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AVGWarhawk 01-23-17 03:58 PM

Whatever the government states is the unemployment rate simply double that figure.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2460265)
Whatever the government states is the unemployment rate simply double that figure.

And I think your being generous.

Let me expound a bit.
I travel for my job and do a lot of hiring of temp workers.
I can not tell you how many think they deserve better pay for sub par work ethics.
I have offered to hire a few of them full time, at a bit higher rate.
All have turned that down as they would loose benefits under the current system.
So where is the incentive for those people to leave the current system?

Oberon 01-23-17 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2460258)
No, Trump said the media said that he said what he didn't say that he said.

AVGWarhawk 01-23-17 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2460258)
No, Trump said the media said that he said what he didn't say that he said.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:10 PM

Dowley plagiarized in a way.

AVGWarhawk 01-23-17 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves (Post 2460266)
And I think your being generous.

Let me expound a bit.
I travel for my job and do a lot of hiring of temp workers.
I can not tell you how many think they deserve better pay for sub par work ethics.
I have offered to hire a few of them full time, at a bit higher rate.
All have turned that down as they would loose benefits under the current system.
So where is the incentive for those people to leave the current system?

I have experienced this myself. My BIL had a job offer. The offer paid less than his unemployment benefits. Job declined.

There is no incentive to get off the rolls. The only incentive is to have a time limit on the rolls and enforce it. I remember a time my SIL loudly complained her benefits were up. She could not believe "they" were pulling her benefits.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:18 PM

In the last year? I was able to hire one Guy out of Georgia.
He took the chance and is my number 1 Guy.

I payed out of my pocket to get him a bus from Georgia to Michigan. 32 hour trip!

If I had 10 just like him? I could retire!

And he asked me for a job having never had met aside from a Chat room.

Oberon 01-23-17 04:18 PM

Or jobs a living wage, or above it for that matter, so that benefits are the less attractive option... :hmmm:

Skybird 01-23-17 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 2460210)
I'm a bit confused as to what you are referring to. I wasn't aware we had any acute military problems atm from which we couldn't get out without US help. Afghanistan and Mali could be evacuated with help of other NATO members if need were to arise.
What other stupid adventures did we go to that would require US forces to help us?
I see far more dangerous mistakes being made with the EU economy and our suicidal migrant policies but both couldn't be fixed by US forces.:hmmm:

- No Nachrüstungsdoppelbeschluß. Freedom for the world by sheer will power.
- Withdrawal of remainign American nukes in Germany (Westerwelle). No policy of nukleare Teilhabe.
Leaving NATO.
Defence alliance with Russia.
- Spending money needed for maintaining a defence budget for social(ist) solidarity acts and voter bribery instead.
- Anti-Americanism and "Friedensbewegung".
- Saving Afghanistan from the Taliban. :haha:
- Negotiating the two state solution for the Jewish plague, I mean the Israeli-Palestinian problem - and thinking that if that is solved the big peace breaks out in the Middle East. :har:
- Controlling and containing Russia, Iranian nukes or Islamisation - with endless babbling, and bribery, no hard measures, never.


- Dismantling Germany as a primary industrial power.
- Giving up key competences in decisive technoloigy fields: nuclear, aero tech.
- Brainwashing Germans into turning into a people of imitation cheese eaters, and calling that a contribution to climate saving.
- Not keeping up with IT competence of main competitors, namely Asia and American compoanies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and there aggressive business models.
- Dreaming the illusion that Germany, not producing even 1.8% of CO2 emissions, must make the difference by saving lets say 50% of its emiissions, which would translate into CO2 saving sglobally that range in the below-one-percent range - and are beign eaten up already by every single volcanic erruption anywhere in the world.
- Thinking that 50+ factors gender-ideology is the way to go.
- Socialist all-inclusive debt explosion and exessive tax-plundering.

And so on and on and on and on and on and on.

Wenn Du mich das noch mal fragst, kriegst Du von mir nur Hohn und Spott und Gelächter zu hören. Our German quality news and media are filled from first to last page with nonsense and evidence of infantility like this. I refuse to take this nonsense serious as if it would have ever deserved to be taken serious.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:20 PM

How do you beat FREE benefits?
We are a small Company and I have to put over $300 a month from my wages for insurance.
The Company covers the other part.

It's so crazy that I would almost be better off to leave my job and go on the rolls here.

AVGWarhawk 01-23-17 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves (Post 2460279)
How do you beat FREE benefits?
We are a small Company and I have to put over $300 a month from my wages for insurance.
The Company covers the other part.

It's so crazy that I would almost be better off to leave my job and go on the rolls here.


Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2460280)

Seems many have sold that virtue.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:34 PM

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.
But only under certain conditions.

Seems people don't want to take that into account.

And that could be part of the Political stuff.

AVGWarhawk 01-23-17 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves (Post 2460282)
Seems many have sold that virtue.

Yes they have. There was a time that being on the rolls was frowned upon. I was raised in such a time as that. For some of my family members being on the rolls is a way of life.

Jeff-Groves 01-23-17 04:39 PM

Is it wrong for me to admit I was only on Unemployment for a couple weeks back in 1979?
Since then I'm PROUD to say I have never accepted Gov support in any way.
There were tough times believe me! But I worked my butt off when I had to.

I took things into my own hands and have never been without a job since.
My home and Cars are payed off. And I owe no one a single dime.

I'm not rich. But I do have that pride and a good home.
My Wife was on assistance when I hooked up with her.
I had her leave that and We managed.

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