro as Intro_orig.
I will try to append the image I am using. Have no idea where or how I got it so I cannot credit the originator. In any case it not my design. Somewhere out there is someone to credit and will do so if he/she contacts me.
And keep in mind this is a jpg version, not a tga version so it will need to be converted before inserting it into the data file.

stork100 06-09-22 08:04 PM

Congrats on getting it sorted!


Andreius333 06-10-22 02:21 AM

I am having a problem with the LSH 2022 edition where every time i try to load a save of a patrol already started it either crashes the game or it loads but its stuck with the "to the absent friends" screen, this didnt happen in the first training patrol
Is there any solution or do i have to play every patrol in one go?

Archive1 06-12-22 12:14 AM

First patrol. On 7Sept39 at 12:06 there is reported a small convoy 90 degrees from Loch Ewe,Scotland in the middle of the land. Probably not something the Brits could accomplish.
Maybe a small item to clean up. :up:

Archive1 06-12-22 12:20 AM

Maybe you need to select the Save and Exit option when you want to leave in the middle of an active patrol. If you merely exit you lose the patrol and start over in the next one.
I had the same problem. With save and exit give the exited patrol some identifying label - like "Miss1 A" meaning first patrol, first exit. Then it will load the next time you start the game.
I think I'm right here.
Archive1 :yeah:

Mad Mardigan 06-12-22 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Andreius333 (Post 2813229)
I am having a problem with the LSH 2022 edition where every time i try to load a save of a patrol already started it either crashes the game or it loads but its stuck with the "to the absent friends" screen, this didnt happen in the first training patrol
Is there any solution or do i have to play every patrol in one go?


No, does not mean you have to play all patrols in 1 sitting... unless you know you got the time to do so, then if you feel like it, you can... then by all means, go for it. Otherwise...

In this... would suggest:

1. Begin backtrack reloading saves prior to that 1 giving you fits... until finding 1 that successfully. After finding that magix bullet... proceed to progress... yet again, once more forward on your career.

What it sounds like here... is that your save (the 1 giving you fits) was done, under certain... conditions which will... inadvertently... cause CTD's or... save file corruption.

Never save, in the following... conditions/instances, to avoid adding to causes for CTD's or game save file corruption:

1. NEVER save your progress... submerged. Always be surfaced.

2. NEVER save while in Bridge view mode... rather instead, save while either in the command room or at the nav map.

3. NEVER save, right after you've made contact with any # of ships, be it... a single contact, a convoy or... in those rare instances, a task force.

4. Just as with # 3, NEVER save... right after sinking a ship or in the case of a convoy/task force. Best advice... get as far away from the area... preferably 20nm at minimum. & then follow up with the golden rule save point procedures... listed below the what NOT to do section. :yep: :shucks:

5. As with # 4, NEVER save, after downing an aircraft or several of them. (Though, I will admit :hmmm: ... with this 1, it may be... a weeeeee less problematic, that say, a ship or ships, is. But... rather than risk it, just avoid saving... in the off chance you have to duke it out with aaannnyyyy aircraft, at all. :yep:)

6. NEVER save, after coming out of high Time Compression usage.

7. NEVER save near land or in shallow sea areas. Always go for at minimum, 20nm away from land, just as with sunk ship/s-aircraft... at least.

8. NEVER save, in the middle of repairs... or much less crew healing up, either.

9. Shouldn't have to be said, but... NEVER save in the middle of torp transfers... either. (I, only mention this in passing... but had what I believe to be a very rare... incredibly rare instance, as I've not seen anything about it... but... I did this once, &.. on reload of the save... that torp, instead of being loaded up from ext. stores... instead of being shoved back into ext. stores... simply... disappeared, as if it had sailed off, into the... Bermuda Triangle. :06: :doh: :o

Did a back up to a previous save & had it back... so no big sweat. Was 1 I had done prior to needing to pull in torps from external storage... & well after a battle with a mid sized convoy... &... after I had to wait for better weather to be able to do the transfer of fish from ext. to internal. So, was easily correctable.)

Now, when you know you're in the clear... no signs of contacts at all in the area... double check, by... submerging to periscope depth... no motors at all.. do a quick sound check... yourself... don't just rely on ol' Hanz, to do that at the sonar station... :yep: ensure there are no contacts any where nearby... then, pop scope, run a visual check to ensure no aircraft are about... then surface...

once back up on top... again, making sure your clear of land, not in shallow waters... no sunk ships or aircraft shot down... none of those other things ongoing... then, you are as safe as possible to then, save... so you can exit.

And, 1 last NEVER....

NEVER, EVER... overwrite a previous, or older save.... did I mention.... EVER.!

Hope this helps... as always. :shucks: :yep: :up:


M. M.

Andreius333 06-12-22 11:24 AM

Thanks for the advices, i maybe was uncareful in my first saves and i will follow these rules, anyway i just reinstalled the game and started a new career and now it works

Mad Mardigan 06-12-22 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Andreius333 (Post 2813557)
Thanks for the advices, i maybe was uncareful in my first saves and i will follow these rules, anyway i just reinstalled the game and started a new career and now it works


Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.! :arrgh!:


M. M.

Kal_Maximus_U669 06-14-22 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2813567)

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.! :arrgh!:


M. M.

Good evening Mad Mardigan :salute:
my best greetings.. have you already apprehended the mod
what can i say thanks..
See you soon Kal Maximus U669 :Kaleun_Cheers::Kaleun_Salute:

Archive1 06-16-22 10:42 PM

You just received an answer from one of the established masters. Far better than my reply. The important thing here is, if you have a problem you will get an answer - maybe not the best, but you will not be left hanging. We all try to assist one another. A good crew.

Wonderful to see Mad Mardigan and Karl Maximus again. I've been away for a good while but am back. Good to see old "shipmates" as it were.

Rickster1 06-18-22 11:03 AM

periscope animation
As the title says, have installed the mod and im enjoying it after a few years not playing sh3 as im laid up in bed and one animation im missing is the observation periscope going up and down that you can see in the control room , is that not in it?

Archive1 06-19-22 11:32 PM

Nope. As far as I know (as a user not developer) only the attack scope is in the control room. The observation scope is only available with the Ins/O (up) or Del/O (down) commands - then it appears on the screen in a usable fashion.
Sorry. Hope this helps. Take care of yourself.

Mad Mardigan 06-20-22 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2814776)
Nope. As far as I know (as a user not developer) only the attack scope is in the control room. The observation scope is only available with the Ins/O (up) or Del/O (down) commands - then it appears on the screen in a usable fashion.
Sorry. Hope this helps. Take care of yourself.

Believe it is... the attack scope that is in the conning tower, the observation scope is the 1, that is in the control room.

Observation scope controls: Insert key = Up, Delete key = down Ctrl+Insert = auto up, Ctrl+Delete = Auto down.

If I am remembering all that, correctly... :hmmm:


M. M.

Rickster1 06-20-22 05:55 AM

Thanks, ive tried the ins keys ect and doesnt work for me. Its not really a problem as this is a great mod, I would have prefered flac monkeys interior and the up down mod for the periscope but they are only small issues as i said this is such a good mod anyway,

Archive1 06-22-22 12:55 AM

I went to the program and when at the observer scope in the control tower t he following keys do seem to work.
Ins+page up = up scope incrementally and Del +Page down = down scope bit by bit
Full up or full down is: Ctrl + Ins = full up and Ctrl + del = full down.
They do seem to work for me.
Try again. If at first ...
Hang in there - from an old guy who's had some trouble too.

Archive1 06-22-22 10:56 PM

Free camera question
Is there any free camera option for moving around the radio room? One can get into the sonar room and move around, but not the radio room - as far as I can tell. Any ideas anyone?

Mad Mardigan 06-22-22 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2815182)
Is there any free camera option for moving around the radio room? One can get into the sonar room and move around, but not the radio room - as far as I can tell. Any ideas anyone?

Have used shift+F2 to go into free cam roaming... & think that should work here... I'd imagine.

Of course, I could be mistaken.

Hopefully that can be conformed or refuted... by someone with more info on this from the LSH3 team.


M. M.

Archive1 06-23-22 10:41 PM

Mad Mard:
Well, yes, Shft +F2 gets you to a roaming camera in the control room, or Ctrl +F2 gets you to roam the Aft section, nada gets you to roam the radio room.
F9 gets you to a position standing outside the divider 'tween the radio room and the sonar room, but you cannot actually enter the radio room. Although you can get into the sonar room (to control the sonar scan control).
Not a critical thing, but just an observation. Alas, I'm always frustrated by inconsistencies. Still, a good program.:)

Deputy 06-26-22 01:28 AM

First off, I would like to thank the creators of LSH3 for making it available. After trying every way imaginable to get SH3 working in Win 10, LSH3 was the only option that worked. And I'm sure glad it did. :up:

Now I have a quick question:
I have a mod I used to use called "Wolfies Tweek Pack". You can pick items like Type IX torps to use any time during the war. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to get it working in LSH3. I have it enabled in generic mod enabler. But when I make a change using the Tweek Sub, it doesn't show up in my career sub. For instance, I wanted to install Type IX torps in my Type 7B sub I am using. But when I go into the game, I still have only Type 1-2 torps available. Is this mod not compatible with LSH3 or am I screwing it up somewhere? :hmmm:
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. One last there somewhere I can kick in via PayPal to the developers and creators?

Anvar1061 06-26-22 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Deputy (Post 2815636)
"Wolfies Tweek Pack"
Is this mod not compatible with LSH3 or am I screwing it up somewhere?

Maybe because of the name difference:

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