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brett25 02-19-11 06:47 PM

hi stiebler good news here. I couldn't stop testing this (im sure you can relate to this:)) I have created a compatibility mod that will allow players to use Ace's super turms mod, which will in turn allow the use of Anvarts flags and Pendants, FM's light maps, testpilots UZO and Antenna, etc. All is in Aces thread here:

Use of these excellent features was not possible in NYGM (as far as I know) due to this bug I mentioned earlier (which has been tracked down to some position settings in the Turm7c_1_hd.dat file) . If this is cool with you and the others involved I will start a new thread with this mod for download.

Now, for me, at least NYGM is the perfect mod:woot:

Stiebler 02-20-11 05:43 AM


Thanks for the information.

It is not clear to me whether you mean Ace's mod works for NYGM as it exists currently, or if you are planning to make a change to it for NYGM.

But in either case, definitely I would be interested to see it. Thanks for the offer.


brett25 02-20-11 01:14 PM

not it doesn't work currently with NYGM (the radar anntenna bug), but I have it working now, after some small edits to Aces data:salute:

silentwayIII 02-21-11 11:13 PM

So far so good!
Steibler: I'm making headroads on the sound based CTD. After the last crash I played a game with no sound. Medium sized convoy, hung around, got chased, but CTD. So I decided to look at the problem differently. What all the crashes had were destroyers, DE's and merchantmen. Made the decision to take IABL Ships for NYGM 3 OUT!

Played the first game w/o IABL and no CTD.
Played the second game w/o IABL and CTD.

Played third game w/o IABL and sound...CTD. I wasn't very happy when the CTD happened, but I noticed something. My hard drive was reading and writing like crazy so I immediatley thought that maybe this CTD was memory related. Went on-line and looked for a solution. There were several mentions about the Vista OS and the names of files that could cause the hard drive to go crazy. I disabled the "Superfetch" service and increased my swap file to 1.5 times the size of my actual memory (8 gig) to 12 gig.

Played another crashes and no crazy hard drive. Next step is to play another game, but this time put IABL back in. I'm thinking that all of the new ships and higher quality graphics of these ships may have overloaded the systems capacity to process all of it and in turn CTD.

I'm feeling the swap file size increase could be pivotal on the CTD issue because my entire NYGM installation is 6.3 gigs. Will let you know how things work out in the next day or so.


Stiebler 02-22-11 03:11 AM


That is very interesting and useful feedback.
Thanks very much.

Good luck with your further endeavours!


silentwayIII 02-27-11 08:19 PM

Steibler, I may have figured it out...very round about
Update! Did two convoy attacks (small, 9 ships 3-4 escorts) (daylight and night) w/IABL-no CTD.

Did a convoy attack (DH47) large, 25+ ships and 10 escorts. Attacked by destroyers. K-guns and depth charges, no crash. Pulled back (f12) to view convoy CTD.
Attacked same convoy again. Was in the middle of convoy at 25 meters-CTD.
Decided other changes needed to be made because of inconsistent results. Removed Nividia driver (191.07) replaced with latest nivisia driver 266.58. Replayed same mission and attack (DH47). Took out IABL, No CTD. Put IABL back in played it again, NO CTD. BUT, image quality was really bad and I couldn't make it better so I tried another nividia driver 191.13.

Image quality returned with old settings, but needed OLC Horizon Fix for NYGM to get better horizon (took out long distance sparkling effects). Played new mission 30 ships and 6 escorts. Weather windy, high waves mid morning. Got to convoy, CTD.

Made a minor change to OLC Horizon Fix.

Played Happy Times single mission 3 times w/o IABL NO CTD
Played Happy Times single mission 3 times with IABL No CTD. BUT I notices something w/IABL in. At times there was a slight struttering...when there were many ships nearby and I was maneuvering through the convoy.

Decided to go into the nividia control panel and make a change to the number of pre-rendered frames...was 3 increased it to 6.

Went back to the DH47 convoy attack w/IABL and the last change. I killed 9 merchants and got out of there clean. No close call with escorts, but I'm now pretty certain it probably wasn't them to start with.

Summary: The elimination of a Vista file (memory consumer), the increased size of my sway file, a driver change, a slight change to OLC's mod and the increase of pre-renderd frames. Probably swap fiile and pre-rendered frames changes were the most significant.


Stiebler 02-28-11 04:04 AM


I must commend your perseverance!

And many thanks for the feedback. I have never used Vista.

Well done!


Krabb 03-05-11 03:59 PM

Hi Stiebler,

There are claims that the anti-humming mod is unrealistic. Would you make it optional, please?

Stiebler 03-06-11 05:58 AM


Who says that the NYGM Anti-Humming Bird mod is unrealistic, and what makes you think that you should believe them? Its purpose is simply to prevent players from stopping motionless in one place underwater while awaiting a convoy.

In fact, it would be very difficult to make this an optional extra. However, H.sie and I are currently considering ways to replace the Anti-Humming Bird Mod completely with an alternative mod linked to our forthcoming combined silent-running/slow-sinking mod for SH3.exe.

Just 'endure' the original mod for a little longer! It is a lot more realistic than hovering motionless underwater.


Hitman 03-06-11 07:13 AM

Krabb the problem is that there are times where uboats were trimmed positive and times negative. But we can't choose, we can only trim them one way by modding. Thus NYGM took as option the negative trim, as it was considered to suit better the majority of situations. Basically, it covers well two things: A) Being unable to stop and hover at constant depth when approaching a convoy (This can be achieved also and more historically correct with positive buoyancy, as uboats did so and the main risk was to broach the surface) B) Needing forward motion to prevent from sinking when evading at depth (Pumps could not work as they were noisy, and water accumulated in the bilge making the uboat heavier). As you see, for the small price of some innacurancy in A), we get an overall correct effect.

Krabb 03-06-11 08:16 AM

@Stiebler, Hitman:

Thank you for your answers. I thought it was uboat crew, who does all this work. Thus, for the player it looks like uboat itself keeps the depth and does not sink or surface. Apparently, these claims were only about this (or these people are just not familiar with the reality). I know that uboat was difficult to keep at periscope depth, but did not thought about evasion maneuvers (thanks Hitman, interesting information).

About my request, I thought it would be easy to make (only small changes in Zones.cfg). But the new mod looks much more interesting!

brett25 03-06-11 01:36 PM


Thus NYGM took as option the negative trim
Krabb, would you rather rise slowly from periscope depth during a convoy attack, or sink slowly:D

Krabb 03-06-11 02:23 PM


I would rather not stop during attack. :) Seriously, I almost always start attack a bit far from the target. It is like a habit to me.

ryanwigginton 03-17-11 12:36 PM

Can someone link me to an up-to-date manual for this mod without having to download the mod itself? I'm at work and my connection crawls here. I just want to see all the changes, features and additions compared with stock and/or GWX.

Salvadoreno 03-23-11 03:24 PM

man i hope somebody sees this.
:cool: Well i hope my question doesnt go unanswered. I love NYGM mod a lot. And there has been a lot of mod improvements since this has come out. I was wondering if any of the mods im going to mention will conflict with NYGM.

FM_New Interiors
Depth Charge Shake
Pascals Damage Screen
Torpedo Damage Final

etc... Mods like that who dont change the campaign.LND files (i think) but do add a lot more changes to the game.

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