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chopped50ford 08-18-07 07:41 PM

Thanks for the update, just seemed weird. :hmm: It just started happening...last career it was fine. :smug:

JScones 08-19-07 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by panthercules
Thanks for the help guys - I saw the PM from D_T before checking this thread - the second one (with JScones' suggestion) seems to have worked just fine (opened up the program without any error messages or McAfee alerts), so I didn't try the first one.

Cool. If you know how, can you try adding the "original" app to your trusted zone in McAfee?

I ask because it would be much better IMHO to do that than have D_T ship a version that allows multiple instances, especially when the problem is seemingly limited to the .NET/McAfee combination, so a subset of overall users.

Sorry if I'm outta line here D_T.

Digital_Trucker 08-19-07 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by JScones
Sorry if I'm outta line here D_T.

It's kinda difficult to get "outta line" with me:rotfl: I've been married to the same woman for 30 years, I'm used to "suggested behavior".:lol: No worries, m8, you make a good point.

Seriously, that is the best way to approach it, I believe. .NET is probably much better at checking for only a single instance than I am. If I wrote the code, it would probably look a lot like this:


Someone clicked on me, it's time to go to work.
Ok, only supposed to be one of me running, let's check
Am I running?
Yes, I am.
Ooops, I'm running already, there's only supposed to be one of me
Sorry, I gotta quit running, Mr. User
See ya

panthercules 08-19-07 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by JScones

Originally Posted by panthercules
Thanks for the help guys - I saw the PM from D_T before checking this thread - the second one (with JScones' suggestion) seems to have worked just fine (opened up the program without any error messages or McAfee alerts), so I didn't try the first one.

Cool. If you know how, can you try adding the "original" app to your trusted zone in McAfee?

I ask because it would be much better IMHO to do that than have D_T ship a version that allows multiple instances, especially when the problem is seemingly limited to the .NET/McAfee combination, so a subset of overall users.

Sorry if I'm outta line here D_T.

I found the trusted apps list screen in McAfee but there was no obvious way to add a new app to the list. I was able, however, to change "block" to "allow" on the program permissions screen in McAfee, and that seems to have done the trick - the original RSM (from ver.1.0) now fires up with no error messages or warnings.

I tried using this to add some additional radio stations (from the CBS-KNX mod by fred8165), and it seemed to go very well, though I haven't had time to test it out in game yet. Thanks for all the help.

Digital_Trucker 08-19-07 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by panthercules
I found the trusted apps list screen in McAfee but there was no obvious way to add a new app to the list. I was able, however, to change "block" to "allow" on the program permissions screen in McAfee, and that seems to have done the trick - the original RSM (from ver.1.0) now fires up with no error messages or warnings.

I'm not familiar with McAfee's setup, but was that change just for the one app or was it a general change? I ask this because if it was a general change, then any app that tries to connect to the internet is going to be allowed to by default.

Perhaps a better way to approach it would be to set the general setting back to "ask" and then when it triggers when you try to start the app, tell it that it is ok for this app to connect. Again, I have no experience with McAfee so I don't really know exactly how to describe the process.

I do know that if that was a general setting, you don't want to leave it that way. It would open the door for all kinds of things that you don't want.

panthercules 08-19-07 02:56 PM

It was a specific change just for that one program (RSM 1.0). For some reason, McAfee has one setup screen area for listing/changing permissions for letting programs access the Internet (where you can change the block/allow settings individually on a program-specific basis) that's very easy to understand, and then it has another setup screen area for "trusted programs" that is impenetrable and doesn't give you any clue as to how to add programs to the list (it only had one program on that list, so it's not duplicating the list of programs that have been granted access, and it at gives you some indication about how to remove a program from the trusted list but not any clue as to how to add one). In any event, changing RSM's specific permissions to allow it to access the Internet appears to have cleared up the problem.

Digital_Trucker 08-19-07 03:59 PM

That's cool
Just didn't want to leave you wide open because of one little program (specially since I wrote it). Sounds like McAfee has it's own little quirks just like ZoneAlarm and all the rest. Glad it's all sorted out.

leovampire 08-19-07 06:28 PM

even my norton or symantics personal fire wall
has a set up for individual aplications. It does a scan on all drives conected to my PC and finds all aplications that use the internet then gives a list of them and lets me decied if it should control the internet access of the aplication or if I want to set it's use personaly and change it to let me know everytime it accesses the internet or let it do it on it's own without notification or not let it access the internet at all then I never get a worning one way or the other.

JScones 08-19-07 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by panthercules
I found the trusted apps list screen in McAfee but there was no obvious way to add a new app to the list. I was able, however, to change "block" to "allow" on the program permissions screen in McAfee, and that seems to have done the trick - the original RSM (from ver.1.0) now fires up with no error messages or warnings.

Perfect. That's exactly what I had in mind and the way it's done in ZA as well. :up:

ironkross 10-08-07 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Misfit138
Hmm, and you're sure that there's that radio.ini file in your radio folder (Data/Sound/Radio)?

I'm certain this will be a stupid question, as nearly all mine are, but where does the radio.ini file come from? Is it supposed to be in the vanilla game, or does RSM create it, or does the user create it? There isn't one in my Data/Sound/Radio file after installing RSM with JSGME.

Digital_Trucker 10-08-07 05:22 PM

@ironkross It is created when the game is installed and modified later by RSM.

What operating system are you using? (I only ask because Vista does some strange things with added files anywhere inside the Program Files folder) and if Vista where do you have the game installed?

Do you know if you had one before you installed RSM?

Did you have any unexpected application closures (otherwise known as crashes:rotfl:) of RSM?

Are there any files in the blahblahblah\Data\Sound\Radio folder that look like radio.ini (e.g. radio.ini.old or

When you start RSM do you get an error? If so, what error?

Why am I asking all of these questions?

Is the moon really made of green cheese?

What is the square root of pi?

BTW there is no such thing as a stupid question unless you are referring to the unasked ones.

ironkross 10-09-07 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross It is created when the game is installed and modified later by RSM.

I was afraid of that. And before I forget, thanks for taking the time to help. :up:


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross What operating system are you using? (I only ask because Vista does some strange things with added files anywhere inside the Program Files folder) and if Vista where do you have the game installed?

XP. I don't care to be a beta tester for M$.


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross Do you know if you had one before you installed RSM?

I really don't know; but if I have to reinstall I'll do that.


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross Did you have any unexpected application closures (otherwise known as crashes:rotfl:) of RSM?

No it never initialized.


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross Are there any files in the blahblahblah\Data\Sound\Radio folder that look like radio.ini (e.g. radio.ini.old or

There are only four files, they are CBSnews,(from the CBS mod) Washington, noise.ogg, and radio config.


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross When you start RSM do you get an error? If so, what error?

Yes. Application error. Failed to initialize.


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross Why am I asking all of these questions?

Well it can't be out of sheer boredom or that you don't have a life outside of SH and Subsim so that just leaves 1 reason: you are a true member of the Subsim band of brothers and are taking time from a busy schedule to help a fellow sub-simmer in need. :rock:Correct?


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross Is the moon really made of green cheese?

"The seismic velocity of moon "rock" is much closer to cheese than any rock found on earth.
Seismic Velocities

Lunar________________Seismic Velocity (km/sec)
Basalt 10017.....................1.84
Basalt 10046.....................1.25
Near surface layer..............1.2

Terrestrial rocks_______Seismic Velocity (km/sec)


Cheese_______________Seismic Velocity (km/sec)

Sapsego (Swiss).................2.12
Romano (Italy)....................1.74
Cheddar (Vermont).............1.72
Muenster (Wisconsin)..........1.57" Googled the answer.:|\\

Isn't it amazing what you can find out just by asking?


Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross What is the square root of pi?

1.77245385 (googled that one 2.)

Originally Posted by Digital_Trucker
@ironkross BTW there is no such thing as a stupid question unless you are referring to the unasked ones.

Well stated! And I hope you got the answers you needed. Anyway back to topic, like I said I will reinstall SHIV if need be, hey- one question you didn't ask was What mods am I using? TM, ROW, NSM and the CBS radio mod. Hopefully we can get this working. Looks like a great mod and a nice addition to my in game experience. OK then, thanks again DT.
[EDIT] Holy crap! I just noticed it's been two days for my reply, I thought I just posted this last nite. Sorry for the delay then.

Digital_Trucker 10-09-07 08:33 PM

Very well done ironkross
I must say, that is the best response to my usual facetious questions I have ever seen. Well done:up: I especially liked the cheese response. As for the life outside of SH, I can't really say that I have a busy schedule, but I certainly don't mind helping out. No problem on the delay posting, it's good timing actually. It doesn't happen often, but I was one of those "early to bed, early to rise" folks and was out of the house all day so your post would have been sitting there waiting for an answer.

First off, I posted a radio.ini file at . If you download it, extract it and put it in your blahblahblah\Data\Sound\Radio folder you should be able to start RSM up without an application error. It will only have the Washington station defined in it, but you can set up your other station using RSM once it's in there. While we're on the subject of the radio.ini file, you mentioned that you have a radio config file? What is the exact file name of that file and what are it's contents?

Once you have the radio.ini file installed, your radio should function correctly and you should be able to add whatever radio stations you want . If that doesn't do the trick, post back and we'll see what else needs to be done.

ironkross 10-09-07 11:09 PM

OK here's what was in the file. "[GENERAL]

;MusicVolumeOnNews takes values from 0.01 to 1
MusicVolumeOnNews=0.01 "

Now this was just replaced by the file I just downloaded. It also shows as a config file just as the other one did.
Bad new is that RSM still gives me an error message of app fails to initialize.
Late here so I prob will not do anything else on my end for + or - 7 hrs. Thanks.
[EDIT] My state also has some pretty fine peaches. :D

Digital_Trucker 10-10-07 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by ironkross
My state also has some pretty fine peaches. :D

As a matter of fact, your state should be named the Peach State since y'all produce more peaches than we do. I know the biggest peach I ever saw was this one (in your state)
I must have passed it a couple thousand times running up and down the east coast.

Anyway, back to the problem. Now I'm really confused, but I think I know why. You probably don't have your system set up to display file extensions for known extension types do you? The file you called the radio config file is indeed the radio.ini file, but if you don't display file extensions, then all you would see in windows explorer is radio and it would be listed as a config file. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. :oops:

OK, now that that's cleared up, the problem initializing the RSM may be the one question I forgot to ask before. Do you have .NET 2.0 installed on your system? If not, then that is why RSM is not starting. If you do have .NET 2.0 and RSM is still not starting, please post a screenshot of the error that you get when you attempt to start it.

ironkross 10-10-07 09:22 PM

Yeah, that peach has been there for years.
No .NET 2.0 found on my computer, so I will google it and d/l then try again with RSM.
Thanks DT.
[EDIT] Hold on, what I found on M$ website is an exe file called dotnetfx, is this what I need?

Digital_Trucker 10-10-07 10:25 PM

Yep, that's what they call the exe. As long as you are downloading it from you should be good to go (sorry, I didn't think to get the link when I made the last post:oops: ).

That should get RSM running for you. If you have any more problems, just holler (real loud, it's a long way from Seneca to Winder :rotfl: ).

ironkross 10-10-07 11:33 PM

Winder? I was there many years ago, but I guess it's changed a lot since. :hmm:
OK, d/l'd NET. 2.0 and installed, and voila! RSM has appeared. Now to find out how to use it. But it's freakin late now, better do that tomorrow AM.
Thanks DT for helping me sort thru that. Have a good one down there in Winder. :up:
[EDIT] This should remind any mod users (especially this one :oops: ) of the importance in reading the "Requirements" part of the mod's readme.

Originally Posted by Digital Trucker
Windows XP/Vista?/2000? (not certain about Vista or 2000 and have no way of testing at the moment)
Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0

sqk7744 10-10-07 11:55 PM

Very nice work Digital_Trucker:up::up::up::up:

Digital_Trucker 10-11-07 07:36 AM

I'm guilty, too, at times
of not reading the readmes. Glad we could get it worked out, ironkross. Enjoy.

@sqk7744 Thank yee, sir.

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