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Catfish 11-16-18 01:41 PM

What is Assange accused of?

Barry Pollack, U.S. lawyer representing Assange:
“The news that criminal charges have apparently been filed against Mr. Assange is even more troubling than the haphazard manner in which that information has been revealed,” Pollack said in a statement. “The government bringing criminal charges against someone for publishing truthful information is a dangerous path for a democracy to take.”

There is apparently nothing else against Assange than the elected trusted government being peed off by someone publishing their undemocratic criminal activities, that may reveal even the meddling of a foreign and hostile state.

u crank 11-16-18 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2577573)
What is Assange accused of?

3rd paragraph of NBC article. :03:


The prosecutor wrote that the charges and arrest warrant “would need to remain sealed until Assange is arrested in connection with the charges in the criminal complaint and can therefore no longer evade or avoid arrest and extradition in this matter.”
I guess we don't know that. But I'll venture a guess. It concerns the Clinton and Podesta emails.

Catfish 11-16-18 01:55 PM

This third paragraph sounds like a catch 22 to me :03:
"We have no legal accusation, but come out so we can invent something."
I hope Assange will not move to a Saudi-Arabian embassy, our good friends and guards of human rights and free speech.

So Assange is accused of helping the Russians against Hillary Clinton, so that Trump won the election. Lmao.

They have really tricked Assange into doing this, and now... remove the evidence.

u crank 11-16-18 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2577576)
This third paragraph sounds like a catch 22 to me :03:
"We have no legal accusation, but come out so we can invent something."
I hope Assange will not move to a Saudi-Arabian embassy, our good friends and guards of human rights and free speech.



So Assange is accused of helping the Russians against Hillary Clinton, so that Trump won the election. Lmao.
Indeed. You couldn't make up this kinda stuff. The Trump–Russia dossier alleges that among other things that Russia was responsible for the DNC email hacks and their appearance on WikiLeaks. It also claims the operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of Trump and senior members of his campaign team etc. That brings you to Mr. Robert Mueller. And it is no secret that the Clinton campaign blames Assange for her 2016 election loss. They hate the guy. You know your in trouble when everybody is out to get you.


They have really tricked Assange into doing this, and now... remove the evidence.
It's like a movie. Politics is a dirty business.

Bleiente 11-16-18 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by u crank (Post 2577580)
Politics is a dirty business.

And for those who try to tell the truth then they are deadly.

Good night to all of us...

u crank 11-16-18 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bleiente (Post 2577582)
And for those who try to tell the truth then they are deadly.

Good night to all of us...

And if you think that authoritarian bent is only on one side of the political divide think again.

Excellent article here by Glenn Greenwald that looks at Julian Assange's case.


Neither the most authoritarian factions of the Trump administration behind this prosecution, nor their bizarre and equally tyrannical allies in the Democratic Party, care the slightest about press freedoms. They only care about one thing: putting Julian Assange behind bars, because (in the case of Trump officials) he revealed U.S. war crimes and because (in the case of Democrats) he revealed corruption at the highest levels of the DNC that forced the resignation of the top 5 officials of the Democratic Party and harmed the Democrats’ political reputation.

They’re willing to create a precedent that will criminalize the core function of investigative journalism because – even as they spent two years shrilly denouncing that most trivial “attacks on press freedom” – they don’t actually care about that value at all. They want to protect only the journalism that advances their political interests, while putting people behind bars who publish information that undermines their political interests. It is this authoritarian, noxious mentality that has united the worst elements of the Trump administration and the Democratic Party that pretends to find tyrannical actions objectionable but is often the leaders in defending them.

Bleiente 11-16-18 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by u crank (Post 2577588)
And if you think that authoritarian bent is only on one side of the political divide think again.

I totally agree with you.

At the moment you can only work out damage limitation.
It usually gets worse before it gets good... :hmmm:

Mr Quatro 11-16-18 04:06 PM

I think Ecuador is in on it :yep:

Someone is pressuring Ecuador and you can freely guess it's not the UK.


Assange, 47, has resided in the Ecuadorian Embassy for more than six years in a bid to avoid being extradited to Sweden, where he was wanted to sex crimes, or to the United States, whose government he has repeatedly humbled with mass disclosures of classified information.

Ecuadorian officials say they have cut off the WikiLeaks founder's high-speed internet access and will restore it only if he agrees to stop interfering in the affairs of Ecuador's partners — such as the United States and Spain. He is allowed to use the embassy's WiFi, though it is unclear if he doing so. Officials have also imposed a series of other restrictions on Assange's activities and visitors — and ordered him to clean after his cat.

Jimbuna 04-11-19 06:02 AM



Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been arrested at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Mr Assange took refuge in the embassy seven years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden over a sexual assault case that has since been dropped.

The Met Police said he was arrested for failing to surrender to the court.

Ecuador's president Lenin Moreno said it withdrew Mr Assange's asylum after his repeated violations of international conventions.

Skybird 04-11-19 08:38 AM

And all of a sudden a request for extradition from the US pops up that was revealed my mistake already last Novembre, I think. What a surprise.

The whole thing still smells as rotten as it already did 7 years ago, and did the Swedish allegations smell.

Those criminals whose crimes he revealed and against which his own - argued over - misconduct pales, will have their revenge and retaliation, no doubt. Its not about justice and legal procedures, that are strawman claims only that only opportunists believe, these strawmen claims are a figleaf. It is and always was about about retaliation and revenge. The whole Swedish and from beginning on extremely dubious, suspicous plot was.

August 04-11-19 02:53 PM

Apparently the Feds want him for conspiracy (with Bradley "Chelsea" Manning) to break into government computer networks. Nothing (yet) to do with the Podesta emails (the ones that proved that the Dems fixed their primary to give Clinton the nomination).

Platapus 04-11-19 03:05 PM

It will be interesting to see the actual charges, if any, that will be given to him.

STEED 04-11-19 03:07 PM

Get that sod out the UK now.

Skybird 04-11-19 06:31 PM

Journalism needs sources, else its gagged to detah and cannot serve its purpose as the third pillar in a democracy. One must not like Assange in order to fear for free press if he is turned further into an exemplary, deterring case to intimidate others. If it is not already the case: the man lives since 7 years in a self-imposed prison. This all is additionally to the gagging policies of the WH (but other states as well) that are designed to silence unwanted, too critical journalists - not just under Trump, but already under Obama, and before: Bush jr.

It certainly was no brilliant idea that after the change of the leadership in Ecuador Assange's Wikileaks seriously pissed the new strong man in Ecuador by publishing compromising videos, photos and documents showing the man'S brother being engaged in fraud and/or corruption. You do not bite the hand that guards you from your worst enemy. Not his brightest idea. His behaviour inside the embassy gets reported too contradictingly as if I would comment on that: some write he took up to a third of the building, others write he just lived in one small room.

The British charges, are raised over a formality only. The Swedish case however smells rotten from A to Z, I thought back then and still do so that it was a staged scenario, a trap, the women involved appeared to be too dubious as if it could have been like the charges described. According to Swedish law, "closed" cases like this can be re-opened again under circumstances that in almost all other Western countries would prevent this, they explained over here today that it were kind of a "speciality" of Swedish law. It was reported that the Swedes alreayd try to do right that. I predict that if Britain does not extradict Assange to the US, then at the latest the Swedes will go after extradition.

Why must he be such an antipathic guy by behaviour and personality. It sucks to defend somebody like him. But I am about what he did, not about his character. And different to most people here I see the necessity that crimes and lies and foul plays of our own governments get documented even if that means to foul our own nest. The degree of criminal behaviour of those that Wikileaks exposed, outclasses the possible criminal energy you could accuse Assange for - if it was any criminal at all.

em2nought 04-11-19 07:35 PM

If the US DOJ gets him he'll be in solitary unless he'll provide false testimony against Donald Trump, if he does it will be a dying decree. :up:

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