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Torvald Von Mansee 05-31-20 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2674065)
That's in west Texas, sheriff and his gang overreacting to a protest

If I recall correctly, Odessa is the location where an ex cop set up a "sting" proving the local police still used thermal imaging to find marijuana grow rooms after the Supreme Court ruled it Unconstitutional.

Skybird 05-31-20 03:42 AM

Social dynamite due to a culture of violence and an incrwaing gap between hgaves and have-nots. Already the Romans knew that the latter is dangeorus and should niot go beyond a criticla treshhold.

Gets ignited by racism and a polcie in which racism obviously is an inherent issue. Because such killings happen again and again and again and again. I lost track of how many debates babout police killings we have had in my time in this fiorum, 20 years.

Still, several times forum member sinsisted that Americna societ yknows no racism, sicne it is written on some document. Its absurd, its relaity denial. And because it gets denied (Trump even tries to deflect again and blames lefties), it will be a problem that intensifies with every year passing by.

Its the unsolved inner contradictions of American society. And by battling the symptoms you will only battle the symptoms, not solve the root causes that constantly grow. Sooner or later they will become overwhelming, and the American state will become a failed state. With the massive devaluing of money comes growing prices and growing expropriation of the middle and low class.

Skybird 05-31-20 04:10 AM

It doe snot happen often that I agree with the opinions voiced in the far-left leaning newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), I dislike this one very much, but every once in a while they surprise me.


America is on fire. From Houston to Brooklyn, from Portland to Atlanta, from Los Angeles to Lafayette Park opposite the White House in Washington, where the ministries of the surrounding ministries normally eat their lunches on sunny days, a wave of violence has occurred in recent days and devastation rolled over the US like the country has not seen in half a century.

The unrest was triggered by a murder: Last Monday, white policeman Derek Chauvin killed Black George Floyd while on duty in Minneapolis - a particularly shocking, but unfortunately by no means rare, case of racist police brutality in America. But the protests have long since resolved themselves from this occasion. They have turned into a much larger uprising, a discharge of anger and violence directed against the police in some places but blind to anything that is in the way in others.

After the violent death of African American George Floyd, the United States does not come to rest. US President Trump threatens demonstrators with the "unlimited power" of the US military.

You can think this violence is wrong and senseless and condemn it, even if you think that the anger that feeds it is understandable and justified. America's blacks have every right to be angry. You have every right to take to the streets and shout out this anger. And they have every right to fight against discrimination and harassment by the police. Freedom and justice, Martin Luther King knew very well, do not fall from the sky. You have to fight for it. However, whether this struggle should consist of looting the shops in their own residential area and setting them on fire is another question.

But the anger of the blacks is only part of the anger that has now swept through American society and is gradually eating away at their cohesion. Anger at "the system". Anger at "the elites". Anger at "the politics". Anger at "those up there". Anger at "the media". Or quite simply and fundamentally: anger at "the others", whoever "the others" may be in the given case. Everyone has something or someone to whom they can direct their anger, contempt and hatred.

This anger has been boiling in America for years. It flared up for the first time in 2008, when millions of Americans sank into a financial and economic crisis that was not their fault and for which none of the responsible bankers and politicians were ever held accountable. At the time, it manifested itself politically in the form of the arch-conservative tea party movement, which has meanwhile destroyed the old Republican Party. When Donald Trump ran for election in 2016, he didn't have to rage. He just had to stir it up. He made his political capital out of anger, it was the fuel for his victory. And because he wants to win again in November, he continues to fuel his anger today. This is immoral and extremely dangerous for America. But Trump could not do what he does with such great success if he did not have a large, eager audience - and many willing helpers: the cheering presenters at the right Fox News channel live just as much from Trump's rage as their outraged competitors at the left MSNBC transmitter. And Twitter, which is suddenly doing so with Trump tweets, owes its importance to a large extent to the man in the White House.

The corona pandemic acted like a fire accelerator in this charged atmosphere. Over 100,000 dead and over 40 million unemployed - this is brutal trauma for a society. The pandemic has not only mercilessly exposed all the political, economic and social injustices that the United States has suffered, but has also intensified them. Whoever had the right job before the virus, the right financial advisor, good health insurance and, above all, the right skin color - knows - will probably get through the crisis reasonably well, at least in material terms. Anyone who had to move from paycheck to paycheck with two or three jobs before the virus - and these are not just long ago, but a disproportionate number of blacks and Latinos - are now at risk of falling. The anger about it is greater than the fear of being infected with the virus in the crowd of a demo.

But the anger that is now pervading America's streets is not an exclusive feature of the political left. Right-wing "patriots" have been deployed to parliaments across the country in recent weeks to protest the curfews imposed by the corona pandemic, often heavily armed. It was less violent than the riots of the past few days, but it was by no means less frightening. These people may have different political views and goals than the Antifa protesters rioting in Minneapolis or spraying "**** Trump" on houses in Washington. What unites them is the anger at a "system" that they think is tyrannical and want to smash. But they see their compatriots in the other political camp not as American citizens, but as enemies. Anyone who believes that the riots last week are the unfortunate but unfortunately necessary prelude to a progressive revolution should be disappointed. Rather, they lead to something that resembles a civil war.

Perhaps the situation in Minneapolis and the other hot spots of the protests will calm down in the next few days. The anger will not go away. The fire is far from extinguished.

Torvald Von Mansee 05-31-20 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2673923)
Just like Europe has people who like to travel to football games just to fight, I am sure we have people here in the US who like to travel to protests to fight/loot

I just don't understand that mindset.

I have a heavy suspicion that if some magical field went over these people, preventing them from taking drugs/drinking, partying, networking, and having sex w/each other in their off hours, 95% of them wouldn't be there.

mapuc 05-31-20 05:19 PM

Here are some interesting stuff you can dig into.

And even this


Onkel Neal 05-31-20 09:50 PM

They're protesting in London. Are they protesting American police in the UK?


Metropolitan Police arrested at least 23 protesters in London on Sunday at demonstrations showing solidarity with Americans protesting the death George Floyd. The arrests were for a variety of offenses including breaches to UK coronavirus legislation.

Protesters gathered in central London’s Trafalgar Square at 8 a.m. ET to show support to Americans for the killing of George Floyd, despite UK lockdown rules that prohibit large crowds from gathering together.

In a series of tweets late Sunday, police said the total number of arrests following gatherings in central London today is now 23, all for various offenses. They remain in police custody. Police said the majority of those who attended have now left the area.

"Officers have been engaging and consistently policing all gatherings this weekend, encouraging all to comply with the regulations to keep everyone safe," police said.

More protests are expected in London during the week.
So what happened to the driver of the truck? Did the mob kill him? Throw him over the overpass?

eddie 05-31-20 10:39 PM

Protestors dragged him out of the truck then beat the crap out of him. He was taken to a hospital then arrested, charges pending. Want to give him the most they can when they do come up with all the charges.

Skybird 06-01-20 05:02 AM

Like the years of sowing, so is the harvest now.

It is infame to try cleaning this rioting off the table again by focussing on profane formalities like whether this still is protest or is a riot that has disconnected from the original triggering event. Where the underlaying intense energy that fuels both is coming from - that is what it is about.

And the great Führer, what does he do? Spills as much oil into the fire as much as he can, at every opportunity. For him, the fires cannot burn hot enough. They are the fundemant - the only fundament - of his power.

These events are not really surprising. Surpring only is that they had us waiting so long. America more and more rips apart, since many years. These gaps and trenches will never be bridged again. The U in USA can safely be deleted. Racism, social divide of ever growing proportions, brutal polarization done by both political parties but especially and explicitly dirty done by the Tea Party which has hollowed out the Republican party, a culture of violence and a strong fascination for it, existential threats from a financial system out of control, foreign influence fueling internal conflicts, more and more buying power and control power amassed in fewer and fewer hands, war on the middle class, the echoes of 2007/2008 still rolling - it all comes together, some factors lasting for years, some lasting for decades, some lasting for as long as America exists.

There will be Biden or there will be Trump. It does not matter. The basic constellations stay he same. The basic problems remain the same. The inner contradictions of this nation will not go away - they rather will intensify the contrasts.

Skybird 06-01-20 05:08 AM

I read that some media call Trump a "human flame thrower" (re-translated from German). Thats a fitting description. Hides in the bunker now. What a pitiful thing in a suit he is.

After he got out of his hole again they will need to renovate it, the bad smell will not easily go away again.

Onkel Neal 06-01-20 07:59 AM

Yeah, America, good thing we released all those convicts from prison cuz Wuhan flu, just in time for the riots, er, protests

Maybe they'll burn the cities to the ground, then they can head for white suburbia.

Kptlt. Neuerburg 06-01-20 09:14 AM

To protest for change is one thing, to riot and loot and set police cars on fire is something different all together. Rioting and looting is the exact OPPOSITE of protesting and is totally counterproductive, because rather then protesting against police brutality they're giving the police a reason to be brutal. And while this video is three years old it still gives a good look into why nothing has really changed regarding the police in six years.

Skybird 06-01-20 09:15 AM

"A civilization that leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt, neither has nor deserves the prospect of lasting existence." - Sigmund Freud.

Catfish 06-01-20 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2674348)
They're protesting in London. Are they protesting American police in the UK? [...]

Well with the internet there can be international Aufregung about everything and everywhere, anytime. I just wonder whether there are as much protests against injustice in China or Russia.. of course some may argue those are lost dictatorships anyway, and for now "we" have to save the western world :03:

@Kptlt Neuerburg well said and good video.. it is like everywhere, an organisation like the police needs people with the best personalities, but they rarely get them. Most are doing much more good than gets to the surface (read: media), but a few are outstandingly bad, and those make the headlines.
Police action in the US is "a bit different" compared to other western countries, one example being those private prisons which have of course a need to be filled to make money. I remember having an english/american schoolbook (printed in and for England and Germany) in the 1970ies named "Cities in crisis", which told exactly what you would see and read in the papers for decades to come, even now.
It was not only about racism, but about people just being split from what we see as normal life. No job, no insurance, no hope, including their children. Frustration building up and at some point, hate.
Main problem is a bad or no education, and when you have to pay for the latter.. another problem of course hat there will never be enough jobs for all, even if all the peole would be perfectly trained and fit in all jobs. This our system does not allow for that.

Regarding racism, you really have to digest this, people being kidnapped from their country and displaced 5000 km away to work and die as slaves, and centuries after that happening no excuse, instead contempt, good old racism just of all by the nation's executing power; no wonder it is perceived as deeply unfair and insulting.
While most people will accept a black co worker like everyone else, i read in another US based forum by a member, that he "did not like to work with blacks", and got a lot of "positive" like-minded answers.
This is all happening now, and it is not new.

Platapus 06-01-20 12:33 PM

I think there are just some people looking to riot/loot. Does not matter what the protest is about, just an excuse for violence and theft.

I just don't get it.

AVGWarhawk 06-01-20 01:44 PM

Understand there are group of instigators. ANTIFA. For those pointing to extreme right wing AR-15 toting lunatics there is an alternate universe of far extreme left wing who tote bricks, matches and bats. For some reason they have self appointed themselves as the Justice League. The riots are conducted by ANTIFA. These individuals drive from city to city inciting.

The truth of the matter is no one is policing the police. What happened to Floyd was simply hard to watch. The officer who kneed his way to Floyd's death has 17 some odd excessive force complaints from all walks of life. He pulled his service revolver several times. The city of Minneapolis and it's police commissioner failed Floyd. Accountability for the entire department command should come into question IMO. There is no way this cop should have been on the streets.

mapuc 06-01-20 01:54 PM

ANTIFA is what I understand active in Denmark and Sweden.
(They do not commit terror, while some say they do)

I don't know what will happen to this group, if they are put on the terrorlist.

Will the government in Denmark and Sweden obey and do the same ?


AVGWarhawk 06-01-20 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2674486)
ANTIFA is what I understand active in Denmark and Sweden.
(They do not commit terror, while some say they do)

I don't know what will happen to this group, if they are put on the terrorlist.

Will the government in Denmark and Sweden obey and do the same ?


They will be now. ANTIFA hangs out in Seattle or from my past news reading this is were the destruction has occurred. Funny how the "protesters" wear the same black hoodie and mask. Pallets of bricks mysteriously show up on a street corner in the city.

This group must be watched just as many others are watched here in the states.

AVGWarhawk 06-01-20 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2674486)
ANTIFA is what I understand active in Denmark and Sweden.
(They do not commit terror, while some say they do)

I don't know what will happen to this group, if they are put on the terrorlist.

Will the government in Denmark and Sweden obey and do the same ?


They are committing terror and destruction. People are getting hurt. ANTIFA hangs out in Seattle or from my past news reading this is were the destruction occurs on a regular basis. Funny how the "protesters" wear the same black hoodie and mask. Pallets of bricks mysteriously show up on a street corner in the city.

This group must be watched just as many others are watched here in the states.

skidman 06-01-20 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2674482)
Understand there are group of instigators. ANTIFA. For those pointing to extreme right wing AR-15 toting lunatics there is an alternate universe of far extreme left wing who tote bricks, matches and bats. For some reason they have self appointed themselves as the Justice League. The riots are conducted by ANTIFA. These individuals drive from city to city inciting.

Hm. No.

AVGWarhawk 06-01-20 02:06 PM

Hmmm...yes. There are groups from both side of crazy.

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