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KaleunMarco 08-10-19 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622326)
Could you make it to the Mediterranean and refuel in some Italian harbor?
Oh wait...think it’s dead with the Italians at this date!?
Anyway you should have better fuel mileage with the XXIII? :hmmm: dunno this model at all...

the challenge was too great to pass up. i decided to try it with the 23. newer, quieter boat. shallow draft.
made the decision from a save game where the boat was a few klicks NW of Batum, in the eastern Black Sea early 8/24. Could not make it back to Constanza before the Partisans got there so we headed straight for the Bosphorus. Ran the strait on the surface at night with light fog. Thank you. Cleared it approx 0644 on 8/26. Ran towards the Dardanelles. Same thing here. On the surface at dusk in a light fog. Entered the Aegean approx 0000 on 8/27. Salamis in Greece was still open for business so we gassed up there and headed to gibraltar.
ducking convoys the whole way, made it to the straits of Gibraltar and had to submerge due to the verdampt armed trawlers. approx 2030 on 8/31 almost through the straits when BAM...CTD.
that's right. D-E-D, dead. i now know how the Kaleun on U96 felt at the end of the movie.:Kaleun_Salute:

well, i gave it a shot. i'm going to go take a nap and maybe start a new career up in the Baltic. Propbeanie wanted me to wander up there and test some things out. auf wiedersehen, for now.:Kaleun_Cheers:

propbeanie 08-10-19 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622326)
Could you make it to the Mediterranean and refuel in some Italian harbor?
Oh wait...think it’s dead with the Italians at this date!?
Anyway you should have better fuel mileage with the XXIII? :hmmm: dunno this model at all...

... and a requisite snorkel... :roll: I haven't looked to see if lurker has any traffic left in the Med for that time frame (apparently he did, with KaleunMarco's comment above). I mean, why bother? The game is not in that area anymore, unless you're stuck in the Black Sea with no home port, and decide to try and make it back home... :roll: - One option might be to tick the "Unlimited Fuel" box, and see if you can make it to Stavanger before the war ends... :salute:

What I'm thinking is that we could put the 21 & 23 at higher UpgradeClass levels, like 3 or 4, but then again, KaleunMarco went from a Type IIB, to a XXIII, bypassing the 7 and 9 series of boats altogether... :arrgh!: - He's just too good for his own good... Of course, as mentioned previously, all of the boats are set to UpgradeClass=1 anyway, so the II boats are the same as a 7 as a 9... I've got a headache now. :timeout: :har: :salute:

Fifi 08-10-19 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2622332)

What I'm thinking is that we could put the 21 & 23 at higher UpgradeClass levels, like 3 or 4, but then again, KaleunMarco went from a Type IIB, to a XXIII, bypassing the 7 and 9 series of boats altogether... :

Yes, but in Black Sea career there aren’t any 7 or 9... that’s normal to bypass them...i think :D

KaleunMarco 08-10-19 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622339)
Yes, but in Black Sea career there aren’t any 7 or 9... that’s normal to bypass them...i think :D

i agree.
probably shouldn't have the XXIII in the Black Sea either but that is on Ubisoft not any of us-modders.

Fifi 08-10-19 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2622330)
, made it to the straits of Gibraltar and had to submerge due to the verdampt armed trawlers. approx 2030 on 8/31 almost through the straits when BAM...CTD.

Do you remember what could be the cause of the CTD?
Under attack? Planes? Trawlers? Submerged? ...mine?
Maybe too much traffic in the strait...

KaleunMarco 08-10-19 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622347)
Do you remember what could be the cause of the CTD?
Under attack? Planes? Trawlers? Submerged? ...mine?
Maybe too much traffic in the strait...

no, very little was happening.
there were no planes about when i submerged. as far i know, we were undetected. if we were under attack there would have been explosions, damage, prior to the CTD.
no sonar contacts. which was somewhat surprising. however, it was summer of '44 and Gibraltar was not a hot spot at that time.
no explosion with resulting damage. no mines or sub nets.
just puttering submerged, almost through to the western side of the Gibraltar strait.
i used the term "dead" but it was a euphemism. the game CTD.

propbeanie 08-10-19 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622347)
Do you remember what could be the cause of the CTD?
Under attack? Planes? Trawlers? Submerged? ...mine?
Maybe too much traffic in the strait...

My guess would be the submarine itself, being that he received it before its activation date. Just like getting an early Balao in Stock or any of the mods in the Pacific side, if you get it too early under certain circumstances, it will crash the game. He touched Atlantic salt, and the game said "oh no you don't!" :salute:

Fifi 08-11-19 01:01 AM

That’s probably a good guess.
Marco was aboard in summer 44, but the first XXIII to go out on patrol was U-2324 on 29 Jan 1945 (

There is some work to be done here, deleting all XXIII in Black Sea and giving them back appropriate dates and harbors assignation...:yep:
(Even though i don’t like this model who will never reach other types rendering)

Geoff then 08-11-19 03:55 AM

Hey Fifi, it's me again.
I'm currently on a VIIc campaign and everything works like clockwork. The first time in my subsim career that i have a type VII and I can completely enjoy it.

But since you are here, and doing what you do, I have yet another thing for you. I bet you came across this already: Sound.
It is like turned 180*, engine sounds come from the front and when there is an explosion on starboard, you will hear it on port if you are inside the sub.
I know this problem exists since release and I haven't seen any mod that fixed this so far. Is this a thing for you? :)

keep up your great work! And good hunting! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Fifi 08-11-19 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Geoff then (Post 2622394)
Hey Fifi, it's me again.
I'm currently on a VIIc campaign and everything works like clockwork. The first time in my subsim career that i have a type VII and I can completely enjoy it.

But since you are here, and doing what you do, I have yet another thing for you. I bet you came across this already: Sound.
It is like turned 180*, engine sounds come from the front and when there is an explosion on starboard, you will hear it on port if you are inside the sub.
I know this problem exists since release and I haven't seen any mod that fixed this so far. Is this a thing for you? :)

keep up your great work! And good hunting! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Glad you are enjoying it :up:

I’ll have a look for the sound if i can do something.

KaleunMarco 08-11-19 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2622330)
the challenge was too great to pass up. i decided to try it with the 23. newer, quieter boat. shallow draft.
made the decision from a save game where the boat was a few klicks NW of Batum, in the eastern Black Sea early 8/24. Could not make it back to Constanza before the Partisans got there so we headed straight for the Bosphorus. Ran the strait on the surface at night with light fog. Thank you. Cleared it approx 0644 on 8/26. Ran towards the Dardanelles. Same thing here. On the surface at dusk in a light fog. Entered the Aegean approx 0000 on 8/27. Salamis in Greece was still open for business so we gassed up there and headed to gibraltar.
ducking convoys the whole way, made it to the straits of Gibraltar and had to submerge due to the verdampt armed trawlers. approx 2030 on 8/31 almost through the straits when BAM...CTD.
that's right. D-E-D, dead. i now know how the Kaleun on U96 felt at the end of the movie.:Kaleun_Salute:

well, i gave it a shot. i'm going to go take a nap and maybe start a new career up in the Baltic. Propbeanie wanted me to wander up there and test some things out. auf wiedersehen, for now.:Kaleun_Cheers:

ok, so under the heading of "it's only make-believe", i rebooted my machine and reloaded the mission at Salamis.
my thought was that CTD may be related to the sim but it might be because the sim couldn't get enough memory to do something. OpM uses a LOT of memory. A lot more than Stock. anyway, i restarted at Salamis.
this time through the Med there was a lot of traffic. Convoys, task forces of DD's, etc, which is not a healthy environment for my Uboat. Ran into a couple of days of fog as we passed Gibraltar. i can say with all certainty that the Allies Radar is better than the German radar detection. Several times we detected radars and dove, only to discover (hydrophone) that there were three DD'd making flank speed to our location. Whew, lady.
so, we passed Gibraltar this time, early September, and started north, up the coast of Portugal. i dearly wanted to stop in Porto and pick up some of my frau's favorite port-wine, but i stifled myself :har: for obvious reasons.
as we neared the Brittany coast we were fighting time and events if we were to gas up one more time. We made it to Brest before they boarded her up. with that refit we were assured of having enough fuel to make it to the Fatherland.
now here is the tense part. as we were proceeding north to go around the United Kingdom, a storm hit. i consulted with my #1 and we decided that we could make it through the channel if the storm lasted a bit more than a day. so, we made a right at The Channel and made best speed to the North Sea. Fortunately, the storm intimidated the Allies such that except for a few cross-channel convoys, there was very little traffic detected. good thing too, because the channel is awfully, awfully shallow.
we made it to the North Sea and the trip-saving storm was still with us when we headed south at the Heligoland Bight and sailed proudly into Wilhelmshaven. We could refit there but not end the mission, obviously.
Whew, what a trip.
the trip-saving storm (off Wilhelmshaven)

On to the next!:Kaleun_Cheers::Kaleun_Salute:

Fifi 08-11-19 10:59 AM

:yeah: seems that was a great time sailing!
A shame you couldn’t end patrol at Wilhelmshaven...but that wasn’t your base harbor of course.
An other shame was your trip with this non re-worked splashes waves in storm...old looking etc. But anyway good experience, and it proved we have traffic everywhere! That’s a good thing!

So we’ll never know what caused the CTD at first try...
Best is to often make saves on long trips :yep: and delete them after you think you are safe.
Maybe not enough memory at some time, or a bad ship spawning...who knows.


Fifi 08-11-19 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Geoff then (Post 2622394)
But since you are here, and doing what you do, I have yet another thing for you. I bet you came across this already: Sound.
It is like turned 180*, engine sounds come from the front and when there is an explosion on starboard, you will hear it on port if you are inside the sub.
I know this problem exists since release and I haven't seen any mod that fixed this so far. Is this a thing for you? :)

Ok, had a look for few hours...without any success.
Tried few things: reversed engines nodes coordinates (both diesel & electrics), tweaked the Sound/Sh.sdl (with various settings for diesel & electrics interior), tried other ingame sound settings...nothing.

On other hand, i have never noticed this before. I have great difficulty to hear this reversed sounds, even playing with my headsets...full volume.
In fact, it seems you are right but it’s just slightly noticeable here, and nothing like an immersion breaker or game breaker IMHO.
Strange thing is sound are fine on conning deck and external camera. Just interior...
Well, i think it’s gonna stay like that for the moment ...

KaleunMarco 08-11-19 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2622455)
So we’ll never know what caused the CTD at first try...
Best is to often make saves on long trips :yep: and delete them after you think you are safe.
Maybe not enough memory at some time, or a bad ship spawning...who knows.


no, we won't know what caused the CTD.
more often than not, we like to blame Ubi for specious CTD's. :D i am one who is always ready, willing, and able to cast dispersions on the design and implementation team.
however, in my experience testing and playing, i suspect that the Win7/10 system condition plays a large and equally unknown part in mysterious CTD's.
that is why i gave it another attempt. i probably would have tried three or four times in order to be sure that it was Ubi and not the OS.

anyway, having fun....which is the point.:salute:

KaleunMarco 08-12-19 05:55 PM

torpedoes not tracking to where they were aimed
i am confounded.
started a IID career out of Kiel. September 1940. (i needed a quieter billet after the Black Sea and the resulting trek back to the Fatherland.)
so, second mission with the IID and the torpedos no longer track to the target. they are way out in front.

i am using auto-targetting. had zero trouble in the first mission. made zero changes to the config and zero to the gameplay.
it's got to be something simple. any suggestions?
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157

7OpMonsun_Magnified Hud Dials for OM+OMEGU_Large
8p_Fifi Compilation for OM+OMEGU
9Fifi Compilation_Update_4B
9Fifi Compilation_Update_4Ba_Fixes
9HStock Clock for OM Enhanced

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