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diesel97 10-17-14 11:41 PM

Brilliant work as usual Wise.

Don't forget the team's type IX while you are waiting everybody:

Fubar2Niner 10-18-14 05:04 AM


A pure work of art, can't wait for your finished upload. Many congratulations :up:

Best regards.


makman94 10-18-14 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Wise (Post 2252643)
@makman94, I apologize, but I not absolutely understood your question. Possibly, my online translator badly translated from English.) Try to modify a question a little.

sure Wise, i am asking if you have made a separate 3d model for the deck of u-boat.
some time ago, Hans Witteman made a 3d model for the type uiia's deck and it looked awesome in game (especially when the light is getting on it).unfortunatelly , he never released it.

i asked you also , in the case that the deck (as it shows in your pics) is not a separate 3d model , if you are willing to make one at future

Wise 10-18-14 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 2252984)
sure Wise, i am asking if you have made a separate 3d model for the deck of u-boat.
some time ago, Hans Witteman made a 3d model for the type uiia's deck and it looked awesome in game (especially when the light is getting on it).unfortunatelly , he never released it.

i asked you also , in the case that the deck (as it shows in your pics) is not a separate 3d model , if you are willing to make one at future

I still, am not sure that completely and correctly understood sense of a question.:) But I will taste to answer.:hmm2:
The deck is made in 3d - form:

By the way, the deck of the turm, also, made in the 3D:

All other openings, also, in the 3D.
I made the only exception here:

I didn't begin to do these small openings in 3d since I consider that to spend many 3d-polygons for such trifles, this madness.
In our previous mod (type IX) all decks are, also, made in 3d, including, IXC-40.
My friend, believe me, I began to be engaged in these works only because I can't quietly look at an awful condition of those boats which to us were offered by developers of game.
You won't believe, but even figures "45" onboard the turm, it not texture. :)It is 3d.
I had to make so because, the picture of the tga-32bit alpha channel, in game sometimes disappears from a look, depending on a viewing angle.
I hope that, I guessed with the answer.:)

makman94 10-18-14 04:27 PM

yea Wise !!:yeah: thats exactly what i meant about the 3d model for deck !
what a brilliant work mate ! i really REALLY love what you are preparing :up:.thank you for sharing all this with us !

when , i first saw a 3d deck in game , i made the same thought with awful the current u-boat models looked

here is a small teaser video i had made long time ago for presenting the work of Hans Witteman on deck of type iia U-Boot-hahd model but i never uploaded it cuase of the end of the u-boot-hahd project (i bet that yours will look the same or even better in game!):

once again,...big congratulations ,Wise :Kaleun_Salute:

Wise 10-18-14 10:48 PM

Thank you :yep:

Hans Witteman, certainly, great 3d - the master. I heard that it stopped development of the project. It is a pity. But I too have a question. If its project won't be, where it is possible (and whether it is possible in general) to download at least its excellent boat, the IIA type? And if isn't present, then why?

makman94 10-19-14 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Wise (Post 2253102)
Thank you :yep:

Hans Witteman, certainly, great 3d - the master. I heard that it stopped development of the project. It is a pity. But I too have a question. If its project won't be, where it is possible (and whether it is possible in general) to download at least its excellent boat, the IIA type? And if isn't present, then why?

no , Hans's type iia was never released so there is no download link for it.
as far i know,Hans didn't release it becuase it isn't finished. i have a very very earlier version of his boat but Hans sent me this version absolutely privately with the promise that i will never upload anything of his files without his permission.
without Hans's permission my hands are tied,i will try to contact him for a last time and i will try to convince him to release his work

kurfürst 10-19-14 08:00 AM

Horrido makman94,

good luck with contacting Hans Wittemann and asking him to give permission to release the type II A (although I have little hope that he´ll give his ok).

Maybe finally we see something of HAHD!


makman94 10-19-14 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by kurfürst (Post 2253198)
Horrido makman94,

good luck with contacting Hans Wittemann and asking him to give permission to release the type II A (although I have little hope that he´ll give his ok).

Maybe finally we see something of HAHD!


i ,also, have little hope but you never...know ! maybe , he come back to us

LGN1 10-20-14 04:12 PM

Fantastic work, Wise :yeah: :up: :yeah:

The VIIB looks great! I can't wait seeing it in-game.

Just one little suggestion: I always think it looks strange to see the crew with rain coats in the 'wintergarden' during a heavy storm. It's much better to have the crew 'in the conning-tower' (you can simply move the DMY_Soclu_POSR_* nodes from the 'wintergarden' to the front). This also adds some variety.

Regards, LGN1

Wise 10-21-14 03:55 AM


Your thought very competent. I too consider that crew during a storm on a winter garden, it is abnormal. BUT... I didn't speak yet about a problem which in any way not to avoid. The matter is that I try to do everything according to the historical sizes. In this regard, turms now the narrower, than in a stock.

It already led to annoying misunderstanding:

Height of the turm-3.55 m. At detection of the boat in a surfaced state the crew squats. As a result, the look of the seaman rests against a turm wall. And also, the back part of his trunk crashes into a hatch cover. Because, turm narrow. The hatch and other units can't be moved. They are located on historical places. For this reason not to place crew during the storm (POSR) within the bridge. There is no place. Otherwise, seamen will crash into everything all parts of a body. And not only during knee-bends, but also in the usual mode. In reality, submariners on the bridge it was very closely. In the movements, they are constantly rubbed backs and other parts of a body about walls of the bridge and devices located on the bridge. In game not to recreate similar animation of characters. Thus, eliminating one absurd, we will create another. In both cases it will be bad. And it is unclear which is worse.
In models from Ubisoft such misunderstanding aren't present. But thus, their models don't correspond to real prototypes at all.

LGN1 10-23-14 01:00 PM

Thanks for the reply, Wise.

I perfectly understand your decision. Already with the stock boats I had difficulties finding a good position for the crew. I can imagine that it doesn't work well with your new great boats!

Best regards, LGN1

Ahnenerbe 10-26-14 05:04 AM

Привет Алексей и Саня!!
28 ноября я по возможности буду в Петербурге (мои братухи из Минска дают концерт :rock: в клубе Backstage). 18 октября в Москву не получилось вырваться :Kaleun_Mad: с моим графиком работы, но до вас я попробую добраться. По ближе к дате можно будет сконтактироваться, может пересечёмся как-нибудь, хлопнем шнапсу :Kaleun_Cheers:за встречу (привезу своего белорусского) и "за тех, кто в море":Kaleun_Periskop:. Да и поговорить с единомышленниками всегда есть о чём. Как на это смотрите? Если что, то буду вас держать в курсе и стараться приехать, давно я в Питер не заглядывал.
Удачи парни!!!!!:salute:


Hi Alex and Sanya !!
November 28 I'll be possible in St. Petersburg (my brothers from Minsk give concert :rock: at Backstage). October 18 in Moscow could not escape :Kaleun_Mad: with my work schedule, but I'll try to get you. Upon closer to the date it will be possible to agree, can cross the somehow, slap schnapps :Kaleun_Cheers: for the meeting (bring his Belarusian) and "for those who are at sea :Kaleun_Periskop:." Yes, and talk with like-minded always have something. How to look at it? If anything, it'll keep you up to date and try to come to St. Petersburg for a long time I did not look.
Good luck guys !!!!!:salute:
++ Ahnenerbe ++

kovall 10-26-14 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ahnenerbe (Post 2255364)
Привет Алексей и Саня!!
28 ноября я по возможности буду в Петербурге (мои братухи из Минска дают концерт :rock: в клубе Backstage). 18 октября в Москву не получилось вырваться :Kaleun_Mad: с моим графиком работы, но до вас я попробую добраться. По ближе к дате можно будет сконтактироваться, может пересечёмся как-нибудь, хлопнем шнапсу :Kaleun_Cheers:за встречу (привезу своего белорусского) и "за тех, кто в море":Kaleun_Periskop:. Да и поговорить с единомышленниками всегда есть о чём. Как на это смотрите? Если что, то буду вас держать в курсе и стараться приехать, давно я в Питер не заглядывал.
Удачи парни!!!!!:salute:

Поближе к 28 ноября спишемся или созвонимся, там видно будет. :salute:

Wise 10-29-14 01:50 PM


Fubar2Niner 10-29-14 03:04 PM


Beautiful work, pure artistry. Can't wait for the final release :salute:

Best regards.


makman94 10-30-14 08:20 AM

yes,top work on this awesome boat , Wise :yeah:

ps: i ,also, like very much the texturing that you (Kovall and you) have did at the viib and viic models that you allready have released. will you consider to include this texturing to your new viib model ?

Ahnenerbe 10-30-14 08:36 AM

Это точно вспышка молнии, Алексей!!!!!! Пора уже перейти к ссылкам, скриншоты конечно хороши, но хватит дразнить:haha:..........
This is exactly the flash of lightning, Alexey !!!!!! It is time to move on to the links, screenshots of course good, but enough to tease :haha:..........
Good luck

kurfürst 10-30-14 01:03 PM

Horrido Wise,

I said this before, your work is pure art.
Your love for details and your skills to bring those U-Boats to live
is simply outstanding. You push Silent Hunter III to new levels!
Keep it coming!

Привет Алекс , Ваша работа является просто фантастическим !
Ты из Silent Hunter III является совершенно новая игра с
реальными подводных лодок . Ваша работа характеризуется своими
результатами , а не пустые обещания , как и многие другие.
Я пью напиток для вашего здоровья сегодня ! Будьте , как вы, мой друг !

Wise 10-31-14 02:47 AM

Саня, это всего лишь 3d-модели и первые наброски текстур. Лодки нужно ещё «шлифовать»: ID-Library, dat., sim., zon., cam., eqp., basic., cfg… Флаг,шноркель,радары и т.д. Затем, шкуры. Всё это будет после полного окончания создания 3d. Сейчас я приступаю к VIIC образца 1940 года(U-93-U-98). Затем еще VIIB-1942, VIIC-1942-43, VIIC\41.
Sanja, it's just a 3d-model and the first sketches of textures. Boats must yet "planish»: ID-Library, dat., Sim., Zon., Cam., Eqp., Basic., Cfg ... Flag, snorkel, radar, etc. Then, the skins. All this will be after the full completion of the creation of 3d. Now I will proceed to VIIC sample 1940 (U-93-U-98). Then another VIIB-1942, VIIC-1942-43, VIIC \ 41.

@ kurfürst
Arnd, my friend, thank you for your kind words and for the toast in favor of my health.:Kaleun_Cheers::yep: God grant, to all of us, good health! I hope you and your family all right. Best Regards, Alex.:salute:


will you consider to include this texturing to your new viib model ?

I'm sorry but it's impossible. The matter is that the texturing provides strict compliance UVW-coordinate 3d-model. Your texture will not match with UVW our models. Moreover, our model have several materials (1 to 4). This means, for example, the hull has at least four texture. To make any skin, it necessary to draw is not on one side, and on four textures. Also with turm's. I can say that in our plans is the creation of the most famous skins boats VII-type. And a couple of simple, "shabby, with rust."

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