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Herman 07-28-07 04:37 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 268th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The success of the Reformed Russian Republic in Norway increased the importance of supply interdiction in the Baltic Sea. The logistical requirements of the R3 army were enormous. Tons of supplies attempted to make transit of the shallow waters between Denmark and Norway.

The threat to these small convoys was limited in scope. Because of the success of R3 airfield strikes, the NATO aircraft that remained had adopted a defensive posture, awaiting reinforcements. The few offensive missions that NATO launched were primarily offensive counter-air and aimed at the R3 air bases. Convoys of five to seven ships were just too far down the list to merit much air attention.

The small missile boats of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany performed in the opening days of the war exactly as had been anticipated. They ducked out of hiding, acquired targets for their Harpoons and Otomats, launched their attacks, and died.

R3 commanders used this opportunity to try and move small quantities of sensitive materials back to research installations in the East. Only submarines remain to oppose them.

Quiet and small, if employed correctly, they are very hard to detect. The departure of the front-line R3 ASW units to the front as escorts for the R3 Carrier Battle Groups increased their effectiveness. Plugging the choke points out of the Denmark Sea provides the best opportunity to stop the transit of materials in this area.

Original author: Delwin Hinkle
Author: Herman Hum

With over 48,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 16 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II GIUK Battleset is available at:
Harpoon Designer Series II GIUK Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 09-01-07 03:58 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 273rd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The rise of the European Community in the mid-1990's had a dramatic effect on the political and economic divisions in the world. Following the prolonged recessionary period which ran rampant throughout the world during the early 90's, the EC was the first economic body to rebound and the recovery was astonishing. What some felt was retribution towards the United States for "forty years of tyranny," the Community took steps to ensure that the Western Hemisphere took a back seat to the new world economic superpower.

Soon enough, the EC's actions against the United States and Canada led to dissension within the EC itself. Britain, still closely tied to its allies in the West, continued to ignore Continental demands to isolate the USA. Over the next several months, a new alliance slowly developed between those English-speaking nations of the world which retained close cultural links to the United Kingdom; Britain, Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, along with several smaller associates. The English Speakers Community, or ESC as it was named, thought still somewhat weaker than the overly aggressive EC, began an assertive campaign to recapture the world economic market.

In the middle sat the Russian Confederation, replacing the dead Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia was a vast, untouched market for the goods of either alliance. The EC was first to initiate open trade with their one-time enemy. Unspoken agreements became the basis for the EC's demands that the ESC remain out of northern Asia. The Russians, however, began to feel trapped in bargains and understandings to which they had never given assent. Moscow, dedicated to remaining neutral in the developing struggle between Europe and the West, announced it would send a "trade convoy" to America as a move to open new markets for its own goods.

The EC was furious and announced that such a convoy would be in violation of trade agreements. The move was seen as an affront to "Russia's European brothers," and that force would be used, if necessary, to prevent the West from receiving "European" trade goods. Russia's only response was silence and a large military escort for the ships.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 63,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 21 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II GIUK Battleset is available at:
Harpoon Designer Series II GIUK Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 09-15-07 02:48 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 275th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


At first, the world considered the declaration of war nothing more than a formality -- a joke. How could Russia successfully stage a war against Spain? Sure, the Spanish had vetoed the EC trade agreement with their large eastern neighbour, but they had their reasons. The problems could be evaluated and resolved. The declaration of war, though unnecessary, was somewhat understandable. In any case, the two nations were so far removed that nothing would come of the "war" -- right?

The EC was completely shocked by the blitz the Russians conducted against the Spanish fleet. In only a few hours, the Iberian fleet ceased to exist, aside from a few patrol boats and one or two frigates. Did the remainder of the EC assist in the battle? Wasn't there a defensive agreement in the EC treaty? When Russia began assuring the EC that only the Balearic Islands would be the subject of the war, many European nations hesitated in joining the fray. The Russians were obviously angry and may actually invade the little-defended eastern borders of the Community.

Britain, however, did not hesitate. Within an hour of the initial hostilities against Spain, Britain warned the Russians to back off. Then, a Russian amphibious formation was spotted moving towards Gibraltar. With no other nations assisting, Britain ordered what few subs it had in the Western Med to battle stations. Had the British not been conducting ASW and bottom-contour mapping of the Gibraltar region, Spain would have lost the Balearic Islands. They still might.

Original designer: Cass M. Johnson
Author: Herman Hum

With over 72,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 23 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II NACV Battleset is available at:
HDS II NACV Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 09-22-07 01:28 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 276th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


Operation Southern Swath is in full swing and going well for the CIS. In the Mediterranean theatre, CIS air power has dominated with Turkey being defeated by a combined amphibious invasion and aerial onslaught. The only Turkish units that survived the initial air campaign were those underway and not in the Black Sea. Eventually, most of these vessels ended up in Italian or French ports.

After two weeks of sitting on the sidelines, the Turks are ready to get back into the fight. To do this, they have decided to send two SS boats back into the Black Sea to generally harass the CIS Navy and, perhaps, gain some intelligence on the disposition of the CIS Mediterranean Fleet.

The CIS Navy is confident of its control over the Black Sea, but still conducts a few coastal patrols. Unfortunately, none of them picked up the submarines entering the arena. Moving through the Aegean was tough, yet accomplished with professional excellence. The subs are ready for action.

Original designer: Mark R. Lam
Author: Herman Hum

With over 76,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 24 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II MEDC Battleset is available at:
HDS II MEDC Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 09-29-07 01:16 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 277th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Alpha Strike 1

As the tide of battle in the North Atlantic turned in favour of the NATO allies, it became clear that the lynch pin was Keflavik. Without it, NATO lost the ability to track R3 submarines as they sortied into the North Atlantic to interdict the sea lanes of communication. Without it, the convoys in transit lost raid warning and attrition capability on the Backfires, Bears, and Badgers hunting them. With Keflavik, R3 gained a forward base for those same aircraft, extending their search and attack range thousands of miles further into the North Atlantic and making strikes on the ConUS a terrifying possibility. With Keflavik, in connection with the new R3 Bases at Bodo and Andoya, the North Sea became the R3 Lake.

A single CVBG was tasked to set this situation straight. The Tomcats and Hornets, supported by EA-6Bs and E-2Cs from the carrier and EF-111s and E-3s from Stornoway in England, began the process by launching a series of combat air patrols centred 75 miles south of the main runways of Keflavik. Pairs of Hornets were positioned along the threat axis to loiter undetected and silent at very low altitude. Reacting as hoped, the R3 AEW aircraft detected the Tomcats and sent most of two squadrons of Flankers and Fulcrums up to play. As the R3 aircraft crossed the coast, the Tomcats loosed a volley of Phoenix missiles. Four dozen of the most deadly air-to-air weapons in history sped towards their destinies. The Fulcrums and Flankers were not unprepared for this event and began making defensive manoeuvres and pumping out millions of electrons into the air. These counter-measures were surprisingly successful. Just over half of the R3 aircraft survived. What they were not prepared for was the appearance of a dozen Hornets, each armed with fire-and-forget AMRAAMs. Only four of the Fulcrums and one of the Flankers made it back to the runways of Keflavik.

With the air threat eliminated, all that remains is to get the strikers on target.

Original designer: Delwin Hinkle
Author: Herman Hum

With over 80,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 25 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II NACV Battleset is available at:
HDS II NACV Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 10-05-07 12:59 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 278th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Missile Boats at Dawn

No nation in the Middle East, and perhaps not in the world, has a more effective intelligence service than the Israeli Mossad. Quiet and effective, they search out potential problems and deal with them. On occasion, the things they discover are of such magnitude that assistance is needed from other arms of the Israeli military.

Such was the case in mid-February, 1997.

Through the work of a single agent, the Mossad learned of the completion of a quantity of chemical and biological weapons in Libya. These agents of mass destruction were to be shipped to Egypt. No target had been ascribed to the weapons at this point, but the Prime Minister was a cautious man. An "accident" was to be arranged for the shipment.

Original designer: Delwin Hinkle
Author: Herman Hum

With over 83,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 26 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II MEDC Battleset is available at:
HDS II MEDC Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 10-13-07 01:15 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 279th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

The Third Temple

A surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel during Yom Kippur yesterday has been astonishingly successful.

Using the element of surprise, the Egyptian and Syrian Air Forces destroyed scores of Israeli planes in their revetments. Under cover of the strongest SAM-belts the world has ever seen, Syrian ground forces have broken through Israeli defences along the Golan Heights and are pushing south towards Jerusalem. Israeli ground-attack planes destroyed scores of tanks, but were decimated by SAMs.

As the Syrians are moving out of the protection of their SAM belt, they rely on the Air force to support the advancing tanks.

In desperation, Israel and has ordered the arming of F-4 Phantoms with Nuclear bombs.

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 85,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 27 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset is available at:
Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 10-20-07 04:33 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 280th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Vulcan 607

April 1982. Argentine forces had invaded the Falkland Islands. Britain needed an answer. And fast.

The idea was simple: to destroy the vital landing strip at Port Stanley. The reality was more complicated. The only aircraft that could possibly do the job was three months from being scrapped, and the distance it had to travel was four thousand miles beyond its maximum range. It would take fifteen Victor tankers and seventeen separate in-flight refuelings to get one Avro Vulcan B2 over the target, and give the crew any chance of coming back alive.

(book of Rowland White: Vulcan 607)

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 87,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 28 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset is available at:
Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset

Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 10-27-07 01:41 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 281st NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Matrix Knight

FR: NATO HQ, Mons, Belgium
TO: Capt, USS Hartford AAS
Capt, FN S615 L'Inflexible ABS
Subj: Matrix Knight training exercise

1. Commence exercise receipt this message. Strictly observe the time limit.
2. Objectives:
2.1 French SSBN is the subject of search and destroy operations to be conducted by Royal Navy OpFor. Avoid detection for the duration of the operation. Maintain patrol zone within 25nm of your current position.
2.2 USS Hartford is to seek out and destroy a simulated Delta-class SSBN operating in your AOR.
3. OpFor estimates
3.1 Royal Navy Trafalgar, Valiant, or Swiftsure-class to be employed.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 90,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 29 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II NACV Battleset is available at:
HDS II NACV Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 11-03-07 03:29 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 282nd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Beida-La Boom

History is replete with interesting surprises.

The mercurial leader of Libya, having made much of his reputation as a foe of the West, ultimately decided that the future of his country (and his own future) might be secured more easily by adopting a policy of moderation.

He was promptly ousted and forced into exile.

The new regime is openly hostile to the West. Its ultimate goal is to dominate North and Central Africa and it has started an agressive campaign of purchasing weapons from nations such as China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran. In addition, it has purchased materials necessary for the creation of chemical and biological weapons.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario by Mark Gellis and has been re-made with the author's permission.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 91,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 30 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset is available at:
Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 11-10-07 02:26 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 283rd NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Nicobar Vengeance

Friction has been growing between Indonesia and her neighbours. Amongst other issues, Indonesia claims that other nations have been illegally fishing in her waters while other nations accuse Indonesia of not doing enough to reduce piracy.

Four days ago, an Indonesian submarine in the waters between the Nicobar islands and Sumatra sank an Indian merchant vessel that it mistook for a commercial fishing boat. Sixteen Indian sailors were killed in the incident.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 93,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 31 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset is available at:
Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 11-17-07 02:13 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 284th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Re-Take: Orange or Red?

The Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" has failed. The pro-Russian party which won the last elections has used its renewed power to move the country back towards Russia and an autocratic regime.

Russian forces were invited to "secure" Ukraine's borders against "potential aggressors". There has been a massive influx of Russian naval aircraft and the Ukraine is now "guarded" by Russian warships and submarines.

A few hours prior to that, parts of Ukraine's armed forces declared that they will not follow any orders of the new regime dominated by Russia. They have taken sides with "Free Ukraine" - a political movement of those still believing in the "Orange Revolution".

The "Free Ukrainian Forces" (FUF) have joined a US Carrier group which has arrived in order to protect Romania and its forward-based deployment against any Russian attack out of the Ukraine.

The stakes are high and an epic clash is about to begin.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario written by Ralf Koelbach for the HC_EuroDB (edited by Rene Haar) and has been re-made for compatibility with the PlayersDB v7.4.7 and Harpoon3 with the consent of the author.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 97,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 32 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset is available at:
Stand-Alone Scenario Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 11-24-07 01:58 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 285th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Brown Water Transit

Unlike the United States and Canada, neighbourly relations between India and Pakistan have a distinctly cold feel. India's goal to be the dominant regional power is not a secret to the other nations of the area. Of course, a fleet of submarines, three aircraft carriers, and a nuclear weapons program communicate intentions without the need for words.

Unable to afford the quantities of conventional weapons systems to constitute an effective deterrent, Pakistan has turned to devoting a growing percentage of its defense spending toward development of nuclear weapons.

Assuring safe passage for the materials required for this program is one of the highest priorities of the Pakistani armed forces.

Original designer: Delwin Hinkle
Author: Herman Hum

With over 103,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 33 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II IOPG Battleset is available at:
HDS II IOPG Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 11-28-07 08:27 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 28th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

In Every Clime and Place

The war between the CIS and NATO has been raging for three weeks with the CIS gaining the upper hand with their swift conquest of the nations surrounding the Norwegian Sea. Gaining access to the Atlantic in this manner, many of their hunter-killer submarine groups have been able to sortie thus harassing NATO convoys and wreaking havoc with NATO's wartime plans. SACEur has had enough and finally convinces the USN to launch an amphibious invasion of Norway to stop the flow of subs that are sinking his supplies!

In order to pull off such a daring invasion, a CVBG is pulled from escort duty and ordered to soften up the air power that the CIS has built up in Norway. The USN also pulls together all of its newest ships in the 'Gator navy. Finally, the AV-8B Harrier II+ is embarked on the Wasp-class ships. This will prove to be its debut in combat.

There is little time left for NATO. At the rate the CIS subs are sinking convoys, NATO won't last another two weeks. This invasion must be successful!

Author: Herman Hum

With over 103,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 33 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

This scenario was originally released for Harpoon: ANW and has now been tested as compatible for Harpoon v3.6.3

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HDS II GIUK Battleset is available at:
Harpoon Designer Series II GIUK Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-01-07 03:26 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 286th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The sinking of the General Belgrano on May 2nd 1982 caused the single heaviest loss of the Falklands war.

HMS Conqueror showed that Argentinean escorts could not prevent nuclear subs from killing their ships.

As a direct result of this attack, the Argentine aircraft carrier 'Veinticinco de Mayo', which had successfully detected the Task Force with her Trackers and was preparing a strike with her A-4Q Skyhawks, returned to port and played no further part in the conflict.

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 106,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 34 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Falklands Battleset is available at:
Falklands Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-04-07 02:11 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 288th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The fighting over Keflavik has been so heavy that what remains of the airfield, currently held by NATO, is unusable. At the same time, the fighting in Europe has placed demands upon available resources that preclude either side sending long-range aircraft to attack or defend Iceland. The fate of Iceland will, therefore, be decided by a decisive surface battle.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario from the original GIUK battleset and has been re-made for Harpoon 3 with the consent of AGSI.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 109,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 34 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Classic GIUK Battleset is available at:
Classic GIUK Battleset

Scenarios can also be loaded individually at:

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-15-07 02:37 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 289th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

The Backyard

The Cold War finally went hot and furious as battles arose around the world. This scenario deals with a U.S. multi-carrier attack supported by Japanese forces in the Western Pacific. The U.S. forces must neutralize the Soviet fortresses in the theatre. Those Red bases are heavily protected.

This scenario was originally written by Ralf Koelbach for Harpoon Classic Commanders Edition and has been re-made for Harpoon3 and the PlayersDB with the consent of the author.

Author: Herman Hum

With over 117,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 36 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The HCE WestPac Battleset is available at:
HCE WestPac Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-22-07 01:58 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 290th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

3.0 May Day

First of May 1982 was when hostilities finally broke out around the Falklands.

South Georgia had been liberated by the British and, early in the morning, a lone Vulcan bomber cut the runway at Port Stanley in half.

The Argentineans had their army dug in around the Falklands, had attack planes dispersed around the islands, and the Air force and Navy were ready to meet the British forces.

In the next three days, the General Belgrano and Sheffield were lost, air attacks proved the effectiveness of the Sea Harriers and SAMs; but also demonstrated their limitations and damaged many ships in the task force.

Victory could go either way.

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 123,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 34 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The Falklands Battleset is available at:
Falklands Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-29-07 02:25 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 291st NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

#2.5 Suomenlinna - Yuri's Gambit

This is the second scenario in the Battleset "21st Century Ocean Wars"

War between NATO and Russia is imminent. The Russian forces on Kola will need unhindered access to the Atlantic. Admiral Yuri Padorin has drafted an alternative plan to deal with Finland.

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 127,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 37 weeks alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7]

The 21st Century Ocean Wars Battleset is available at:
21st Century Ocean Wars Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW] of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-12-08 01:06 PM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 289th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

4.0 San Carlos

By the 20th of May, there were strong indications that invasion was imminent. Destroyers had shelled Argentine coastal garrisons and rumours were rampant that SAS troops were on the ground. During the night, an Argentine freighter was shelled by an unknown British warship in Falkland Sound.

By daybreak, Argentinean observation posts saw the amphibious force steam into San Carlos waters.

Author: Freek Schepers

With over 142,000 PlayersDB scenarios downloaded in the last 12 months alone, the PlayersDB has proven itself the unequivocal players' favourite.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library

The Falklands Battleset is available at:
Falklands Battleset

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

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